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Real Ghost Stories

Truckstop Ghosts In Texas


Nearly six years ago I moved to Texas from Florida for work (signed contract) and as I had some time before the new job started I decided to drive the journey. As I really enjoy driving and long trips don't worry me, I actually find it rather relaxing. Odd? Yes maybe. But I grew up with parents who loved driving holidays growing up in Europe, we went on many, many driving holidays.

I was driving a 2yr old Chevy Tahoe Pick-up with a Horse Truck and Trailer/Caravan Combo (like a Motorhome). As I had to bring my 2 horses along also (Just my old Quarter Horses. I don't show them). It was about 2am and I decided to find somewhere to pull over to get some sleep/food/bathroom break etc and feed and water the horses as I was getting very tired. Not to far along I came across the sign saying that there was a truck stop up ahead that had a 24hr Diner. I was so happy, finely some rest.

I can't recall the name of the Truckstop but it was just outside Paris, TX and was a fairly good size and had quite nice facilities. I pulled up and tended to the horses and my Beagle x (Jake) that I had then. Made sure the dog had been walked out so he could do his bit outside instead of in my truck. After he went into his usual post dinner nap and the horses were dozing. I went in to the diner to get some food for my self.

I pulled up a stool at the counter and ordered meal from the menu (Burger with the lot. I remember as it was enormous and really tasty) and a coke. There were only a few people in there. The Truckstop had several trucks parked but their owners were probably asleep inside them. A young couple and a baby in the stroller, a old man in a Cowboy hat and boots, two older ladies and a boy of about 12yrs old and a couple of other men who were your typical Truck Drivers.

I didn't notice it at first but I should tell you that I have a sensitivity towards ghosts/spirits and I'm used to seeing them around a lot of the time. Sometimes it's hard to realise that they are in spirit and not living people but that night at the Truckstop there were a few around. Some barely more than a flash in the corner of my eye, others that were shadow like and then the ones that wanted to be noticed. And did what they could to be noticed when they realised I could see them. I think I was very lucky to see them that night. I know it's hard for them to stay seen for very long due to the energy needed. I was blessed that night I think.

While waiting for my food watching the doorway outside I noticed the first ones a man and a woman sitting at the table next to the door. Both dressed very well but in the style of the mid to late 1970's. They just sat looking at each other the way people very much in love do, like they are the only people in the world.

They stuck around for a while and then were replaced in the same spot by a group of 4 men in Motorbike Leathers with helmets on the table talking loudly about music. They left and the table stayed bare.

Other spirits came and went. A cook who wasn't the one in the kitchen (you could see him working) , standing at the door to the kitchen just leaning on the frame and looking around like he was on a break. An old lady knitting in a back booth. Two Teenage Girls dressed like 1980's hair band fans who drank what looked like milkshakes.

An old man reading a newspaper and laughing at something he read while a old woman with him looked bored and drank coffee or tea from a large cup.

Apart from the obvious ghosts. I could see a number of orbs of all shapes, sizes and colors. And saw numerous flashes of fast moving spirits and two very tall shadow spirits. But no one bothered me. A couple seemed to like that I saw them. One or two tried to stay out of being noticed. It was a brilliant sight I have to say I haven't seen so many spirits in one place at one time in a very long time. I felt it was ment to be that I stopped there that night.

After my dinner. I stopped in long enough to have a shower and freshen up in the public washrooms. Then went back to the truck to sleep. And sleep well I did.

Before I left in the morning for the rest of my trip to my new home. I had breakfast at the diner (bacon, eggs and tomato with toast and coffee). But saw no ghosts at first. As I paid and went out the door an old man in a white cowboy hat tipped his hat to me and caught me off guard for a second when I realised I could see the Coke Machine right through him. One last hello and goodbye I guess. They sure are friendly ghosts there. Good food too.

Later that day I arrived at my then new home town. And was greatly welcomed by many wonderful people I would get to know, both living and in spirit. Texas has some fantastic ghosts, right friendly too.

But that's more for another time.

Thanks for Reading, HitchcockMadness.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, HitchcockMadness, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-03-21)
Just for the record, neither BJJ, Miracles or I deleted anything from this thread. I can't speak for the other Mods or Martin, as he has yet to return my e-mail concerning this thread. We don't delete our comments, at least the three of us don't.

Get over it and move on.
francyne1031 (49 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-21)
Shadow broker, it wasn't just your comment. All the argumentative comments were deleted. Please either get on the topic of the story, or move along
Really BadJ, well that's funny that every single comment you and everyone left before was nothing but off topic and argumentative, condescending and completely inappropriate. Only the people who did not agree with the bandwagon whom attacked the OP's were. But I forgot, it's perfect acceptable coming from certain people. Let's not forget you go back and delete anything really incriminating after a day or two after you have all had your laughs. Quite sad. This site has gotten to be more clicky then high school ever was. 6/7 years ago, this behavior would not have been accepted.
HitchcockMadness (1 stories) (8 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-19)
Poor grammar the other day was due to me getting used to my new phone and its spell check. I do appologise for upsetting anyone with my sudden poor spelling in the last message.
Been away for family reasons so sorry about the late reply. Funeral to attend.
Hitchcock madness
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2015-03-17)
Shadow broker, it wasn't just your comment. All the argumentative comments were deleted. Please either get on the topic of the story, or move along.

Val, thank you. A hundred times over, thank you.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-03-17)
Are you sure your comment was deleted and not carried off by the gremlins we sometimes experience? Generally, if a mod deletes a comment they remark that they did in comments and why they did so.
You state, "... They feel the need to delete any comment that disagrees with their 'sacred words'..." Well, sir, I can tell you for a fact that you are way off in left field with that remark. Those of us, who have been around a while, can tell you without a doubt that that is simply not so, for we have seen the opposite displayed before our very eyes. I just don't see them deleting it because it expressed an opposing view. IF it was deleted, there would have been a solid reason behind it, and not just that they disagreed with it.
Isn't it funny, how the remark you made, that I'm replying to, lambasting them is still here? Yeah...that's really not allowing you to have an opinion.

This comment from The_Shadow_Broker is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-03-16)
ifi - attitude is like the karma points, you take the good with the bad. This attitude you speak of, and I'm actually not sure what you're referring to but anyway, you would never have made it as a mod a couple years ago. This is nothing.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-16)
granny; I only said that because it has been said numerous times. We get the point. I'm not trying to moderate the mods since that comment went for everyone. Your comment was rude and frankly I am getting a little too annoyed with people's attitude on this website lately.
But whatever, keep beating a dead horse. Enjoy.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-03-16)
Okay, after some consideration and a lot of deep breathing exercises, I've decided to comment on this piece last time.

Those of you who know me know that I'm not one to keep my mouth shut and "move along" when there is blatant disregard for the current membership in the form of providing false stories in an attempt to satisfy one's need for attention. I calls 'em as I sees 'em and if you have been around this site long enough it would piss you off, too.

This person has been trolling this site for over a year. Ifihadyoux, you haven't been around long enough to understand the crap we've had to endure from this poster so I'll kindly ask that you put a rein on your tendency to moderate your fellow Mods.

I love this site and the membership. I will continue to batter those who wish to make a mockery of it and them, to a pulp if need be. Hate me, criticize me, b!tch about me, and call me childish if it makes you feel better. Just remember that it's you I'm looking out for, too.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-16)
All right all right. No more comments about the author's credibility. This is the internet and lots of opinions have already been stated questioning the truth behind the story. Let's move along please.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-16)
HitchcockMadness, I can tell your lying because, like miracles said about the contradictions, and because even if you did go to boarding school, (like you said, you gotta have money) people with that kind of money normally wouldn't waste THEIR time on a site like this (Becuse rich people have better things to do, no offense to anybody), your just here to start trouble, and also, because of all your other lies; I'm sure your lying about your gender to (maybe you aren't I don't know) because your comments seem like a males comment, and also females would most of the time be more sensitive to these comments like the ones your getting (No offense to all you nice women who read this). I think you should stop wasting your time here and everyone else's and go do your "thing" on another website, there are others you know. And don't bother trying to post another fake story.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-03-16)
The_Shadow_Broker and Francyne - until you are sitting in our seats, reading all the stories that are submitted (some of which make you want to bust your computer), you don't have the right to judge us. If you don't like how we are doing our jobs, either take it up with administration or move on to another site that might fit you better. Or better yet, take your own advice.
The_Shadow_Broker (6 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-16)
I agree with francyne1031 you guys are acting very childish I expected better from the mods, grow up people and move on.

Shadow Broker out.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-15)
The MODS let this one through because they had no way of proving the veracity of the OP...however the membership seems to feel that this individual has not only posted before but may have posted under multiple usernames. What is more the membership seems to feel that the stories are just that...stories, made up works of fiction... And they have sited several examples as to why.

Everyone is entitled to post their comments, it is unfortunate when the overall effect is a slam dunk of the OP.

I myself found this a wee bit far fetched myself but sense so many members stated the things I was going to point out I let it run its course. I can, and will break out the BUS if anyone really wants me too. 😉


francyne1031 (49 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-15)
Obviously there are definite power trips going on here. Just read the account posted and move on if you don't agree! Geez. Why even take the time to go back and forth on a story you say is made up? The same Mods are putting them through to be posted on this site. Just don't comment at all and move on to better things or to maybe try to actually help someone. I'm sure if their are NO comments the poster will get the hint. There are better things to do with ones time.
Argette (guest)
10 years ago (2015-03-15)
Hitchcock Madness, you sound so much like Ms. Wrestler and your background is similar. That's why your story is suspicious.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-03-15)
Well, since Miracles was the one who published this and she's already stated that she didn't do any editing, I think there's an obvious attempt to "create" poor grammar in the comments.

Agnet201195 (1 stories) (26 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-14)
LOL! Totally agreed with Lady-glow. Spending money on a dropped-dead boarding school which is useless and which worths no good in improving your language. So what's the point to spend money and years on something which worths nothing?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-14)
HitchcockMadness: would it be possible to get your money back frrom the boarding school where you studied and then spwnt it in an electronic devise with a better autocorrect?
HitchcockMadness (1 stories) (8 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-14)
Yes a boarding school in the USA. They do have them for people with money like my family. And that was frrom mddle school up.

I spwnt many summer s in Europe with my parents. When they worked there.

Not unusual. Normal for people of their work. And that'swhy iI was in boarding school.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-03-13)
Hitchcock - because you are digging your grave even deeper, I'm going to respond to one of your latest comments. You said, and I quote, "My English is good due to boarding school and lots of american movies." However, your profile says this, and again I quote, "I grew up and live now still in the USA. Currently in Texas but I have lived all over the country and in Europe"

I don't think I need to say anything else. Your contradictions speak for themselves. Good grief 😐
HitchcockMadness (1 stories) (8 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-13)
I'm not using my real name... My maden last name is what my registration is in and you need that to check.


I'm being careful sharing my name due to my ex husband and his lawyer.

For the las time I am FEMALE not MALE.
HitchcockMadness (1 stories) (8 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-13)
Sam I was answering to what a poster put saying him... Just quoting.

My English is good due to boarding school and lots of american movies. I still make mistakes and for that I appologise for spelling and grammer. And thank those of you who have helped me with it.

If any of you can offer suggestions to make more sence etc for you to be able to understand me better I would appreciate then. My spell check on my i-phone can be funny at times.

I appaaologise too if there is a problem with me postingstories with orbs and remnants of ghosts. Like I say I am new and I have to learn.

Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-12)
Miracles and Notjustme, I just saw your comments, and I guess I'm going to have to admit, that was a bit to much, I'm sorry, that won't happen again.
Agnet201195 (1 stories) (26 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-12)
You want to write true stories when you don't hold any? At least don't disappoint people please... Only your comments will be enough... 😕
WiniPu4 (207 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-12)
I enjoyed the story and REALLY want to believe it. I do not normally participate in "blanket parties" because I normally would rather withdraw than be unkind.
HOWEVER; having done intel & investigative work, I can find nobody by this name in either the TX & FL veterinary license search or even by this last name in part or whole.
And the profile for FirehouseDracula REALLY does have stricking similaries.
The grammar style & errors in both stories are the same.
How disappointing.
Argette (guest)
10 years ago (2015-03-11)
Let's see... Florida, Texas, Horses, European background... By the end of the first paragraph, I was suspicious.

Plus, the scene sounded soooo familiar.
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-11)
Speak of the devil, Val you were the one I couldn't give any points to for a while there hahaha... Haunted huh? That would be pretty sweet 😆
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-03-11)
Hmmm...apparently the karma point giver thingy likes me right now so notjust, I gave you one for the one Miracles tried to. I do know we have a 'limit' on points we can give a poster in a row, but usually you'll get a message telling you as much and saying 'please vote for someone else". *shrug* Maybe it's haunted?
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-11)
ahh...gotcha. I use it sometimes as a "okay, saw your comment, but I have nothing that is worth saying back so here's a point to show I seen it", I'm sure many others use it like that too.

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