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Moving Skull In Our Backyard


I belong to a small village in the north-eastern area of Pakistan, adjacent to Indian border. Before Partition of Subcontinent, many Hindus used to live in our area. They continued to live side by side with Muslims for centuries without any strife. But after Partition, Hindu families opted to migrate to India. My grandfather was in British Army during British Raj and he was quartered in Hyderabad State that is now in India (that is one reason why we all brothers and sisters know English though our native language is Punjabi). He migrated to Pakistan in 1950, three years after the freedom. He built a house at the very place where, before migration, Hindus used to do cremation. People of village forbade him to build house there, but he, being an ex-soldier, knew no fear.

Our most of the life remained peaceful and tranquil. But when I was in my teens, I began to see weird things. I often saw a crawling skull in our garden and backyard. We had planted so many trees and flowery bushes there, and the place had become a tiny grove. Often in the small hours, when thick darkness prevailed on the atmosphere (as there was no electricity in our village then), midst dead silence, I felt myself awake... Awake and fully conscious. I felt the presence of something crawling on the floor in my room. In spite of darkness, I could see, or I was made to see, a skull moving. I could hear scraping sound that chilled the marrow of my bones. Its upper teeth were visible but lower jaw was deformed and its hollow eyes seemed to look at me. I couldn't shriek. My whole body became numb. I felt chill, very chill. The skull moved towards a Vachellia nilotica tree which we locally call 'keekar'. It disappeared beside it somewhere, as I couldn't chase it due to fear and darkness. I witnessed this ghastly sight randomly, but mostly on moonless nights.

After a while my condition used to become normal. I was terribly afraid, but I couldn't recount these events to anyone. But I couldn't go near that keekar tree even during the day.

I can't call these events hallucination because I felt I was awaking and undergoing that terrible experience. I remained afraid during my high school time. Later, my father cut down some trees, including that keekar tree to build new rooms. When the earth was dug for foundations, some bones and a skull were discovered. I was stunned to see that it was the same skull that I used to see at night.

We buried them at some other place. Now I am fifty year old. But still I can't explain these events. This memory terrifies me still.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Hamza_arshad, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ajonverge (6 stories) (84 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-05)
Wow Hamza, that was some really good narration and definitely scary. I could imagine it being even scarier to witness as a child. Did you every experience it after the tree was axed or anywhere else for that matter? Luv to know. Anyway keep on keeping on. Greetings from India.
Hamza_arshad (1 stories) (5 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-13)
Hello AugustaM, Thanks for liking my story. I think the age of manifest fear is not very long, though its implicit impact lasts long.
Hamza_arshad (1 stories) (5 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-13)
Dear sushantkar, thanks for reading my story. Yes, it was a horrific experience and it unsettled my psyche. 'Other dose of fear' is related to my reading habits. I read horror stories and allowed myself to be afraid. After reading, I switched off lights and imagined the dread looming round me. A little sound sounding like screech of mortal terror. It gave me beastly joy. That is it.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-07)
Hello Mr. Arshad,

What you experienced was certainly very horrific. Even thinking of it that my house is buildup on a cremation ground, gives me hell of a chill.
But in your following post you said that "Then I took another 'dose'" I do not understand this particular statement. So, it would be appreciated if you could explain your "dose" statement.
It feels bit awkward to hear that how someone could be addicted of fear for such a prolonged period without getting any side effects. Quite strange.

AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-07)
That sounds terrifying! Ironically, the keekar tree that gave you such feelings of trepidation along with the other less fearsome foliage likely owed is lush quality in large part to the presence of the ashes from all the cremations. What you saw certainly does sound very frightening - I would have been perpetually sleep deprived! I am glad it seems as though you have found a way to cope with the memory and accept the changes this life experience has brought on you.
Hamza_arshad (1 stories) (5 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-03)
Thanks Lady-glow. Certainly it was terrifying. Yes, the reburial ended my vision but the fear lingered for a long time. It changed my life in such a way that I became addicted to fear. I started reading horror stories, and I really felt horrified. When, after sometime, the fear abated, I was anxious. Then I took another 'dose'. So, the burial of the skull was only partial removal of paranormal dread. I can't say I would be the same person had I not experienced that terror in my boyhood.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
6 years ago (2018-09-03)
Hi Hamza - that sure sounds like a terrifying thing to witness.

Did the presence of bones mean that that particular person wasn't cremated? Would it be possible that the spirit was only looking for their bones to be buried following the traditional rituals?
Did your visions stop after the reburial of the bones?

I'll appreciate if you know the answer to my questions, but if not, I only can imagine how horrible it must have been to see a skull crawling its way on the ground... Yikes, what a nightmare!

Thanks for sharing.

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