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Who Was In My Backyard?


This experience was very short but it was enough to stay in my memory for a long time. It happened when I was 14. And I'm 23 now so it was almost 10 years ago. I lived in Tennessee at the time.

While I was growing up I always shared a room with my younger sister, but when I became a teenager and needed my own space my parents decided to build another room for me. We started with an unfinished lower level of the house (not exactly a basement but lower than all the other rooms in the house) It was just concrete floors, and basically a home to the spiders and cobwebs, but after it was fixed up I couldn't believe it was the same space. It had two bedrooms and a tv room. I was pretty excited about it! I always had an intense fear of basements, like a lot of kids do, but I felt pretty good about this new space because my parents had gotten rid of the "creepy basement look." I thought it wouldn't turn creepy at all... But it did.

One night I was getting ready for bed and walking into my room. When I walked out of the tv room and into my room, I could see across the room, out the window, and into the yard, because it was not that low of a basement and because it was directly lined up with my door. My first glance in there was the window. We were still adjusting the curtain sizes so I think it fell off, and at that moment I didn't have a cover on the window. In a split second I looked, saw these strange eyes staring back at me right outside the window, I ran upstairs faster than the speed of light, locked the door and slept on the upstairs couch. In the morning my dad asked why I was on the couch and I was like... I don't even know how to explain what happened!

After that I used my room to do all the usual teenage things and hang out with my friends. But I didn't want to sleep down there. For a whole year I refused to sleep there, and slept on a futon in my sister's room instead. That probably sounds silly. But I was still freaked out! I only felt safe down there during the day. One reason it kept haunting my memory was because they were much bigger than normal eyes. It happened so fast that I wasn't sure if there was a whole face with it. All I noticed was the eyes because they were probably five times bigger than normal human eyes. But it still was the human eye. With the iris and pupil and everything. Just much bigger. Basically, it looked the way eyes would look if you saw them through a magnifying glass or something! I almost wish I would have looked longer, but my adrenaline sent my flying up the stairs!

I tried to blame it on my imagination but I don't think that's what it was. At no other time in my life did I see something like that. Even when I was afraid I was a pretty logical child and didn't like hallucinate or dream up figures in front of me. Plus I was wide awake, under bright lights, and didn't have any weird dreams going on or anything. I didn't see it again, but that could be because I stayed the hell away from my window after dark haha.

Was it a spirit? Some other entity? Is it possible that only a spirit's eyes would be visible? Cause I'm pretty sure it was a person looking back at me! (and I should make it clear that our land had a history of Civil War Battles)

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Andrea22, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

paul19 (1 stories) (18 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-11)
Many forest creatures have big eyes I live up in the mountains and have been scared by such eyes many times, maybe a deer munching grass near the window? I have been told to find as many explanations as possible for possibly paranormal experiences but since you said they were high up that's kind of creepy. Thanks for posting.
Andrea22 (5 stories) (65 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-11)
That's an interesting thought...I'm not sure if it could have been a horse eye... Looked a little too human. But with all those ghostly noises back there, I believe it was somehow related. If it was that loud to my mom, loud enough to make her jump out of bed and look out the window, then I'm sure it could have appeared as an apparition to me.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-04-10)
I just had a thought while reading your comment about the civil war and there being a history of the soldiers passing through there. Your Mom and dad have heard "what sounded like horses, men talking, and heavy equipment being moved around". Horses have very large eyes. Perhaps that is what you saw, one of the soldier's horses.
Andrea22 (5 stories) (65 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-10)
I considered it being a trick of the eye... But somehow it didn't seem like that. It was just very intense... As if it wasn't part of my refection at all. Pretty sure it wasn't connected to my reflection.That's what made it creepy.
Andrea22 (5 stories) (65 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-10)
It didn't really get more intense during renovations... But there was always some kind of haunting presence around the house. The biggest signs were when my mom left her window open in her room at night, and could here what sounded like horses, men talking, and heavy equipment being moved around. My dad heard it too, at a different time and from another room. I think that could be a residual haunting though, since there was a history of Civil War soldiers passing through there. But I'm not sure if that could have any connection.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-09)
Andrea22: Can I ask had you or your family experienced anything unusual whilst and after these renovations happened?
My thoughts is that it was a trick of the eye somehow or some sort of reflection but I wasn't there so it is hard to put a finger on it. If you have experienced anything else strange around the time then it possibly could have been something not of a human appearance and maybe paranormal. Thanks for sharing.

valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-04-09)
I think I follow, Andrea. I was wondering because we once lived in a 'basement' when I was a kid. Those windows were at street level - about all you ever saw was someone's feet or some animal peering in. But from what you've told me, the theory I was working on just wouldn't hold water.
I wonder if maybe you saw a nahual (said na-wel), an Aztec spirit animal that is said to be a protector of humans. According to the Aztec's we all have an nahual that watches over us. Kind of a furry gaurdian angel from my understanding.
Andrea22 (5 stories) (65 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-09)
[at] Believer88 I'm open to that. I mean I can't say it wasn't that! It gave a look as if it was studying me... I have a feeling it was an intelligent creature. So maybe alien is possible! I always keep an open mind until proven otherwise.
Andrea22 (5 stories) (65 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-09)
[at] Valkricry The position of the window was a little bit difficult to explain, because our house was on a hill. The rooms in the front of the house were the same level of the street... But if you went around to the backyard it was on a lower level, (because we had a steep driveway) but not exactly underground like a true basement. If you've ever see a house where the front is mounted on a hill and then the backyard is lower...you'll know what I mean. I was trying to say that it was a low window compared to the rest of the house... It was about two or three feet up on the back wall.
Believer88 (6 stories) (7 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-09)
I have always believed in ghosts and aliens and I know most people scoff at the idea of aliens but to each their own I guess. This seems similar to a book I read by a man named Stan Romanak and his experiences with abduction, since he was a child he has always been approached by an alien with human like eyes that are much bigger than human eyes and they are slightly angled, he included a sketch in his book. If you are open to it, I definitely recommend the book it is called "Messages" and it is about his actual experiences. But if you are not into that kind of stuff I completely understand I just wanted to offer another option for investigation 😁
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-04-09)
Hi Andrea22,
You mention in your comment that the eyes seemed high up. From what you tell us, your room was almost basement level (lower that all the other rooms), so this prompts me to ask at what level your bedroom windows were?
demonicsheikh (55 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-09)
Well install a camera facing that position. You might get your answer. Many smartphones have security and nanny cam apps.
You can keep it in your room facing the window.
Andrea22 (5 stories) (65 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-08)
No it wasn't car headlights...that's for sure. My backyard wasn't facing the light of any cars. This was something else!
demonicsheikh (55 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-08)
bro just get curtains or just concrete the window or something. Why you don't sleep in the room?
Maybe it was a shade from cars headlight or lamp or something.
Andrea22 (5 stories) (65 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-08)
[at] smokenmirrors Nope I never saw them again. I considered it being a nocturnal animal, but the strange thing was that they were high up. Like they would have to belong to something that was standing upright, based on their position. So I'm not sure about that unless it was bigfoot lol. The only other strange sign in my yard was that both my mom and dad swore they heard ghostly voices.
SmokenMirrors (6 stories) (78 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-08)
Hi Andrea22 thank you for sharing a very interesting story.

I just want to ask a quick question, have you ever seen the eyes again?
I only ask as you say this happened at night, and its common for nocturnal animals to have larger eyes than we are used to.

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