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Someone Is Having Fun


Jubeele and I have had many instances of items going missing, only to reappear in places that totally defy our collective logic. What makes an impact, is those occurrences where you look several times in the place where the item should be, for no result, yet it appears in that spot, usually after Jubeele acknowledges the joke and asks for the item to be returned.

Well, the prank has now changed with the latest performance exhibiting an amount of artistic flair. This is not the first time that I've encountered an entity that has an affinity with electricity, but that's another story and I digress.

The "instrument of torture" in this instance, was my mobile phone. At night, I plug it into the charger, the phone beeps and the display indicates that it is charging. The charger plugs into a power board which plugs into the wall. All very complicated, but it allows me easy access to power outlets, unlike the wall socket, which is hard to reach.

Two nights ago, I plugged the charger cord into the phone, it beeped, the display turned on, indicating that the phone was 60% and charging. However, as I looked up, I noticed that one of the power switches in the wall was turned off. Visually following the power lead, I realized that it was from the power board connected to the charger.

Two questions immediately sprung to mind - "How can a mobile phone charge without any power?" and "How did the switch turn itself off?".

I now became concerned that either the wall switch or the power board was faulty. To figure out which device was causing the problem, I plugged the bedside lamp into a spare outlet on the power board. The lamp did not turn on. This result throws up a complicated mess of "what ifs", so I concentrated on the wall switch and managed to turn it back on.

The lamp immediately turned on while the mobile phone continued to charge. I turned the power off and both devices shut down. I turned the power on again and behold - logic had been restored to the universe, with the lamp shining brightly and my mobile phone now 75% charged.

Now this would normally have been the end of the incident, I would have signed this off as coincidence and not bothered to publish on YGS, but last night I plugged in my mobile phone and turned on the lamp, but nothing happened.

There was enough light from the hallway for me to see that the wall switch was turned off. Again!

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RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-23)
Ghost sees medicine: Oo! New toy!

Rex gives a long and boring lecture. Ghost wanders off?

Happy Christmas to you and Jubelee! 😁
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-18)
lady-glow and Melda,

Jubeele is busy hunting down food for T-Rex and Christmas, so its my pleasure to reply to two of my favorite ladies on YGS.

Firstly, our best wishes and prayers are coming your way for happy times over Christmas and the New Year. Always look forward to reading your comments and either pondering your words or sometimes having a quiet laugh.

Riding the "Rocky Mountaineer" is still on our bucket list and part of the attraction will be trying to spot somebody wearing a "glow in the dark suit" waving at us from deep in the crowd.

Jubeele has received and responded to your email Big Sis, please try to stay in touch.

As far as the items that go missing are concerned, its a matter of spiritual training. For instance, I have to take anti-reject drugs everyday at roughly the same time. When these items "go walk abouts" the joke turns serious. Fortunately, there has been several lectures on this subject (as my growling and cursing have not worked) and no further disappearances have occurred.

Peace to All on YGS this Christmas
Jubeele & Rex-T
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-18)
Jubeele and Lealeigh - The trolls are here to stay. After all this time I'm still being targeted, usually on older stories but often on recent ones as well. End of stoty. They get thrills out of doing this, they've become serial trollers. No assistance available for serial "whatevers".

Jubeele the missing and returned items intrigue me and I have also found that when you talk to the culprit nicely and tell him/her that you really need something for a specific purpose it often turns up somewhere. The worst were my eye glasses. I spent almost three weeks without those and it wasn't a joke although the perpetrator thought it was, considering where he left them. (Vic)

I'm going to send you a test email to your ygs address and perhaps you would just let me know whether you receive it.

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-18)
Rex-T - I think somebody "out there" is aware of your particular skills and has been testing you on them! Pitting his knowledge against yours so to speak. If this had happened to me I would probably have had to call in an electrician 😟

The missing items can become infuriating, particularly if you need something specific right at that moment. Once you stop searching they very often do reappear and at times in very strange places.

Go well -
Regards, Melda
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-17)
Rex and Jubeele.

I'm sure that whoever it is staying/visiting your place does it because you two are very fun to be around... They might find your company even more enjoyable than the afterlife.

A big hug and warmest wishes to you for this Christmas and the coming year.

Glo (w) ria. ❤
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-17)
I once lived in a home that was an electrical death trap. I was in a bad mood one day; after I finished vacuuming, I yanked the vacuum cleaner cord out of the socket and got a shock that sent me into the wall behind me; I knocked a portrait of Miles Davis off of the wall and didn't get the feeling back in my arm for more than a week. 😆
You live; you learn.

The other time was my harebrained adventure trying to repair the charger cord on my laptop. I couldn't let go of the cord.

I can still feel both of those events like they happened an hour ago.

- Maria
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-17)

You're part of the YGS family and have taken the time and effort to leave a comment. The least that I can do is reply.

In my younger days, I was told to not take electricity for granted, as it can kill. After getting thrown across a driveway while carrying out some modifications to my mate's car, I took this advice very seriously, hence this latest prank really did catch my attention.

If elephants never forget, imagine how long an old dinosaur's memory spans. Particularly one that has stared a few extinction events in the face. It certainly changes one's priorities and outlook on life.

I look upon this human condition with fascination as no matter how much these individuals try to hide their footprints, they always leave tell tail signs. I understand that this can be unsettling but us old dinosaurs have one other thing going for us - we have very thick skin and sharp teeth.

Aka Rex-T
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-17)

Don't worry. Some troll has gotten me for over 200 karma points in the last two weeks (I'm not sure how). This person doesn't ever say anything; they don't have anything to say. They're an online bully who resents us for trying to be a community.

They're hoping to make you and I (and maybe others) feel like we're being rejected by the community so we won't feel good about commentimg anymore.

It's okay; have fun troll. I don't even look at people's karma points anymore since they're so arbitrarily taken away.

It's sick, really. It's ridiculous that someone spends their time being a troll to people they don't even know.

Get a hobby troll. Keep doing this; It makes no difference at the end of the day.

Sorry for the hijack into Fantasy Land, Jubeele and Rex-T. I wanted to say that I enjoyed this story very much! I understand enough about electrical currents to have been mildly electrocuted in my own home twice; your account does seem strange!

- Maria
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-17)
Oh my, I see my personal trolls are active again and targeting comments from a while back. Wow, they're still taking an interest. Since they dislike my comments so much, they really should let me know why. 😉

There have been many occasions when I've been 'contacted' by someone who is protective of us. The 'knowing' to check for messages, be suddenly alerted of a running tap or an iron left on upstairs, or wake up just in time to find a leak somewhere in the place. Now, I've sensed family before and have had occasional signs from them. But I also have someone else who was part-Choctaw. A friend who knew her in life, of Cherokee descent, had asked her to watch over me; she has been visiting for the past few years.

She's been making her presence known by little pats on the head, feathery tickles on the arms, legs and feet, or a warm glow like a hug. We've seen the occasional shadowy wisps or flashes of light. She plays little pranks on us. Drawstrings of bolster slips would come unfastened a few times a day and have to be retied again, and again. Glass windows or doors would crackle loudly even when there's been no temperature change. I'd hear something fall over in the kitchen but find nothing out of place.

Things go missing from their usual spots and when I ask, "Ok, where is it?" - it will suddenly be there when I didn't see it just a moment ago. Last year, a purple ball of wool went missing from downstairs. Months later, I had the thought to pull out the camphor chest from the bedroom upstairs and found the purple yarn there among the dust bunnies!

Others might dispute all these frequent happenings as coincidences or simply our imagination. But even sceptical Rex is now of the impression that we've got a positive and fun-loving guardian spirit. 😘
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-15)
Hello Silverthane and thanks for reading.

I'm an communications technician by trade, of which, electricity plays a significant role. To be competent in locating faults, one has to apply a logical approach, which in my case, suited my skeptical approach to nearly all situations.

Indeed, twenty or thirty years ago, I would have reacted in a similar fashion (except saving myself the embarrassment of complaining to a fellow electrician). Yet there were a couple of instances where I had to apply Sherlock Holmes (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) logic - "Eliminate all other factors, and the one which remains must be the truth."

I'm only certain of being correct when the facts are overwhelming, but sometimes suspicions are all that we are left with.

silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-15)
Electricity is not my strong point especially when it comes to electrical outlets. I have to confess that if the same thing happened to me, my ignorance about all things electrical would have not led me to believe in anything paranormal. I think I would have just complained to an electrician. Please do not misunderstand me. You are obviously better versed with electricity and I am sure you are right in your suspicions.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-13)
Thanks. Makes more sense now. And the presentation is a semi-annual thing: June and December. Dates vary and we won't know more than about a month in advance.

I shall light candles and say prayers for you.
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-13)

Sorry Bro, I'd love to come visit you but my liver specialists still won't let me leave the country. Maybe next year and Jubeele is insisting that you have to bake some of your famous gooey chocolate chip cookies.

The power board plugs into the wall socket and the switch on that wall socket is the one in question. The bed lamp plugs directly into the second wall socket and its switch was turned on.

The bedroom ceiling light is a low voltage halogen down-light which is controlled by the light switch near the door. The power for our apartment's lights are on a different circuit to the power outlets.

Hope this helps.

RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-13)
Hi, Rex, my honorary brother-in-law. It seems we will definitely have a White Christmas (tm, copyright, etc.) this year. Also next week, Saturday 21, is a talk by one of my favorite speakers, free and open to the public. Will you come?

Anyhow, thanks for the information but I'm not sure it answered my question. Is there a wall switch that controls the outlet the power strip is plugged into?
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-13)
Hi Cherubim,

I think there is a grain of truth in the philosophy of a little older and a little wiser.

I believe that not all "encounters" are demonic or even scary. In the cool light of day, we usually know in our "heart of hearts" what means us harm, what is really not interested in us and those that perhaps want to cheer us up or help.

Good to see "Someone" is looking after you.

Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-12)
Sounds like you have a very playful spirit over there! 😁 Once I went to lay on the couch, it took me a long time to transfer myself from the wheelchair I was in at the time. After I was finally comfortable I wished so much that I had turned the lamp off. My leg was in a cast and it was so hard for me to get around. Then all of a sudden the lamp switched off?! 😳 It's not an easy light switch to manipulate either. I just laid there and said "thank you!"
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-12)
Hello RC

Long time no hear. I hope you and your family are well and Christmas brings you peace and a mild winter, in these times of extremes.

To answer your question will involve describing the "setup" of our bedroom, so here we go!

As you enter the doorway to the bedroom, the light switch is on your left (near the inside of the door-frame). The feature wall and bed face the doorway on the far side of the bedroom. On either side of the bed are double power outlets, about a foot off the floor.

On the night in question, light from the hallway and Jubeele's beside lamp provided enough illumination for me to find the charger cord and plug the mobile in.

There is about an eight inch gap between the bed and the bedside table, so enough room for the hallway light to filter in and cast enough light on the double power outlet for me to see if the switches are on or off (providing Rex-T doesn't get his big head in the way).

Hope this helps set a mental picture.

RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-12)
Hi, Rex! Guess I will comment here, first?

Was just wondering if the switch for the outlet the power strip plugs into was next to the switch for the ceiling light, or whatever provided general illumination to the room?

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