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Sleep Paralysis, I Don't Know, I Am Looking For Answers


Ok well, let me start this by saying I have no prior experience with this website and I am seriously just looking for answers or at the very least some insight into what exactly has been happening to me.

For starters I am 18 years old and live in Virginia, I have been here my whole life and I love it, however over the past couple of months I am starting to hate living where I am. A little background on myself, I have always been an interesting sleeper, sleepwalked almost every night, and still do occasionally. I always had sleep paralysis throughout my childhood meaning that I would wake up and not be able to move for a couple of minutes, feeling as if there was someone sitting on top of me, but I never really thought much of it thanks to the good ole' internet research. I have also always been able to have premonitions, in my dreams on multiple occasions I have awoken from a dream and wondered why it was so realistic, so I started to write in a dream journal, only for it to come true years later. I still to this day have premonitions come true of people that I meet and places that work, all from dreams that I had in my childhood. I don't worry as much about that, until now. Maybe these things are all related I don't know, but I figured it might help someone make a correlation between what is going on with me.

For the past couple of months I have been awoken to a feeling of someone shaking me, and I literally am shaking in my bed, as someone whispers something, but I feel like its a dream state, and it only lasts a couple of minutes at the very most, until it ends. This coupled with 3 different occasions of me being awoken to a trapped feeling like I can't move, then I start to hear gibberish whispers, and then all of the sudden I feel something grab my leg like a cold hand would be the only thing to compare it to. After it grabs me it starts to slowly but surely drag me out of my bed, seeing as my bed is just a mattress on the floor and I am a 200 pound farm boy... I am really unsure how it is doing this. All the meanwhile as I am being drug I can't yell, move, look, or even fight back... Its nothing like sleep paralysis, because it lasts almost 20 minutes sometimes as it is attempting to drag me into my hallway, but it eventually just stops, which is what scares me the most. I have attempted sleeping in other rooms in my house but the most recent one... Last night... Happened on my couch in my basement living room. Another thing to make note of is the fact that it almost always happens between 2am and 4am its really strange considering I usually go to bed by 11 pm in order to get up for work.

I am most definitely not a religious person never have been, but I am so terrified by this happening that I might just become religious haha. I really want answers, I believe in the paranormal considering I have had the feeling of being watched in my house countless times, and also coming from a very prominent southern family who attest to have seen some extremely strange things like demonic possessions, I am just tired of this and want to get some answers. Please comment and I will get back with you as soon as possible. Thanks for reading this and I hope that someone has an answer or two.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, SleepyBoy, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Zander (7 stories) (146 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-17)
About more information on the Cherokee. I have stayed by the Ocanaluftee River on your ancestral lands in Cherokee, North Carolina. Ask your grandmother or your grandmother's grandmother to communicate with your, perhaps before sleeping. Watch for signs in your dreams. Pray for a vision. Visit the reservation and see where it leads...
INDAY (2 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-19)
I experienced this twice many years ago. Although I was never hurt, it was scary feeling immobilized and left at the mercy of beings whispering and doing things to me. I did not even know how I was able to wake up. I just knew my fear was real so I know exactly where you're coming from.
To find answers to unexplained experiences even after that, I embarked on a spiritual journey. I learnt how to meditate, cleanse my house of negative energies, create a protective shield around me etc.
It helped me tremendously. I also joined an online group which helped me in accepting what I could not explain and build inner strength. Gradually, things went back to almost normal.
One important thing I learnt was, these negative energies feed on your fear. Acknowledge what is happening and let it go. Giving it a lot of attention is not helpful.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-09)
SleepBoy, it is possible to live in a house for a long time without any paranormal activity occurring until something sets it off.

Was any work, even minor, done on the house before your problems started? Sometimes entities, for lack of a better word, sleep until something irks them and wakes them up. A lot of entities are set off by changes or repairs to a building.
SleepyBoy (1 stories) (4 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-09)
I actually live with 2 other people, and have so in the same house for two years, when it first started I looked into the houses history but it is only about 40 years old and has pretty much NO history. So no luck there at all. Also yes I will sleep walk and wake up outside of my room, as I always have, even when I was young.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-08)
Hi SleepyBoy,

Firstly you're not alone in experiencing premonition dreams. I'm very intrigued by your having dreams at a young age of places and events that many years later come true. Very impressive stuff!

A possibility that occurred to me whilst reading your story, maybe the 'shaker' is attempting to 'shield' you from a premonition. Not necessarily a negative premonition, but something which this ghost/entity feels would be best you had no prior knowledge of.
(Personal belief here) I believe in free will and that nothing is set in stone. That is, I believe we choose our own destiny. I think of premonitions as windows into a possible outcome which will occur on the current 'path' taken. Eg: If I study real hard I'll get good marks. Or if I party hard and skip class I'll get cruddy marks. (basic free will at work)
Ok I wrote that, then read the comments. SleepyBoy I too have issues with clocks, and it seems there's a theme between clocks stopping/batteries draining and people sensitive to the paranormal. Watches stop on me after about 4 hours, same with some household clocks. Been happening ever since I can remember. Sounds crazy, is crazy, no idea what it means!

Do you wake up in another part of the room/bed or hallway? If not an entity may be attempting to pull you out of your body.

I'm not religious either, though I respect nature and paranormal forces. I'm glad you're interested in delving into your Cherokee side, that feels right.😊 Always follow the paths that speak to you the loudest.

Rook has a cleansing method on his profile, you might want to give it a try. It could help calm the vibes in your room/house for a good night sleep.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-08)
SleepyBoy, do you live with your family or on your own? If you still live with your family, you might try thinking of things that have changed, either with your family or the home, before and since this started happening.

If you moved out, it's could be that something where you now live doesn't like you and is possibly trying to scare you out.

It would be helpful if you kept a record of your daily activities. You might find something innocent you're doing is triggering it. Good luck.
SleepyBoy (1 stories) (4 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-08)
WhiteWolf your right, even in regards to my direct family my mother is full Cherokee, however on my fathers side they are almost full Irish, and that to my understanding has been the case for most of my mothers siblings, marrying outside of native blood. So I think it has almost decimated any aspect of tribal blood outside of reservations. I contacted a reservation in North Carolina however they are mostly about tourism now and said they could not help me. So no luck there, however I did order a camera and hopefully will post a video if something strange occurs.
WhiteWolf (4 stories) (147 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-08)
It may be hard for SB to find any Native American tribes down south that follows the old traditions. I went backwoods camping in the Smokey Mountains and was told that the Native Americans don't go by the old ways and have started practicing christianity. I told my mom this after her answer about this.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-07)
Holy cow... That sure is an indicator of something in your home...don't suppose your computer has video camera? If not they are fairly cheap. Best wishes hope you get some answers...
SleepyBoy (1 stories) (4 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-07)
Once again thanks everybody, I am also not extremely tech savvy nor am I in any way rich, but I will look into maybe a long lasting gopro? At least try something that can tape me while I sleep. Also I looked into a sleep study but it was EXTREMELY expensive and considering I am in college and do not have a whole lot of spare cash lol it was out of the question. That is a great idea about the reservation, my grandmother actually lived on a reservation in North Carolina, so I might try getting in contact with someone through that reservation to see what/if maybe they can help. I appreciate all the helpful comments, and if I am able to get my hands on a long lasting camera which records something strange, I will definetly post a video... Also the draining battery thing, I have literally gone through 12 battery powered and plug in alarm clocks in my house, each one just stops working all together, not just the batteries but the whole clock as if it just burns out within a couple days of buying them new. I also can't even use a smart phone because the battery will literally drain in a couple hours. I have gone through 2 new iphones before I ended up getting a flip phone haha which half the time the alarm won't even work in my house. Once again I appreciate all the helpful answers!
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-07)
Red: Actually, I'm going to let it stand. I've decided that I'm no longer going to issue warnings or explanations when the guidelines have been ignored 😆.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-07)
Red, I didn't think about the draining part, but, if it does drain then it is another indicator of what's going on, physical or paranormal. Just to know I think would be helpful. Good observation!
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-07)
I agree with the idea of SleepyBoy trying to videotape himself but unless he can have something plugged in like a tablet or laptop with cameras and turn off the sleep mode. I am not tech savvy so I don't know if that can be done. All I know is if it is battery operated sometimes the battery will drain because an entity will use any energy it can to materialize and whenthe entity is gone the battery may or may not have power back.
BUT I definitely think trying the taping is a great idea.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-07)
Im not sure what kind of answer you are looking for. That it's really happening? How to stop it? I can't give you an answer to either but since it happens regularly, you might at least be able to CONFIRM it is happening by trying to video tape yourself at night. Maybe for a week. Now, just like ghosts don't always appear on queue, the happening may not occur but heck, you never know! I for one would like to see what you capture and if it was happening to me on a regular basis that would be the 1st thing I'd try. Then Id be better equipped to deal with whatever is causing this to happen, either waking nightmares or something out of this world. A sleep clinic did this in a clinical sleep study setting for a week for my cousin who as a youth suffered from extreme night terrors or "waking nightmares". Best wishes and I'm sorry you are having to go through this.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-06)
To the Mods
Please remove my comment. CallinthenameofJesus comment was still there when I went to preview and edit my comment. I would appreciate if you removed my comment. Thank you.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-06)
In case you have not read the quidelines I suggest you do so.
I am deeply offended that in effect that you are trying to push your belief system on someone and I'm surprised you were't taken to task yet.
Well I'm about to right now. You are NOT ALLOWED to bring religion into this forum. We have people who either have their own faith or choose not to practice any religion. You insult people who like me who do not believe in church and respect people who believe in their own gods.
As you recall SleepyBoy said he recieved a rosary and the attacks became worse. He is only an 18 year old young man.
He also stated he is majority Native American, his grandmother is full blooded Cherokee. He could find a Reservation and ask to speak to a Shaman and ask HIM/HER what he should do. OR go online and find old Cherokee methedologies for help.
Again you are NOT allowed to push religion on this site. I'm sure I am not the ONLY person you have insulted with your comment.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-06)

If you really are 50% or even a 60... 40 mix it may be well worth your effeort to check out a local reservation... And if you have not apply for 'tribal' status. You must of course prove your heritage but it would be a great chance to get in touch with that part of your heritage.

It may also lead to the answers you are seeking.


SleepyBoy (1 stories) (4 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-06)
Wow thanks for all the explanations and suggestions guys, I consulted some latino friends of mine who put me in contact with a very elder spiritual woman who ended up doing a sort of ritual with an egg to 'cleanse' me lol, that didn't do much though considering since than it has gotten pretty physical with me. I woke up from a vivid dream of myself being choked, and looked in my mirror to see bruise marks on my neck last night, so I don't know if my choice of action was correct. Also zander I am majority native american, I would like to understand more about there religious beliefs, but my grandmother (full blood Cherokee) passed away when I was young and with her went my families knowledge of there practices, so if you by any chance would know where to go to maybe get more info that would be awesome. Also Aussiedas when I went to the elderly woman she gave me a saint benadict rosary that she had performed some 'rituals' on and since than I have been wearing it, but like I said it seems to have become a little more violent since then. Once again I appreciate everybodys helpful thoughts, I also would like to know if possible, how exactly I could grow my supposed 'talents and gifts' lol if it would maybe allow me to further my knowledge of everything. Once again thank yall for the insight!
chria29 (3 stories) (25 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-06)
It seems you have some sort of abilities, possibly clairvoyance. I think since you have these abilities it might be possible that spirits are trying to communicate with you and they are trying to do things to get your attention. Maybe you can try to communicate with them or as suggested in another post by doing something religious to stop it if it bothers you. I believe everything happens for a reason and it seems you have these abilities for a reason, perhaps unknown why yet.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-05)
Ok, you'd like to know a little more about sleep paralysis, first of all, you need to understand and btw, this is scientific fact... There is no external world out there, wait,there's something out there, it's just not what we think it is, for example:you may see a beautiful mountain, along with landscaping full of colour in the distance, when in actual fact, all of that colour and scenery you think is over yonder, is actually shaping up with in the walls of your brain, Our minds transfer electrical representations of light, by means of cells in the retina, that travel to the sight centre of the brain and like magic there's our reality, I'd suggest you go research this information If you'd like to know more about it, because it is very relevant when it comes to S.P. IMO!

When we go to sleep, helped via the Pineal gland, we basically shift our mind from this reality (the macroscopic) into a frequency which is more connected to the microscopic world of quantum mechanics where Newtonian laws, based on gravity etc, are thrown out the window and you can also include Einstein's theory of relativity. No such thing as time in this transition of frequency, this may help you understand how we can see the future etc, but don't be mistaken of thinking that your premonitions, may validate your other experiences of S.P,... There is a totally different reason for these accounts and here's the deal on that, as you begin to wake up, or if you wake too sudden, your pineal gland, is going through the processes of shifting your mind frequency back to the macroscopic world of Newtonian principles, whilst closing itself off to the microscopic world of any thing is probable,premonitions,astral projection, nightmares, etc, etc, and remember what I said earlier, all of this is taking place, in the sight centre of our brain. So as you're opening your eyes up, you are in a sense overlaying realities in side the sight centre of the brain and unfortunately, what we try to perceive as our reality gets hijacked with the likes of Freddy Krueger and co in all that confusion at once going on in your sight centre, your pineal gland may also be assisting in paralysing you as it's sorting out the correct reality of which will transmit to your sight centre, basically, it's you creating the villain in between.

Regards Daz!
Zander (7 stories) (146 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-04)
You have natural abilities. Sleep paralysis describes the symptoms and one possible reason for the symptoms. This description and diagnosis takes as a given at the outset that nothing paranormal in this world is 'real.' Therefore, while we might be able to describe something 'scientifically' we may be ignoring other, just as real if not readily measurable, by current instrumentation, phenomena. I might encourage you to rethink your 'sleep paralysis.' You could simply be close to unseen dimensions by nature and benefit from facing that fact rather than side-stepping it. While you are not religious, and I respect that, it sounds as though you are spiritual, by virtue of your unusual abilities, which you may not yet understand nor be able to control. With an open psyche, like an open door, you need a lock, you need visiting hours or NO visiting hours~ either way, you have to reclaim your right to privacy from things unseen. While you may not be religious, it/they may and they may respond to it. Please investigate something you can stand, Christian, Buddhist, Native American -- learn it and use it. Have prayers of whatever sort you can get behind to say before you retire and to put things in place if they wake you or make you sleep walk. You might want to see my story in Tokyo, here for what worked for me. Rebel yell, brother. Don't let them boss you around. An amulet for protection might be a good idea to wear as well.

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