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Man In Black And Woman In White


This is also happened to me at my house. Growing up, I used to see men and women standing near me and they never talks or disappears too quickly. Feeling like invisible arms touching me, faint voices calling my name or other strange languages. Soldiers marching wearing beautiful uniforms (later I discovered those uniforms belong to colonial era). I saw many things while growing up. But none of them stayed very long time the man in black.

While I lived at my parents' house, I always felt like I was being watched. That feeling followed me like a shadow. But I tried my best to ignore that feeling because I spent most of the time alone in the house. I told to myself I am imaging things because I was alone. After all, it is natural to feel little bit of fear for a kid lives alone in a big house.

After I moved to my own house, things were great for a while. It was few months later I felt like I was being watched. Sometimes at night or during the day I can feel someone's hand touching me. That really creep me out. I can feel every finger of that hand or both hands slowly touching my legs or shoulders and slowly moves up. Imagine you sitting in a chair and then suddenly you feel someone touching your legs or holding your shoulders when you know you are the only one in the house. I changed the place I was at when I felt it. Or sometimes I when I shout "stop and leave me alone" it stopped. The touch feels so cold you can guess how long the fingers or their size. I have no idea why I haven't run out of the house screaming.

While this going on, I felt like I was being watched. One day I was at home watching a movie, I felt like someone is watching me. So I turned my head to look and saw something black move very fast to a corner of the wall and disappears. I thought my mind playing some tricks so I did not mind it much. This happened few more times for not to ignore it anymore. But every time I turned to look it moves so fast and disappears. Only thing I was able to see was someone, I strongly felt like it was a guy in black.

Back then I did not know anything about supernatural or never heard about a black figure. That was the time I thought we can see ghost only at midnight. But this thing I can see even day and also at night. Sometimes when I felt like I am being watched, I stay still and watch from the corners of my eyes for him and see standing few feets away a figure, wearing a black suit and a hat like a magicians do. Everything is in black color. In fact, it was like deepest shade of black color I ever saw. He just stand and watching me. I had no idea what to do. So I just pretend to do something just to not look at him or get mind out of it.

Sometimes when I was watching him, he just turns and leaves. I watch him climb the stairs and disappear from the view. Soon after, I can hear someone walking upstairs. Few times I checked there was nobody. After that I didn't bother to look. I also saw a cat like animal few times. It was also black but unlike other cats, this one was bigger in size and it got really scary red eyes. I saw it walking pass me few times like it lives there. I am a dog lover. In my house I don't have any cats. Only I and my faithful German Shepherd dog and he hate cats.

Then one day I was going to ground floor of my house and as I got closer to stairs I saw a figure in white, wearing a dress coming up the stairs. I saw like stuck there watching it as she comes closer. Her skin was pale and her shoulder length hair fell loosely. She too walks around the house as she owns it. She mostly stayed in the living room.

But I was getting desperate. Till then I thought ghost are suppose to be black and white pale figures and only haunt in midnight. But here I am watching a black figure, a white lady and a black cat with red eyes, not only at night but during day too. It also got me thinking about the people I saw growing up and realized I have been seen ghosts as long as I can remember.

So I went to few different people are experts on paranormal and did what they told me to do to get rid of these haunting. It only worked for few days. So I went around until I met this amazing guy, he can tell me about things only I knew and my secrets just the moment I saw him. He even told me about the trouble I am having at my house even before I told him anything. That moment I knew this is the guy who can help me.

He told me I have the ability to see ghosts. If I meditate and stayed as a vegetarian my ability will improve. He also helped me to do a cleansing (very similar to Rooks' I read in his profile when I joined this site years later). And advise me to do it again at least once a year. According to him there is no permanent solution for this and even best protection wear off after sometime. Also told me I will know when to do a cleansing again. If I did the cleansing correctly, he told me I will see a dream about it.

True to his words, that night I did saw a dream. In the dream I was walking around the house with my uncle (he is the one helped me to find this expert) looking for something. Dream was so clear and comforting. I remember clear blue sky; every tree is full of flowers and fruits. I remember walking around every inch of property and finally saying to my uncle everything is safe and we can go.

Next morning when I told him what I saw, he just smiles and said the cleansing is complete. But he wasn't finished. He asked me to meditate for a bit thinking about and asking the god to show what is wrong happened in my house. While I was meditating I saw few images of my front gate and four corners of my land. I told what I saw and told to go home and dig the places I saw.

I dig the places and found small plastic boxes. Inside there was small pieces of copper plates with writings in them. It is difficult to read them. Language was something I never saw before and most of it covered in strange symbols. My gut feeling was someone has done some kind of witchcraft in my land. There is people do kind of this stuff. They can bind spirits to some places and many other things. Locals call a group of people "Rodi" they are considered lower class people back in old times. They are experts in witchcraft and local people fears even to enter their villages. I also have been to two villages without knowing and to this day those two places remains as the creepiest place I visited. It was like a ghost town.

Anyway after I discovered those boxes I dump them deep inside the forest behind my house, under really big old tree. Under the tree I saw few small size statues of Buddha and different kind of Hindu gods. Locals dump damaged or a cursed item under big trees. People live there knows not to touch them. Even the kids were advised not to touch them.

After that inside my property, I didn't saw the man in black or the woman in white. No sounds inside house or anything creepy. After ten months passed after the first cleansing, I began to hear the fain voices again. So I did the cleansing again and been doing that for every ten months. So far, inside the house, everything is normal.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, buthaya, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Jelly91 (4 stories) (7 posts)
6 years ago (2019-03-06)
Hello. I know this is an old story... But I just came across this site. You talked about meditation right? Actually I am Buddhism. And few years ago I joined 1 of the community that asked us to meditating in order to have guide from our own master of heavenly God. I am destined to be disciple of thousand armed buddha. But the thing is, whenever I start to meditate I feel like I cannot concentrate or sometimes I feel scare. I wonder why I got all those feeling? I did not tell anyone about this. Since a lot of fellow reader here are so into meditation, I have to ask guidance from all of you. Thank you very much. I hope you still active in this site. Hehe...
CornFlakes (1 stories) (18 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-15)
You are very lucky to find help and get things sorted out without any further damage. I must say I learn something new in your each story and I had no idea about the burying certain items under old tree and stuff. I've only heard the name Rodi and didn't know they had anything to do with witchcraft, I was told not to talk to certain looking people and never come to their sight if possible.

I know it's hard to believe some stories, most of them has something to do with cultures and somehow connected to old rituals, it sounds like the whole thing is made up but it's not. I have been there, ridiculed some stories but one will only believe if he/she witnessed it themselves.

Does Pirith has the same effect as cleansing or is it different than that? In what circumstances do one uses Pirith for?
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-23)
Oh, silent - I'm sorry if I sounded like I was chiding you or something, I really wasn't. And I know exactly what you meant about the nostalgia... I miss my mom too.
silent_night (5 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-23)
valkricry Yes, of course it does. Your comment just brought back a bit of nostalgia for my own mother's habits, that is all. It is not quite as common to see that kind of reverence for religious relics in the US, IMO.
buthaya (8 stories) (41 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-21)
I understand this story might sound unbelievable to some readers. Trust me, if this not happened to me, I also will have trouble believing it. But I don't gain anything from a fake story. I joined this site because I want to share my experience. I learned to expect the unexpected when it comes to supernatural.

I am sure many of you have watched The Haunting in Connecticut 2 Ghosts of Georgia movie. Just like them I can see ghosts if I close my eyes and concentrate enough. And just like that movie, I see the way they see ghosts in the movie. Even the colors are correct. That's how I saw those buried boxes.

I also can say that is the first time we both met. We found him on pure luck. Later I found out he moved away. To where I have no idea. He also did all this for free.

Thank you all for reading my story.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
Okay, Sam, if you really want answers to the question you asked, please move this conversation to one of your stories. Let's try and keep the comments directed toward buthaya's experience 😊
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
Ifi, yeah I know what your talking about with the social media, but then how would he now to "follow" that person. And ifi yeah there are people who are like that, that's why I careful, and only have one social media account (I don't count pintrest) my little cousin had it happen to her.

I have looked around in the other website made by the same people, you know the psychic experiences website, but I still don't get it, I'm not very interested in that website.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
That's why it is so important to know what you're posting and your privacy settings. Even employers could just search your name and see what comes up. Do a google search on yourself and there are pictures of you, websites you used your full name for, even news articles. You'd be surprised what pops up.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
ifi, I'm glad you mentioned the social media as a means for charlatans (and scammers) to get seemingly unknown information on you. One thing many self-proclaimed 'psychic' or 'mediums' do is research their targets. Still others are extremely observant, and very good at body language.
There are a few though, who truly have a sixth sense it seems.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
Erm there could be a couple of things going on there Sam. Some can have those special abilities while other just use google or Facebook.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
Does anyone know how people can just know things about you, when normally they shouldn't? How could they do it without spying or stocking someone, I don't get it, to me it is unfathomable, do you have to be psychic or something?
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
That must have felt weird when you realized you had seen ghosts as longs you could remember but never knew. I have a feeling that there is something weird about that guy that helped you (but I'm not going to judge him right off because I don't know him and that would be wrong). The end of the story seems a hit unbelievable, but I'm not going to call it fake, I don't think someone could make that up, but overall I believe your story, thanks for sharing it. I loved to hear more stories.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-18)
No, my mom was raised in another faith, but converted to Catholic. But, like buthaya's account illustrates, having reverence for such items, extends way beyond a particular sect or faith. 😊
silent_night (5 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-18)
valkricry Was your mom raised Catholic? Because mine was the same way:)
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-16)
Thanks for getting back to me 😊 I actually thought the reason might be something like that. My Mom was similar with damaged/broken religious items. She was forever asking me if I could repair them, as to her just throwing it out seemed sacrilegious. If it really went beyond my abilities, it was sometimes placed in a drawer, at others taken to a local priest. Not all Americans are like that, but my mom was.
buthaya (8 stories) (41 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-16)
valkricry, there are few reasons for putting them under that tree. If the statue is broken they put it under a biggest and oldest tree they can find because the locals believes there are spirits (a tree god, powerful spirit use it as a home) lives on that tree. That way, others know that tree is home for powerful spirit. Also to not to make people angry by dumping religious items where everyone can see. Many people are also not fond of throwing damaged religious items as garbage because they believe it could bring bad luck or some believe it to be a sin. So they put it under the tree, so only few can see and still get the respect from people.

Being cursed is another reason for put them under those trees. Because the tree spirit, those cursed items will be less affective is the local belief. One thing I learned from my search for good supernatural expert is if you have religious items at home, have them blessed by a priest or monk because some spirits like to live or attach themselves to those items. Religious items do not work like you see in the vampire or ghost movies. Have them blessed so it could be little affective.

Hope that little information satisfy your curiosity.

Thank you all for reading my story.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-16)
Quite interesting! I am glad you found someone who could help you.
Perhaps you could give me some more detail on why there were Buddha and other Hindi god statues under the tree?
TuBZ (1 stories) (10 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-16)
Enjoyed this story. The way you explain things is quite good. But i'm glad you found someone who really helped you. As long as you have God by you're side, all will be well. Keep up with the cleansing! Love, Tubz x
howwilliknow (1 stories) (20 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-14)
I really enjoyed your story. It's always interesting to hear about how different cultures deal with the supernatural. I'm glad that it worked out for you in the end.

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