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She Is Stll With Me


I can't remember when I first started to recognize faces. But I do remember my mom and dad as first two faces I saw and recognized. There are other faces too. I remember them watching me in my crib. They are the few memories I still have about time the when I was a baby. I don't remember any other relative at that time. But I remember her clearly than anything, even than my mom at that time. When I grew up, I went through every photo album in the house and tried to connect the faces I saw when I saw a baby and apart from my parents, there was none. Also she wasn't there too.

The first time I saw her was when I was laying on my crib and there was this group of people standing around me and watching me. There I notice this girl standing and watching me. Scene that day I saw her countless times. Every time I saw her my mom is not near me or can't see me. She wore a white dress and it was so beautiful and elegant, it matched to her pretty face perfectly. She had curly golden brown hear that fell to her shoulder. Thinking about her now, she looked like at age of 18 or 20 years of age and her clothing showed she was very wealthy European lady who lived during the colonial era. She had the kindest face and smile.

While I grew up, often I was left alone in the house. My mom told me I was a gentle child back then. But she still has no idea I really wasn't alone at the house. Every time I was left at house alone, she was there with me. She sometimes played with me or sometimes she sits on a couch and invites me to sit with her. For some strange reason I obeyed her every time. I can feel what she wants to say by just looking at her eyes. Her eyes had faded brown color with little bit of grey. Sometimes she looks at me with a sad full expression and I remember doing my best to cheer her up. She spends some time with me and then gets up and leaves the room and soon as I lost her from my line of sight, often my mom or dad comes.

We have a big forest behind the house. So I went in there because I was alone at house and there were many trees to climb and fruits to eat. Also it was like a new world to my small mind. It was literally a new world. When I entered there sometimes I see soldiers marching there (red coats I learned during history classes) or men and women walking or riding on horses or on a carriage with a guards following them. I see her among them too, still alone and watching me with sad eyes. I always had the feeling she lost her lover and waiting for his return.

I saw her until I was 14 or 15. After that I rarely saw her. I was 17 when I realized I can see ghosts and after that I rarely saw her again. But I know he is still around me, and that fact doesn't make me feel scared. I feel comforted at that. I don't like ghosts, but I like her a lot. I don't know why but I just do. I want her to find peace but at the same time I don't want her to go. There are sometimes I feel she is near and when I turn to look I see something moving so fast or at sometimes I get to see part of her dress as she moves away fast. I can't see her clearly as I did before but I know that's her. Is that her way of telling me she is watching me?

I moved away from my parents' house to my own house and even there I can feel her presences. I have seen many ghosts and they never stay long enough. But I have a feeling she was with me the moment I was born and she still with me. I do a cleansing once a year, maybe that's why I can't see her clearly now or she don't stay long enough. I don't want to call her as a ghost; to me it is like an insult to her. Thanking back how many times she stopped me doing very stupid or dangerous things (she comes near me and shake her head when I up to something stupid) I think her as some sort of guardian. I like to think about her that way.

Other hauntings by buthaya

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, buthaya, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Singha2014 (1 stories) (28 posts)
10 years ago (2015-04-29)
Once again you provided a good story. Lover it, I have no words for this story.
CornFlakes (1 stories) (18 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-15)
Very interesting story 😊 I think this spirit has something to do with your past life. She could have been your love, it breaks my heart to know that she was watching you with sad eyes. I feel like she wished to be there with you in more than a spirit form but has accepted the reality. I hope she finds peace.

I don't know why but I'm really heart broken and sad after reading this account, never happened anything like that before. I really love this story and waiting to hear about her more 😊 Thank you for sharing!
buthaya (8 stories) (41 posts)
10 years ago (2015-02-06)
Thank you BroghanM for your input. I sometimes thought about that possibility too, because I feel deep affection for her. Then I always tell my self " come on get real. How can a person love a spirit". I started to meditate again and try to contact her.
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
10 years ago (2015-02-03)
BroganM - Good input! I agree that could be another possibility as well. I like when others think outside the box, after all it's what this site is for! Earth angels as some call it. According to some theories, we do come back to finish lessons, or has come back to help our loved ones to finish their's. That's why some of us are quite blessed but often feel we have a way deeper purpose on this earth.
BroghanM (3 posts)
10 years ago (2015-02-03)
I believe you were her lover in a previous life and your soul has come back in this lifetime to help other people understand the spirit world and that is why she follows you around. Don't be afraid of your gift-share it for the world to see. We will help you every step of the way.
buthaya (8 stories) (41 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-31)
notjustme, meditating is a good thing. It is also can give you the ability to see spirits, good ones and bad ones. Don't fear them. Seeing them and being haunted by them are totally different. If you can, one day see them, you'll see there is a funny side too. Like how much we think impossible are lies.

I am a Buddhist. In Buddhism, there are different types of meditating. I am going to lean about them first and starts meditate again. I stopped because I had no idea what I am doing. It is not going to happen this time.
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-30)
Buthaya - I apologize for using your thread to speak to Jules, she has no stories up at the moment so I wasn't able to comment on her threads... Forgive me? ❤ 😊

Jules - I do hope you submit some soon 😳
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-30)
Very interesting Jules. I too believe in past lives and I get what you're saying. Try searching up Delores Cannon. She has all the answers to your questions. She is a hypnotist that gets people to relive their past lives though hypnosis, she has tons of books. Her theory is we are all here for lessons, and even though some of us are done our own, we come might have volunteered to come back to help others around us finish their's. According to her theory, people in our lives today has been in our previous ones too, just roles could have been reversed in some ways. Example, your mother now, could have been your daughter last life.
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-30)
Buthaya - ahh! Don't say that that! Because I've recently just started meditating and my biggest fear is what I might start seeing 😭 I want to connect with my mother, mainly that's why I want to do it. Also, to better my mind and body.

I guess I will just have to deal with it when the time comes, should I see anything I don't wish to...I'm curious, did you start seeing them after meditation?
Jules78 (1 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-30)
It could have been your spirit guide, it could also have been somebody who lived on or around the land a long time ago, or... It could have been a mother from a past life or relative. I saw a young girl around me for a period of time. I only had small boys. I realized from past life dreams and premonitions, that she was my child from a past life. Somehow she had followed me... As I had died fairly young in that life. I had also captured her in pictures from my camera. Her father in that life, was also somebody I know in this life. I still don't know why or how the circumstances happened in that life, but I know it has not been resolved and I have prayed for her to find peace.
buthaya (8 stories) (41 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-29)
elnoraemily, thank you. No, my mom have no idea about her. I do not plan to tell her. Not many kids go to their mom and tell her he is a soldier who died in an ambush and do military drills correctly to prove it. I do not remember doing that but my mom told me I did some wired stuff that time. So I don't want her to know. That way she do not have to worry.
buthaya (8 stories) (41 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-29)
thank you notjustme. I thought that too. I looked up about spirit guides and what I learned made perfect scene. I also can hear footsteps behind me. I heard that last night too. Now that I learned about spirit guide, I think that's her following me. I say this because one day I met a guy and out of the blue he said to me " do you hear someone coming behind you and every time you try to look no one is behind you?" when I said yes he told me this " don't worry about it. That person is to protect you, some people born like you have a guardian always behind you". I never saw that man again.

I did meditate for a while and I stopped it because I started to see ghosts everywhere I go. But I am going to start again. I can see ghost and I am going to use that ability to do something good if I can.

Thank you all for reading my story.

valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-28)
I think notjust and elnora are right. This certainly sounds like a spirit guide. It's a common belief that we each have a spirit assigned to watch over us and help guide us through life's journey. You are fortunate to be able to recall her so vividly.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-28)
I think notjustme has this right. I was just looking up spirit guides when she commented.

I would agree with the meditating.
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-28)
Through your whole story I felt this is your spirit guide. I think as children our minds are innocent and pure, also our third eye is more open. I believe as we grow older, we are so distracted with life that we disconnect with our spiritual being, and we see less and less. The soldiers I believe you saw were spirits that once battled on those grounds, I guess. Try meditating if you want to connect with your spirit guide. There's many books on how, and also guided meditation you could follow on youtube. Thanks for sharing.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-28)
I think calling her a spirit sounds more respectful than ghost. I agree.

Did you ever tell your mother about her?

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