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The Temple Entity


This story takes place in Kerala, India. We live close to an old temple which was rebuilt a few years ago. Prior to being rebuilt, no one knew there was a temple there. The land on which the temple exists belongs to a family that was going through a lot of hardship (financial, health, and even deaths), let us call them Family A. There was another family in a different location that was facing similar hardships let's call them family B. The family B consulted an astrologer and found out that there was a Devi temple in their family's old home and the deity is displeased with them. A temple needs to be rebuilt to fix all their troubles. They sought out Family A and together both the families decided to build the temple to fix the troubles. But building a temple and sustaining it is difficult hence they sought help from locals who helped and soon a small but functional temple was built. People around the place were pleased as now they had a temple in the locality. But this was a short-lived joy.

Most people could visit the temple and face no issues, but young girls, unmarried ones started displaying strange behavior. D was the first victim. D was our neighbor. She was a happy-go-lucky girl who was pretty and rather shy. On her way to an exam, she decided to visit the temple to seek blessing like she has done many times. But on that particular day, something terrible happened. She couldn't explain what she saw or what happened but she ran out of the temple screaming. She suffered a high fever and had to be admitted to the hospital. During hospitalization, her fever spiked to abnormal levels and she became delirious. She had to be tied down and restrained. After her fever went away the doctors told the family to take her home as there was nothing they could do for her.

Her mental health went for a complete toss. She was delusional and suffered memory loss. She couldn't recognize my niece whom she loved so dearly. She no longer recognized my cousin who has been her best friend since they were toddlers. She spoke in gibberish and was randomly violent. She would speak about things that made no sense, would hallucinate, and be paranoid. Her family kept her chained. It was heartbreaking. None of the treatments worked on her. Finally her family decided this was not medical. They visited a priest who ordered some special ceremonies (pooja) to be performed. Within three days of the ceremony, D was out calling my cousin. She now recognized everyone and in a few days had fully recovered.

I found it all hard to believe but when I met her a few years later, I saw her hand and feet still had the scars from being tied down. But no one could figure out what she saw or what happened. But the horror didn't end there. More girls fell victim to the same entity including my cousin, D's friend. All of them have recovered but no one knows what happened in the temple. What they saw or what possessed them. All of this is has left us perplexed. The temple still exists. But neither I nor any girls from my family go there even though it's just behind our house.

Has anyone else experienced something like this? I will share what happened with my cousin in another post if possible.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, DragonWolf, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

nacpat88 (3 stories) (10 posts)
2 years ago (2023-01-16)
There are certain places which effect negatively to a certain group of people on certain times. (Like anyone with mental instability should not be near water bodies as the lunar gravitation can have adverse effect on the blood circulation in their brain). Our sages studied about such places. Since it was difficult to explain the masses about these things they gave it religious cover to prohibit entry for those who can be effected. You might have heard about the prohibition of women to worship some deities. While there are places where only women worship. Wearing certain clothes for certain ceremonies. These can be found in all cultures.
Also in case of certain temples, there were dwarpals established along with a deity. A dwarpal is a protective spirit invoked to protect the sanctity of the temple. He has to be made offerings failing which he can harm on certain occasions.
Please let me know this helps.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
2 years ago (2022-02-21)
Hello DragonWolf.

Thanks for your feedback.

If it were me, I would have asked the astrologer for my money back... Not only both families are still going through hardship after building the temple, but it has have a very negative effect to some people. (Just kidding...kinda)

I hope you can share what happened to your cousin.
DragonWolf (1 stories) (4 posts)
2 years ago (2022-02-19)
Hi TravisCannabis,

Your comment is interesting cause the fact is Kerala's ruling party is a communist party, most supporters of the party, especially in my hometown are huge atheists, My own grandpa was one of them and was a staunch atheist. When things started happening due to the temple most of them said that it is better to be an atheist than worshipping a god that hurts you.
DragonWolf (1 stories) (4 posts)
2 years ago (2022-02-19)
Hi Kesnitt95,

I agree, I don't usually go to the temples unless I feel a calling from the god, which is quite rare. I hope someone solves these issues, temples are meant to be a refuge.
DragonWolf (1 stories) (4 posts)
2 years ago (2022-02-19)
Thank you for the warm welcome Lady- Glow

I will try to answer your questions the best way I can

- Do you mean that "Family A" moved into/bought the land in which "Family B" used to live?

Yes. Family A brought the land from Family B decades ago.

- Does the temple stand on the land of "Family A"? If so, are there any young women whom have being affected by these events?

Yes, the temple was erected right in from of their house just 10 feet away. I really don't know much about that family. It wasn't just women who faced issues in that house, men, children everyone in the family suffered some kind of misfortune.

- Did the circumstances of both families improve after building the temple?

Sadly no, I hear they are still having problems and maintaining the temple too is becoming harder.

- How long ago was the temple built and how many girls have been affected ever since?

I think its been about 13 years give or take. I know of 4 girls, there could be more

Its really strange that this should happen, strangely not all girls have been affected, just a few.
DragonWolf (1 stories) (4 posts)
2 years ago (2022-02-19)
Hi Rajine,
This did not happen in a village, the place I have mentioned is more modern than that. So there are no village heads or elders. There are political figures and members of panchayat who did raise concerns. But you have to understand a lot of people around this part are either atheists for political reasons or just too rational.
Kesnitt95 (1 stories) (10 posts)
2 years ago (2022-02-19)
This is crazy. Till now I thought that evil entities couldn't dare to play games in the temple space. This incident of yours proved me wrong.

What I think is, it will take time for the negative energy to fade away. It depends on how many generations have suffered there. May be some souls aren't freed yet. The energy of negative activities or experiences is still stuck there, so the place isn't psychically clean.

It is best not to go there for now.
TravisCannabis (70 posts)
2 years ago (2022-02-18)
That was intense man... Being an atheist seems better than worshipping a god like that one! 😨 😁
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
2 years ago (2022-02-18)
Welcome to YGS.

I have some questions about your narrative.

- Do you mean that "Family A" moved into/bought the land in which "Family B" used to live?
- Does the temple stand on the land of "Family A"? If so, are there any young women whom have being affected by these events?
- Did the circumstances of both families improve after building the temple?
- How long ago was the temple built and how many girls have been affected ever since?

After reading your story, I'm surprised that no one seems to have forbidden young women and girls the access to such a place...
Rajine (14 stories) (841 posts)
2 years ago (2022-02-18)
Hi DragonWolf

I find it hard to believe that with all that happening no one can find answers as to why or what it is, where are the village heads and what were the elders doing when all this happened?

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