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A Big Family Holiday


I went on holiday a few months ago. Some pretty weird stuff happened, but after talking to the rest of my family and friends, I realised I wasn't the only one to notice.

I went to a house near Devon. It was quite big and had a lot of rooms to accommodate all of us. There was 8 of us. Mum, dad, my sister, Skylar, my boyfriend Carlos, The cousins-Casey and Oceana and 2 friends- Eddison and Maci.

It was nice, nothing strange from the outside. We picked our rooms, unpacked our stuff and then went to explore the rest of the house. We realised that there were 10 rooms and 3 of them would be empty because we didn't have that many people. Eddison bagged one of them to practise his dancing but the other two were left.

Nothing else happened on that day. We all sat down and made plans for the following days and then went to bed. I slept in the same room as my boyfriend and he went to sleep pretty quick. I couldn't sleep because Eddison and Oceana were talking next door. Eventually, I got so annoyed that I wrapped a blanket around me and went to tell them to shut up.

To my surprise, they met me halfway between the rooms. Apparently, they heard me and Carlos (my boyfriend) talking and were coming to tell me to shut up. We were all pretty puzzled but went back to our rooms and I went to sleep.

The next day, we had just come back from a walk and my mum was absolutely adamant she'd seen someone in one of the bedroom windows. She point blank refused to go in the house for fear of getting clobbered by a burglar (Her words not mine) We searched the house and it was empty (As I expected.) We put it down to a trick of the light and said no more about it.

It was evening and I was in the bath. Carlos was sitting opposite on the floor and we were just talking about things when we heard the shower come on in the bathroom down the hallway. The owners had told us not to use that shower because of a drainage problem and we would have to pay extra if we did. Carlos got up and went to tell whoever it was to stop. He told me that Casey told him that he was brushing his teeth and the shower turned on all by itself.

We brushed it off as faulty pipes and waterworks and settled down to watch Tv before heading to bed. I kept hearing bangs and thumps coming from the room that Eddison was using for his dancing and swore to myself that was going to suffer the next day for disrupting my sleep.

At breakfast the next morning, Eddison was interrogating everyone about who was using his dance room. Everyone had alibis. That was when I started thinking that something paranormal was going on. I didn't tell anyone else, because I know how some members of the group felt about ghosts and I didn't want to freak them out.

It was raining so our plans were cancelled, and we went exploring the house. Casey suggested we should see what was in the loft. All we found was a dusty monopoly box and a tennis set. Apart from that, it was just boxes and personal stuff we figured we shouldn't go through.

In the middle of the game, Eddison came in, really angry and demanded to know who had pushed him in the middle of his seven-spin pirouette. Everyone was either playing the game or watching reruns of the tennis on Tv. This prompted another search of the house. Mum was sure the non- existent intruder was still in the house. Oceana was thinking the same as me at this point, that it was a ghost. Carlos wanted to see it with his own eyes to believe it and Casey reckoned that Eddison was making it up.

I went with Oceana and Eddison to the library to see if the house had a history and if anything happened there. That's when we realised that we didn't know the name of the house. It didn't have a number either. Just a random house in the countryside. We abandoned the plan and went back to get ready for dinner. I then had the brilliant plan of phoning the owners to see if they had had any weird experiences. They hadn't. I told her what had happened and she just laughed it off.

The odd things happened everyday. My mum kept seeing someone upstairs and we all heard the talking at night. The shower kept turning on and off and Eddison wasn't stepping foot in that room again.

On the last night, Carlos was finishing a painting, so I stayed up with him. I sat in front of the TV (Which was off) and drank my tea. In the reflection, there was a youngish boy sitting next to me. I wanted to run, but it was not my first ghost encounter so I forced myself to stay. I just started at the reflection for a few seconds and then the boy spoke. It was a whisper and he said, "I miss my mummy and daddy."

I wanted to respond with something, but he went. I didn't tell Carlos or anyone until we got home.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sophiethunder, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
4 years ago (2020-07-01)
Ok guys, let's just put this to bed and let it go. Sophie has deleted her account and is not around to either defend herself or answer questions to clear it up, so what's the point?
Lorenzo, regrettably it is true that there are some who'll make up multiple accounts. Sometimes it's just to foster 'support' for a story they've fabricated. Sometimes it's just an alias for getting attention. Either way it's just plain sad for them.
Oceana (11 stories) (47 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-01)
It's so stupid that because of something Sophie did two years ago, no one will believe me. Everyone thinks I'm her and it's insane! I wish she never did that.

Wow, how easy it is to mess someone's life up in this day and age.
Donald_Trumpet (18 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-01)

I was trying to avoid coming back to this discussion but since you seem to want some answers, let me show you this sequence of comments from one of Oceana's stories (please read from bottom to top):

"Oceana (7 stories) (22 posts) -3____________ 2 years ago (2018-01-21)
Sorry my cousin decided to mess about on her account. Dopey. I am telling the truth. I wanted some answers the other night when all I was getting was question how I got there.

Sophiethunder (guest) -2________________2 years ago (2018-01-21)
She probably meant to say that. Sorry was auto correct. I meant this not i

Sophiethunder (guest) -2________________2 years ago (2018-01-21)
I meant to say its keeping me awake at night for more hours that id like because I keep thinking about it

Here is the link for the story:


Judge by yourself and, in case you want to compare the writing style of "both" members, you just need to type "sophiethunder" in the "Custom search" rectangle located at the top right of this page under "Search this site". Oceana's submissions are easier to find since they will show at the end of the linked story.
Lorenzo (3 stories) (21 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-01)
Are they then?
I don't think they are, what would be the point?
What made people believe it in the first place?
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-01)

This idea that sophiethunder and Oceana are the same person has been a long standing belief for some time, among several members. Probably since 2017 - I am not sure about the length of time. It isn't like people have suddenly decided to "pounce" on Sophie out of nowhere.

I have been a reader on this site since 2012. I finally made an account in 2019. During my time reading, I have noticed many times where people have made another account and then became involved in the comments and conversations with both. It's not a big deal but it's a little unfair when people multiply themselves and then start talking to people as if they are separate entities.

I, personally, do not think anyone was being very harsh - just direct. Since Sophie deleted her account, it would be very difficult for you to find all of her stories and read how the dialogue in the comment sections went.

Hopefully all of this will not deter you from staying involved.

- Maria



I apologize for answering a question that was put forth to you. I have been watching from the sidelines for a long time and thought that I would say what my opinion was.
Lorenzo (3 stories) (21 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-01)
So are they the same person?

That's what you are implying isn't it?
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-07-01)
Not to worry, Oceana aka Sophiethunder is still active. One account closed, the other still open.
Alina5 (3 stories) (136 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-30)
To everyone here,

I believe we shouldn't argue on this topic anymore creating a ruckus in the comment section.

But still would like to state a fact here when an O/P decides to close their account, it solely becomes their decision and their choice you can't blame it on anyone. The O/P had a choice to further clarify the raised questions or leave lady-glow unanswered since you can't deny that there were indeed some questionable points in her narrative which lady-glow highlighted.

You can't refrain anyone from asking any sort of doubts regarding the story posted, as the comment section is created for such things- to provide a solution to the O/P or people's own perspective on this matter, and also for queries if any, which is exactly what lady-glow did.

I'm not taking sides here but only stating facts.

Miss Oceana,

With all due respect I'll ask you a question.

If you believe that your friend has been mistreated or harassed in any way and solely you've mentioned lady-glow being "disrespectful",

Aren't you harrassing Lady-glow right now and disrespecting her right now? By blatantly blaming her.

I didn't mean to accuse or offend anyone here but its a request to conclude this entire matter here.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-30)

"maybe she has mental problems"


And you say I am the one being harsh?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-30)

The problem is that Sophie tripped on her own words and she decided to leave.

How is it my fault if the facts provided in the linked article do not add credibility to her narrative? Am I supposed to keep quiet and say nothing? Did she leave because her feelings got hurt or because she realized that it was pointless to keep on trying to deny the evidence?

I still would like to be able to see some pictures of the £700 house.
Would you mind to post a link to it? It shouldn't be illegal to do so since it must be already advertised in the internet.

Best regards.
Oceana (11 stories) (47 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-30)
I feel like you drove her away from this site. Maybe some others too, but primarily you.
You started on her the moment she submitted this story. First, you told her that she couldn't count. Oh dear, she added up wrong, is that really such a crime.
Then when Melda said she didn't believe it and Sophie said she was alright with that. You came back and said
"playing the role of the misunderstood victim, better provide the link and make us shut up our mouth.
Jon Santa is seating on the fence. Can somebody help me to throw the BS blanket on this story?"
Why is that even needed? It's cruel and unfair.
So you've successfully got the link to the house, what more do you need?
But no, that still isn't good enough for you and you have to go back at her again. Do you like hurting people's feelings? It seems so.
And when Alina5 wanted questions answered after the massive rant of yours, is it any wonder she didn't and just left. How are you supposed to answer something like that?
The reason she didn't want to tell you in the first place was because she wasn't entirely sure it was legal, and you made her anyway.
It's all well saying you don't mean to be rude, but that's not how Sophie saw it and obviously gave up before you ground her down even more.
Quasar (4 stories) (13 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-30)
What a shame that Sophie has left the sight. I am in agreement with Lorenzo here. I have just read her account and I believe it to be authentic. Her neighbour knowing a Chinese billionaire can be perfectly plausible. Sophie might be from a very affluent part of town with rich neighbours who have access to a Manor House for the weekend. There isn't any concrete evidence to rule it out, just conjecture & speculation. There is a lesson to be learnt here. Let's not assassinate people's narratives and embarrass them enough to drive them away from this site. Apply logic, but also demonstrate some empathy with the author. Well I guess we will never get the full answers now. However good luck Sophie if you are reading this.
Lorenzo (3 stories) (21 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-30)
If it's any consilation, I believe it.

Lady-Glow, I think you were really harsh and that's why she's gone.

No-one ever believed her... Why would she stick around?

Also I'm sure she's not making it up, maybe she has mental problems, maybe she genuinely thinks she went there. Why would anyone make something up when they know if they lie, they will get roasted for it.
Alina5 (3 stories) (136 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-29)
Apologies for the mistake *I wish her to be doing well in time of such crisis*
Alina5 (3 stories) (136 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-29)
What a shame! I never intended to justify my words as hurtful neither do I believe Lady-glow had. We were merely trying to have a logical understanding of this entire situation.

I wish to be doing well in the time of such crisis.

Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-29)
I saw that! What a shame. Talking doesn't really hurt, when it comes down to it.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-29)
Lealeigh & Alina5.

Sophiethunder has chosen to close her account... I guess that's her answer to all of our queries.

Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-29)
Wow lady-glow...

You really put this into "context". I'm sure it isn't easy to get the personal phone number of a millionaire who lives in China. But, I've been wrong before... Many times.

I read some of the historical stuff about Canonteign, the day that Sophie put up a link; but my brain has been slowing down this season and I didn't make any connections.

- Maria
Alina5 (3 stories) (136 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-29)

Thank you for your resourceful comment in this curious discussion.

In one of my previous comment here, I had addressed Sophie on this matter regarding the contradiction in the information I had recieved and the one she had posted.

I dismissed it considering that I may have searched the wrong thing and didn't wanted to create a ruckus in the comment thread. However, I had came to the same conclusion as Lady-glow on this topic.

Hopefully, Sophie is still active on this website to answer the raised queries.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-28)


I have done some google search on this Canonteign house and, honestly, the facts posted on the internet do not seem to match your story.

Although it is true that the house has have numerous owners and inhabitants over several centuries, there is not (recorded) evidence that it has been used like a short term rental, as cited in Wikipedia:

"The old manor house was restored in the 1970s and in November 2015... Was sold to a Chinese investor Liqun Peng[37][38] for £2 million..."

"News reports in January 2020 indicated that the owner had attempted in 2019 to obtain consent from the Dartmoor National Park Authority to turn the property into a holiday let for up to 17 guests on a short term... The application was denied and was modified by the property owner. The revised application was tentatively approved on 16 June 2020 on the basis that the property would not be used as a holiday let until the outdoor swimming pool was "decommissioned and fenced from the application site".[42]"

Refer to the following link for the full article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canonteign

According to your narrative, a friend of your neighbor's friend is friends with millionaire Mr Liqun Peng, who happened to entrust his friend to find, not only, random guests to stay at his multi-million pounds residence, but to do it in an unlawful way since his request to turn it into a holiday let was not approved.

Furthermore, you say "I then had the brilliant plan of phoning the owners to see if they had had any weird experiences. They hadn't. I told her what had happened and she just laughed it off."

REALLY?!?! Did you call Mrs Peng to China?!?!?

This is from an article published Jan 12, 2020:

"The impressive Grade I listed stately home is owned by Liqun Peng, who is based in China, and last year, due to him having to spend the majority of his time overseas, put the property on the market for around £4m."


I don't discard the possibility of Mr Peng conducting shady businesses with the help of his friend though, in my opinion, he would be risking too much for too little, considering that the residents in the area would notice if the house is been use for something they oppose.

I have have many doubts about this story from the very first time I read it and am willing for you to prove me wrong by, perhaps, posting some pictures of your stay at this place? You could blur the faces of your friends and family in order protect their privacy. Would it be possible to do it?

Lastly, I'm curious about the house you choose first, if you had to pay 300 pounds to stay at Canonteign, I would really love to see the magnificence and luxury of a place that charges 700 pounds. And, was this per person a day or for the whole group?

Have you found any information about the mansion being haunted? I'm sure that a place that old and with such rich history has high possibilities of being haunted, but I have some doubts about the reliability of your narrative.

I will appreciate your feedback.
sophiethunder (guest)
4 years ago (2020-06-12)
It was £300, or thereabouts
The first house was £700
freakedoutfreddy (1 stories) (77 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-12)
Wow dude, that house is freaking awesome! How much did you pay to stay there and what's the difference with the price for the first house you're going to rent. I bet it was the Buckingham palace. 🤔🤑😁
VeronicaMarie (5 stories) (106 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-10)
Now *that* is a breath-taking house, Sophie! While I haven't yet found any haunted history about that particular house, there is a house fairly nearby called Bitton House, which a group called Haunted Devon have investigated, and which was associated, family-wise, with Canonteign House. Who knows, maybe the ghosts of Bitton House wander over to Canonteign every now and then.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-10)
Wow Sophie! That's a beautiful place. I know this is unrelated to your experience; but, did the interiors of the house look beautiful? I looked up Canonteign after I looked at your link which provided the name of the house.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-10)
Very well. Thank you and my apologies.

sophiethunder (guest)
4 years ago (2020-06-10)

That is what I found. Yes it's for sale now, but it has the history of the place underneath.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-10)
Well Sophie, this is your opportunity to prove that we are wrong by doubting, or should I say not believing, your stories.

If there's an article about the history of the house in the internet and you were able to read it, then anyone else can read it too.

So, instead of you playing the role of the misunderstood victim, better provide the link and make us shut up our mouth.

Jon Santa is seating on the fence. Can somebody help me to throw the BS blanket on this story?
sophiethunder (guest)
4 years ago (2020-06-10)
Hi Melda
What you say is fair enough. I understand that what I write has flaws and isn't very believable because of it. I just have trouble writing the experience. It never comes out the way I intend it to. I'm always either missing things out or mixing them up.

With regards to the authenticity of Oceana and me and her being the same person, I understand why you think that. I understand why you don't trust either of us. That's okay.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-10)
Sophiethunder - I apologise for the double "regards" - I only meant it to be "regards Melda". Please don't interpret that as being sarcastic or nasty.

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-06-10)
Sophiethunder - I always seem to have a problem with your submissions and it would probably be better for me to just simply ignore and move on.

I still have this doubt about the authenticity of your association with Oceana and cannot shake off the suspicion that you are one and the same person.

Everything that you write seems to have a huge question mark behind it.

And yes, I should probably not respond to you at all on anything you post on this forum.

Well there, hopefully that'll be the end of what I'll ever have to say to you, unless of course I find you more credible in the future. Of course you have nothing to prove to me, the most important thing is that you believe yourself.

Regards, Denise

Regards, Melda

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