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Its Tormented Me My Entire Life


Ever since I can remember I have always been terrified in my own house. I live in a small town in Pennsylvania and my house was one of the first built here. My house was a farm house and where the majority of houses are now, used to be the farm.

When I was younger I used to have these night terrors about this shadow figure standing in the corner of my room watching me as I slept. Sometimes in the dream he would lead me into my other room and I would look at the closet and it would be surrounded by darkness. I just knew he was in there. I would be absolutely terrified and I would wake up screaming. I have 2 rooms that connect. My bed is in one and the other is a play room. Every once in awhile I would be playing my video games and I would be overwhelmed with fear. The feeling someone was watching me was so strong, I had to leave the room.

When I was about 11 or 12. My parents started to fight all the time. There was a lot of tension in the house. A little after that all started, was the first time I saw "her". I was laying at the bottom of the stairs looking up and I see this old lady in a long white dress and very short hair, walk across the landing into my room. But the strange thing was, I wasn't afraid of her. The next week I explained to my mom what I saw. Her mouth dropped and she told me, that is what the woman who used to live in the house looked like. She had short grey hair because she had cancer and the dress was because she was a nurse back in the day.

A little after that is when stuff started to get bad. The nightmares about the figure got worse and stuff started to move around. I would be trying to go to bed and I would hear things flying across my other room. One day I had the door cracked and I watched a fold up chair fly across the room. One night I was trying to sleep and I kept hearing the closet door slamming over and over again in the other room. I told myself its just the wind. Until I heard tools fly across the room from the tool chest I had next to the closet. After that I slept on the floor in my parents room for about a year and I could not sleep without ear plugs.

My parents finally made up and decided to stay together. My grandmother moved in with us when I was about 15. One night we were all at the dinner table and my mother was talking and she just stopped dead and looked up and said "do you guys feel that? " As soon as she said that, the temperature of the room dropped and the black figure I had nightmares about walked behind her. It walked past everyone and as it walked by me... It touched my shoulder! I ran outside so fast. No one saw it but me. I don't understand that at all. Then one night we were sleeping and my mom just starts screaming. We rush into her room and she was terrified. She said that a man was standing at the foot of the bed. After everyone stopped fighting, it seemed like things calmed down. Nothing really happened for awhile. I thought maybe it was gone. Boy was I wrong.

I finally got a girlfriend when I was 19 and she stays with me every night at my house. About 5 months after she moves in, we were taking a nap. She started screaming and I woke her up. She looked at me and just started crying. She said she saw a guy standing in the corner of the room watching us sleep. After that stuff started happening again. Except this time its really bad. She had that dream almost every night for a month. Then a week after she started those dreams. My grandmother started to get sick. We have a picture of her downstairs on a stand. Every single day for 2 months, we would get home from work and her picture would be propped up against the bottom of the stand. Eventually the frame broke so we put it away. A week after it broke, my grandmother was diagnosed with cancer. The day she was diagnosed, another picture of her in the living room came off the wall (it landed about 5 feet from where it was hanging) There was nothing wrong with the frame and the nail was still in the wall. None of the other pictures fell but hers.

One morning I was leaving for work. I walk down stairs and I go past the bathroom my dad always uses. The door is at a crack and I saw what looked like my dad out of the bathroom mirror. I say goodbye dad and he just grunts at me. I didn't think anything of it until I get to our driveway and realize my dad had already left for work awhile ago.

We used to have a large clock that was hung up in the kitchen. One day the clock stopped. We didn't bother with it for awhile. A week after it stopped, pope John Paul died. When we decided to fix the clock a few weeks later. We realized the clock stopped on the exact second of when the pope died. That's a pretty strange coincidence.

We have 2 large dogs, a pure bred German shepherd and a shar-pei. They have been acting so strange, they keep hiding when no one is home. Sometimes my German shepherd will start barking for no reason at all. One day we were in the kitchen and all of a sudden the shepherd slams into the back of my legs. I saw it out of the corner of my eye. It looked as if someone shoved him very hard and he took off running upstairs and hid. Some days we will be sitting in my room and someone will start pounding on my bedroom door and start shaking it. Then I realize, no one's home. All the time my girl and I will be in my room and we hear someone come up the stairs and walk around upstairs when no one is home but us and my grandmother is very sick and she can barely walk. The German shepherd is constantly with us no matter what. He never leaves my side. I'm so glad I have him because when ever I think something is up. I look at him and if he is scared then I'm scared. I know he sees things that I can't because I'm so close with that dog I know what he is thinking. The shar-pei will not go upstairs, he is too scared.

One day I was at work and my girl was home alone. She calls me in a panic. She was crying and I asked what's wrong. She replies "I saw her" (I never went into detail about the old woman I saw). She explained exactly what she looked like. She kept saying to me, that the woman was in so much pain. She saw every detail about her. When she saw her she got overwhelmed with sadness, just like I did. We feel like we just want to help her move on. We constantly hear the old woman trying to speak to us, its never threatening. Its just like she wants us to know she's there. Just a simple "hey" but most of the time we can't make out what she is trying to say. We also hear a male's voice. His voice is definitely threatening. He has called our names a few times in the past.

It feels like there is 2 spirits in the house. The bad one and the old woman. Sometimes out of nowhere I get this really strong feeling that someone is in the room with me. Or when I am leaving for work it feels like something is pushing me out. The terror I feel is so indescribably strong, I almost get sick to my stomach and I just start crying because I'm so scared. But when we feel the woman, its just sadness. My grandmother had to go to the hospital for a few weeks. Things stopped happening while she was gone. We prayed a lot and we actually thought it was gone.

The day my grandmother came back was the worst night I think I ever had. That day my girl and I were talking about how we think its gone. That night made me fear for the worst. We all laid down and I fell asleep. In the middle of the night my girl woke me up and told me something was pulling her leg. I was so tired from working I just kissed her and fell back asleep. A couple minutes after that I was woken up with a loud shout in my ear. It was a male voice and he said "I'm here!" I opened my eyes and looked up at my dog. Then I heard something run across the foot of my bed and into the other room. The door to the other room flew open. I could tell my dog was absolutely terrified. It looked like he was in shock. He was just sitting up staring and he wouldn't look away from the corner of the room. I looked into the other room and I have a light between the 2 rooms and it has to be on or I can't sleep. I knew it was in the other room. It was so abnormally dark in there. I have never been that scared in my life. It felt like my life was endangered. I could not fall back asleep at all. A few minutes later we went into the other room to smoke a cigarette. I looked at my phone to check the time... It was 3 A.M. We finally laid back down and 20 minutes later I feel something touch my back. I immediately knew something was off about it. But it kept sliding its fingers down my back. It did it 3 times. First I was going to say "Babe please tell me that's you". Then I quickly realized I was spooning her.

A few nights later I had this dream of being possessed. I have never felt a more real dream in my life. The dream started exactly how I was laying. The room looked different but I thought I was still awake. I looked at the corner and there it was. I immediately thought I had to run into the room and grab my holy water. I tried getting up but he took control of me. It was laughing and I started screaming then everything started to go dark. Thank god my girlfriend woke me up. The next night we were laying down and guess what? I heard that laugh coming from the other room.

My girlfriend, me, and my dad were in the kitchen one night. When my girlfriend jumps and she says her leg burns. We went upstairs and I looked at it. Nothing was their. A few minutes later I looked again and she had 3 scratch marks on her leg as if a kid ran up and grabbed her. A few nights after that were were home alone and all of a sudden we hear what sounded like a child playing, come running up the stairs and it ran around up stairs. It did not go back downstairs. Then a few minutes later one of the dogs was chasing something around down stairs.

Things constantly disappear and reappear in the strangest places. I will lose my phone and call it over and over again search the house and nothing. Then a few minutes later call it again and it starts ringing in the room right next to me.

Another time I was getting a shower and out of the corner of my eye I see a shadow run by. I look at it and it stopped right next to me. I saw it through the shower curtain. I'm looking right at it, then it just takes off and its gone. We sometimes see a figure run across the yard at night. Every once in awhile the dogs will refuse to go outside or refuse to go in a room.

Also, everyone has mood swings that just aren't natural. My grandmother being the worst. She was always very nice, but now I have never met a more hateful person. It seems like the more she gets sick the more stuff happens. I'm afraid of what's to come.

The strangest thing about all of this is in the past year when everything started happening in my house. In the neighborhood 4 houses burnt down, 3 burnt within 2 months. My cousin committed suicide just a few blocks over and 2 older women died for no reason.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, BiigCountryy, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

brettscharff (11 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-26)
hey where in PA do you live? I also live in PA and i've lived in various areas around the state. I'm curious.
jessicajoy (2 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-18)
I get the feeling this is tied to the land so that may be why the house blessings are ineffective. Sounds like you're dealing with a very angry spirit, one who believes you to be occupying their space, and not the other way around. I would research the area. Do some digging if you can find historical archives, in the meanwhile, you should claim the space as your own, it might be more effective than having a priest come in. Kick that thing out!
Julesylou (16 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-25)
I just read, then re-read your story. I believe you have some bad mojo in your area. I suggest you get a medium out there (a real one, not a DIY ouiji) they will be able to help assess the situation. You need to get a handle on this soon, it will not get better.
This maybe associated with the land. Have you researched it?
I am very sorry about your grams. Do you pray with her? That might help, being a united front with the protection of the almighty divine light. Don't just pray for the sickness to go away, but for her and you all to be protected.
I believe that within the realms (for lack of better word) there are rules, asking God to step in and stop this kind of thing is one of them (IMHO).
Good luck
MandyyNicole (7 stories) (183 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-20)
Sounds like something very negative is affecting all of you. It may have become exacerbated by your grandma's illness. That itself brings negativity, and any negative "thing" could easily feed off of it wreaking more havoc.
I'm very sorry you are going through this. I'm not sure what other suggestions you want though... If having your house blessed multiple times hasn't worked and you refuse to get a paranormal investigation going because you're afraid of any evidence, i'm not sure what other advice you're seeking here?

I think it would be beneficial for you to try and help the old lady move on though... You say she tries getting your attention, so go ahead and give it to her if you feel she is benevolent.

With the negative shadow thing, has anyone forcefully told it to quit with it's activity? Told it not to bother you if it's going to hang around? I know you said you've blessed your house but I don't know if you've directly addressed the problem-causer...? Taken control of your own space?

I recommend you keep your home as bright as possible, open all the windows (blinds, I realize it's freezing now lol), play happy music (or religious music, whatever), laugh a lot, love a lot, try not to engage in the negativity as hard as that may be. Bring in the positive!

Also, has anyone ever researched the house or the property?
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
I agree with ifihadyoux. Don't worry about what the neighbors say. If this is troubling you, then you need to do something about it.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
There's tons of ways to research the paranormal teams. There's even a link at the bottom of your story that gives links to teams in PA. What I mean by research is simply typing google and the paranormal teams name and see what comes up. There are popular results and not so popular. It will come up with at least a Facebook page where people usually comment on a horrible job or job well done. I used to be a paranormal investigator so I would suggest getting one, regardless of what the neighbors say. You want to know what you're dealing with, especially if it is starting to affect moods within the household. If this is making your lives miserable, don't ignore it, that will only make whatever it is happy and continue doing what it's doing. Get professional help. The neighbors always gossip anyway, so no matter what you do they will talk, especially if they hear screaming. Even if you might not think it'll do anything, it can open up your eyes to things you've gone blind to.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
I'll let someone else tackle the rest of that, but I am a bit worried that your/his grandmother might be experiencing the starting stages of dementia now that you have gone a bit more in depth, especially if she is having good/bad days. It often first targets the reasoning and communication centers, which can cause some very adverse and out of character effects. Changes in mood are a huge warning sign of that, especially if she has fought cancer before and not experienced this sort of change.
I would urge you to bring her to a doctor and ensure that her mental health is in tact. It could be the cancer, but it's better to be sure that her mental health is not failing her. They will also be able to counsel your family on how to deal with the changes, no matter if it's dementia or not. They will be able to ensure that you know how to properly care for someone who is going through this.
BiigCountryy (1 stories) (5 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
This is Chris' (biigcountry) girlfriend he's unable to reply right nowand wasn't able much today because he was at work and had to rush, so that is why some questions are unanswered.

1. We are Catholic and we've had the house blessed by our priest 4 times now. We even took the advice of the nuns and bless the house by ourselves. It will stop for a few weeks and as soon as we forget about it, it comes back worse than the last time. Talking louder, yelling in our ear, throwing things right behind our backs. And not like paper I mean a big glass ashtray. Or I'll be sitting on the bed with our dog while its just us home and the bedroom door will start going crazy. (handle twisting and shaking like someone is trying to knock it down) the whole time the dog hidebehind me and is wimpering. He's a big German shepherd and he never gets scared. He's always trying to protect us, same with our other dog. But something in this house terrifies them

2. We've thought about hiring a paranormal team but there are four reasons why we haven't. We do have houses on every side of us and his parents don't want to draw attention to us. And we just don't know where to start looking. We don't trust just anyone. Anyone can come in and say whatever they want. We don't know if they're legit or phony. How do you research something like that? Also denial is kind of what keeps us sane. We can brush it off SOMETIMES and say oh its just a coincidence. I guess we're kind of afraid we don't want to hear its actual voice on tape or see what it truly looks like. Because if we had real evidence we wouldn't be able to actually not act afraid when stuff happens. There's just no way.
And the last reason, we don't know what's truly here and so we don't know what we're up against. It could very well be one thing portraying many things to frighten us more, or trying to earn our trust. So we don't want to piss anything off and make things worse. We're afraid for grandma. We don't want anything to target or hurt her because she's already so weak.

3 everyone keeps saying she's mean from the cancer but if you knew her you'd think it was weird to. I'm not dismissing that it very well could be because of that, its just she had cancer before and it was way worse it almost killed her and this time it was just a small piece on her ovary and they removed and just did chemo to be safe. Yes I know how all cancer is bad because of the chemo, I see it first hand. And even though she's not my blood I've lived here for almost a year and a half now and I've helped her with it all and love her like my own. My point is shell be nice and then we'll have a day where so many bad things happen in the house and she becomes this hateful woman out of no where. And she won't even have enough energy to move three feet.

4. Even though cancer is hard and rough, right now this is not the worst this family has seen. They've been through much worse hardships than right now. I understand your point of how things happen when there's hard time in the house, but its never been has bad as it is now. It stopped for a long long time and just started getting violent towards us in the past year. Yes people are stressed, but we still have dinner together most nights and we all laugh and have a good time we try to get grandma too but she only does on her good days. Every one has stress ours isn't abnormal but we're all getting more and more stressed each day from lack of sleep and always being on edge. We don't think its a poltergeist because we can feel when the bad "thing" is in the room. You'll Be perfectly fine not thinking about it and the next second you have this feeling that your life is in danger and you have to get out asap. I've never experienced more terror in my life.

I'm 22 and nothing like this has ever happened to me in my life. I wasn't a non believer but I had my doubts like everyone does. Now the only thing that gets me through is God and Chris. I'm sorry if this was long but you guys wanted answers I did the best I could its just hard on here. We have so much more that we'd like to tell you but like he said we'd be here for days. And its hard to express everything through a computer.

Thank you everyone for your opinions. And input it is all appreciated and I'm very sorry if I missed anything I did the best I could. If anyone else has questions or input please don't hesitate he will get back to you as soon as possible.
BiigCountryy (1 stories) (5 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
Lol no the clocked stopped in my time zone. But if you account for the time zone changes. It did stop on the exact time. Like if you added the 6 hours, it was the same time.

The thing with the houses burning down and the deaths. Was that they were all on what used to be the farm. It all happened when stuff started to get bad in my house again. That's why I mentioned it. But Like I said my house was the farm house and the surrounding land was the farm. They built houses on it later. There is just a lot of strange things happening.

When I used to get off from school my grandmother would pick me up off of the bus and take me to my house and she would stay with me until my parents got home.

And yes I am very stressed out from the house because I don't get much sleep. Its always waking me up and that's why I have to wear ear plugs. The house is one of the main reasons but its not everything.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
BiigCountryy - decided to go ahead with my comment, even though you didn't answer my question 😊

I think you may be placing too much emphasis on the clock. I'm not a believer in coincidence, but sometimes things are just they way they are. The clock may be nothing paranormal or unexplainable.

Not even taking into consideration the time zone difference (Rome is 6 hours ahead of you - thank you, Google LOL), unless your clocks are synchronized with the clocks in the Vatican, it's highly unlikely the clock stopped at the exact second the Pope died. The clocks could be several minutes off, one way or the other.

I believe the clock stopping around the time the Pope died a week later is just interesting conversation. Or it could have absolutely nothing to do with the Pope's death and you are overlooking another possibility. You said there is a woman there, right? Maybe the time the clock stopped is related to her.

Did you or anyone in your family try restarting the clock to see if it would run correctly?

Just my thoughts and opinions, which mean absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things 😆
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
One last thing and I will go away for a while: "In the neighborhood 4 houses burnt down, 3 burnt within 2 months. My cousin committed suicide just a few blocks over and 2 older women died for no reason."

A steak in two months sounds a lot like arson. It happened in my town, where two apartment complexes burned (one to the ground, one minimal) because of arson in a short period of time. If it's older homes, sometime's things like that just happen. It's not indicative of anything paranormal. Just because you are experiencing bad things in your home, you need to be careful about thinking everything around you have the same source. Arson is also very popular in small towns- kids get bored and do stupid things.

I am very sorry about your cousin. The problem with depression is that sometimes, no one sees it. It can be a very private battle. There can be no signs of anything being wrong and then a suicide can take place. I am very sorry that you have to deal with that pain.

Two older women dying is basically explained in your description of them. Natural deaths are very common. Your body will just stop. There does not have to be a reason, older age is a perfectly normal way to die. My great grandmother died a natural death of old age. Her heart simply stopped beating- no heart attack, no stroke, ect. It's actually the way I want to go- it's very peaceful.

I am not trying to be rude or to discount you, just trying to point out that a lot of these things are normal or explainable.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
Big, as BJJ and I said, she has cancer and she is getting up there in age. A lot of changes happen. Cancer eats your body and the treatments can effect your mind in horrible ways, as can the disease itself. It will change her, hopefully temporarily. She's not meaning to come off as a mean person. Right now, it could be anything from onset dementia to fear, to the cancer playing havoc with her hormones and mental processes. It's very common and it happens. I am very sorry that it's hurting you, but try to be there for her as much as you possibly can.

There is literally something called "cancer anger". It's a horrible thing. Please be as kind to her as possible and be there for her, even when she is demanding that you leave her alone. Be there for her no matter what she says. She is still the same woman who was there for you.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
Wait, you said your grandma raised you? But in the story you lived with your parents in that house your whole life. I am a little confused on that point...

Big, no one is calling you a liar. People post their opinions and try to give examples to show you that even if you are experiencing paranormal events, that does not make everything that happens paranormal. Some stuff can be explained and taken away from the whole to narrow it down. Does that make sense?
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
oh wait she's mean to you now? Can you go into further detail about that? If not I understand.
And what is making you so stressed out? The house?
BiigCountryy (1 stories) (5 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
And I'm not blaming my grandmother. I don't hold anything against her. She is the one who raised me since I was a baby. Her and I have always had a special bond because she was always there for me. I talked to her about everything. That's why it is so strange. Because she Is very very mean to me now. Before this she has never once in my entire life gotten mad at me, yelled at me, or anything negative in anyway.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
Please BiigCountryy do not take any offense to any comments. No one here is accusing you of making it up, we like to give real life circumstances before he rush into paranormal. We try to give peace of mind and I do believe all of this really happened to you. It's hard to explain a lot of things that happened in your story so we do the best we can. Without us being there, we cannot officially disprove what happened.

However have you thought about getting a paranormal group to come investigate? What are your thoughts on that?
BiigCountryy (1 stories) (5 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
I'm sorry if that last comment was rude in any way. There is just a lot going on right now and I'm very stressed out.
BiigCountryy (1 stories) (5 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
Please understand that I never said that the 3 A.M and stuff like that was because of what is going on. I mentioned it because it was a very strange coincidence. I wasn't going to put it on here because I knew people wouldn't believe that. But I wanted to tell you guys exactly what happened, So I can maybe try and make sense of it and to see if anyone knew if it may be connected. I mentioned some things because I thought it was a strange coincidence because I did not know if they could be connected. I told you guys exactly what happened. I did not exaggerate or make any of this up.

I am getting very frustrated because It seems like no matter who I talk to about this. They just act like they don't believe. I put this on here so you guys can help me. Not tell me its hard to believe or that its in my subconscious. I tell people stuff that happens to me and they always say "Chris your making this stuff up". I honestly wish I was making all of this up.

You guys have no idea what kind of effect this had on me growing up. Up until I met my girlfriend a year ago, I had never once watched a horror movie. I had never watched any type of scary tv show. I can't even watch commercials for scary movies. I can't be in complete darkness or I panic. I have to sleep with a light on, so I can see the entire room. I also did not mention everything that has happened because we would be here for days.

When I say "when things started happening" I mean when things started to get bad. It happens in spurts. Like nothing will happen for awhile or even a year or 2. Then things will get bad and happen a few times a day. I'm sorry for not being completely clear in my story. I just wanted to get it all out. It seems like everything that is thrown, is focused in my other room. Its very rare for that to happen outside my room. It feels like it gets mad and throws things. But it doesn't go crazy and destroy my room. I mean like one or two things will be thrown and I can hear it walking around in there. That's what scares me.

I know that the dogs are hiding because when I get home, they are to scared to come out. Usually they get so excited and run to see us. But they stay hidden until we go find them and they know its us. Sometimes they will get so scared that the won't come out from hiding even if we are home.

I am very very skeptical about this, every time something happens I try to convince myself that its just in my head or its just the wind. Because I really don't want to believe it myself. But when stuff started to happen to my girlfriend I couldn't tell myself that its all in my head because I have to be there for her. I'm not going to let her tell herself she's crazy. I thought I was going crazy, I really honestly did. But when my dog, my girlfriend, and I all see it at the same time. Its pretty hard to convince yourself that its not real.

Every time something happens I go and try and look for an explanation. Sometimes I find one and I go with that over the paranormal. Sometimes there is no explanation and it just really makes no sense at all.

I really don't think its a poltergeist. I see the shadow. It has no facial features but it has an outline. Like if it was night and you were outside. You see a figure off in the distance but you can't make out who it is or anything. Its like that but its right in front of me. You can tell that there is 2 different energies in the house. Its very obvious and it feels like they want us to know they are there.

When I was younger my parents acted like nothing was happening. They used to joke with me and make fun of me about it. It was kind of there was of dealing with it. They thought if they ignored it, it would go away. But it made me feel like something was wrong with me.

I understand about my grandmother being grumpy and all of that. Once again I'm not saying that has to do with the paranormal. It just seems that way because the more sick she gets the more stuff happens. I put that because I wanted you guys to know everything that's going on. Stuff has started to happen to her as well. She says she hears someone knocking on the wall right behind her. She said a chair in her room moved a couple feet and she constantly hears people talking.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
BiigCountryy - I have a question, which may lead to a comment. Depends upon your answer. What was the time on your clock when it quit working?
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
Oh dear I just noticed that too. I hope he's not blaming his grandmother because it's definitely not her fault:[
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
Elnora: I hope he doesn't say that grandma is grumpy because of PMS. 😆 😆 😆
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
What is confusing me now that I've read it over a few times is that the author seems to be blaming his grandma, saying that activity stopped when she was gone, but it had started at and was at its worst when he was 11. She didn't move in until he was 15.

Lady-glow, I didn't notice that. Good eyes.

I hope he answers soon. I keep wondering about More things.

Sorry for any typos; my IPod and I do not get along.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
Elnoraemily: you're welcome. 😊
I hope BiigCountyy reads the comments and explains, -perhaps he forgot to say that he set several surveyance cameras in his house? 😉
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
The more I read this story the more confusing I find it to be.😐
I'm trying to make sense of this statement: "...the strangest thing about all this is in the past year when everything started happening in my house..."
Uh... I thought you were eleven or twelve and already experiencing some activity; now you are 19 years old, that means all started at least seven years ago.
I do not know if my bad English is an obstacle for me to understand your words or if I should go back to grade one math, but...
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
Lady, thank you! I meant to bring up the dog thing in my other posts and spaced it
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
Wow, that's intense!
All the previous posters have offered very good advice.
I just have some questions:
What was your parents' reaction to the noise of toys, tools and a folding chair flying in your room?
Were they troubled for the fact of you sleeping on their bedroom's floor?
"...They have been acting so strange, they keep hiding when no one is home..." - If no one is home- how can you know what the dogs do during your absence? 😕
I hope your grandmother gets well.
Thanks for sharing.
spookie1 (5 stories) (72 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-17)
I wish you and your family all the best and I will pray for you... I honestly think you need it 😢 good luck and may Jesus protect you from whatever it can be 😢

All the best
spookie1 (5 stories) (72 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-17)
And about the photo's of you're grandmother falling off the wall... That creeps me out... I'd say it's demonic activity targetting your grandmother 😭
spookie1 (5 stories) (72 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-17)
Hi guys, great to see you again,

Interesting story but, I agree with what elnoraemily said... A person that has a devestating illness can change into a sour person.

And personally I wonder about the clock... I mean what's the probability that the clock could stop at the exact time the Pope died... I believe there may be something paranormal linked to this.

Spookie1 😆
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-17)
Wow that is quite the story you have going on there! I agree with what BJJ and Elnoraemily have stated already so I will not bore you out with the same shenanigans. Definitely look for physical explanations and reasonable ones before insinuating paranormal. However, I do believe you have a haunting.
I agree completely with watching paranormal shows, especially since we just passed Halloween and all the hype is finally over with. I find I get overly anxious when I watch those shows so I have to turn them off and put on adult swim [comedy is awesome].
As a former aranormal investigator, PLEASE PLEASE check references, get all information you can before contacting a group. It sucks but it needs to be done because of a] frauds and b] rude people who will HURT you. I feel BJJ didn't stress it enough so I am going to. There are too many stories about bad things happening.
I hope you are safe, please keep us updated.

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