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Dark Thing Around Pregnant Woman


My mother and father have these strange friends, they are "farm people". Their children are not allowed to go to public school due to racial issues or financial savings, they don't have farm workers and do everything themselves probably due to hating black people. They live a very isolated life, like hill billies on a mountain, having few friends in town etc. Also they are the sort of people that won't go to a doctor or a hospital to get a baby delivered, they do it themselves, the husband catches the baby while the woman pushes the baby out in a bath tub, cutting the umbilical cord with a kitchen or buck knife.

Apparently they have tried a long time to conceive again after having two healthy girls, and the woman had many miscarriages after that, four or something... But they were persistent in getting another child so conceived again, and this time the child was actually born.

But while one day visiting us in town, I sympathized with the woman and her misfortune concerning the failed preganancies wanting to tell her that some things are not meant to be, and that the fetus of a miscarriage never even had a soul to begin with that could attach itself to the mother. But as I approached her from behind, she was looking away from me when I walked towards her, I saw a big black dark figure around her. I didn't know if I wanted to look into her "belly" to see if there would be an actual soul in there or not, but this thing looked wicked, it smiled an evil smile and then I saw blackness in the woman's womb... Surprise surprise the baby was born with black hair. But nevertheless I saw a vision of Death, a black mass of who knows what, like chunky soup and mud when you pick it up and it falls over a brim as if a solid and heavy sordid splash... It was horrifying, was that what Death looked like before the Baby was there? Or could this have been a demon attached to the newborn baby and its mother? Or a possible demonic incarnation? It seemed very attached to the woman, but felt so dark.

I felt like telling them that this would be their "trouble child", the one that would give them the most hell... I refrained from doing so and thought to myself, as initial thought, that this woman laughs spiritual stuff off. Upon the day I saw the thing around her we talked about ghosts and hauntings, she made a big joke about the spirit world saying it is all nonsense wanting to make those who believe out to be crazy and looking down on my believing thereof, laughing in my face saying everything can be explained by logic and human stupidity as far as fears, hallucinations and anxiety issues go regarding the spirit realm.

Maybe this child or whatever it is will make her and her husband believe, deeply making them think about God and what is really out there once she grows up... Having three daughters, one is bound to be different, especially connected with the feminine energies... I see a possible rebel that would make them think as its sole purpose.

And then I thought - maybe to such people, their souls are dead within not having the Light of the Holy Spirit within them, so they can't fathom nor wish to understand spiritual things... Maybe until the stork delivers a demon on their doorstep.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, vidya_amani, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Gayatrishiva (3 stories) (121 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-21)
Wow never read any story like this before...it's without soul, heart and most importantly hurting to the core! Such an insane and insensitive story I have ever heard... I am sorry to say this
elnoraemily (guest)
12 years ago (2013-02-27)
I usually refrain from saying things like this but...OP, you are a spoiled, lying brat with a narcasistic personality. So they homeschool their children? So do many, many people for many, many reasons. They do home births. So do many people. Hospital birthing is a very modern thing. Almost everything you said about them was obviously made up or rumors you'be heard and decided to spread. And your insults about how they cut the cord are rubbish. You know they use either simple scissors or a scaple at the hopspital, right? What they do is no different from how your cord was cut. Miscarriages happen in nearly one fourth of all pregnancies. If she has several children and is older, her chances increase that the child will not go full term. You call yourself Christian? "Judge not lest you be judged." I don't believe in god or the bible, but I would never, ever be as cruel, simple minded, ignorant and intollerant as you. Do you know that the bible tells you to give all your belongings to those who are less fortunate than you? But you are such a spoiled, ignorant and arrogant child that you would rather make up a cruel story instead and put on an act of being holy. Grow up, be a decent person and stop spreading malicious lies to make yourself seem more special.
ChildOfTheLotus (10 stories) (133 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-27)
This story is older, but I stumbled on it from the recommendations on other stories. It was actually rather negative and offensive. I do hope you never say anything like that to a woman that has lost her child. Nothing you can say could take away her pain. The spiritual part of the story, though valid, was completely overshadowed by your negativity. I noticed all of the anger from other posters and while I am not going to become angry, I will say, please pick your words wisely, not all spirits of darkness are ghosts. Some are people that walk among us. Take care not to become one.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-23)
I couldn't have put it better than you.

Miracles and others who have lost babies,
I'm sorry for your loss and but I don't feel pity for you because I know you have become stronger because of your experiences and you will see your lost children when it's time for you to join them in heaven.

Wow, simply Wow! Being a Christen, how is that you can put people down for their belief system. I thought your parents would raise you better than that, unless your parents think the same way as you. In that case, I don't know how they can be friends with these people. The comments you made on how they are racist and hillbillies and other stuff. How do you know all of this, did you see them do these stuff or did they tell you directly.

Let me get this straight. While you were telling this lady that the child she is bearing is going to be trouble because you saw this demon like mass around her and that any of the other children she lost didn't have soles, your parents were doing nothing? If I had done that, my parents would have smacked me upside the head for being so insensitive.

I'm going to stop while I'm ahead so I that won't say something I wouldn't regret.
MizMiMi02 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-07-20)
Fanny-All I can say is thank you, and I appreciate your words.
Fanny (2 stories) (105 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-20)
Wow, just wow! I am by no means a violent person but I would gladly hit you in the face!

Firstly, I would like to say to every family who has ever lost a child, whether it was a misscarriage, still born or through some other tragedy, it is just that a terrible tragedy.

Secondly, to the OP, basically I have no idea what you said. It was a all rambling, run on biblical bullsh*t!

It's people like you who have made me turn away from the Bible and search for my own answers. I'm Agnostic, so I'm not saying I don't believe in anything, I just need more information and answers that I won't find in the Bible.

At one point in your comments you said, and this is a direct quote, "Not a healthy baby that was indeed born and prior before birth did successfully incarnate into a fetus." I'm sorry what? Were you just randomly typing words because that's what it seems like. Did you really say that God uses disabled children to punish parents? So the child gets given the hard life of living with a disability so that the parents can learn to be humble? WTF are you drunk? Seriously?

Now in the case of Jessica you maybe correct. She got pregnant and miscarried at a time in her life that wasn't right for her or her circumstances, but that doesn't mean the children that she conceived in those times weren't worthy of a good long life... That's just stupid! What about all the people in the world who would make fantastic parents, but their bodies just won't let it happen? What lesson are they supposed to learn that they are really horrible people and they have to suffer feeling incomplete and childless for the rest of their lives?

You also said that is was ok if I didn't see things your way because you forgive me. Please don't, I don't want your forgiveness or anything else from your selfserving theories... By the way, you really suck!

Fanny... No love for you because like I said... You suck!
ohmyword (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-07-20)
Vidya - each comment you place here contradicts the one before. It's quite obvious that you have no idea what you're babbling on about. By the sounds of things you have never lost a child or bought one into this world - perhaps you shouldn't speak of things of which you know nothing.
MizMiMi02 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-03-28)
I would just like to say that you are WRONG. I have had a total of 6 miscarriages, 3 of them ending at less then 6 months. As soon as I saw them on the monitor, they had a soul. The moved, had fingers, toes, actions, a face, a heartbeat etc. I believe that the soul entered my children at the moment of conception. I see many things (as some have seen in my first post) and I would NEVER tell a mother that their child is going to be trouble, or that their child had no soul yet so it's not a big deal that it died. I can respect that you have your beliefs and are free to voice them, just like I have mine and am free to voice them. The problem with your post was that it was so "holier than thou". I fail to see how you are better then the people you were basically calling hillbilly, racist, mountain folk, homeschooling trash. I can only hope that you never have a time in your life that someone comes and tells you how black your soul is, as you will have NO business being shocked by their blunt allegation.
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-28)
Miracles...you don't have to thank me woman. We love you on this site and it is strange though I WILL step in if I see someone is trying to hurt a friends feelings. This count to all my friends on this site. I see all of you as YGS family. Stay the great person that you are. You will be rewarded for that. Bless you. Take care. Trix. 😉 ❤
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-03-28)
Trix - thank you so much for your kind words. You have no idea how much they really touched me ❤.

I believe there is a reason for everything. Unfortunately we may never know what that reason is, and I've come to accept that. If I hadn't lost the first 2, the doctors wouldn't have known I had a medical problem and I wouldn't have been able to carry my daughter or son. And Dalton, he's just a couple of miracles rolled into one 😊. So, while I never forget the loss of my other babies, I cherish the ones I have ❤.
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-28)
Adsouza...I think I must go and shield myself now because I can only imagine the curse she would sent my way, but what she doesn't realize is that she won't get to me. Ha ha ha I agree with zzgranny-laugh and walk away. Just for the record adsousa-rather follow the YGS team-she might just keep you in a cage, feed you fat and eat you! Okay... Enough I know...I'm of this page now. Take care. Trix. 😆 😆 😆
adsouza (guest)
13 years ago (2012-03-28)
Wow Trix - You kicked butt here!

For everyone of you who have ridiculed her - I must tell you what I know about the OP... There was Zeus, then there was Krishna (Sorry, I lost the chronological order), then there was Buddha, then Christ, then Mohammed - and now - hold your breath - there is Vidya! Her name itself means knowledge and skill.

I have become her latest follower. Soon, I will renounce the whole bloody world. I have almost given up my worldly possessions - except for my car, my motorcycle, my collection of watches, my sunglasses, my guitars, my shoes, my clothes and my books.

Amani - I am going to join you in your vineyard soon...
😆 😆 😆
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-28)
I just want to point out something here if you all don't mind. First of all this one is such a good inspiration for her own narrow minded type'...Sorry for that but I just couldn't help myself. She is so full of lies just like she is so full of herself. I bet you she will find lie after lie to convince intelligent people that her theory is right.
She claims that this woman is a hillbilly, and yet they are friends with her mother and father... Well first of all, private schools are very expensive in South Africa. Hillbillies won't even bother to take out that kind of money for private schools. She tells in detail how this woman gave birth in a bathtub and how the husband cut the cord with a kitchen knife. Oh sure... You were there weren't you, and you witnessed everything with your own eyes? She still talks with this hillbilly of a woman... Wow how two faced could you be to talk with your mother and fathers' friends and with the same mouth talk dirty about them around their backs and curse their unborn child like that' From my kind of view she made this up out of hatred and jealousy towards this people, and didn't realize that some of us would read between the lines and catch her out.
I'm sorry but there are too many things in this story that is false. Even a blind can feel it with a stick. It is just pathetic on how someone can go on and on try making other people to believe such lies. A person like this makes a good site like this looking cheap with their made up stories.
This girl claims to be a Christian but have this twisted believes. If she is a Christian then she would read the Bible wouldn't she? Now I would like her to go and read the following and think about it clearly.
Jeremiah 1:4 The word of God came to me, saying before I formed you in the womb I knew you, BEFORE you were born I set you apart.
Matthew 18 At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked 'who is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven?' He called a child, whom He put among them, and said, 'Truly I tell you unless you change and become like children you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven. 'Whoever becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven, whoever welcomes one such child in My name welcomes Me.
I apologize to the readers for bringing in the Bible, but I want her to realize that what she is doing is totally against the Christian believes and yet she wants to point out how evil other people are? Not even to mention that she sees this unborn baby as such a curse. God the Creator loves children and even knows them already before they are born, and already has a plan for each little child-they belong to Him.
Miracles...especially for you woman because I know why your name is miracles, and I know what you've been through. You are one strong woman, and your babies are definitely in the Kingdom of Heaven waiting for you. I believe God had a better purpose for them in Heaven and you might be surprised when you join them one day to see the position they fill in Heaven when all the secrets that we struggle to understand will be reveal. For all mothers who lost a child-they are in Heaven they do have souls and like I told Miracles we will be reunited with them someday. Trix.
Take care. Trix
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-27)
Depriving those who seek hope through her vision, one post at a time.
officially finished with this thread, should the op not return
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-03-27)
Awe, c'mon guys!...She's right and the rest of the world is wrong 😆...*walking away, holding sides, laughing hysterically* 😆 😆
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-27)
You raise a good point. While tales like the Omen are fiction- there is always that kid, no matter how balanced a home they come from- who turn towards darkness in their adult years. Most cases can be linked to their upbringing, but not all. I don't believe for a second that anyone has the ability to look into an unborn child and predict such a thing.
JessicaWishon1989 (6 stories) (57 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-27)
But... Being's this IS A GHOST WEBSITE... Maybe we should all just stop talking about what really is. Natural things can be explained... Hell 20% of pregnancies end in Miscarriage. And 3% end in still birth after 24 weeks. Anywho, to say the lease... I did enjoy reading your story Vidya... Though I don't use intellect all the time, So It was a bit hard for me to interpret... The only thing I could have done with out is the whole... "DEMON, TROUBLE CHILD PREGNANCY THING" Because I a christian realist... I believe God puts all Children on earth, or in mother's wombs. I don't believe they come from elsewhere. God put them there, But it is the parents who is influenced... So the child itself becomes influenced as well... I don't believe in Stories like the films "The Omen" or "Rosemary's baby" The good Lord givith, the Good Lord Taketh away
JessicaWishon1989 (6 stories) (57 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-27)
I am not going to read all comments after mine... But I will respond to this...

Vidya... You say,
""I really do not understand as to how people don't understand with "there is a soul waiting to incarnate and standing by the mother" linking that to "there is no soul"... Yes there may be no soul in the womb of the mother who is not meant to give birth, but there are always souls around the mother, everywhere... When the one is born, the other one is waiting in the spirit world.""

First it seemed to me that You were saying that every child that is NOT born 9 months after conception, has no soul. I am truly trying to understand what you're trying to say! Because to me it still sounds like you are saying every Still born or miscarriage that is expelled from the mothers body had no soul! ALL THE DEAD BABIES HAVEN'T ANY SOULS! It really did sound like you were saying that the one perfect soul looks for the one perfect fetus to share life with. And when a baby isn't right, or is delivered via miscarriage, that that baby's soul leaves the human fetus and stays around to look for that perfect baby! In other words... It sounded like for me... My 3 miscarriages each had the same soul... The soul didn't like the baby, IN METAPHORIC TERMS (just to shorten this explanation) So the baby was expelled and the soul was left behind, and the same soul still inhabits my growing child that is in my uterus now! Anyways, to say the lease... That is what it sounded like! I am not saying that Is what it is, That is just how I took it, Because that is how my mind made sense of it!

On another note... Yes you are right. I was in no point in my life at those times of miscarriage to have a Child. The first time I got pregnant, I was just over 18 years old. And there were two fetus' in there. I passed one around midnight and the second one around 3 am that morning. My 2nd Miscarriage I carried it until I was almost 9 weeks. Passed that one early morning, took a ride in an ambulance to the nearest hospital... Lost a lot of blood on that one. I was 19. My 3rd miscarriage I was 20, and Only knew about the baby for 6 days. So I wasn't as nearly effected on that one as the others. My then boyfriend and I fought a lot, it was a very mentally, emotionally and physically abusive relationship. God knew we weren't meant to have a child. Don't get me wrong, I will never get over those losses... But I thank God for Knowing best for me at that point in my life. That's why I am happy that God has bless my to be husband and I with this blessing. Our wedding is in 11 days. April 7th... But anyways, this is a ghost website... I shouldn't be blabbering my personal accounts that have nothing to do with Ghost's! So I apologize, But I am not afraid to tell of my past... And even though I think sometimes it isn't my house that is Haunted, I think it is me... Even now, After I found about the pregnancy I can swear the residual and poltergeist activity have struck up again... But I know about those sort of hauntings so way in hell do they scare me! ❤
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-03-27)
OMG, adsouza, is that what the problem is?! All this time I thought it was me and my dumb blondeness! Thank you so much for letting me in on that. Shew! I've been wondering all this time why I couldn't figure out what in the hell she was trying to get across and then I finally just figured it didn't matter if I was too dumb to understand 😉 😆

After the first night when I blew up, I just figured it didn't matter anyway because we were never going to reach any understanding. And reading the comments since just reaffirms my opinion.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-27)
Everyone has their own ideas and theory's. The fact remains that when something cannot be weighed or detected, it cannot be proven. Until science catches up and finds a way to document the spirit world, everyone will continue to seek answers.
I can't think of a bigger turn off than a person who claims to be in the know- certain of just how "it" all works. Defending their position even when it offends others.
adsouza (guest)
13 years ago (2012-03-27)
Awww...c'mon Miracles - cut the girl some slack. She writes 'poetry' here! Absolutely brilliant - with the Webster's and the Oxford all emptied into the lines... No wonder mere mortals like you and me and the rest who have posted here cannot understand anything... Despite her kind explanations!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-03-27)
Pjod - I gave up on having any hope this one and I would understand each other. It's worse than being at an impasse. In this case, the o/p is right and that is that. Umm...yeah. Okay then 😉. I've given up even trying. My only hope is the o/p never experiences the loss of a baby and has to eat the words written here. I'm pretty sure they'd induce a major amount of vomiting.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-27)
"My goal is to provide them understanding in their loss and the works of spirit...etc."
I would say that you should quit while ahead, but it appears too late for that. Your theory's are your own, and not those of others, or written in any stone.
What makes you think this "theory" would bring any peace to someone who suffers such a loss?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-27)

The more I read your explanations, the more confused I get about what you are trying to say.

As for the blackness you saw on the woman's belly and the baby having black hair, I'm sure it has more to do with genetics than with "psychic" abilities.
Mannerizms (10 stories) (172 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-27)
I usually refrain from posting when things are this hostile but honestly, vidya_amani are you HEARTLESS? I'm not going to apologize because you seem to be arguing with EVERYONE who is trying to show you that women who have lost children (I'm so sorry for your losses Miracles) but even those who WANT children for you to say something like that is ignorant, I do not care what your religion is but for you to say an INNOCENT CHILD is something so evil, maybe you need to be posting elsewhere. I will end here and just walk away calmly, good night. 😠
vidya_amani (2 stories) (78 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-26)
Miracles there are "mothers" that seek to understand, there are also mothers that believe in LIFE After Death... That not only would the child die but she as well... There are mothers whose Hopes are placed in Spirit, the works of Heaven, there are mothers who wish to see perfectly when once in Spirit, not blinded nor held back by the physical illusion that makes her think that she is separated from her child... There are mothers who believe in spite of physical separation that they are One in Spirit, there come from and there they will return as One.

If you don't believe, please do not take this Hope and Vision away from those who do! Thank you!
vidya_amani (2 stories) (78 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-26)
I really do not understand as to how people don't understand with "there is a soul waiting to incarnate and standing by the mother" linking that to "there is no soul"... Yes there may be no soul in the womb of the mother who is not meant to give birth, but there are always souls around the mother, everywhere... When the one is born, the other one is waiting in the spirit world.

THERE IS A SOUL, there was always a soul... Please don't confuse physical defects with the perfection and Divine purpose of the spirit world outside the physical illusion... The spirit world is always rich, and soul always exists, but the flesh would perish as the material world... Please don't confuse the impermanent (flesh) with the permanent and eternal Spirit (soul)!

If you judge me because I say Spirit is perfect and can exist without the physical perfectly, then you are blinded by the illusion to say that Spirit cannot exist without the flesh (physical/material).

I walk by faith and not by (physical sight)... Even if you die your child would still meet you in Spirit, so how would that be different from when the Child dies? Can't you meet him/her in Spirit as well, or do you cling to a dead mass of flesh blinded by that which is not real? The only thing that is real IS SOUL!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-03-26)
vidya - I think you should stop trying to help mothers who have lost babies understand. Seriously. Please stop trying. Personally speaking, what you are doing isn't helping.

This comment from vidya_amani is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

CryingRose (1 stories) (2 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-26)
That's not a good thing vidya. If you have your "own soul" inside you so think twice before spitting harsh words out.

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