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Something Walking On The Roof At Night


I live in far Western Texas in the middle of a large town/small city, between New Mexico and Mexico. I was awoken on an early morning in mid/late July 2011 around 3:30am and heard at least three "creatures" on my roof. One that seemed to be running around in circles over living room which is the room next to my bedroom. A second one that seemed to be going around the house. And a third one that seemed like it was jumping on and off the roof in the front of the house. My house has circular layout under a square roof. Every room except mine and the bathrooms have two entrances. So you can walk completely around the house from room to room. The front and left sides of the house are typical triangular pitched roof (like a prism). Well two prisms merging together at 90 degrees, the rest of the roof (the second extension) is flat.

I went around the house from room to room in the darkness trying to see if I could see if anything was in the house and to see if my family and cats were okay and all inside. Everyone was safe and fast asleep and I did not find anything in the house. But I had this strange feeling that whatever was on the roof knew where I was inside the house.

As I went around the house I tried to stay in the shadows and along the inner walls of the house so if anything was looking through the windows would have a hard time noticing me. I looked to see if I could see anything outside the windows but I never saw anything. I was too terrified to get close to any of the doors or windows. I eventually went back to my room when it things settled down. From my bed I listened for more sounds but did not hear or feel anything. I eventually fell back sleep.

The next day I told my family about what happened that morning and no one believe me. I told my friend who lives down the block and across the street. He did believe me and told me that they are "demonic aliens" that have the ability to cloak themselves somehow. He also said that he fended one off one night outside his home with the power of Christ. While a great friend, he does not seem to have a sense of logic and easily believes things to be aliens/ghosts/spirits and conspiracy/cover-up without thinking rationally first. So I have to dismiss his claims. I never talked about it again with anyone and I eventually wrote it off as just a dream, but I knew it wasn't. Every July since then I often stay up until 4am hoping to hear something and I never have.

Then it happened again last Monday morning. This time I was completely awake and had been all morning. I was doing homework when I heard something walk over my room at exactly 3:31am. It sounds exactly like a way a person would walk, maybe a child, about 50-150 pounds in weight. Again I went around the house and everyone was safe, asleep and inside. Once again tried looking out the windows and doors but did not see anything. I think this time whatever it is was just passing by.

A week later I decided to ask one of my neighbors if she heard walking on her roof late at night. The look of fear on hear face when I mentioned it was all I needed to know she experienced it too. She told me both her and her daughter have both heard something walking on the roof late at night. The most recently being on last Monday morning. I am going to ask my neighbor on other side of my house if he has heard anything when I get a chance. I would like to know what is really going on.

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RocketSledder77 (1 stories) (4 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-30)
Sunday August 30th 2015 between 4:05am 4:20am incident:

I just came home from my friend's house. My iPhone was dishing out a nice selection of songs on random. So I decided to stay in my car parked in my driveway. It is in front of my house. The car was running and the doors were locked. I was rocking out to the music when I looked in front of my car and saw something about four or five feet tall move from right to left in front of my car. It is hard to describe it, it looked like it was gliding. A Semitransparent "thing" that just moved by. I guess like when you see a reflection of jet plane pass over head in a window. I fumbled around to get the headlights on. But only saw the back of the other car parked in front of me. I moved my head around and looked through the windshield. It was definitely not a refection or glare from something else. I took a glance to the far left of my house and saw the same thing passing through my yard in front of my house and then along my neighbor's fence. On the same line and route that it did when it was in front of my car. I don't know, I blink or something. But it was not there anymore. I glanced at the clock in my dashboard. It was still the same time as it was before. The same song was still playing. So no missing time. I continued on rocking out. I was not going to let this event ruin my good time. A few songs later I saw the same thing pass behind my car in the rear view mirror. I turned around and looked, but I did not see anything. I did not see anything pass in the side mirrors either. I gauged its movements. It should have passed left to right this time. I should have seen it pass down the sidewalk or down the street from my estimate in the mirror. But I did not see anything. I music is good so I tried not to let my fears get to me.
After a while a dud song started playing and I have been in my car for about 30 minutes. When I should have inside asleep already. I walked inside to put my stuff away and changed my clothes. Outside I heard a helicopter that was moving around in large circles. First I heard it in the front of the house. Then the back of the house. Then like it was circling back around. It began to fade, but it sounded like it was going around as though it was looking for something. Then I noticed I heard something else as the sound of the helicopter is fading in the distance. I heard what I can best describe as humming metal somewhere outside. I gently putted down my cat on the floor and decided to see what is going on. I opened the front door and took a cautious look outside. But I did not see anything. I decided to go down to the sidewalk and looked around. I did not see anything, anywhere. Nothing in my yard, or anyone else's yards, nor on any of the rooftops, nor in the trees, nor in the sky. I am guessing I missed whatever happened. But I heard this faint sound in the distance about every six to eight seconds. The best way to describe it is like cricket, but NOT. I started to feel creeped out and decided it is best to come inside and turn on some lights.
replytoall (3 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-06)
RocketSledder77- Unfortunately, I agree with some of the other members who have posted stating that your experience is most likely the result of critters as I have been in the exact same situation. About a year ago I heard walking back and forth on my roof during the night. I was home alone and needless to stay I was completely freaked. This happened maybe a handful of times over a couple of months. One night I finally got the courage to go into my back yard with a flashlight, shined it on my roof, and low and behold there sat three cats! It turns out that my neighborhood has quite the stray cat population and sometimes they play on roof tops during the night. You do not have to have possums or raccoons to experience this sound- just cats (and you stated that you do have cats in your neighborhood). Please keep us posted on any more developments. I would love to find out that the noise is NOT the result of a cat although I do believe this to be the case!:)
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-01)
As someone who currently resides in New Mexico, I can tell you that the desert is still full of critters.

From raccoons, to snakes to coyotes to squirrels. In a city, it can even be tom cats and rats (unfortunately, they live everywhere).
I would set up that game camera and see. It's likely the best course of action.
RocketSledder77 (1 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-30)
Oh I am not saying it could not be aliens. It really did feel like I was in the movie Signs at the beginning when the cast see and hear something on the roof. A]nd at the beginning of the attack when the aliens are on the roof and gain access to the attic. Funny those aliens had a way to "cloak" themselves as well. Their malicious intent could seem demonic to a religious individual like my friend. But I think I am letting my imagination run wild. Looking back I think that is how I explained. "OMG I felt like the movie Signs came to life for me last night." The experience feels more "solid" and "real" than a haunting.
RocketSledder77 (1 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-30)
Thanks everyone for the responses. I knew when I said I lived in Texas that people would get a little confused. I do indeed live in Texas, but on far western end it is vast desert valleys and mountains here. The landscape and climate are exactly like the rest of southern New Mexico and very similar to southern Arizona. There are no possums (thank goodness because I think they are scarier than unexplained footsteps), racoons, squirrels or even large rats (at least not in this part of the city). I also do not live near anywhere that is rural. It is a nice most peaceful inner city neighborhood near the center of the city.

Sheetal - I did not hear any voices, just footsteps/walking and some running on the roof. But when I was going around the house during the first event I had this feeling like whatever it was could see me or knew what I was doing.

Elnoraemily - There is virtually no humidity here. I am not a roof expert but it is your typical pitched roof. Held up with wooden beams and plywood (I think that is what it is) with shingles that resemble sandpaper fixed together and to the roof with tar.

I recently installed sensor lights around the house but none of them were triggered last week.

The only animals we have in this part of the city are cats, dogs, small birds.

There is another story on here about a girl from California that also has something walking over her friends' houses. In her case it sounds like something is trying to make contact. But that does not seem to be the case with my situation. Now that I read her story I am always looking up at mine and the neighbors' roofs hoping to see something.
Spockie (8 stories) (203 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-30)
Are you absolutely sure you aren't hearing possums or raccoons on the roof? Believe me, they make a lot of noise and can sound a lot like people walking around.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-09-30)
I definitely would have to shove aside the demonic alien explanation, as well. I am very glad that you did.

In Texas, there are many creatures that get active at night, as Wish-Not said.

If you have a night camera, or a game camera as Wish-Not also said, you could prop that up and keep an eye on the roof. It could be anything from opossums to raccoons playing. They are also not very expensive. If it is an animal, set humane traps and release them a few miles away, if they are becoming too disruptive.

What is your roof made of? Make sure that your roof is not warping in the humidity during the day and cooling at night, because that could cause structural integrity issues in the future. It could cause a series of settling and groaning sounds mistaken for footsteps.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-30)
hi rocketsledder77 I found your story really interesting. You are brave that at least you looked outside to find what is it? I am amazed why that voice is only heard by you. Simultaneously I am agree with Wish-Not give a try with cameras.

Thanks for sharing and stay safe.

Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2014-09-30)
RocketSledder77- Well I guess I'll be the first to say that one needs to eliminate the natural causes for the noise. I grew up part of my life in West Texas so I am aware of the critters that run "amuck" after dark. I would suggest the game cameras that are available at most retail stores. Give that a try and you might be comforted to find a natural cause.

I would not put much into the demotic aliens. You were correct in not leaning that direction.

Keep us updated on what you find. Thanks for sharing.

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