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The Rigsby Family Haunting


Background information: I am a fifteen year old female from a part of Northern California in a small town called Yuba City. Yuba City is located just north of Sacramento, where the Gold Rush began in California and thus created a new era in American history. In our sister city, there was a great flood back in 1955 that damaged and severed many lives in the area. The levee that blocks out the river around the city broken, and thus allowed the water to enter and flood the city. Ever since then, historic buildings were either destroyed or torn down due to this flood.

My grandmother came to Yuba City in the year 1956 after the flood first happened. Several years before an old creek used to run directly next to the house and across the city, since the city has only flourished into a population of 60, 000 and more people within the past few decades. It was originally just a bunch of land for farming.

My grandmother has lived in her current house since my father was at least two years old (he is now 45) and the house consists of two bedrooms, a hallway that leads into the two bedrooms and a bathroom, a small kitchen, a back porch, a living room which you enter from, and beyond the back porch there is a large back yard.

Ever since they lived in this house, paranormal activity has happened and seems to linger in the lives of the Rigsby family. My father, let's call him David, was perhaps at least 10 or younger when he was home one night with his older brother. The two had been watching a thriller on TV before bed time, and had promptly shut off the TV after the movie had went off the air. Right after the movie ended and they were saying goodnight, my father and his brother heard the faucet in the kitchen turn on full. There was no wind in the house, no air on, nobody else was home.

My aunt who we shall call Ellen, was once in the hallway in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom at around the age of twelve. (Keep in mind, this is the same house for both of their experiences.) The bathroom door faces directly across from the master bedroom, so you can see inside of the bedroom if the door is open. When my aunt went to return to her own bedroom, she turned her head and saw the door open half-way on its own and abruptly stop, as if someone was checking on her parents in the bedroom. It never happened again, and nobody has died in the house in previous years.

In March of 1998, 2 months before I was delivered in the hospital, my grandfather passed away due to a heavy life of beer and smoking. He was in constant pain and despair in the last few weeks of his life and died in the hospital after being revived through the shock procedure. After his death, my grandma would awaken in the middle of the night to hear his screams of pain continuing on, moaning and calling out for help even though he had already passed away.

Several years went by and we would hear the occasional "cling!" of a pan falling on the back porch mysteriously, my hamster's cage once opened by itself in front of my grandmother and my eyes on at least two occasions. I recall one time where I was reading a book in the living room and looked up to see a spoon moving on it own, back and forth. Several months to a year later, I was on my computer directly near the kitchen, and saw the spoon moving again. I was suddenly laughing and cheerful, as if I was high almost. I didn't understand why, as I usually am a person that is terrified of the paranormal.

I believe I have a psychic ability, yes, as I usually have been able to sense spirits and they tend to communicate with me. And I do personally believe I can be almost a medium of communication to them. It feels as if spirits are naturally drawn to me. I can have extreme cases where I predict something months before it happens, and it always happens in the case I predicted it to be in.

In October of 2012, me and my father moved out of my grandmother's house and down the corner in a place of our own for the first time in several years. A week before we had moved out, my grandmother experienced a dream of my grandpa that came to her, saying that he would be returning home to come see "the girl". I am the only female in my family born after my grandpa's passing that has been closely connected to his side of the family, and he desperately wanted to see me before he passed. It is easy to assume that in this dream he was referring to me, his only granddaughter.

So here are my questions:

1) Is it a possibility that the young members of my family in this household have been latched onto by the spirit (s)? I know that entities enjoy communicating with younger people, especially children and young teenagers that harvest a lot of energy and emotion.

2) Why did I feel a sudden urge of laughter and joy when I saw the spoon moving?

3) It is a possibility that my grandfather could be watching over me from the afterlife? I constantly feel as if I have someone protecting me and guiding me in this world, like I am never alone, as if I have a constant companion that watches over me and follows me wherever I go.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Kayes, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

AH (8 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-18)
1) no it does not mean that the entities have been latched on to the children just because the like to talk to them

2) you felt joy because your subconscious new it was your grandpa moving the spoon so you felt joy and laughter to have him there

3) yes it is possible that your grandpa is watching you he is probably your guardian angel and he wants to see you all the time because he didn't get to before he passed

That is probably what's going on so don't be afraid when something weird happens and if you see the spoon moving or a black figure of a man just go ahead and say "hey grandpa"
Narella (guest)
11 years ago (2013-08-16)
Kiego and Miracles: I'm glad I'm in such great company on the typo thing! 😁
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-08-16)
Hm, I'll give my opinions on your questions, and I hope it makes sense. Operating on too much caffeine and too little sleep today lol.
1. Since it seems the activity all happens in the one house, I would say no, a spirit has not attached itself to the young people in your family. Going by what you've shared here, I'd say it's the house, not the kids, that has the attachment.
2. You say you're usually terrified of the paranormal, but felt happy and almost high when you saw that spoon moving. My guess is the reason for that was an endorphin rush. Endorphins are released by the body when we are excited, and cause feelings of happiness, giddiness, blahdy-blah. Http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endorphins hope that link works, it'll explain better than I can.
3. I think its very possible that your grandfather could be watching over you. Love transcends physical life.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-08-16)
Kiego - seems it's true that sometimes great minds think alike πŸ˜†
Kiego (2 stories) (52 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-16)
Looks like we are all in the same boat. I find it even funnier that as I was commenting about it that Miracles was as well, lol. πŸ˜†
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-08-16)
Narella - unless you are perfect (and heaven help the person who claims they are πŸ˜‰) I think you can be forgiven πŸ˜† I've proofed many of my comments a couple of times and hit that blasted publish button and then low and behold, right as it hits the screen, I see a mistake LOL. We're all human, or at least most of us anyway, and we make mistakes. Most of us won't hold it against you but there are some who live in perfect worlds πŸ˜‰
Kiego (2 stories) (52 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-16)
LOL Narella. Your comment really made me laugh. I do the same thing. Speak out loud what you are typing as you type it. It drives my fiancΓ© crazy, especially since one of my hobbies is writing novels. None published yet but hoping one day soon. Anyway thanks for the laugh Narella. 😜 πŸ˜†
Kiego (2 stories) (52 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-16)
I remember I lived in a house once where the washer kept overflowing in our laundry room. It never actually turned un but it would overflow with water. Come to find out it was bad pipes and the water pressure was all screwy. It was an older house, nothing else ever happened other than that so I never thought of it as paranormal.
Yuba City huh? I travel there often for work. Nice to read someone's story who's so close to me. Chico CA. HOWDY NEIGHBOR =)
Narella (guest)
11 years ago (2013-08-16)
Ok. I should never type and talk at the same time. That should say non-paranormal, not none paranormal.
Narella (guest)
11 years ago (2013-08-16)
The water faucet turning itself on could have a none paranormal explanation. I've actually had that happen a couple of times in a house I once lived in. A sudden surge in water pressure can cause loose fixtures to "turn" on. The other things do sound paranormal. I don't think you and your young family members have anything attached to you. It sounds like all of you are receptive to idea of the paranormal and that would make it easier for an entity to contact you. I think you have to go with your feelings on this one. It doesn't sound like a negative being. However, if you don't mind, I'd like to give you a word of caution. It might not be a good idea to talk to it. Sometimes doing that acts like a signal to not so nice entities to come visit.
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-15)
I've heard abiut the spoon thing before. It's like they want your attention, so they wave things around to get. The trick is to figure out why.interesting.

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