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More Fun And Games


I know it has been a while, and I am sorry. Things have been crazy here. And I didn't have my computer for a while. So here is the new stuff going on.

About two weeks ago I had what you could call SP, but I get SP every year, and along with it comes a black dog that sits in front of my house in the road, never mattered what house, or where, it happens every year for about 2 months or so, since around the age of 14, so I know what SP is. This was way different, but might have been sp. I do get it at other times but not on a regular basis. What was different was I could move but truly felt like I was being held down.

I was home alone kids at friends hubby at work. And I couldn't make a sound. None of the dogs were in my room and normally if kids are gone all 4 sleep with me. I suddenly got this over whelming feeling of frustration. Then the weight lifted and I felt better. I went on with my day like normal.

My middle girl is 13; she is going through a phase where she is denying, very loudly all the time saying that ghosts and my little friends don't exist. As normal they are very upset, first it was her things missing, her phone disappeared, we found it in the pile of clean towels in the bathroom, then her MP3 player, and her jewellery etc., all fun and games at first. She has always seen things no one else could, but right now she is in this I just want to be normal phase, but what was funny is now a problem because other stuff is getting messed with. You will open a cupboard just to have it yank out of your hand and slam shut, her sisters tab disappeared, and reappeared under the middle of her mattress, not under her bed but between her mattresses, dead centre, and just tonight the van keys disappeared, they were there one minute and not the next. Hubby had to reach in and turn the key to open the driver's window because the handle is broken, he did and they were there but he had to run back inside, now we never take the keys out, never, even in the city. He got back to the van, got in and the keys were gone! He looked everywhere, he was almost late for work he retraced his steps, in case for some reason he brought them in, when he got back to the van they were on the driver's seat. That is just the tip of things going on, my daughter seems to really be upsetting things, being a new teenager she won't listen to me or dad.

The other morning I woke up and the dog food was in a neat pile next to the dog bowl. The only thing she is not denying is her "angel". She firmly believes in him and he is the only thing I doubt. She talks to him by writing her question or fears or whatever down on a little piece of paper and burns it, then dreams the answer, or feels better. She has done this since she was little. My husband and other 2 kids and the dogs are all getting very upset.

As normal feel free to ask any questions or email me or find me on Facebook, I am going through sage like crazy.

More coming soon!

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bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-13)
thank you for saying that, and any one who wants to know what happened, she has a fb page we started when she first went into ICU,
"harleys get well page"
Or you can get a link from me, thank you all for the thoughts and ideas, I just hope it calms down soon. And I am sure it will eventually, I will post a update or maby another part of my past soon.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-08-12)
I think every parent on this site just nodded at your comment, "im sorry that it came across as if I am saying its all her fault, I don't blame her, she is just the common factor in all this, and since she is not talking about any of it, I guess I am venting on here, I'm sorry." We've all been there at some point. Sooner or later our emotional 'pot', as it were boils over. And it has to go somewhere, right? 😉 Doesn't mean you love her any less, or hold her accountable. But, I feel I should say that maybe that need to vent also plays into the activity. Myself, and a few others have spoke from the view of your daughter, over-looking your view of things. Anyone who has dealt with a sick child, especially experiencing the near loss (twice!) of that child, has to identify with the level of frustration you feel. At the same time, you have the demands/needs of others riding on you. Ye Gods and little fishies, girl! You are definitely entitled to a bit of venting.
bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-12)
im sorry that it came across as if I am saying its all her fault, I don't blame her, she is just the common factor in all this, and since she is not talking about any of it, I guess I am venting on here, I'm sorry. My friends have always been a pain, as for any other energy, she is very upset and I can see it causing it. She is just difficult to talk to right now. As for a guardien it would not supprise me. She needed something powerful by her side to get through it all a strong as she did. What ever it is it kept my son up all night until he came to the living room and slept there. There is definatly more activity. As for talking to my friends, I do it all the time, it is just second nature to me, being an at home mom I have a lot of quiet time these days so I just babble on, lol I sound crazy standing in my kitchen venting or demanding they leave something alone or telling them to give back what ever it is they took. Even my husband is known to talk to them. Having them around as long as I can rember, I guess they are just a unseen members of the family. Thank you for all the ideas.
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-11)
You know, being as how she is as sensitive as she is, she might have got a guide at an early age as she described. If she wants to call it an angell, so well. I so agree with everybody about the cleansing and the poltergheist. Also, you know how they say about the teen years, don't sweat the small stuff, there's plenty big things out there and with respect, I couldn't help but notice "she is really upsetting things," and "she's done this all her life, and the kids and the dogs are really upset," wow all that's her fault, powerfull kid. Maybe it would be good to take a few breaths and think, well she didn't cause any of that, right? The entities she pissed off caused it, they are the problem, not your daughter, yes? I'm thinking if I sensed my own mother faulted me for something someone else did,... Well what would you do? Just something to think about.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-08-11)
This maybe entirely lopsided, but is it not possible that your little friends are upset over the current activity also? Of course this is going off the assumption that it is not of their doing, but of another energy. Perhaps you should try enlisting their aid.
Your daughter is probably acting out of pain and fear more than anything. PT is no fun at all, and just another reminder that you are not 'normal', it has probably changed her social life too, as she is unable to do things as she did before. I recall being in PT and the therapist told me to only work up to the pain and not through it. She could see it in my eyes that I was struggling. I told her, "If I do that, I'd never start." The pain was a constant for me, both physically and emotionally. I don't know for sure, but this could be the case of your girl too. F you explain this to 'them', perhaps they'll understand. It's a shot.
bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-11)
i yell at "them" all the time and say I'm sorry a lot, I need to go buy another plant or a water feature, as silly as it might sound, it works lol. I'm not to sure about the poltergeist idea, but maby. My husband says he lives in a jungle. My daughter is doing a little better, but her problem right now is physical therapy. They had to remove muscle and bone in her back and fuse 3 vertibray in her neck, so it is slow going. I go through sage a lot, because we use it to calm and clean the house, right now we are using it every night. One of the reasons we think it is them is my husband and son are seeing them out of the corner of there eye a lot more, they are way more active it seems. My husband hates it, lol. He never had any thing like it happen until we moved in togher, he even talks to them now lol.
MandyyNicole (7 stories) (183 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-10)
Oh I have, they are very interesting, I must say. I just meant have you done so recently, since this new poltergeist-ish disturbance has been going on, in case it happened to be something other than the gremlins... But i'm not sure if taking authority in that manner would work for dealing with a poltergeist...?

But since it may be THEM, have you tried apologizing on her behalf, or is that something your daughter would have to do for herself?
bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-10)
"they" have been with me my whole life, I have tried telling them to leave it never works. Normaly they are quiet, but they do get moody, and offended. For more info read my other stories.
MandyyNicole (7 stories) (183 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-10)
At risk of sounding like a crazy person, have you ever tried telling "it" (whatever "it" IS) to stop messing with you and your family? Just like when things that should be there go missing, do you ever ask for them to be returned? I used to have that problem while I lived in my old apartment, turn away from something for a second, turn back and it's gone. But I found if I took authority and said "return it", i'd turn my back again and it'd be right back where it belonged.
...And before you assume I had just misplaced my things, I had a witness to these events, lol.
bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-10)
we do a lot as a family, a lot more now after every thing. And it got worse when we got home from every thing, we live in nebraska and had to go to denver for her stuff they didn't have what she needed care wise here, and she needed a special surgon.
bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-10)
yes she is in counseling, the sage helps for a short time. There are many good thoughts here, I do think she has upset my friends they can be moody but the polt. Idea is very possabl to, she has a jorunal, she has had one since she was little. She is acting out, so are my other two kids. It was hard to go through, but we are all stronger for it. She had a bad mrsa infection internally in her spine and neck. Thank you for the ideas.
MandyyNicole (7 stories) (183 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-10)
You say you're going through sage like, is it working at all, or no?
Do you think her denial is causing your "little friends" (in reference to your other story) to try and "prove" themselves?
As much as i'm in agreement with the poltergeist suggestion, it almost sounds like the gremlins you have are kind of pissed off at her for denouncing their existence and mocking them as "your little friends". I say this only because you said you're burning through the sage like crazy (and I assume with no result?), and nothing you've tried so far has ever made those little guys leave you alone... So maybe they're acting up, and possibly feeding on her new, teenage energy?
Only a thought.

I'm really sorry your family is going through such difficulties, especially with her medical problems. Keeping you all in my thoughts!
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-08-10)
I want to ask you, did the activity worsen before or after you almost lost her the first time?
13 is a tough age. Going through a lot of changes (hormones), not a child but not an adult. Add to that her medical issues. That can cause a lot of anger resulting in acting out, even in adults. Counseling may well be in order, for yourself as well as her. You did not mention what the surgeries were for, but I sense there could be a lot of 'why me' under that anger.
All of this could be generating poltergeist activity. I suggest a house cleansing ASAP.
Something else you might try, if your daughter does not have a journal, get her one, and respect its privacy. Sometimes committing things to paper allows us to purge ourselves, sort things out. You could be the best mom in the universe, but there may still be things she's uncomfortable with sharing. Also reassure her that you love her. Try including her in making some decisions, like what to have for dinner, or where to go on a family outing - which would be the better outfit for you to wear, things like that. That will help strengthen the message that you know she is growing up, but you also value and respect her. She might start listening a bit more.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-08-10)
That brings a new perspective to the situation. That's more than any 13 year old should ever have to deal with, more than any family should have to go through. No real surprise she's acting out so badly. It also makes me think any poltergeist activity may not necessarily be just tied to her.
Although poltergeist manifestations are most commonly associated with teenagers, adults going through extreme stress can spawn a poltergeist as well. Your whole family has been through a lot of tension worrying about your daughter's health, and she's obviously got plenty of reasons to be in state of tension.
It's good that the kids have been medically and mentally cleared, but it sounds like she's still an emotional wreck. Who wouldn't be? She could be questioning everything just to prove her own existence.
My suggestion would be to do as much stuff as a family as possible, which you guys are probably already doing lol. But if you can, go places together, get out of the house together, it doesn't have to be anything big or expensive. Picnics in the park, driving country roads or historic areas in town, just go out. If she doesn't want to acknowledge the existence of the paranormal, that's cool. There's a lot to life that doesn't involve the unexplained, find areas of common interest and leave the paranormal on the back burner.
If time passes and she's still acting out, it might be in her best interests to consider counseling. She's been through hell with her health, and it may be taking a toll on her emotional health. It might be worth considering the entire family having counseling if possible. You all went through it together, so you all may be bearing a greater load than you realize.
Anyhoo, that's my opinion. Find new common ground, give her time and room to question, and if necessary seek out professional assistance.
bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-10)
a big thing that is not helping, she has been going through major medical stuff, this past year, 2 major surgeries and a month in icu. We almost lost her twice.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-08-08)
I was going to ask about being cleared medically, so thank you for pointing that out, bbydoll, because I did not want to sound rude.

I'm going to second BJJ here with the teenager energy/poltergeist (lots of fascinating studies done on the power of a angry/angst-y teenager's mind).

Every person has to go through a struggle with what they believe vs what everyone else believes. I grew up in a fundamental household and definitely rebelled as much as I possibly could (piercings, tattoos, goth clothes, black hair, I went all out). I came out a skeptic atheist, but it's what suits me and my personal beliefs the best.
Questioning everything, even things you know to be true in her case, could turn out to be extremely healthy for her to do.
Give her as much space as possible, but be there for her and support her through it. She's just as confused as you are right now and not much you can say will change it until she figures out her answers on her own. Ten years ago, I was the same way.

If you are worried about the possibility of a negative sort of energy, it wouldn't hurt to burn sage or do a cleanse that suits your beliefs. If she will let it, maybe teach her to meditate so she can center some of those crazy adolescent thoughts.

Best wishes and lots of respect for a strong parent ❤
bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-07)
the angel stuff started when she was little. She started it before she could write, she would draw a picture and we would burn it togher, although I have no idea where it came from. She just came to me and asked to do it, now that she is older I'm not included. I have never thought much of it. I am just waiting for everything to clam down. She has always seen things, she hasint learned any kind of control with it though, my son hears things so he plays his music a lot, and my youngest is more of a empath then any thing. And yes I have had all three cleared both medically and mentaly.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-08-07)
Some of this could just be, as Rook says, a teenager being a teenager. Teens can be stubborn, and it's normal for them to question everything and substitute their reality in place of the reality they had previously accepted. When I was teen, I was all about UFOs, conspiracies, and told anyone who would listen that Bill Clinton was really a Martian. Didn't really think he was, but man was it fun to watch people flip out when I said it.
So, it seems possible to me that some of this is just teenage rebellion, that she's entertained by the reactions to her denial. If that's the case, she'll get over it. She's going to drive you crazy in the meantime, but rebellion ends. There could be some poltergeist manifestations mixed in with the rebellion, so some of the chaos could be linked to her and not the elementals. Poltergeists, like rebellion, eventually run their course. Patience may be your best option. Denial of the paranormal will pass, as your family deals with the paranormal regularly she'll come around. My opinion, little as it may mean coming from a non-parent, give her space to question and form her world view.
That's not to say step out of things. This angel thing bugs me. Most likely it's just a part of her rebellious, questioning phase, just something she's hyping up to set herself apart. Most likely, there is no "angel."
However, there is always the outside chance something is present. Keep an eye on this angel situation. As much as I think it's probably nothing, I also think it's best to be cautious.
bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-07)
thanks rook, I will do it, all three of my kids are sensitive in one way or another, went through it with my son but my daughter is a force all her own. She has grown up with this stuff around. She is just being difficult. But I do want to nip it in the bud.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-06)
With all the energy an based on her age there is a chance a poltergeist has been attracted into the home and in particular to your 13 year old daughter.

As her body and mind mature she is questioning... Well everything... Who she is... Athority figures in her life... All a normal part of growing up... This can involve some intense emotions and fluxuations in not only her personal energy but in the household... The entire household as well.

Now a cleansing and/or shielding is in order... YES I have one posted on my profile... No I am not promoting myself. You can use any method you wish to do the cleansing... Just do it before things get worse.


bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-06)
how do you get through to 13yr old, and is storming just making my night fun.

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