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The Creepy Doll In My Grandmothers Basement


I am new to this site. I have read several stories and they all seem to be very interesting. The one I have is creepy and it bothers me from time to time.

I live two houses down from my grandmother who has lived in that house well over thirty years, and I am now thirty one. In the basement when walking down the stairs at the end you come to a wall, to your left is the laundry room, a bedroom and to the right another bedroom where one of my six aunts lived. She has always had a love for clowns and the two bedrooms have an adjoining closet that you can slide open and walk into the other room.

Well, my aunt has a four foot porcelain face doll that has a creepy smile and look on its face. When I was younger I had to sleep in the opposite room and the two doors to the closet have been removed on one side so I got a pretty good view of the creepy clown doll. One night when I was fifteen I stayed the night and the doll was on the left side of the room. It stormed that night and I swear to god I seen it in different places with every flash of lightning... And when I woke up the next morning it was on the right side just two feet from the closet, sitting in a position where it was staring at me with that evil smirk.

To this day it is still down there and even my mom says that it has moved from time to time with nobody physically moving it and to this day I will not go down there alone.

Sorry if this has been long and boring but to those people that hate clowns, I hope to be hearing from you and for you to share your experiences with me. Negative comments are welcome, I'm not easily offended or get mad either... Thank you

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thedudebraski (1 stories) (9 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-15)
my email address is mauricegauna [at] if you anyone is interested in a picture of the doll or for further questions
thedudebraski (1 stories) (9 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-15)
well thank you all for the input... The argues or what ever you would call them are kind of interesting. But the point about annabelle is that I wrote this story before the previews even came out, I'm not 100% positive but I am pretty sure. As to a couple of questions yes, my entire side of my moms family meaning sisters and grandfathers sister have lived there, some ghost activities have been mentioned by mom and other aunts, and when my grandfather died, three days later my mom and grandma were sitting in the living room and the light went from dim to bright and dim again... But we all felt that was my grandpa saying his final "goodbye"
Shady4u (2 stories) (188 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-27)
I gotta admit I'm not really fond of clowns, they scare the living hell out of me. You really must be a brave one to share a room with one such doll even if it's for a night. Your story should be added to my list of reasons as to why I should keep off from clowns. Lol. Keep posting. (:
Satobhisha (3 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-25)
Hi Sam hope your doing fine! I would like you to know that The Conjuring is not about dolls and you can go ahead with the movie.
JayGamer (31 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-24)
[at] thedudebraski I think you should ask your grandmother about that doll like its history
mantisshrimp (1 stories) (2 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-24)
Yeah, dolls are creepy. My mom bought be a porcelain doll when I was little. She had blond hair, blue eyes, wore a white dress, and held a small bible between her porcelain hands. I kept her because it was a gift from my mom, but she remained in the closet where I never saw her. Dolls freak me out, clowns not so much (unless it is Pennywise).

My word of advise would be to not focus on the doll or what it does. It would seem that the more attention you give paranormal activity, the more present it becomes. I'm not an expert, just insight from what I have read.

Para-Hunter-Anne33 - (just a side note) I think it is awesome were able to gain insight from the Warrens. I probably would have geeked out a little because they are truly amazing and very professional. Plus I would love to hear stories of their actual accounts first hand.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
Hi thedudebraski! I was gifted a stuffed teddy once when I was a kid. It always gives be odd fillings whenever my mother kept it near to me at bedtime. I still not able to figured out the reasons behind it, but still now I hate stuffed toys and dolls.
Though, thanks of sharing your experience and welcome to YGS.

With best regards
Para-Hunter-Anne33 (19 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-23)
Okay Think I need to clarify a couple of things:

Hazel Eyes--- With all due respect, I never said the book Or its author was about Demonologists--- That word was the idea of the author of the book: The Demonologist is simply the TITLE of the book-- that's all.

And for Sam222, You are welcome.
VanessaNixon_x3 (13 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
From time to time I get a strong six sense type feeling about a situation, usually not over the computer but by reading this I get the impression that the doll itself isn't haunted but whatever spirit is there knows that you think the dolls creepy and is feeding off of that and is moving it to scare you and get your attention. The spirit may not even be evil or a demon if nothing else has happened?. But I get a feeling that its a spirit, I don't know why I want to say a lonely spirit who's merely playing around and goofing around with the doll trying to scare you... I don't know if she is a negative spirit or not but maybe she is because she's trying to scare you... I might just sound like a nutcase but that's what I am going to say I think is happening.
Sabrina_the_teenage_witch (2 stories) (2 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
hazeleyes, I don't know. I knew someone once who had a possessed doll and tried to get rid of it, but it only angered the spirit and the doll kept returning to her room. Eventually they had to smash its porcelain face in the presence of a psychic who cleansed the house of any lingering energy. After that, they were able to dispose of the doll. I'm not saying it'll be like that, but if it's a particularly strong spirit, I'd say its possible. Just so you know, no one was ever hurt by the doll, but the psychic said it was feeding from their fear.
hazeleyes (1 stories) (34 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
I'm sorry for bringing it up again miracles but I just read the post from para-hunter-anne33 and I have to say it's not a smart thing to look for a book by demonologists and learn more about demons. I think by looking for information on demons would only provoke them to come into your life. It would be so much safer if you left that stuff alone. Demons are scary and you wouldn't ever want to be harassed by one.
hazeleyes (1 stories) (34 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
Well it's good that you're not easily offended, so unlike me:P Have you tried telling your grandmother? Maybe if she knew she'd get rid of it and you wouldn't have to be so nervous to sleep over with that clown doll. There's a very good chance the doll is possessed. So if I were you I'd tell her to get rid of the creepy thing before it hurts her or you or anyone else who spends the night there.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
Okay - I think we've fully covered Annabelle so can we get back on track with advice/comments about thedude's story? 😊

And, yes, I'm just as guilty of causing the distraction as everyone else LOL I'm just trying to bring us back on track. Thank you 😊
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
Para-Hunter-Anne - Thanks I go to the library a lot il see if they have it.
Para-Hunter-Anne33 (19 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
For Sam222: If you want the original TRUE telling account of Annabelle, either buy, or borrow a copy from a library called The Demonologist: The True Story of Ed and Lorraine Warren, the world famous exorcism team. By author Gerald Brittle. There is a complete word for word chapter about "Annabelle"-- taken straight from the Truly REAL actual Case files of the Warrens. And the actual REAL annabelle doll was not just an ordinary raggedy Ann Doll--- It was/is a STUFFED Rag doll that is hefty and is 4 feet tall (by usa measurements) -- basically the size and weight of a typical 4 year old Child. And This info for all who are interested in learning the TRUTH about Spirits Possessing dolls?,... Mr. Ed Warren himself offered in many interviews the factual statement that "...No, the DOLL was NOT possessed. Spirits don't possess things: spirits possess PEOPLE," Ed informed the three people. He went on to explain, "Instead, the spirit simply moved and MANIPULATED the doll around and gave it the illusion of being alive." (Brittle; pp 50-51) (1980). It's an interesting book. However, I also have had actual real contact with the warrens and their investigation team. As I obtained 1st hand knowledge from them concerning a Research Thesis on how Spirits (both human and INhuman) possess people and are able to convince the person it's just a sub-persona (Alter Personality) and can Drive the possessed individual to begin suffering from the creation of Eating Disorders. The whole team, as well as the Warrens, were very helpful and generous with their ability to share their vast years of knowledge and experiences for my research paper. Sorry this is long, But needed to let you know this other reference material is out there in the world-- just in case you wanted to know more about the subject. Hope this all helps you understand a bit better. Stay safe in Spirit, S.L.M.
MandyyNicole (7 stories) (183 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
Yeaaah, nope. I hate dolls. Having to sleep near one, especially the one you described... Just a big fat NOPE. My great grandma had a doll that sat in a chair in the living room, when I spent the night i'd feel like it watched me so eventually I started putting it in another room lol.

And I had no idea there's a movie coming out about the annabell doll. I am so excited right now.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
Me too LOL. The link you provided is definitely an interesting read.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
Elnoraemily & miracles51031. -
Gee thanks that Did help answer my question, seriously thanks that was interesting to look at. I'll have to watch the movies. So they just used a different KIND of doll to make it more moderne and probably scarier, and it was probably easier to make the movie with.

Sorry thedudebraski for having a conversation not about your story on you comment spot. There should be another spot on this site for questionsto other users on there profile page or something
, and probably private and other things that might not have to do with the stories
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
No problem:P
I giggled quite a bit when I realized we had both posted those links at the same time.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
elnora - now that was funny 😆 Thanks for providing the link for Sam222 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
Sam222 - I hate answering for other people, but here is a link that may answer your question to Yinzer.

elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
Annabell is based on a true story (allegedly true).

The doll in the actual, real world story is a large raggedy Ann doll. They changed it to something more frightening for the movie.

Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
Yinzer- what do you mean just a raggedy Anne doll it wasn't in the commercials
Yinzer (2 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
Sam 222 the real annabel doll is just a raggedy anne doll her mother gave to her.
Femaelstrom (1 stories) (56 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
Dolls were created initially as a reproduction of the human body... A place that spirits could 'exist' when there was no physical body. I do not doubt that there are a LOT more weirdo dolls in this realm than just the ones we've been exposed to via Hollywood.

Dolls ARE creepy. I think the creepiest ones are the ones the sell as companions... Those silicone dolls, both baby and adult! I had them as a kid and thought nothing about it, but as I got older, I grew out of them... As NORMAL people do.

Try saging the space if you must spend time there.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
Satobhisha- I'm sorry I've never seen the conjuring I've heard of it but don't know what it's about. If it has to do with dolls, dolls are definitely scary like the one in this storie. I was shocked to hear the doll had for legs in story!
Satobhisha (3 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-22)
The story seems like Anabelle! & Sam 222 Anabelle is not good as The Conjuring
lady-glow (16 stories) (3203 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-21)
Dudebraski: welcome to YGS.
You say you were fifteen when you saw the doll had moved to a different place during the storm, well perhaps what made it move was all that overload of energy that people in their teen years have, in other words, it was you who moved the doll with the power of your mind.
Good story, thanks for sharing.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-21)
Hey you guys is that movie Annabelle any good, and how scary is it I like scary movies.
And do they sell replicas of the Annabelle doll?
I don't like dolls like that but if I got one I would keep it in my room.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-21)
Wow, um interesting story. Really scary. Seriously. I have never had a paranormal experience with a doll but I don't like them at all there just creepy. Except for in the movies they are awesome (like chucky). Maybe it's a poltergeist possessed doll that's trying to scare you just for the hell of it, otherwise I'm not sure.

>> Do you have a picture of this doll by any chance, or is it possible for you to get a picture soon, because I'm really interested in what it looks like.

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