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Real Ghost Stories

She Walks The Roof


I wish to share this story told by my mother a couple of months ago. It was one of the nights when my mama is staying up late waiting for my papa to come home. My papa works from 2pm sometimes up until 1am the following day. By the way I work from 2pm until 10pm but I am usually home by 11pm.

My mama cannot sleep unless we are all complete. This one night, my papa was assigned in an operation from his job which requires them to render over time hours of work. It was quarter to 2am already. Mama stayed by the window. The night was peaceful. Until such time that she thought she saw a lady in white gown (seems like a night gown) walking at the top of our neighbor's roof. You see, when looking by the window, all we can see are roofs of our neighbors' houses. She thought that maybe her eyes were just tricking her. But, after many minutes, the apparition was still there walking on the roof.

She found it weird. Who in her sane mind would walk on the roof at the wee hour of the night? But then, she just shrugged and still waited for my papa.

After barely 30 minutes later, my papa arrived.

The next day, when my mama was cleaning our backyard, she heard two of our old neighbors talking to each other. Their topic? It was a lady that was seen walking on the roof at the wee hour of the night for 3 days straight that time. So, when my mama saw that lady it was actually the 3rd day she was seen walking there. Mama, being curious with the topic and by what she saw the other night, joined the conversation. Since Lola Siony's house is nearer to that neighbor's roof where the lady was seen, she clearly saw that it was actually the mother of our neighbor (owner of that house). You think there's nothing wrong with that? I thought so too.

But, the thing is, that neighbor's mother is already bedridden due to terminal illness and they said that they're actually waiting for the time she will be joining our Father in Heaven.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, majarlika012, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-06)
Sarah-E, I read your comment and was perplexed. You wrote that your friend worked at a nursing home and one night you "saw an elderly man walking on the roof of the building she worked at and wondered if an angel was going to take someone to heaven that night? I never asked my friend so I don't know". Why didn't you assume the elderly man was a resident of the nursing home who had possibly wandered away from supervision? Shouldn't your first thought have been letting someone at the front desk know that security should check the roof?

Before the thought of an angel coming to collect a soul entered your mind should've been one of concern for an elderly man walking around the roof.
Sarah-E (guest)
6 years ago (2019-01-06)
my friend used to work in a nursing home and I would pick up my sis late at night around 11pm. One night I saw an elderly man walking on the roof of the building she was working at and wondered if an angel was going to take someone to Heaven that night? I never asked my friend so I don't know?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-28)
Perhaps the lady's soul was wandering around, free but still attached to her sick body at the same time.

More than once I have wondered if the soul of a dying person is able to 'visit' their loved ones and/or go to meaninful places, that could explain the sightings of the bedridden woman walking on the roof.

Thanks for sharing.
majarlika012 (12 stories) (122 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-28)
Hi legionnaire97:) For the sake of other people reading (non-Flilipino speakers), let me translate what you have commented.

(Ok maganda yung story. Pero parang ang unusual naman yata kasi kung madami naman palang nakakita, malamang sa malamang nung time na nakita na nila yung babae sa bubong, may nagsisigaw na)
>>Ok the story is good. But, it seems unusual knowing that many people have seen the lady on the roof at that moment, more or less, there will be someone screaming already<<

And as a response to you, no one knows that our neighbor (the one seen walking on the roof) is already bedridden. The time they have seen her, they didn't know it was actually an apparition. They thought, just like what my mom thought, that it was nothing. Just a lady walking on the roof. The only time they were convinced it was some kind of paranormal was that morning when my other neighbors talked about the lady and the lady's daughter confirmed that her mom is bedridden.:)
legionnaire97 (3 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-28)
🤔... 😕... 😐

Ok maganda yung story. Pero parang ang unusual naman yata kasi kung madami naman palang nakakita, malamang sa malamang nung time na nakita na nila yung babae sa bubong, may nagsisigaw na.

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