The maths department at our school used to be the chemistry department, where Bunsen burners were used. There was a story of an old chemistry teacher whose hair got caught in the Bunsen burner. She panicked, as any normal person would, so she fled the room, not remembering that there was a balcony outside the classroom. At the time, the balcony railing was only a couple of feet off the ground, so when the teacher was fleeing from the room she forgot that the low balcony railing was there, causing her to trip on it and fall to her doom. I have never really thought much of this story, until today.
When I walked into my form room yesterday lunch (which is in the maths department, i.e. The old chemistry department where the teacher died) I saw a white glowing ball that disappeared when my friends and I walked in. I didn't think to tell anyone about it until today. Whilst we were on the subject, we all remembered thr story about the chemistry teacher and thought that it might be her who was the white glowing ball that I saw.
We also realised that some computer mouses in the maths department move one their own! But this is only in the maths department, which is what got us all thinking. Maybe it was her that was moving them?
Another experience we had today was my friend, Olivia, put her hand out into the air, although she said that it didn't feel like it was her that was holding it up, but that something was letting her rest her hand on it. This could have also been her.
And the last experience we had was me and my other friend, Lauren, both got a bad case of shivers whilst walking past our teachers desk where the computer mouse is. The same mouse that had been moving on its own. Getting a shivery feeling is normal, I know, but not when two people get it in exactky the same place. Lauren also said that she never normally gets the shivers, so it was weird for her.
I know it isn't very scary, but it was for me and my friends! Thanks for reading!
I believe Tulisafan123 as she is one of my closest friends and what hapened to Olivia we all saw and it's nearly impossible to keep your arm still while you are bending sideways.
So don't doubt Tulisafan123 as I was also there and expierenced these Paranormal Activities aswell