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Rude Awakenings


I really have never believed in ghosts, demons, anything like that but just recently I have moved to my sister's house due to hardship and I live in her basement. It is fully finished and nothing to out of the norm.

At night I would hear sounds of "the house settling" or "heat ducts" moving, so I thought. I never paid to much attention to it. Until just about two nights ago everything was OK. Then when I was sleeping something woke me up by scratching my forehead with what felt like a fingernail. WTF! I jumped up swinging and cussing to realize nothing was there. I felt a little weirded out by this but went back to sleep because I had to be to work.

Now I tried to go to sleep tonight and as soon as I lay down and get comfortable, BANG! BANG! Two really loud bangs come from the closet by my dresser... And there isn't anything in the closet at all. So I went up stairs got on the computer and found this site. I don't know what it is or what is happening, but even a few minutes ago as I'm typing this I can hear stuff move down there... I don't like this and I need sleep... How do I get rid of it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I really don't know what else to say except it has gotten kind of frustrating when I can't even sleep because I am worried I am going to get bit or something by something I can't see or even know what it is. Plus I just looked at the closet and now the door is cracked open. I did not open it.

What the hell is going on here and why is it just messing with me? Thank you for reading my problem.

Clinton Parker

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, clintonparker, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

phenonw (1 stories) (32 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-03)
Clintonparker, I am here to tell you, this will not be the last time you experience something like this. It may happen today or 50 years from now, but it Will happen again.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2014-05-17)
Clintonparker, I see you've deleted your account. On the off chance you check back here, lady-glow's comment was not directed at you. She was addressing a different poster altogether, she was not referring to you at all. Best wishes to you in the future.
clintonparker (guest)
11 years ago (2014-05-17)
To lady-glow. How old am I really, 28. The fact that I don't sound knowledgeable is because I am not in this field. I am a machinist, so my knowledge is there, not here. I have never believed or even cared about these such things. If it sounds far fetched because you are a sceptic then oh well. To everyone else who has gave good input on the matter, Thank you. I am leaving this house soon to better my career, and my sister and her family are also leaving.
Psstitsheragain (1 stories) (2 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-15)
Get your house cleansed asap! You could also sprinkle holy water from the church but beware, whatever that creature is, if it knows you're bringing holy water, it'll put up a pretty damn good fight. I suggest you don't sleep there any more. Also check your body to see if you have any bruises/scratches. If you have scratches then GET OUT OF THERE asap! Scratches mean that the ghost is no friendly Caspar. It is a demon which will try to kill you. Use sage to cleanse your house. Also I suggest you visit the church and say an honest prayer. Keep a vial of holy water with you always. Having experienced several paranormal encounters, I can only tell you this. Once you find out about the paranormal, you're going to have to deal with it for the rest of your life. It's not a one-time occurance. It will keep happening again and again. Good luck to you. I hope you will be safe. I shall keep you in my prayers.
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-14)
As someone who's experienced mice first-hand, I imagined mice immediately upon reading this story. That's even scarier than ghosts, IMO! (They're super duper cute but carry viruses and such, which is what concerns me the most. Hanta virus is no laughing matter.) So I think it would be best if you set up some mice traps, just in case, and follow everyone else's advice regarding the paranormal as well, just to cover your bases. Good luck!
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-13)
Ghostexpert101: how old are you,really?
I do not mean to be rude but your comments are too childish and... Far fetched. ๐Ÿ˜
I do not question the fact that there are many people sensitive to the paranormal that happen to be young but your advice doesn't reflect that of a knowledgeable person. ๐Ÿ˜ข
Perhaps you should better look for a site more age appropriate.

I apologize, but I had to take it out of my chest.
Ghostexpert101 (14 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-13)
When they are by th ou say leave me alone now in a stern voice at the chances are it will leave if not read the bible out loud the versus of how god will protect us if that doesn't work pray if that doesn't work try shielding yourself and the children if that doesn't work sage the house if that doesn't work I don't know I'm a psychic if you know its name say leave me alone_______ names are powerful
Try this






Hope this helped and you cqn tqke a video but DONT LET IT SEE YOU protect the children I'm only 13 and I don't know a hole bunch of my family I can conjor and remove spirits I have to be thier to tell sorry that you guys have to go through this
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-13)
[at] clintonparker, I wouldn't recommend filming it. It sometimes has a bad afteraffect. Because the spirit/spirits can use the energy. Also though I am concerned for the children. Especially if it scared one of them. Yes take Rooks advice. Because with investigations comes a lot of responsibility before, during and after. Please becareful, as to whom you pick to come into your home. Some paranormal teams etc, are only there to get evidence rather than helping the situation.
twelveam (74 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-12)
Hi clintonparker,

What I would like to know is how long your sister has lived there and if she ever had any types of experiences before at that place? Since not only YOU but your sister and her son are experiencing strange phenomena as well, then I would tend to believe that it could not be isolated to you. Some really good points here from other posters: It could be an object you brought into the home which let loose in there. These experiences may be linked to your emotional duress at this time, (how long have YOU been living there with your sister?) in some cases a persons emotional state and stress level can "FEED" and/or promote negative energies thus creating what is known as a poltergeist. I would DEFINITELY gather up all the information you have as of now (when, where, and whom had these experiences) and anything about the history of the property or residence that may be a contributing factor, and other people in the houses own description of what's been happening. All these things must be taken into consideration together to come to a satisfactory conclusion as to what's going on. Personally, as others have said here also, I would try to completely rule out any natural occurrences that could possibly be causing these episodes. It would be great to find out what the conclusion to this story is, and if your sister is trying to get a professional team in there for help, then I'm sure they will cover all the factors I've just mentioned, to either confirm or debunk these happenings. Please get back with us and be safe! ๐Ÿ˜Š
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-11)
Whoops my mistake Talib does not mention 'these types of spirits' they actually say "these entities"...but my question still stands... What kind of entities?


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-11)
I've come back after reading all the others comments and the O/P's up date and have a few things to either say or point out...

First...has anyone considered that the O/P is not the 'center' of these experiences? Perhaps they (he) is just the most sensitive individual in the home and therefore the one who notices them?

Second...Talib has a point (kind of) about spirits and basements... Why is that? Answer: for most homes the basement has the HIGHEST SOURCE of EMF in the entire structure and with a source of EMF readily availible this is where a spirit will manifest... Closest to the strongest source of energy to draw from. Talib you also mention 'this type of spirit', just what kind of spirit do you mean?

Having mentioned EMF and seeing the O/P resides in this basement there is a chance that this is a case of EMF poisoning... What I mean is there is a great deal of research into EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) and the effects that individuals may experience when around them... They range from feeling nothing (no sensitivity) to physical illness and visual and auditory halucinations. So while the O/P is truly experiencing SOMETHING perhaps it's not a SPIRIT at all.

Please have the EMF levels checked in the home... If they are high there are ways of shielding those spots... Once covered your 'haunting' many stop. If... IF the experiences continue then you may be sensitive to spirits... More so than the others in the home and therefore YOU are sensing/experiencing them... Even though the spirit is not trying to contact you...

IF you wish to try getting an EVP... Get yourself a digital recorder... Find a block of time when nobody is going to be home... Set it up to record... Say out loud...'This device will record your voice, or any sounds you can make. I am placing it here on this...table...chair...on the floor... On this step (wherever). I will return in (however long you will be gone... 15 to 30 minutes should be plenty...) ''. Then go away for that amount of time... I do mean leave the house. When you get back listen to the recording... If you feel you must ask things like 'What's your name... Why are you here... Then do so before departing and setting the recorder down.

I hope that helps, please keep us posted.

Oh, I must say this... The smell of burning fish entrails would drive me out of a house... ๐Ÿ˜‰


notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-11)
clintonparker - Thank you for sharing your experience with us. You say you are going through hardship at the moment in your life, so is it safe to assume you are not at a wonderful place emotionally? Sorry if I am wrong. When we are emotionally stressed, or bothered, we can attract a negative energy to us.
I would suggest you try praying to what ever gives you strength, whether it be a religious God, a passed loved one, or even just goodness and light, before bed or just any time you feel you need it. If this doesn't work then perhaps a cleansing of the home and yourself. I hope this helped. God bless.
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-11)
talib - if you are not a Christianity follower, why do you suggest the burning fish liver and heart method? Have you seen this work before?
talib (58 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-11)
Dear Clinton,

Basements are preferred places for these entities to reside and they are trying to scare you out of that place. It better to leave and shift to a new home, if you can't for some reason then try this

"Burn liver and heart of a fish (any fish will do, I guess), the demons & evil spirits can't stand the smell and will exit the home never to return, this is a remedy from the Bible and I am not a Christian."

Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-11)
Hi Clinton, I have mixed thoughts about trying to capture it on either 'film' or EVP. Part of me says yeah go for it, and I would be very interested to know, see & hear the outcome, but as this entity has become more prominent, so does its negitivity, and with other in the house, especially young kiddies, I would not attempt anything that could provoke or even encourage it.

I think your sister is doing the wise thing by seeking help, is she looking to a religious figure, or an investigator?

As always, please keep us updated, and take care of your family๐Ÿ˜Š
clintonparker (guest)
11 years ago (2014-04-11)
Hi guys, since writing this my sister and her children, have been getting messed with, the night I wrote this, I got up from the computer, and walked to the basment to go to bed. Thats when I heard my sister's voice from upstairs call my name in a soft voice. I know she was sleeping so I just moved on to bed. The night after, I had not said anything yet because I don't want to look or sound like a psyco, her son had herd his dad calling him from upstairs, and he was sleeping. The youngest girl of 2yrs old, seen something the next day, she sheild her eyes and screaming "Bad guy said he's going to eat me." this is when I told my sister of the strange stuff that happened to me, and then she tells me when she was sleeping something sat on her memoryfoam matress. She could see the imprint of it there by her feet. When she went to get up a shadow flew into the closet and broke all the hangers and and all the clothes hit the floor. She is in the proscess of getting a professional out here to see what they think. I was wondering if I should try to capture it on film or tape recorded. Maybe it has a motive? Or is it best to keep ignoring it? I have more questions than fear of this, its more frustrating than anything.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-09)
[at] clintonparker, yes I agree with both griff and Rook. Could it be a small critter crawling around. Mice are pretty fast and do tend to get quite curious when it comes to dark, low cool places. Or it could be if all things ruled out, a spirit whom is testing you out. Residing spirits may have become used to your sister etc, and now trying to figure out who you are and why you are there.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-09)
Argh, I be the one they call Rook... The method mentioned is indeed posted on my profile. It's a basic cleansing/shielding method and you can insert your own faith into it.

I have to agree, if it's not anything natural then something is trying to get your attention. Any new purchases recently... Or maybe a gift from a friend or Family member? There is a chance... If this is a spirit... That it's attached to an object you recently brought into the house... Well you or someone you live with.

Please feel free to use the method and keep us posted.


Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-09)
Hi Clinton, welcome to YGS.

First thing is first, I would suggest looking in to, and trying to rule out anything 'natural' that could be causing these occurrences. Look for drafts, things falling from the ceiling onto your head, faulty heating systems etc. If this proves fruitless, then move onto the more 'unusual'.

Initially, you could cleanse the house / basement. A user on this site named Rookdygin has a cleansing method on his profile which is claimed to work well. In the meantime, speak with your sister and try to establish if this occurred before you moved in, or if you have disturbed something. Also, look into the houses history if you can, see if there is anything unusual there.

To me, as an outsider, it seems like something is trying to get your attention, and almost trying to frustrate you and keep you awake, I wonder why that could be? Obviously, see if there is another place you can sleep temporarily if it continues to disturb you.

Thanks for your post and please keep us updated๐Ÿ˜Š

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