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Arm Around My Neck And Bed Sheets Pulled


I need some answers as I am very confused and drained.

Around four nights ago I was sleeping when I felt this pressure upon my body. I awoke and I could literally hear the bed springs creak from something pushing down on me.

I fought it off but I felt it again and I was not scared as I have experienced this for 2 decades.

But then all of a sudden I felt as if someone was crawling up my bed from the feet side as if with very gentle sheet stroking. When it came to my waist area, I felt my bed sheets pulled down around 5cm. I got out of bed and switched the hall light on as I was a little uncomfortable not knowing what would happen. Nothing else happened for the reminder of the night.

Then the night after that I was asleep on my side and I felt an arm slowly and delicately close over my shoulder and neck. When I resisted it stopped and when I relaxed it carried on. It felt so soft, gentle, and comforting. I never turned around and just let it happen. Now the next bit I am not sure if it was a dream or real but I am sure I must have been dreaming as I can't accept it was real.

I turned around and my lips met the lips of a women and we kissed deeply and the rest is hazy. Like I said I don't believe the kiss was real maybe it was me wanting something so badly and I dreamt it.

But the arm over my shoulder was very real and I spent the whole day thinking about it and strangely wishing for it to happen again.

I have been feeling very weak and drained for the last two days and nothing else has happened. My body feels weak and hurts.

Someone please explain what the hell is going on?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, amirstrange, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

amirstrange (1 stories) (5 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-31)
[at] The_Lost_Voyage_11 [at] Twilight1011

Thank you both for your advise.

What I feel happened was that a passing entity just thought it would have some fun with me for a while.

We have a concept of this in my religion we call it "Ifrit"

So I started to recite the last two chapters of the Quran and the verse of the "footstool" and it has completely stopped now. The two chapters were revealed specifically for the very reason of seeking refuge from the devil and presences of entities. I don't feel anything lurking or any presence or anything. The entity realized that its no use staying here as there is no "cooked food" to be eaten so it has moved on. I even waited for it to see what would happen but nothing. It has totally gone.

I will update you all if something changes
The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (251 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-27)
Hello amirstrange, I appreciate the background info and updates you've provided.

You've received a lot of good advice and feedback on this experience.

Based on the info you provided on how much of this started for you a couple of decades ago, it sounds as if you might be dealing with more than one entity but it's possible there's something 'lurking' as you mentioned that's keeping a door open for this activity.

You mentioned how the night you saw the black shadow and your brother and his friends had a Ouija board session. Inexperienced as they were, they gave your name to the entity they contacted, (which may or may not have been the source of the shadow) I wonder if somehow this created a connection to you and the entity at that moment, like a door. Many speak of the Ouija board sessions opening a door or portal, and perhaps they opened one within or around you.

This entity may have been with you all this time and sometimes is more apparent than others, but 'it' could be acting like a door or focal point for these other entities to come and go. That's my general feeling.

The entities involved may feed off your problems, fear, loneliness etc, which may explain how they interact with you. Being single wouldn't invite some of the encounters you mention, but being lonely, that's another matter entirely. The encounters you've described seem to range though in how they are carried out, leading me to believe there may be more than one involved. There could still be just one in charge though.

I stand by what I said, I would cleanse the home and yourself. Rook's method was linked in one of the comments, that's a good one. If you have some sort of spiritual master or guide on this side, you may wish to consult, it sounds like you may need some help in severing the connection.

It's your life and you have the power to take it back! Good Luck!
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-27)
Amirstrange, I'm glad to hear that you've had success in saying your prayers, to help make whatever is bothering you, stop. The power of God is what I believe to be the most effective. I see you mentioned that you had a spiritual master that had helped you in the past. That sounds really interesting. Have you been looking around for anyone that may be able to help you now, with what's going on, since you've posted this experience? I know it would be nice to be able to see your spiritual master again, in regards of this, but I see you had said that was in Jordan, so obviously it wouldn't be so easy to try and have another visit with him, but maybe there's someone else closer by to you, that could be of help as well 😕 Also, how has the activity been recently? I know by talking about it, or making arrangements to find help in getting rid of it, can result in it acting out more, as it tries to put up a fight, for you not to make it go away. But you're the one that has the power, to make it no longer have such control over you. I hope to hear back soon, that you were able to be successful in getting rid of it, and can finally get your life back to normal. Again, best wishes!
amirstrange (1 stories) (5 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-25)
[at] Twilight1011

Thank you for your input.

I had a really bad migraine last night due to exercising my neck. (tension headache) I still have it as I write now.
Last night I was dreading it coming as I wanted rest and sleep. Thank God it never came. I feel it didn't want to hurt me or something or the fact that I was in pain would not let me be in that twilight state where they always seem to come in.

Also you mentioned something interesting about something else lurking around. Interestingly when I was in Jordan getting treated for the first bout of severe attacks back in 2006 my spiritual master told me that once a person is under attack they are open and weak. Thereby any passing entity can come and go as it pleases and that is what you repeatedly experiences when I said something leaves me and then enters me again.

Yes I do turn to faith and ask God for help against it and repeat my prayers when I sleep. I find once I have prayed it doesn't show up and if I miss the prayers it shows up.

Interestingly when I had the huge decade long attacks from 2 decades ago I would have vivid dreams of always being attacked by dogs and being bitten again and again on my hands. I never get these dreams anymore. And I think what you said about this entity seeing an opportunity as I am in a weak and lonely state makes sense.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-25)
After reading your account and the comments, my best guess to your question in regards of "why is it doing this now, when nothing has changed recently in your life", could possibly be because you're just at a vulnerable time in your life right now, as you said that you're single, and have been for some years now, making me wonder if that's what it likes to find in a person it chooses, because it makes it easier for it to manipulate you more. Also, despite you believing that your past experience over the 2 decades you've mentioned, not being connected with this experience, again, it makes me wonder if that's really the case, because I've known that from opening those types of doors (Ouija board use), you never really know what all might have came through the door at that time. What you experienced afterwards, might have been something that wanted to make itself known, while something else could have decided to wait for a better time frame to present itself, like what you're experiencing now. Or maybe the other thing has made it to where other thing's are attracting to you. These are just theories though, and what I thought could be some possibilities, but as for any advice, I agree what the others on here have suggested, which is to do a cleansing, and whatever other rituals you may feel more comfortable with trying etc. We like to cleanse our home every so often, mainly when the activity around here makes it very noticeable. Another suggestion, but this depends on your kind of faith I suppose, but my husband had bought a viking bracelet, that has sigils engraved all over it, that's supposed to protect him against certain thing's that may mean him harm. He's still of the Christian faith, but like me, we don't like to limit what all we believe may also be real, as these thing's were believed by many people at one point in history. But my husband had been having sleep paralysis for year's, with nothing really seeming to help rid him of it, until he got more into his viking stuff, and learned about their beliefs etc. So he decided to get the bracelet, with the protective sigils engraved on it, and was shocked to discover how affective it seemed to work for him with that problem. He's still had dark visitors come to him in his dreams, but noticed that they didn't seem to like him wearing his bracelet, and at one point, one had even tried to trick him to taking it off, and he woke up with his hand on his bracelet, with it halfway removed. He has also noticed that he can no longer be paralyzed anymore in his dream, and can fight back now. Again, I'm not mentioning this to have you try it, I only wanted to relay what has helped my husband with these types of things. You should only do what you are comfortable with, as your faith with whatever you choose, is really what helps give it power in helping you to rid what's causing you problems. I wish you the very best of luck, and would like to add that despite not fully understanding how sage works with these type of negative energy etc, it's still an amazing tool to use in these situations, as personally I couldn't imagine not ever using it. It helps in so many different ways, which is why I have started growing it myself now, so I can have plenty to use for whatever I may need it for. I hope to hear that you're able to find something or someone that is able to help you with this, and it be successful. Thank you for sharing your experience, and again, I wish you the very best of luck!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-24)
If you feel paralysed I would definitely suggest what you are experiencing falls under the umbrella of sleep paralysis complicated by an intelligent haunting. From memory, the last time I felt paralysed, I woke up with the sensation of someone strangling me at the same time breaking out into a huge laughter.

As soon as I laughed it disappeared that's how I concluded it as being my imagination the amount of please help me stories I could have shared here are twice as many as the ones I have posted. Some very smart theoretical physicists would proclaim our actual physical reality is built on the back of our imagination, it's why IMO, these accounts feel so real. Consciousness is fundamental in our waking and sleeping state if we give it power based on emotions or fear?... It will take control and change up what we experience in real-time.

It's not to say there are not other beings in other dimensions of consciousness who take the opportunity to interact with us on a sexual nature. But that is usually with permission or for other reasons we may be unaware of. You will know what I mean if ever you experience one of them.
amirstrange (1 stories) (5 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-24)
[at] aussiedaz

When this is happening I am paralyzed and cannot fight it off.
The intensity is not as intense as others have said. Yet it has started to get more intense with each visitation. However I cannot say I felt any hands or anything other than some force heavy over me and concentrated over my mid area. I.e groin. I am still very much open to the idea that it could all be my imagination and I hope to God that it is.
I did not feel tired after last nights episode. I will keep everyone informed about whatever happens and I hope that nothing further happens as I do not like to be used in this way. Last night I tried to fight it off but when one is paralyzed its not easy.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-24)
Hello amistrange, you are not alone with these types of accounts, I probably go back around four decades and I'm sure a couple of members here reading this would be nodding their heads with their own accounts albeit maybe not as willing as I am to unpack some of your experiences because they are personal and can have an impact on your life for the worse if you let them.

With the sheet being pulled down by 5cm? That does seem to qualify as an intelligent haunting however, it may not be related to a sexual visitation via a separate entity.

There are several types of sensual experiences we have most of them fall under the umbrella of sleep paralysis even though the subject may not feel paralysed and has some type of arousal.

The one detail you are leaving out that makes me think you are dealing with your own imagination complicated by perhaps a trickster or malicious ghost is the lack of description relating to the intensity.

Most people who describe the real Mc koy talk about the level of intensity involved by the interaction and it is quite potent and addictive. I believe I have experienced both. One relating to my imagination and the other being the real Mc Koy.

The real Mc Koy? Perhaps as many as 10 times over the last 10 years.

My imagination, good lawd perhaps 100 times over 40 years. The pineal gland is the culprit that brings to life an act of feeling touched or aroused usually as a result of a bunch of variables.

In regards to feeling weak. See your doctor and have a look at your diet etc. Do you suffer from Insomnia? That plays havoc with the Pineal gland.

Regards Daz
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
1 year ago (2023-05-24)
Amirstrange, You ask, 'How could sage - a herb - purge a spirit'.
In theory, the smoke attaches itself to negative energy and as the smoke clears it takes the negative energy with it, releasing it into another space where it will be regenerated into positive energy. That's the simple explanation.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
1 year ago (2023-05-24)
Hello Amirstrange,

Here's the link to a member here on YGS, Rookdygin. He has the method of how to cleanse on his profile page half way down his BIO. He gives you a 3 day step by step, easy to follow ritual. It works. Believe and keep us posted.


Best wishes,
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
1 year ago (2023-05-24)
Hello Amirstrange,

I don't have all the answers for you, all I know is if you believe, then it works.

If you have a faith you can lean on to help you, that would be a great idea too.

Try what you believe in, because it will be worth it.

I found peace again after ridding my visitor.

I don't think your crazy. I have experienced similar events.

Best wishes,
amirstrange (1 stories) (5 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-24)
[at] Sleeping-with-steve

Thank you for the response. I will take your heed.

Right a quick update.

Last night it was intense. I know for sure it was lurking and waiting for me. I came over me in the same way multiple times last night and was more forceful this time an I even felt some slight negative intent. I force my eyes open and see nothing and the feeling subsides. I fight it off but I cant. It lurked towards the ceiling and each time I slept on my side nothing but as soon as I was on my back it came over me and started its forceful grinding. How stupid I sound saying this! I am not crazy I know what I felt and what's been happening these last two weeks. Today I am not drained at all and I clearly remember how many times it came last night and my sleep was disturbed. I set a voice recorder on that catches all sounds and I caught nothing at all. I don't understand the cleaning rituals. How could sage - a herb - purge a spirit. I work nights so when I sleep during the day I am fine but on my days off I sleep during the night and now for the last two nights its been here. I don't know why just out of the blue nothing has changed in my life and this is happening.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
1 year ago (2023-05-24)
Hello Amirstrange,

First I want to start with saying, I read your post, and your comment with the new inclusions of events.

I also read all the replies, which hopefully you have taken the advice given onboard.

I remember all the help and support I got from YGS members with a very similar situation.

After many cleansing rituals, I finally got rid of the stubborn spirit who continuously visited me.

I'd like to reinforce, you need to do a thorough cleansing. You need to be vigilant and continuously do the cleansing until this negative visitor leaves. I say negative visitor because everytime you are left drained and despite you wanting and at the same time not wanting IT'S visits, IT feels encouraged to return.

IT'S not male or female, it's an IT in my opinion. IT will manipulate you to desire IT, so that you want IT to return. Repeatedly taking and using your energy in the process.

I was like you, convinced it was nice, romantic, and I felt flattered by the attention. Reality is that my visitor and yours are much the same. They get what they want and go, lurking for an opportunity to visit again.

Once you wake up from the false picture of perfect they create, you realise they are evil, bad, and very dangerous in my opinion because they can emotionally make us want them and want them to return.

I guess that's it in a nutshell.

Do the cleansing, keep doing it and believe in the cleansing.

Best wishes,

PS: Crimson, I read this post but just didn't know where to start with commenting.
amirstrange (1 stories) (5 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-23)
Thank you for everyone replies.

Just to update everyone. Nothing happened for the next week until a few days ago. I was sleeping on my back when the same feeling of heaviness and tightness came over me. I felt something soft move up my bed again and at the same time instantly felt a soft sensation against my cheek. It was obvious that something was laying over me. The touch (cheek to cheek) was so gentle with no malice involved. The next part I am embarrassed to write about. I can only describe it as frotting. I literally and clearly felt pressure move down and up over my groin area this happened about 4 times and I had an erection. I am not making this up I cannot believe what the hell happened. Suddenly my alarm for morning prayer went of 04:15 and it all ended and I got up as usual.

This event is in no way connected to my back story which I mentioned when I said 2 decades.

Let me explain. Since the age of 18 ME and a couple of friends were lurking around the grounds of ab abandoned house in a forest. A black shadow was seen and around the same time my brother and his friends did the Ouija board in my house. This was way back in 1995. They mentioned my name to the spirit or entity that moved the glass just to see if it worked or not. Anyway I suffered 2 huge night terrors and ever since then I have felt jumpy, senses things around me and strange noises have been heard in our house that only some of us could hear. I would sleep with the light on ever since. There was running up and down the stairs, unaccounted bangs and a few times a week I would get pushed down on my bed and I could literally feel something with great pressure and force leave my body, I would stay paralysis and it would return after some moments. One day I opened my eyes and I saw a black shape hover over my head for a while. Anyway this entering and exiting is something that still happens from time to time but it never scares me as I've grown used to it over the last two decades. I went through a stage where it literally controlled my thoughts and I had huge problems sleeping sometimes days on end. In 2006 things got so bad that I went to Jordan to see a holy man who the minute I came in front of I started to breathe heavy and he shouted at the entity to leave and it did but not completely. It still comes and goes and I feel it always towards my feet area as when I mention it I get tingling in that area. It does noting else now and no banging no noises noting except silence in our house since then. Only sometimes during sleep paralysis do I have the same fear that people describe that someone is in the room standing there etc. Like I said for the most part its a feeling without fear.

But...This new experience that I have had I have never had in my life before and it is totally disconnected with my much older experience that is a part of my life. This is something new (the older experience never leaves me drained.) Its as if whatever resides in me leaves for a while and comes back and has now been weakened and cannot harm me anymore. (I feel it in my ankles as I write this- Please don't think I am crazy) This new entity whoever it is just came out of the blue. Nothing changed in my life, I didn't do anything new or dabbled with noting I am a boring single person that goes to work and comes home. True I am lonely at the moment but I have been single and lonely for years. I don't believe its connected with this. Something just decided that it wants some fun with me and I want it to stop and continue also. But the for the next two days as I feel drained I don't wish for it to happen again.

So far I have had only three encounters and its blatantly sexual now. I do not know who or what, male or female it is. I don't see anything but just feel gentle touches.
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-06)
Armisteadge, Welcome. I'm not sure why my sister SWS didn't leave a comment on here. She has had such a ridiculous amounts of visits from a ghost who did a little more than your ghost.
From what she says, not only is it very real but when she woke up she used to feel like she was brain washed into waiting for another visit.
My sister is not having issues with the ghost these days. She does a cleansing that was recommended to her by a member here and it works. (She does the cleansing fortnightly).
Don't be fooled by the gently touches. My sister had a lot of fake emotions forced on her and as soon as she told the ghost to leave, he visited less and the cleansing kept him away.
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
1 year ago (2023-05-02)
Hi there Amirstrange and welcome.

I agree with Lost Voyage and don't have much to add. But I wanted to really highlight and make you super aware of the fatigue you're feeling. Anything that leaves you depleted is a bad sign.

I'm a whatever floats your boat kind of person. So if someone has a relationship with a ghost I say good for them. BUT if someone has bouts of fatigue directly after an encounter defiantly take notice. There's a chance the entity isn't loving, but something quite negative. Follow Lost Voyage's advice about cleansing.

You said this has been happening for twenty years. Has there been any changes in your life recently? Or do you have any theories on why this is escalating now?

Thanks for sharing.
The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (251 posts)
1 year ago (2023-04-30)
Hello amirstrange, and welcome to YGS!

I too wonder what it is you've been experiencing these last couple of decades, were the experiences similar to what's been going on the last few days or different? I would need some more information on your history of paranormal encounters?

Going off this series of recent incidents alone, it sounds like the beginning stages of an incubus/succubus encounter. What you describe including the feelings of being weak and drained also support this. There are several stories on this site of such encounters which will give you some insight on these types of supernatural experiences.

If it's advice you're looking for, I would look at getting a cleansing or clearing from either a professional or through rituals you can perform yourself. There are some suggested on this very site and I can try to link you to some if you like. You may want to look into protecting yourself as well, with tools like prayer and surrounding yourself in white light, depending on your own belief system.

What I can say, is you want to put a stop to this now, before it goes any further. Encounters with these types of entities/beings can be almost impossible to free oneself from if that's indeed what it is. They develop a sort of symbiotic interpersonal relationship that becomes increasingly difficult to sever the connection to once it becomes routine. The origins of such beings/entities is unknown, they seem elusive in trying to discover their true nature, but there are many theories.

This site has a wealth of knowledge from other people's encounters and stories regarding their own experiences with the same entities, which you may find resonate with what you're experiencing as well as tools to deal with it from rituals/routines for protection and clearing/cleansing. I hope it helps! Good Luck!
Rajine (14 stories) (866 posts)
1 year ago (2023-04-30)
You say that you experienced for the past two decades, I'm not sure what to tell you exactly but maybe you should seek help from someone who will be able to shed some light on this matter, it could be a priest, a psychic/clairvoyant.

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