I really have never believed in ghosts, demons, anything like that but just recently I have moved to my sister's house due to hardship and I live in her basement. It is fully finished and nothing to out of the norm.
At night I would hear sounds of "the house settling" or "heat ducts" moving, so I thought. I never paid to much attention to it. Until just about two nights ago everything was OK. Then when I was sleeping something woke me up by scratching my forehead with what felt like a fingernail. WTF! I jumped up swinging and cussing to realize nothing was there. I felt a little weirded out by this but went back to sleep because I had to be to work.
Now I tried to go to sleep tonight and as soon as I lay down and get comfortable, BANG! BANG! Two really loud bangs come from the closet by my dresser... And there isn't anything in the closet at all. So I went up stairs got on the computer and found this site. I don't know what it is or what is happening, but even a few minutes ago as I'm typing this I can hear stuff move down there... I don't like this and I need sleep... How do I get rid of it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I really don't know what else to say except it has gotten kind of frustrating when I can't even sleep because I am worried I am going to get bit or something by something I can't see or even know what it is. Plus I just looked at the closet and now the door is cracked open. I did not open it.
What the hell is going on here and why is it just messing with me? Thank you for reading my problem.
Clinton Parker