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Entity Is Attached To Me And Has Sexual Encounters


So I know this is going to sound weird, however I have no idea what he is. I do know it is a male. Let me backtrack to when I was 8, around August:

I was laying in bed, wide awake, hours after I read this book. I stopped at the part of this book (I forgot the title) where it read "Don't breathe it's breath, don't look into it's eyes, don't listen to it's voice", that part scared me so I stopped reading it. So, while I was laying in bed, I felt a really, really, REALLY ominous presence, enough to make my skin crawl. The air grew thick and then I FELT someone's breath over my face, all he said was "Yeees." in a raspy voice. I covered my face with my blanket and waited for him to go away, and he did eventually. Keep in mind, I am wide awake, my door is shut, I have a friggen night light on, no it is not a family member come to molest me lol, only person I live with is my grandma, I doubt she is able to sound like a man.

So after a long while, around the time where I started middle school, that same presence came back for a few years and touched me sexually. I am wide awake, my door is locked, but I would feel a sensation that something is on top of me. I was not too attractive back then, however he would speak to me in my mind that there will come a day that I will become far more beautiful than those who shunned me. Oh and, he never physically talked to me after I was 8, he would be inside my head. No I am not crazy.

He would touch me sexually almost every night, even now. I am 20, a month to go until 21, and it still happens. Although around this year he is getting more violent in his sexualt acts... He would choke me and somehow make me paralyzed when I breathed his breath. I never see him, he communicates to me through my mind. Two days in a row a couple months ago, he drained me: I had so much sleep, yet I was still so tired looking when I went into work, my friend noticed.

He is not really hurting me, but he is more violent in touching me this year... Actually flailing my arms and legs to where he wants them. I just want to know what he is, nothing seems to make sense on the internet. If he were an Incubus, shouldn't I be dead by now?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, empty_elegy, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Please be advised that this site is for the general public. Even though this category is about experiences of sexual nature with ghosts, no explicit content is allowed and comments that are deemed inappropriate will be deleted.

acuteangles (4 stories) (28 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-04)
SirAader, this website is about the PARANORMAL and neither the existence of ghosts nor any methods to expel them can be definitively proven by science (and in my opinion, absolute proof would take all of the mystery and wonder out of it so I am glad we aren't capable of explaining these things). So, in the future, I hope you won't be so dismissive and rude towards someone who was genuinely trying to help matters (and because it can't be proven one way or the other, rook might actually have a solution, in which case your advice to ignore him might do more harm than good). Again, I am merely giving my own personal opinion here, but I believe the ones who should be ignored are those who dismiss others' advice, thinking they are the only people capable of truly grasping the scope of any given paranormal experience. Those who are the most enlightened are those who can admit that they don't know jack.
sublimy99 (7 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
One more word of advice and it's a tough one. This goes along with what I was saying before on how powerful we really are. You must learn to conquer fear. It's this entities best weapon. Yes, it can do things like choke you, but not to death. I know that must give you little comfort. Just think of the worst it has done so far. You are still here, right? Your fear must be minimum by now, after dealing with this being for so long. In fact, it's another ploy by the being. It makes you feel comfortable with it, you sometimes say to yourself, "I can't believe I'm not not more scared than I am". The real test is when you decide to not comply with the entity, that's when the real test happens. NO FEAR, as hard as it is, once you conquer fear, you are in the drivers seat. Of course the entity that has followed me is not a real spiteful, angry one, so it's much easier for me to say, but I have faced it in my lucid dreams where it does get "demonic" at first I would pray to God for it to stop, but now I call it out, laugh at it, or tell it to STFU! I DID THAT ONCE IN A LUCID DREAM (BEING TOTALLY CONSCIOUS IN A DREAM) it was yelling at me in a dark basement in a demonic voice. I couldn't make out the words, but just the voice was supposed to scare me and I said "blah, blah, blah, STFU!" and it did, but then it appeared and was coming down a flight of stairs and I said, come on, give me your best, I'm not scared of you" and it left, just not out of my life, unfortunately. I do feel I'm the one in control and that helps. I've tried "EVERYTHING" and nothing works, as far as getting it to vanish forever. So, just remember NO FEAR and You are the more powerful!
sublimy99 (7 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
Never mind the "protection" non sense. Nothing will work, except one thing and it doesn't get rid of it. I know, trust me. You have to ignore it. You have to know you are stronger and let it know you know just how strong you are... You have to absolutely believe you are stronger. You are not able to use the powers you actually do have as a spiritual being, but they are there and this entity knows they are there, but you don't, or if you do, you probably don't know just how powerful you are. So, when it approaches you concentrate on how your mind can stop any sexual feelings. Keep repeating in your head how you are not feeling any sexual feelings. I'm not saying to taunt this being, just let it know you are the boss. The best result you will probably get is you'll fend off sexual attacks, but it will persist and so will you. These beings have known you in previous lives, to what extent, I don't know. They are attracted and may even think they love you. I have no idea what our relationships were like with these beings before this life time, but we have powers that they are very aware of, but don't want us to know about. This is probably why the entity that has been with me, stops me from my OBE attempts. I hope this helps!
SirAader (2 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-05)
i wonder if your are dealing with a masicist. Also please ignore rook. As his method has yet to be tested with any means of science. If you push something away it has a habit of coming back.
empty_elegy (3 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-16)
All the nails I've been seeing don't say what type of nails they are! Some say tin, but I'm not sure if I have to wear pure iron or not... So, I will have to look for those stones that contain iron. I'm sure I will come up with a nice design. Thank you again!
generalchaos (2 stories) (141 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-16)
If you are going to go the iron route and wear it as jewelry, I wonder if you could use a stone that has iron in it...
Hematite is a pretty, dark silvery stone that has iron in it, and Tiger's Eye also has some iron in it. So does pyrite.

In fact, here's a whole page of minerals that contain iron:
empty_elegy (3 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-15)
Thank you so much... I will do some digging around in my garage or head. To walmart. Sorry about the late response but my phone is acting up again... Smart phones. -____-
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-15)
I would think that if you are starting with an iron nail the easiest to make would be an arrow, but I am not sure how pretty you could make it. The ankh would also be fairly simple I think & though it is not a complex symbol I think it is visually appealing. You should be able to find the nails in silver or black. I don't really know of any other sources for iron.
empty_elegy (3 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-15)
... Which symbol is easiest to make, bearing in mind I also want it to be aesthetically pleasing?
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-15)
In ancient times metal working was considered a magical act & the intent of the metalworker lived in the object forever. Some symbols that I know of that are protective are the sun, an arrow, the hand of Fatima, the ankh & the eye of Horus.
empty_elegy (3 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-15)
Oh my gosh I can't believe I never thought of iron nails... Thank you so much. Do you know any other iron options? I'm good at metalworking, I'm an artist and anything I touch s a work of art! I suppose it might charge some of my energy if I shape it myself? Any ideas on any specific shape or maybeinto a pendant? My friend said I can't take it off ever except for metal detector
I'm not good at wearing rings I always lose them so either necklace or. Earring
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-15)
I forgot one thing. If you wish to use iron for protection a cheap & easy way to get some is iron nails. They are still available & if you know anyone with a little metalworking skill they can make one into a ring for you.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-15)
Without getting into the specifics of your situation I would like to add a couple of things to the conversation that has developed in the comments.

These protections, some of which can be found in very old texts, are designed to protect you. Some are thought to be especially useful for specific threats, but generally speaking they are like a protective barrier. They don't have to defeat any particular "thing" because they just deny everything access to you.

If any of your chosen protections include a ritual aspect or a "charging" many believe it is best if you are involved in that act, even if you have someone more experienced orchestrating it for you. A lot of people do believe that these kinds of protections are more effective if energy is put into them regularly.

I am not saying that these opinions are correct, I am just sharing things I have come across on the subject, because with a subject like protection I believe that more opinions are beneficial.
empty_elegy (3 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-15)
My friend needs to find me iron so she can enchant it, she said it will protect me for a few months until she needs to do it again
empty_elegy (3 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-15)
I'm not sure what to do about the more powerful one until I findout more... Would be like putting an electrical fire out with water if I don't know what I'm dealing with. The incubus is just lonely that's all. Ill find a way to calm him down I am sure he means no harm.
Scorp2011 (18 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-15)
Empty Elegy: Yes, you do seem like a sensible woman, but this thing apparently got hold in you when you were too young to make good, strong, conscious decisions.
Think of it as breaking up with an old boyfriend, if you wish.
You may feel it's like stabbing him in the back, but that doesn't mean you are. Put it this way: If he's a good spirit stuck here (by your will or his will or both), he'll go to the Light and his destiny and you'll have done a good thing.
If he's not good but leeching onto you like a vampire, I think you'd probably want him gone (like a bad boyfriend).
As has been suggested, he could have brought the more obvious wicked one. If it seems that way to you, again I ask: What kind of good friend allows a wicked person to harass you?
I also feel you could definitely use some seasoned, reasoned, and experienced assistance. Whatever you can wrap your spirit around, use it. For instance, if your Wiccan friend sees it's beyond her powers of banishment, there are good people here such as Rookdygin (and maybe some where you are) who have other methods. ~ James
empty_elegy (3 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-15)
I hope either the water or with hazel works... But I think I need to figure out what he is exactly, or risk making him mad:D
My friend said hes a shapeshifter. In my dream I got a glimpse of his skin. ALthough he was disguised as my Grandpa, the skin looked like it wasn't his... I looked at the eyes, I could see his real skin underneath, it looks blackened
Luna0794 (3 stories) (19 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-15)
You can also use witch hazel to protect yourself and your room. Put a small splash in your bath water. Then put half a cup in a gallon of water and dip a red cloth to wipe off your windows and your doorknob. Since it is getting you while you sleep you should probly also wipe your bedposts too.
JimD (431 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-15)
Hi Poster;

First, I'm sorry this has happened. You are NOT crazy! If feel certain it's demonic. This is only my opinion. I'm not preaching, but it's hurting you, getting violent and is unwelcome. They are experts at psychological warfare and they love to isolate their victims. I counsel saying or thinking "Jesus and Mary help me" and using Catholic Holy water, especially on the bed and at night. I feel this will engender a reaction, but will get the activity to cease over time. God bless you and good luck.
GhostBoyDazza (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-15)
Say the Rosary every night. Let me know what happens after you have done this.
empty_elegy (3 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-14)
My friend is going to find me some iron and enchant it to hopefully ward off the evil presence.
empty_elegy (3 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-14)
As for the evil presence... Yeah I want him gone but I am too scared to find out what consequences are if it don't work out.
So I felt lightheaded the whole day at work, like my body was doing its routine but my mind was being tickled (only way I can describe it). Was peaceful but I also felt lips brush up on my face and arms around me, never EVER had that happen to me at work. I do know that the first week of November is coming soon... Many cultures around the world celebrate it as the time the border between us and the unseen (described in general) disappears.
My best friend is a Wiccan, she tried to bless me with the light of the moon on our lunch break to get rid of the evil one... He is still there. She told me that incubi often bring in more powerful beings, however I met the more powerful one first... We are still trying to figure out who the powerful one is.
empty_elegy (3 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-14)
Dang you do bring up a good point Scorp, I am glad you got to the main idea.
Funny thing is I have a strong personality, I am in no way like those girls you see on COPS who are watching their boyfriend being taken away for domestic violence, screaming "but I looove hiiiiiim" Both beings have been with me for about a decade since I was a child. The incubus was silently always there, but recently my sex life has been *ahem* more active. He is jealous, I feel bad he feels that way but he did stay by me all those years, getting rid of him would be like stabbing a friend in the back. Any ideas how to calm his jealousy?
Scorp2011 (18 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-14)
Empty Elegy--To my mind further consideration of this entity starts with two questions: Would anyone who loves me act this way towards me? Would I act this way towards anyone I loved?
All the firmest courage to you in dealing with these anxious issues. ~ James
empty_elegy (3 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-14)
I feel bad the reason he's violent is out of jealousy. I'm sure he means no fatal harm, I'm not sure why he's possessive of me when there's plenty of females out there.
hiya_hayz (5 stories) (66 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-14)
An incubus won't kill you, they are in it just for sex. But since it's getting more violent you shouldn't just lay there and take it. You should have never done that in the first place.
empty_elegy (3 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-14)
I honestly don't like all this hostility towards one another. I appreciate the story is quite a conversation starter, but like I said before I just want to know what they are, if anyone thinks its either one being (bipolar though... Sheesh!) or two seperate beings.
Incubus makes sense for sexual one, however as for the other... What can speak to you in our plane of existence, be strong enough to have his terrifying presence be felt, and also be inside your dream?... If anyone answers Freddy crouger ill slap you if I see you in person. This is serious. I don't live anywhere near elm street.
empty_elegy (3 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-14)
The evil one was the one from original story when I was wide awake. Somehow he got inside my dream this year. Only spoke to me once in my face when I was young, and only was in my dream the one time. Once or twice I felt his presence in the ten year gap, however I would just feel that. He is there
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-14)

Please follow me to this Experience of mine and I'll gladly continue this conversation there...


This one seems to be my go to Experience of Choice...

Hope to see you there...


TIGERKING (2 stories) (60 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-14)

I agree that research is a necessity. Though I have my resources. I just don't want to mix in all these different things, it's not healthy. At the end of the day I only need to know about what effects me. I'm no pro, just have had experiences. But things like sexual ghosts and some other stuff are a bit different to what I've learned/experienced. It's just plain crazy is what it is.

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