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Who's At My Backyard Gate?


I used to think ghosts were scary to me, ever since I was a little kid. Sometimes I still get a little frightened because of them. Actually being in close contact with the paranormal was something I'd never expect to happen to me. But it's an interesting experience, and it's moments like these that make my life seem more fascinating.

I would like to share my very first paranormal experience with all of you. It involves me and a friend of mine in our younger years, though she wasn't around for the intriguing part. It was in 2006 for us; I was 11 years old in 8th grade, and my friend was 9 in 7th. This happened in a small town in Texas, at a house that I've been living in ever since 2001. Kyle, is the name of the city that this event takes place in, and it's also the place that I still reside in. I want to inform you all, for whatever reason, that I received consent from her that it is alright for me to post the stories that involve her, as long as I use a nickname instead of her real name. This particular friend will be nicknamed, Chocolate. Also, this is the first story that I am posting to this site, so I hope you will enjoy reading it; even if it's just a bit.

Chocolate was staying over at my house one night. Around midnight, Chocolate and I decided to go outside to my backyard and jump on my trampoline. It was a pretty silent night, although you could hear the noises the trampoline makes as you're jumping on it. So while we're jumping on the trampoline and having fun, we hear what sounds like someone trying to open the gate to my backyard from the front yard. It was kind of loud. The noise wasn't made by us, because we could distinguish the difference of the noises the trampoline makes to a noise that is somewhat further away.

After hearing the sound coming from the gate, we ran inside and took a few deep breaths. I was able to summon up the courage to walk outside and check it out, while Chocolate waited inside. When I stepped out to the front yard, I turned to my left because that is where the gate is. I was slowly creeping to the side of the house, and I peeked my head over. Then, what I saw left an unforgettable image in my mind, though it wasn't as dramatic as I may make it sound. What I had seen was a white mist in the form of a man; slightly taller than me, facing the gate, and sort of looking down. I know it wasn't a robber or anything, because this figure was also sort of glowing; not too much though.

I was frightened, so I ran back inside after seeing what I had just saw, and I tried to explain to Chocolate what my eyes had captured. Chocolate somewhat believed me, but she wished she could have witnessed it for herself.

Perhaps this event would have been more dramatic if Chocolate did follow me to catch sight of this white mist. I, for one, honestly did not know what to expect when I was going to find out what was at my gate. It being some sort of paranormal entity didn't even come to mind, and I really thought it was a human being. After seeing this form with my own eyes, I believed it to be a ghost. It was midnight and dark; but if it was a person, he wouldn't be glowing, and he certainly wouldn't appear to be a white mist.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, YLissaBearrY, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-17)
Your welcome, and for sure it is. I acted quite skeptical about my uncle actually seeing him, so that entity may have been slightly angered when he showed himself to me. (maybe more than I think) Most likely, this Odd Face proved me wrong, and had me regretting being skeptical at all considering even before him I have seen a couple entity's.

Lol, no kidding, but seeing just a face in the dark inches away from mine was probably the worst, from there I think the rest of my paranormal experiences didn't go too bad, even though no matter what, any paranormal activity is scary.

No problem, it was pretty intriguing, and it's also interesting that it's possible it could've been the same entity that I might've seen before. As curious as I am, some questions are left unanswered but it happens. 😊


YLissaBearrY (1 stories) (16 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-17)
Heya, BloodShotEyez. I have not asked anyone if my place is haunted. I don't think anybody around here would know, because, well... I don't know actually. 😳 You can say I've "tried" doing research on the land my house was built on (since this house was built for us), but with no luck of finding anything. I know I didn't do much, but still. It just seems like "nothing" happened here in the far past. I've had more encounters than this one, but I don't think my place is that "haunted."

Kya, good; thanks for understanding. 😊 That's creepy you AND your uncle have seen Odd Face...It's creepy enough that his facial expression is indescribable. I'm so glad I haven't seen anything like that before, or never went to bed with a glowy face staring at me. Also, thanks for saying so about my story. And, you're welcome about liking your story as well.

Rook, "Physics in Action" -- good answer. 😁 Though I don't know much about Physics and the phenomena ghosts display for us, it'd be nice to get a resource where I can learn more about it. At least then I may be able to know more than I do. Either way, good explanation you gave. I do hope to hear what you come up with after researching.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-15)

Physics in Action?!?

An intelligent energy has just drawn enough enviromental energy to itself to manifest... During the effort to 'show itself' the energy molocules become excited and therefore 'glow'?

Just a guess at your question... Thanks for asking, time for some research (rubs hand together and cackles gleefully...😉 😁).


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-15)
That is very much okay, there are times when I take days off from whatever I log onto, whether it's fb, or sites like this.

Odd Face is one of my discarded stories, and when I asked this question it wasn't discarded yet, but it shortly was after I commented and it did this error thing after a while. Odd Face is a bright spirit I met that had this indescribable expression on his face, my uncle couldn't even describe it as detailed because it's the type of face nobody ever makes, and he was the first to see that entity before I did. It was really dark, and I was night blind so I'm unaware if it had that same mist going on the same as the one you seen. The story was discarded for a reason, so I won't describe the facial expression in detail, this is enough of a description of him I assume, and why I asked to make sure if it was the one I met or not. It is possible, considering we were about the age, or almost.

Lol alright, and I understand. 😁

It was a childhood thing, and it happened years ago so I'm totally okay even though it was scary at the time. And seriously, there's nothing creepier than seeing a glowing face a few inches from yours every night when going to bed, although this creepy routine got quite old, so his smile eventually turned into a dissatisfied frown. 😊

No problem. And of course! Your story is definitely awesome, and something I would've wanted to experience even though it be scary nearly the same as my first encounter. And I enjoyed replying to your comment from while back, I was glad that you liked it. 😊


bloodshoteyez (3 stories) (31 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-15)
Hmm I am wondering myself why ghosts glow, this is a creepy first account LissaBear, did you asked anyone if your place is haunted?
YLissaBearrY (1 stories) (16 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-15)
Hello, Kya. Thanks for reading. And, so sorry for replying to you late. I didn't realize someone else had commented on my story, so, forgive me.

To be honest, I've never heard of Odd Face before. I just tried Googling it, but nothing came up that helped me understand...

But, to answer your question... I was not able to see his face at all. His facial expression wasn't visible to me, unfortunately. I only saw the backside of him. But if this figure were to have turned around, I think I would've ran before I got to see his face anyway. 😆

I'm sorry you were frightened half to death on your first encounter though. 😐 I guess I'm just lucky it wasn't any creepier.

Anyway, thanks once again for reading my story. I think it's safe to say that you enjoyed it, no.? 😉

Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-30)
Reminds me of the time I met Odd Face. It was discarded, but I don't mind, he glowed slightly the same as the one you saw, but with a creepy stare, and obviously, an odd face. I don't think it was misty though, if it was, it was too dark for me to see, and I was night blind.

Were you able to see his face enough to understand his facial expression? I ask in case he might be the ghost I have seen years ago. I may have been your age when I witnessed this Odd Face, it might be possible but I know its possible I could be wrong to.

Your story was well said, your pretty lucky, and I say that only cause I was frightened half to death when I had my first ghostly encounter. 😊
DongMaster (guest)
9 years ago (2015-06-18)
Fog or mist. Sounds can be tricky. Sometimes it sounds like the neighbors are closing my front door when it's really their own.
YLissaBearrY (1 stories) (16 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-18)
You're welcome, Rook. It's still "my bad" for not adding them in the first place, so...

Oh, yeah.! I totally forgot you said something about the vent...Well, I don't know if this would be considered the vent, but there's the big, cube-lookin' thing with a fan in it and it's on the side of my house. But yeah, it didn't seem like what I saw was coming from that. Other than that, there wasn't anything else on the side of my house besides the box for the electricity and whatnot; but that's on the wall on the same side of my house, but it couldn't be that either.

So you're in TX as well.? Then, I guess you might know how rainy it's been recently too. So, much, rain...Well, Kyle wasn't getting as much as Austin or somewhere below Kyle (thankfully)...

Yes, I sort of wish my friend had seen it too, because then I'd have another witness (other than me). I guess at the time I just wanted to be the "brave" one. 😉

And don't worry, I'll be posting more of my experiences sometime soon. Though, I'm a little doubtful that all of them or some of them are connected somehow; but if they are, then, cool. Maybe they will start to make sense.

Again, thanks for reading and responding. It's much appreciated.! 😊

With warm regards,
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-17)
Thanks for the added details... My very first thought was that what you saw was some type of 'fog' beging generated by a vent or pipe... But with the added details that doesn't sound quite right any more.

I live in Taylor so I know what the weather is like in Kyle, Tx in the Spring and Summer... 😲

Your friend seeing it would have at least validated what you saw...

Please post some of your other experiences... Purhaps they will tie together and we can get this figured out for you.


YLissaBearrY (1 stories) (16 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-17)
Hello, Rook. Thanks for reading.

To answer your questions...

The time of year... It had to have been either the end of spring or the beginning of summer, because I remember it was warm outside when this happened.

There's a street light right between my house and the house on the left of mine, but the light is facing the street in front of us, and the light isn't parallel to the spot that I saw the white mist in.

When this happened, the lights of the neighbors were not on either.

I know I should have added more detail, but I didn't think about all this stuff that you asked about. I hope this answers some of your questions at least. 😁

With thanks,
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-17)
Thanks for sharing...

A few questions...

What time of year did this happen?

Where is the nearest street light from the house in relation to this gate? Any lights from the neighbors?

Any kind of vents from your house or the neighbors?

Details, details, Details... Equal data, data, data and can help us find answers.



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