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Ghost Children From Texas City Explosion


Let me preface my story by telling you that I live in a town right on the Galveston Bay in South Texas. It's a quiet town where you would never guess that anything dark had ever happened. Never the less, in 1947 a ship named the Grandcamp exploded at the pier and ignited one of the largest tragedies in the United States. In all, 576 people were killed and the southern part of the town was almost vaporized. The destruction runs to within half of a mile of my 1920 bungalow, which I bought in 2010. I didn't know at the time, but there are frequently echoes of the people who lived here in 1947.

One night when we were in bed, my husband was awoken at 4:30 AM by the sounds of two little girls playing with what sounded like a ball and jacks. He listened for a minute as they giggled and played by the bedroom door. He said they sounded somewhere between 6 and 8 years old. He was fully awake and facing our bedroom windows. There was enough light that he was seeing the false dawn along with a slight glow behind him. I was on the side of the bed closest to the door and asleep.

After a moment or two, the oldest girl said "Watch this!" to the other child. She called out "Mama, mama" which any mother knows will roust you out of the deepest sleep. I immediately sat up and panicked saying "What? What? Are you okay?" and they giggled to see that I responded. My husband silently grabbed my arm and pointed to the foot of the bed. There was a patch of doorway that looked lighter and wavy to me and I could hear a little whisper, but couldn't make out what was being said.

I looked at him, he looked at me wide-eyed and we both decided to be massive chickens and to lie down again and pretend that it never happened. This was a little creepy and we weren't sure how to deal with ghost children. Everything was quiet for about ten minutes and I started drifting back off to sleep. My husband settled back down with his back to the door and started to doze off again.

We heard the little game start up again and a silvery glow was at the foot of the bed. I watched as it came around to my husband's side of the bed. He was lying on his side and the little glow moved to where his pillow was. I was too afraid to move or say anything. He had his eyes squeezed shut - I don't blame him. As I watched, it looked as if two little hands pressed down on the bed right next to his face and the glow hovered closer and closer to his face. I'm not sure who screamed first but we both did. There was a tinkling little laugh. It wasn't mean. It reminded me of small children who are checking to see if they can wake you up to play with them. As we grabbed each other, thoroughly shaken, the little glow slipped right through the wall and vanished.

I don't mind that the little girls and others come through once in a while, but it can surprise and shake you. We have a few stories and if anyone is interested, I'd be happy to share them with you.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, EmmalineTexas, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-24)
Mayukiasano - It makes us laugh now too! Being psychic runs in my family so we have a black sense of humor about things that wander in. My poor husband is the one that it freaks out the most. He was halfway across the room after knocking me out of the way before he slowed down. He'll never live it down.
Thanks for your comment. Priceless. ❤
mayukiasano (2 stories) (17 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-24)
Sorry that to be honest, this story made me laugh as I imagine you and your husband but if it happened to me, I might really think of moving to another house. 😭 I'm a scaredy-cat, I admit that.
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-06)
Cups- I can't wait to read your story. I'm so glad that you're a part of YGS. Thanks for such kind comments ❤
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-06)
Oh, Emmaline! I popped over to your profile to read your stories to find that I already have... Before I had even registered. They are fantastic stories, and this I found particularly riveting. I have a child ghost story of my own that I hope to share soon. I have one waiting in the wings to be approved & posted, so stay tuned. Thank you for sharing! I am so happy I found this little community! ❤
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-17)
Sushantkar - Your experience sounds incredibly frightening. What happened? And yes, I understand your feeling about child ghosts. It seems that a lot of things masquerade as children. I am relieved that the ones here were just passing through. If it happened all of the time, I would be extremely worried. So sorry that you had an entity (or entities) try to hurt you.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-17)
Hello Emmaline, very frightening experience you had. I personally don't like child ghosts. They are very natorious and eirre. Once I had experienced ghost child's near an abundant mortuary. It was almost a near death experience for me. Hopefully you are doing fine now.
Thanks for sharing.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-16)

I like your attitude towards the spirits in your house. Telling the spirit to stop changing channels on your T.V. Because you knew it was there was perfect. 😊

I know how hard it is to keep toys around with dogs. We have 6 now. The mother,father,3 HUGE 8 month old puppies and an older dog. Try putting the toys on a table where the dogs can't disturb them and see if they have been moved.

EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-15)
Eden14 - thanks for your comments. Yes, I try to stay very aware and not feed any energy into the things that go on. We don't go looking for ghosts. We tend to see it as random happenings because the of the history. I'm very careful and immediately let it go. Thank you again. ❤

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EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-15)
Hi Red, Thanks so much for your comments. You're one of my favorite writers on this site. I might try leaving toys out and seeing what happens. It's hard to do with three dogs though. We rescue whatever needs a home! Thanks for the encouragement I'll definitely add more stories. Lately, we can't turn the TV on at night without it changing channels avery 20 minutes or so. I finally have to say "Please stop! I know you're here. Thank you!" and it quits. Last night I was outside and heard a whistle and a lady called "Kate, Kate" (my name) and I answered. It did it again two more times and my husband heard it also from inside and we searched the property but there was no one. A few days ago I heard my son in the kitchen. I was in the living room at my writing desk with only a peripheral view. I heard him walk right up behind me and say "Hey!". Very friendly. Only problem was my son was in his bedroom with headphones on. It's always interesting around here 😁 I'm looking forward to reading more of your stories. Thank you for the welcome.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-14)

Please do submit more stories, I enjoyed this one very much.

I like the idea that your lot (s) were used as a makeshift hospital. Many times when there has been a great tragedy the spirits stick around for a long time, or never leave.

Leaving toys out for them is a really good idea, so is trying to talk them and letting them know the rules in your house.

I'm looking forward to reading more of your experiences.

Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-09)
Emmaline- This was such a great story. How exciting to have that type of interaction with the two of them. I totally understand you and your husbands reaction. Many times I wished I had handled things differently. One just never knows how they will react until it happens to them. A lot of mine was the "SURPRISE" factor 😆.

So looking forward to reading more, headed to read your other submission.

Welcome to YGS 😊
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-08)
AugustaM - thank you so much for your comments on both stories. When the green flash happened I honestly had a moment of "Oh, this is how it ends". We stood there stunned for a couple of minutes and wondered if there had been a nuclear blast. You're probably right; it was a residual loop from the blast. Great insight, thank you. As for the little girls, I think that maybe they were at one of the schools that exploded. In my mind's eye, one was dark haired with braids and the other little girl was a dark blonde curly haired child. There are a couple of mysteries about my house I haven't been able to answer. To this day the police department has my three lots listed as a garage, but the house itself is dated 1920. We know that people ran to my street after the first blast. Maybe it was used to shelter people who were wounded or the grounds were used as a makeshift hospital. I do know that the people were sent to 6th Street and Palmer Avenue for triage. That's one block away. The records are sketchy and if anyone knows how to research it, I would really appreciate your help. I loved your story about your cuddler Augusta but I don't think that I could be that brave. Thank you for all of your help and I look forward to reading all of your stories and comments on this site.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-08)
Maybe the green flash was a residual replay of the explosion. That's the only thing I can come up with, anyway. Do you think the girls were explosion victims or simply lived in the house? Have you ever gotten any impression of what they might have been wearing? Research on the property might give you a clue - bearing in mind that something may have stood in that spot before the current house.

Either way, the girls sound charming. I like the idea of putting toys out for them. You may be able to get footage of them if you leave out toys in the evening with a camera trained on them (there are free apps that can turn a tablet or smartphone into a motion activated camera). And maybe try talking to them - if they startle you, let them know that they are welcome to stay but there are rules ❤
Sid926 (2 stories) (25 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-08)
Hii Emmeline Texas, I read your story and it was really great. I too feel that those ghost children mean no harm to your family... And love to hear more experiences from you... 😊 😊
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-07)
Jubeele - thanks so much for your kind comments! We haven't left out any toys. We seem to have almost a revolving door here. At 3am we hear what I can only describe as people leaving a bar or canteen. There was one located 30 feet from my house back when the Air Force base was here. The ghost dog snuffles and bumps the bed every couple of days. But the strangest experience was about a week after I bought the house. My son who was 17 at the time, and I were standing in the kitchen. Suddenly, there was a very, very loud hum and a neon green flash so bright that we were staggering and blinking tears. No idea what it was. I'm too chicken to go borrowing trouble I guess.:) Thank you so much for reading and commenting on my story.
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-07)
Your story made me chuckle, EmmelineTexas. I would've fallen right off the bed in fright! I'm a bit of a 'chook' myself <cluck-cluck> 😲 Those ghost children sound delightful though. They don't seem to mean you and your husband any harm. Have you tried saying "hi" or left out toys for them?

I've enjoyed both your accounts - thanks for sharing them. Keep them coming!😊

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