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Ouija Is Not A Game


I have always been interested in the paranormal, ever since I was a child. I would scare myself half to death by watching shows on television about ghosts and demons and I would always be reading books about them as well. I have been fascinated by the Ouija board for as long as I can remember. It always seemed so neat that someone could communicate with the other side with just a "game"... Or so I thought.

I used to write stories on here under a different name - but the name no longer described me, so I decided to open a new account to share my latest experience. Recently, I have been doing some self-discovery to find out who I am, and what I believe in. I have settled on an individualist point of view - I believe in myself and am powered from within. I came from a childhood of Christianity, but ever since I had gone through my dark period of life, my views changed drastically.

I did my research on the Ouija board. I knew that it was potentially dangerous, and that there was always a chance that something malevolent would come through. Despite the warnings, I went ahead and pursued my interest in the dangerous game.

My first experience was with my best friend. It was late one night and we decided to make a Ouija board. I feel that making a board instead of buying one is better because you have better control over it and the outcome of your session. We lit some candles and dimmed the room and tried to make contact.

The first time we tried, we didn't get anything so we put the board away and went to bed. The second time, however, we did make contact. The spirit we spoke with was named "Rose". (I am changing the names to respect privacy.) Rose was a young woman who died in a car crash in our area. She seemed like a positive energy, but then she began to count down the number line. At the time, I did not know what that meant. After looking it up, I found out that when a spirit is counting down, it is trying to escape the board. Before it got to 3, we moved it back to the center. My friend asked, "You're not really Rose, are you?" The planchette moved to "No". We were still trying to communicate when the planchette kept moving off of the board - another bad sign. We then closed the board and put it away, and acted like nothing had happened.

A few nights later when I was just getting out of the shower, my phone rang. I picked it up and it was my friend, hysterical. She was crying so hard I couldn't understand her. I finally got it out of her what was happening - and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She told me that she was home alone and coming out of the shower, when she walked into her room to find the light on and the Ouija board sitting in the center of her bed with the planchette right in the middle. She took a photo and sent it to me. If I still had it, I would have included it with this story. She also said that her pictures were falling off of the walls even though she kept retacking them. I was a little bit freaked out, like anyone would be, but I had to help her. She was afraid to be in her own home, and that was not okay. I told her I would be over first thing in the morning.

When morning came, I packed a bag and was off to her house. I was going to perform a spiritual blessing - nothing religious, but something we both believed in. We created our own holy water, water that was holy to ourselves, not God or anything like that. It included spices and salt, and we blessed it with self-empowering words. In a nutshell, we spread our holy water around her home and told the entity it needed to leave and was not welcome. We also did the white light ritual to aid us. It worked - nothing happened again.

My second story is the most recent, and frightening. My cousin and I decided to use the Ouija board one day. We wanted to try to contact our great-grandfather, and we did. Everything was perfectly fine. We also contacted my cousin's grandmother, and it was very comforting. We closed our session and went to bed.

The next day, we wanted to do it again. We said and felt my personalized "protection", as I call it, before beginning. We lit a candle and asked if anyone was there. No one in particular, we said, and we soon got an answer. We spoke to this man named "Bill" who was from our area, and he told us he was fine with answering any questions. We asked him basic questions about our futures - like about our schooling, jobs, and families. He told us he was a good spirit that was in heaven, and was with God. We thanked him for his participation and closed the session.

We asked the board again if anyone was there - we again, got Bill. We decided to ask him more questions, and this started to become a strange session. I am very serious when it comes to using Ouija boards, while my cousin is always joking. He knows that I take it serious, and tried his best to take it serious, but of course, he couldn't help cracking a joke. After he made his joke, Bill spelled out "L-O-L". He told us that he liked us, and we were nice. We then asked if we would be able to contact him again if we used the board. He said yes. So we closed the session, and left our homemade board alone for a month or so.

Today, I was visiting with him, and I suggested trying to talk to Bill again. He agreed, and we went to go use it. We began talking, asking a few questions, and then after a while, I asked, "Would it be okay if we tried to contact someone else?" Bill replied no. I asked why not, he said, "Because you are my friends." I asked him if he would be angry if we tried to contact anyone else, and he said a little bit. This was a significant red flag to me, so we said goodbye and decided to dispose of the board. We performed a ritual of cleansing the board and said closing prayers. We not only closed the board, but closed it from our lives, letting in only positive energy. We folded it into threes, to resemble a sort of trinity, and disposed of it into the trash can. We sealed the cleanse with an empowering meditation.

Later on, I returned home. Everything seemed normal until I had begun to wind down a bit and get ready for bed. I could sense a sort of uneasiness within myself, and being me, that was not okay and something needed to be done about it. I felt though the day's occurrences were throwing off my spiritual balance, so I performed a cleanse through meditation. All negative feelings were released during this cleanse.

The point of the second story was to get some feedback from the members of YGS. What would you suggest be done to prevent any bad energy coming from a session of that sort? I was feeling a little bit nervous about the outcome. We respectfully disposed of the board, but if Bill was angry, I didn't know what was going to happen. Please leave your suggestions on what should have been done, in your opinion.

If anyone is interested in my methods of opening/closing the board, meditation/spiritual cleansing or my sealing ritual, let me know and I will explain. Thank you for taking the time to read my story, and I look forward to your comments.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, KennedyM, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

MikeArcAngel (2 stories) (21 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-12)
I think you had every right to be 'uneasy' with this Bill spirit. Anything from a Ouija board can pass itself off as a normal person who died. The trick is weeding out a lying spirit, and you did just that. For example you said that Bill told you he lived in heaven with god. But he also suggested he'd have been angry if you tried contacting other spirits with said board. I know from the bible that there isn't a soul in heaven with anger in his/her heart, especially if they were judged. I think you made contact with a bad sprit or possibly a demonic entity. So as for the cleansing rituals you got that right to the tee:D I wouldn't be able to suggest much else other than constantly wearing a piece of your religion on you, sometimes it can give you just a little more warmth and faith if you need it.
Best wishes,
Nightwish13 (2 stories) (19 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-13)
first of all it seems that your rituals and cleansings worked to dispose of the negativity. I see no problem with mixing beliefs as long as they work for you and believe them. And also there is nothing wrong with making your own rituals/spells etc. After all arent all rituals made up at some point? Personal power is a very powerful thing and can go a long way in ridding negativity from ones self and environment. I do agree with some others research is always importand... Never stop learning. But never be afraid to mix beliefs and come up with your own solutions. As for ouija boards as you already know procede with caution. You seem to have a handle on things contrary to what others may believe. Ofcourse you don't know everything... No one does. Be safe and well.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-12)
kennedy - if you're still using the site and checking your comments, I am from NJ as well and completely get the whole finding yourself and learning your religion. If you ever need to talk... Because it seems like you do... Feel free to contact me. Zeariel at yahoo dot com.
Please don't take offense!:)
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-23)

I do not believe there is a HARD, FAST, SET way to set up a protected session... You can set up a protective circle around the table you are going to be set up on... This SHOULD allow only positive spirits/entities 'in to use the board' it also sets up a boundary that any contacted spirits/entities cannot cross should they somehow manage to cross over. There are many different belief systems so there are many different ways something like this can be done... DO NOT jump right in and just do it...research, study... Ask questions... Find a mentor and BE CAREFUL.


elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-23)
The best advice for that is to avoid it.
If you believe that they work and in spirits, there are other ways to attempt to get a hold of them that are more worthy of your time.

A lot of people try to be safe with that board and, as you can see by browsing this site, that is not a guarantee of safety.
Grimoires (5 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-22)
Please forgive if this is not the correct place to ask... But as it rather relates... Could someone please share the proper protected ceremony and method by which to use the Ouija? Or instruct please on where to find such answers for safety and precaution. Please please, pretty please. This info would be sooo very useful and helpful. Cheers.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-22)

What makes you say that? Only 'not the good ones'?

In many years of experiences I have never seen, nor heard of just 'bad/evil...or even DEMONS ONLY being the ONLY type of spirit that can communicate through a Ouija Board.

I am curious where you got your information from, thanks in advance.


WeScorchedTheSky (9 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-22)
Just one thing- the spirits of deceased people cannot come back to earth and communicate through an Ouija Board. Only the other spirits can do this, and not the good ones
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-13)
Probably no one wants to hear my theory about burning the OB and tossing it in the MacDonalds dumpster. So but seriously, a poster on here once said no matter what tradition you follow, a little humility goes a long way and this makes a lot of sense, Kenedy, because you are young and obviously already know about everything you asked about because you told us so. Which is OK because we also knew everything when we were teenagers. But don't forget the humility thing because para-normal only means normal beside what we understand as normal. Meaning you DON'T know. Right? And the research is a must also, like Rook and, well everybody said.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-07-12)
alien11able - we're talking two different spirit worlds here. Kennedy is not trying to contact the Holy Spirit aka God, she is trying to contact people who have died.
alien11able (9 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-12)
I don't understand... To contact the spirit world, people say to always turn to the Ouija board. If you want to really talk to the spiritual side, why not simply pray and read the bible? You will definitely then be talking to "the Spirit" and you will most certainly be answered! It WORKS! And no negative events occur while speaking to God. Ouija boards are not necessary... Just go get your bible! You will be most pleased with the results! ❤
mimerkki (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-11)
Thanks Rook. I hope you start taking in new stories soon, (so I can post some of my experiences and get feedback.)

Love, mimerkki.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-11)

It's not that Spirits or Entities are 'more powerful' than us... Not at all. It's that proper precautions were not taken and undesirable results occurred because of that.

When summoning a Spirit, Entity or Heaven Forfend a Demon 😲 or even using something like an Ouija Board you cna 'preset' protections and barriers... Things that protect you and the other users and define an area where the contacted spirit must remain. Protection and Containment... In many of the experiences with the Board you read its a group of teenagers/20 something's, at a party/sleep over or 'on a whim' because they found or made one... Sit down WITHOUT trying a basic protective prayer/spell or containment 'circle' and just 'PLAY' at contacting spirits... Then something really 'comes through' the easy opening these individuals have made and all HADES breaks out.

The Ouija Board IS NOT a game I do not care what GAME COMPANY produces it... It should be used like a power tool... Follow all safety precautions... Keeps your arm and head with-in the ride at all times...Ect...ect...ect.


mimerkki (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-11)

This has very little to do with the origina post, but I did't know where else to post this. If no one comments I totally understand.

I have nerver heard of containing a spirit during an ouija session (like I said before, I have very little experience with these things). My question is: if almost anything we encounter in the spirit world is more powerful than we are (someone posted this, I think) how can we contain the spirit during the session?
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-07-11)
Nick, You might try googling - there's 15,800,000 results all pertaining to the spirit "counting down to escape the board". Kennedy clearly states,"After looking it up, I found out that when a spirit is counting down, it is trying to escape the board." I assume she googled it. That's what kids do today. (Ooops, I dropped the 'k' word, sorry Kennedy, not meant as a jab.😉) In my opinion she did the right thing, she closed the board.
Now, Miss Kennedy... Please, research more before plunging in with both feet, as Rook said. Read the old books. This site: is a decent jumping off point. Read,research, and then read some more, and double check what you think you know. Conversing with the dead might seem like a 'neat' thing, but all those 'cautions' you hear and the warnings of it being 'evil' or bad? They've been passed down for a reason. Knowledge is a wondrous and powerful tool, but a little knowledge in matters like this, can be very dangerous. Be careful.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-11)

I have an experience here on YGS that has a spirit moving a board and a planchette without the aid of anyone touching it (them). I must also point out that Poltergeist move objects a considerable distance at times so who's to say that a spirit 'eager' to communicate was not trying to 'speed' things up. Can you imagine trying to communicate with people for a long time without them noticing you... Much less responding... Then suddenly there are not one but TWO people who are interacting with you via a 'spelling/counting' board... What would you do?

It's fine if you feel this experience is a work of fiction... And your welcome to state that... And the reasons why... That can start a healthy conversation about the topic in question. But the name calling...that's just childish and mean.


KennedyM (1 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-10)
[at] Nickideums

Nobody is quite sure about anything in the paranormal world -- I do have to say that I was taking others' advice at the sight of the countdown. I am one to debunk experiences to my greatest ability, but I wasn't able to analyze what happened to my friend, unfortunately.

Otherwise, your comment was unnecessary and unappreciated -- please take your rude comments elsewhere.

This comment from Nickideums is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

KennedyM (1 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-10)
Thank you both for your comments, I appreciate them entirely. The advice given was great -- something I will take to heart.
mimerkki (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-10)

Rook had a great post again. I don't have any knowledge with ouija board, (only a couple of experiences), so I can't offer you much in that regard. There was a part of your post, that felt familiar though. You said, you were self reliant and that started ringing my bell. I have experienced myself, and heard from many different people, how very difficult experiences make us trust only in ourselves. We are together here in the world and need, in my opinion, ourselves, each other and when people fail, something more. Like Rook said, keep searching and living, and you will create and find.

Respectfully, mimerkki.

PS: sorry for spelling and such. I am not native in english.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-09)
I am about 50/50 with this one... I will NOT tell you OB's are bad, evil things for one simple reason... Their not, they are mearly a tool.

Next, thank you for supplying your old screen name... As another poster pointed out it helps us put two and two together without having to solve for X first.

As for creating your own board... Good on you...A+ for trying new things and understanding that by doing so you can 'build in' safeguards as you create it. But others have pointed out something very important... MORE RESEARCH and KNOWLEDGE before jumping into the deep end again. There is an old saying... If you can not explain it simply then you do not understand it enough... Or something to that effect and this was NOT easy to understand. Case (s) in point...

Disposal of your board... Not many people understood what you meant by your reference to the trinity... I did...Heart, Mind and Spirit was my first though but, and here is the confusion I mean... You say Mind, Body, and Spirit... Almost but not quite the same thing... And your 'holy water' That is something I understood as well... To your its a 'sacred cleansing' blend of water and herbs... For YOU it represents cleanliness and purity. Again if you cannot explain it simply, you do not understand it enough yourself.

I walked a simular path to yours... For details please read my profile and some of my experiences... So I feel comfortable saying these things... Everyones Path to Enlightenment... The it what you will is unique... We all walk our own paths... Some never learn, others stray and some just refuse the Knowledge that will lead them there... Keep pushing forward, ask questions... Try new things... But temper this with a bit of caution... Never attempt things on your own and always remember to ask questions...


KennedyM (1 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-09)
I have used an OB multiple times -- it wasn't just stuck on two different spirits.
An easy way to explain my "Holy Water" would be by calling it just that -- even though it is not what is used by religious people. It would be difficult to explain to some people what I was using if I didn't call it that. It's not "Holy Water", it's a blend of spices and whatnot that is meant for cleansing.
I don't think anyone would be able to find it... It was in a white covering among a plethora of other items.

I am not wishing to give advice -- I simply stated that if anybody was wondering about my methods or had questions, they were free to ask and I would explain.

The trinity was not a reference to the "Holy Trinity"... It's more of a connection between mind, body, and spirit.

Thank you all for your cautions on the OB, however, I was aware of this before I began.

My previous username was "GodlyGirl", registered in 2011.

Warm regards

Argette (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-09)
You know, I played with an OB in high school. Nothing ever came of it, at least nothing that I noticed. Maybe I wasn't paying attention.

That's not to say I think they are harmless; I don't.

I don't think I'd want one in my house, based on what I have learned from other YGS posters, who know a lot more than I do about such things.
samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-09)
Hi sorry to jump on the band wagon but I totally agree with every former comment. I was also too coming to ask what you previous user name was, I don't think it was necessary to open another account, but at least your being honest with your post. You are very very lucky that nothing has happened to you in regards to using a OB, I would take everyone's advise and never use one again. I don't feel you sufficiently dispose of the OB either, you have disposed of it in a way that leaves it open to someone discovering it. OB are dangers, I have dabbled myself when I was a teenager and would never do it again. I am pleased you have gone through a phrase of self discovery too, but never under estimate the power of the paranormal. The people on here that have given you advice, take it, use it and don't be offended.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-09)
I don't suppose you'd be willing to share with us your former screen name (s)? It would be helpful to know your past experiences, see how they relate to your current situation.
Also, no offense, but it sounds like you have a lot of study ahead of you before you make any further attempts to use a Ouija board. If you intend to use a board, seek out legitimate knowledge before using it again. And before you offer any one advice on Ouija use, be very sure you know what you're talking about. I can't help but feel if you were knowledgeable enough to give advice, you wouldn't be here seeking it.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-09)
Hi KennedyM, I go with lady-glow and RedWolf. I have told more than 100 times in this site to various persons, don't use Ouija Board. It is bad. I don't know what kind of precautions you have taken on both the occasions but still you and your friend had experiences. You are a teenager and that is what your profile says and I don't think you have enough experience in these matters. I don't think you have any control over what is/was on the other side. So, I would advise you not to give any sort of suggestion or advise in this matter as it would mean harmful to others too.

But please I advise you once again not to have any session with Ouija, alone or with others.

Regards and respects to you.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-09)
I am going to say to you what I say to everyone foolish enough to play with a OB. DON'T DO IT. Even if you make your own you have NO control over what happens or what comes out of the portal. You are kidding yourself if you think you can. Nobody has a higher power over it if they make it themselves or use a store bought OB.
Also about your Holy Water do you really think it works? And folding it into a Trinity? What is that about? You are either religious or not and you can't use religious symbolism when you want if you don't believe in you're religion.
I agree with ladyglow don't give advice unless you can prove it works you can do more harm than good if you do.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3180 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-09)
KennedyM: I, personally, think it is a shame you decided to change your user name; knowing your previous experiences with the OB would make it easier to understand the present ones.😐

I do not want to be rude and I hope you do not take it the wrong way but, based on the spirits that came through in both sessions, -do you still believe your method for opening/closing a OB session really works?
What about the "trinity" thing, do you believe or do not believe in it? The outcome of a prayer depends on the strength of a person's faith, and it seems that you believe just in yourself, I do not get why to use this symbolism.

But since you are asking for suggestions, here is what I think:

It is good to believe in ourselves, but in some cases is better to trust methods that are proven to work, perhaps you are taking your "individualism" too far and doing foolish things. And please, do not offer your advice without knowing if your methods really work.😠

Good luck in your spiritual journey.

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