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The Mystery Of The Pencil Game


I'm a high school student from Pakistan. The last month or so the attendance level in my class has been really low. On normal days, we barely have 15 students in the class and that means a lot of free time.

3 days ago, 21st January, it was raining heavily in Lahore, the city I live in. A hail storm followed, we were alone on our floor, all lights shut, just 11 students talking. One of us came with the idea that we should talk about something scary and everyone agreed. We made a circle around the corner of our class and started with all the descriptions of our nightmares, everyone fetching stories from their memories and one such was the story of "Charlie" and his game. One of our friend told us about a game, "Charlie Charlie", most you would already know about it but if you don't please search about it. We all agreed to play the game and we're pretty excited. We set out apparatus, placed our pencils and started.

"Charlie, Charlie, ARE YOU THERE" everyone with their eyes fixed on the pencils and to our surprise, the pencil moved to "Yes". We were all baffled after seeing this, most of of ran screaming off but my friends stayed. (This is what my friends told me, I wasn't present on that day.)

So, When I came to know about it, I, being skeptical about it straight-on rejected the possibility of them contacting a spirit without any preparation, pre ritual and setting.

Next day, during the break, the apparatus was set again for me to see. My friend asked the question and the pencil actually moved, I wasn't scared or anything as I've had these encounters before but I still couldn't believe that a spirit contacted us without any real effort, it seemed so "unreal" even for a spirit.

I wanted to debunk this theory and wanted to prove that there was no spirit, just one of us messing with others. I had my eyes on one person, a fat mischievous boy, who have a mouth big enough to move the pencils without anyone knowing. I pressured him and he confessed that it indeed was him but here's the catch; we showed our Teacher that there was a spirit, that time that student wasn't near the pencils but the pencils still moved, and I'd a sleep paralysis as well in the dates.

Now I've two questions, Can it be that there was *some* reality in this game between all the messing our friend did with us. Second, is there any game which can actually work in my school?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, abansar, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
5 years ago (2019-02-10)
Like lady glow, I too have little faith in the Charlie game - not to say that a resident spirit couldn't have simply taken advantage of the situation. A word of caution, however, contacting the spirit world isn't a game, the consequences can be serious if undertaken by individuals not well versed in the proper methods and precautions. I recommend sticking to sharing spooky stories 😉
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
5 years ago (2019-02-02)

" We made a circle around the corner of our class..."
" We all agreed to play the game and we're pretty excited. We set out apparatus, placed our pencils and started."
" We were all baffled after seeing this, most of of ran screaming off..."

After at least FOUR times using the pronoun WE (used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together), you say that "This is what my friends told me, I wasn't present on that day."?!?!

So were you or weren't you there? It cannot be both and, for some reason, I don't think this confusion is due to a language barrier, since your English is excellent.

Other than that, this "Charlie" game has been already debunked.

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