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Evil Waitress Entity


I've been all around the world; I love to travel. Ever since I was a baby I have been traveling... (when I was 3, I encountered an entity in Belize). Just recently I went to Jamaica and encountered an entity on a cruise ship with my boyfriend.

My boyfriend and I decided to have dinner on a beautiful cruise ship, and spend a few days on it. He started to act funny during dinner, and me being able to see little things like clues to his behavior, started looking for some explanation.

After an hour or so, he started to act normal. We finished our dinner and called a waitress over for desert. My boyfriend started to act funny again, just after the waitress left our table to go get the deserts. When the waitress came back, my boyfriend started acting really mean. He rampaged back to our room. I was highly embarrassed and went after him a few minutes later after paying the waitress. When I got to our room, I found him DEAD. With a knife in his hand...

I noticed this: every time he acted funny and mean, that same exact waitress was around. I am devastated of his death, and did the best I could to find out if anything went wrong on that cruise ship years ago. I found out a waitress killed herself out of the blue, in that dining hall 6 months earlier. I found pictures of the scene and she died right next to a pole in the center of the hall- the same place where our table was. What I talked to an expert and she said the spirit of the waitress was an evil entity and she was ashamed in herself for committing suicide, so she wanted to get rid of that shamefulness by making my boyfriends soul take the shame too.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, music_is_my_soul, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Martin (602 posts) mod
18 years ago (2007-07-15)
Peteys_granny, did you have a fight with the hubby? 😉 chocolate101, we assume everybody in here is honest, until it is proven otherwise, that's what makes this a safe place for people having a paranormal experience. I try to filter the outlandish stories, anyway. And, not to pick a fight or anything, but someone's religion (or lack of) rarely have an incidence on his degree of honesty, from my experience. This whole "you can believe me, I'm christian" can be a tad offensive to those who aren't, as if they weren't trustworthy. I know you mean well though, so it's just an observation. But you can proclaim your dedication to speaking the truth without excluding others from sharing it because of cultural differences.
Peteys_granny (1 stories) (36 posts)
18 years ago (2007-07-15)
Hi, Chocolate101. I'd like to treat my husband to dinner aboard My Name Forever. How can I get tickets?
chocolate101 (guest)
18 years ago (2007-07-13)
thank you shane and martin. And I really apprieciate you guys not meaning any disrespect. Thanks. I can't really change you tinking I'm lying, but id apprieciate you if you beleived, I'm a christian, I don't lie. Thanks everyone. 😁
Lexiluca (8 stories) (78 posts)
18 years ago (2007-07-11)
I'm terribly sorry and I don't mean any disrespect, but the story behind your boyfriends death is quite unbelievable. I'm not saying he didn't die, but the details leading up to it are a bit over the edge. As they said earlier, links and dates would make it more believable.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-07-11)
I too did not mean to infer that you were a liar. We deal on a daily basis here with stories that are both real and works of fiction. Some people want attention and either make a story up completely or imbellish their own experience to make it sound more interesting than it really is. When someone says that they researched the happenings and all we tend to want them to provide us with the evidence. If you were to take said story to a paranormal investigator or group they would expect the same. I do appreciate you taking the time to reply to us. It shows you have a little more interest in your story than others have in the past.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Martin (602 posts) mod
18 years ago (2007-07-10)
chocolate101, life is not hard enough? You have to crucify yourself twice a year? Ouch 😲 We're not saying you're a liar, it's just the story itself is rather outlandish and unusual and I didn't feel the genuine distress in your story that would be appropriate for this kind of event, but I did publish it! That's more than I can say for many other submissions 😉 Anyway, thanks for getting back to us and stay away from rusty long nails.
chocolate101 (guest)
18 years ago (2007-07-10)
its ok that you don't believe in my story but I sware on m boyfriends grave that I m not making this up. But I am very sorry guys, I can't give you the links. But I can tell you, the cruise ship was called "my name forever..."

now, the reason I can't give you the address link is because I went to the ship owner and he was the one who really reasearched it. I'm very sorry. And I asked him if I could put his name in here but he thought opposite. (he said no).

i hope you don't think I'm a liar, cause I aint one and I go to church and crusify my self every christmas and easter. I sware to God and on my boyfriends grave.
Annie (202 posts)
18 years ago (2007-07-10)
I have to agree with Shane and Martin. This is pretty hard to believe. As Shane said, some links would be helpful. No disrespect intended.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-07-10)
Well not to be disrespectful to chocolate101 but I am having a hard time swallowing this one as fact. There seems to be too much of a fictional tale to it. I would however be willing to change my mind if she could produce the links to said suicides or murders. Knowing the cruise line and approximate dates of death this shouldn't be too hard to find. Sorry Chocolate without supporting evidence this one is going to be hard for anyone but the youngest readers to believe.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Martin (602 posts) mod
18 years ago (2007-07-09)
I... Don't know what to make of this one. To be skeptical would be hurtful to chocolate101 in these circumstances, but I think even she would understand why some of us would be. This is going to be an interesting conversation to follow. 😐

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