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Shadow Figure Above Bed


I'm scared and I just want to know what to expect from the things I am experiencing.

I am a firm believer in the supernatural from multiple, terrifying, demonic experiences that I went through when I was 15 years old.

It started with my father when I was 15. One night I came home from shopping with my mother and caught my father smoking a cigar. My father had heart/lung problems and this act very much upset a emotional teenage girl. I began to scold him for his transgression and realized quickly that he was not himself and was not going to stand for my mouthing off. He absolutely lost it that night. My father has never before, and never since, been psychical with me.

That night was an all out battle. He said things so evil to me that I don't even want to repeat and that night he beat me. The following two weeks from that night things did not stop. The next morning my father's cell phone had a voice mail call from my sister's phone (who was in the house at the time). My sister's phone had no outgoing calls, and my father's phone had no missed calls. The voice mail recorded part of our arguing from earlier in the night (before it had escalated fully). The strange thing about this part of the voice mail is that my father's phone was placed in a different room at the time. The conversation that was recorded was recorded in the a totally different location then his phone (we were standing in the garage). The way the voices were recorded, it sounded like my father was standing a mile away and it sounded like I was screaming directly into the phone. Yet we were standing two feet away from each other.

This conversation was only recorded for a little over a minute when me and my father left the room to attempt to calm down (before the bad part of the night began). Yet the voice mail continued to record for over eight minutes (longer then any phone let's you record. The rest of the voice mail contained demonic voices that no human vocal cords could produce. We could faintly make out a few swear words and the word "kill" but besides that it was mostly gurgles and terrible noises.

A few night after this I was laying in bed and saw a dark circular shadow over my bed (clearly not my fan shadow). As I watched it, it got bigger and bigger. I had my Mom come into bed with me that night. I did manage to doze off but she attests to the fact that by the end of the night it had grown to take up my entire ceiling.

Also, things were happening in the laundry room. Both my sister and I heard children's voices coming from there and the dryer door would repeatedly bang open. In addition, we both heard a scuttling/paper crumpling/wing rustling like sound going back and forth across our bedroom ceilings at night for several nights. When I verbally cast out the demon in the name of God, it instantly stopped.

Things began to slow down as my family tried to fight this off. Things got much better, our family drew near, we forgave each other and nothing like that ever happened again.

My relationship with my father was restored. I grew up. I am now 21 years old and my father just passed away a little over two weeks ago after a horrible battle with his health (was in the ICU for over a month, on life support for a few days, having multiple surgeries). This has been a really hard time for me as I have mourned my father and I have been very unstable emotionally. My boyfriend has been spending a lot of time with me despite being in law school 2 and a half hours away from me.

He came to visit me again this weekend and since I am still fighting depression I did not want to go anywhere. Instead we decided to watch a new series together. I had previously watched American Horror Story Season 1 myself so I suggested we watch Season 2 together. (I was already a few episodes in, so I rewatched them with him.) I began to feel really terrible and not right about the content of the show. For those of you who don't know there is a strong religious theme which touches on possession, murder, Nazis, the mentally and criminally insane, etc.

During this weekend I also started to experience pressure headaches and uncontrollable misplaced anger towards my boyfriend (this could easily be from my upset with losing my father). However, one night I woke up to my boyfriend touching the wall next to my bed. He kept looking behind him as if looking for something that was scaring him. I was half asleep but I remember him putting his hand over my head and praying for me and asking me to wake up and pray with him. I was too tired but he said the Lord's prayer.

In the morning I wasn't sure if I had dreamed the whole thing until he mentioned "A demon visited us last night". He said that there was a black figure on the wall above me that night. There was no light source that could have cast it, he assured me he looked. The following day I felt much worse. The headaches got worse and I randomly got chills so bad that all my hair would stand on end (my boyfriend also experienced this).

I am not sure if this is something demonic that I have opened myself up to by watching that show. I'm not sure if maybe this is my father that I am feeling or a demon that is haunting me and following me.

Can someone more educated in the spiritual/supernatural field please give me some insight? I am not sure what to do and I am scared as my boyfriend will leave me tomorrow morning for the rest of the week I will be alone.

Thank you.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, leeyuuhluhh, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

leeyuuhluhh (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-27)
Me and my boyfriend were really scared by the TV thing. We looked for the remote. My laptop was laying on top of it when we found it. At first I was very relieved; however, upon further inspection it no longer calmed my nerves. My remote has raised edges so even with the laptop laying directly on top of it no buttons were being pressed. For about ten minutes after we found the remote we tried to replicate it turning itself on by putting the laptop back on it and using pressure to try and press a button with it--- we could not make it turn on that way. Then again, it seems like a good explanation. I've been so busy lately I've barely been in my place. Between work and grad school/job interviews I'm always gone. I haven't had time yet to do any type of cleansing as my friend made a surprise visit to see me yesterday. However, in the middle of the night she woke me up asking if I ever get creeped out staying where I stay. (It used to be an assisted living center) She said she was getting creeped out and getting bad vibes. Just the fact that she asked out of the blue without me ever telling her any story made me raise an eyebrow. But like I said... It's been quiet lately. Who knows how the rest of the week will go.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-02-26)
No worries, UnproGhostHunter, you aren't the first to mistype, and I'm sure you won't be the last!😆
Leeyuuhluhh,when we loose someone we love, it isn't unusual not to feel 'unlike' ourselves. Misplaced anger,depression, numbness, it's different for everyone. So, I think you are wise not to jump the gun and blame it on a 'demon'.
The TV turning on and off by itself is another matter. Mine did that a couple of times, in the middle of the night. Turned out the cat was stepping on the remote. 😲 So there COULD be a logical explination, but coupled with the other things... Let us know how the cleansing goes.
UnproGhostHunter (7 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-26)
Sorry valkricy, I met to put Val thinks this isn't the ghost of your father also. I wasn't paying attention to what I was typing.

From what I'm reading you are getting different reviews on what is happening to you. You need advice from an expert on evil spirits or demons. All we can do is tell you what we think on the subject and tell you what we know. Nobody get offended if you are an expert at these things, I'm just trying to help this young girl out just as you are.

I'm not sure what method your trying, but good luck! Hopefully this will be all over for you soon.
leeyuuhluhh (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-26)
TV turned itself on twice last night. My boyfriend was there to witness it. I was laying in bed and he was in the bathroom and boom... On it goes. Turned it off and a a minute later it came on again. We unplugged it and prayed and nothing else happened.
I will try the method starting today.
Thank you!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-26)

Thank you that helps me to understand your point of view.

Please, when you have a chance, use the Cleansing/Shielding Method that valkricry posted. It is one I have developed over many years and I use it for myself, my Family and for my Home.

It is my personal feeling, from the information you have shared with us, that this is a negative spirit/energy and not actually a 'Demon'. The method CAN help in a situation of that sort. It can also help determine if it is 'stronger' than that and then 'other measures' can be brought to bear against whatever it may be.

Please keep us posted and feel free to ask any questions you may have.


leeyuuhluhh (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-25)
Thank you guys very much for all of your input.
I posted my story sometime last week in fear that things would get worse fast (since that has what has happened to me in the past). However, things have been very quiet. My boyfriend left me and went home after four days of being with me. I was terrified that it would feed off of my fear when he left. I had to sleep with the TV on the first night he was gone but after that I was fine and felt and experienced nothing. I am a religious person and throughout the weekend I said numerous prayers but they didn't seem to take the bad feeling away so I wanted some input. I will always revert to prayers when bad things like that happen.

And Rook- when I say Demon I am using my boyfriend's words. I did not see the shadow figure but I believe him 100%. He is the most masculine (scared of nothing), honest, genuine man I have ever met and he would not make something like that up. He would also not react to something like that unless he was genuinely concerned. For that reason alone I was very frightened. I am skeptical on "ghosts" but since I am religious I very much believe in spirits, espcially with my run-ins with evils ones. Though, I'm not sure where I would draw the distinction between and evil spirit and a demon.

This week has gone quite fast since my boyfriend did not leave until Tuesday morning of last week and came back Thursday night and will be with me again until this Tuesday. We stayed at my place until Saturday morning and then went to visit my mother to comfort her. On Friday I also had a grad school interview. So things have been very busy and chaotic and I have been traveling a lot. Therefore, I am not sure if anything will happen once I settle back into my place again for a while. (I am planning on going out of town again this weekend) I still have been experiencing intense emotions of misplaced anger and upset... Though I am hesitant to blame that on anything other than myself (this is out of character for me). I will keep updated posted if anything else happens.
Thank you all again.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-25)
Let me also say I am sorry for the loss of your father.

Valkricry has shared a Method I use for my Home and Family and it has proven to be pretty effective. Please feel free to use it.

I do not mean to be a naysayer but from what you have shared with us it is my opinion that negative energy/spirits may/may not have influenced things and it need not have been a 'Demon (s) '...at least not the definition that I have come to understand and use. So may I please ask, what do you mean when you say 'Demon'?


Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-24)
Yeah Rook's thing works. You mentioned before that when this happened to your dad, you told it to go in the name of God, and it worked. Why don't you try that again? Also, you know how they say, fill up with the good and their's no room for the bad. Maybe do something nice for the neighbor, or see a positive movie or something like that while you do the clensing. Good luck.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-02-24)
Sorry, UnproGhostHunter, I believe you misread. What I said is I do NOT sense that this is her father. But as you also said, who knows? Hopefully someone with more experience then you or I will read this story and be able to offer some advice soon.
UnproGhostHunter (7 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-24)
Also one more thing... This sounds like a demon to me, but Val thinks this is the ghost of your father. So try what we both say, 😉 you never know.
UnproGhostHunter (7 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-24)
First off, sorry about the lost of your father it's always hard losing someone your close to. Second, you need to get advice from a demon expert. Contact one through email or visit one in person. See what they say to do. Next, try to get baptized, if your not a religious person I understand, but it should help you. Don't fall for the temptations of yelling at your boyfriend. It only gives the demon more power. Which you don't want because then it can take over your body. Try to pray out loud when you see it near, the lords prayer is perfect. Put crosses with Jesus hanging from it all around your house. Crosses work sometimes, but if the demon is strong enough then crosses are useless. Demons are said to rip Rosemary beads off people's necks, but if you want, try to wear them. Bring a priest to exercise the house, it may be you the demon wants, but you will get rid of it for a while. Doing this may make the demon angry, so be prepared for anything. This is what I know about demons, so go to an expert for more info. P.S Don't use a Ouija Board, it makes a portal to send more into your life, and life will be harder than it is now. I hope this helps you! You'll be in my prayers, and God Bless you! You will get through this! ❤
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-02-24)
First, let me extend my sympathies over the loss of your father. I'm no expert, but I would go see a doctor to rule out any physical cause for the headaches. You might also look for some grief counseling - it can really help. Secondly, use Rook's Cleansing Method. I have read several postings that say it really works, so I am posting it here for you.
Recipe for a Home Cleansing/Shielding... (allow for two or 3 days to complete)

Day one: Open all curtains window and doors with screens installed, let fresh air and sunshine into the home. Have all closets, cabinets and other 'dark spaces' open so that as much natural light as possible can enter those spaces. After 2-3 hours take a broom and 'sweep' out each room (this is symbolic and you do not have to really sweep) focus your thoughts on sweeping (pushing) out all negative energies / entities /thoughts. Close home up after completing each room of your home... Please do not forget your garage if you have one. (Optional) Light incense (sandalwood or Dragons-blood works well for me) and let aroma fill the home, and/or play a tape that contains your favorite Church/Positive, Upbeat (songs that give you good thoughts) songs before you begin sweeping.

Day two (or three): Once again open all curtains, windows and doors. Take a White candle (Optional) to the center most point of the home, sit on the floor and place candle in front of you. Light the candle (visualize a white ball of light) and then focus on the flame... Visualize the flame (white light) filled with positive thoughts, energy. (Say a prayer at this time if you so desire... Ask for cleansing positive energy to fill the candles flame/white light). Hold this 'image' in your mind and then visualize the flame (light) slowly expanding outward, visualize it filling the room your in, every corner and 'dark space'. Continue to visualize it expanding...it's outer edges pushing away (burning away) any and all negative energies/entities out and away from each room in your home. Once you have visualized this flame (light) filling your entire home, picture it expanding to your property lines. Hold this image in your mind for a few moments then visualize 'anchoring' this flame (light) where you are sitting which is the center most point of your home. Once you have done this. Take a deep breath, relax a few moments and then blow out the candle. (If you didn't use a candle just let yourself relax a moment or two.) "

Now you can create a shield for yourself using the 'home shield' technique but instead of focusing on your home visualize the 'flame' simply surrounding you instead of your home... Best time to do this is after a nice shower using a rosemary scented soap (rosemary is good for purification and protection.)

I do not sense that this is your father, nor have I heard of TV show opening a portal for something to come through. Although it can play with ones mind and emotions especially when you are in an already upset state. You might ask a priest to come by and bless your home. Please keep us posted.

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