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The Nursing Lady Part 2


The family moved in to the house six years ago, in October. The little girl, Lucy, and her brother, Brendan, were both excited, and Lucy had taken my old bedroom, and Brendan had taken the first of the two guest bedrooms. The mother and father got the biggest room, and this is where their story begins.

Before I began my research, I talked to Brendan about anything unusual or strange that had happened to him. All he told me was that while he and his friend were in the forest near the home, his friend had seen a lady, wearing white, carrying the body of a scarred little girl. They followed the lady through the trees, but upon reaching the point where she disappeared found nothing but a mound of leaves. They dug up the mound of leaves, and underneath the leaves was a yellow, old, and dirty apron, plus a pair of gloves. Upon asking him more about the ghostly figure, he said she glared at him and his friend, and looked angry and mean. He refused to talk about anything else, so I moved on to his sister.

Now the thing about Lucy, is that she is a strange little girl. She is more quiet, more prim, and she has this look in her eyes that is far older than her age, and something about her always looks pale.

What Lucy told me was there were three people in the house. A little girl, who always picked on her and was mean, but was scared of Brendan, and her mom and dad, an old man, who she just shrugged about, and the nursing lady herself, who she said was plain evil.

That was the end of my talk with Lucy, and Bren, and then I recorded my thoughts on my second time in the house.


Now this is my experience so far in the house: When I walked in, I have no clue why, but I felt this immediate sense of foreboding, like someone was there watching me, welcoming me back.

The day progressed uneventfully, to my disappointment, and upon asking the family about the basement, they said they had locked the door, and kept it shut for five years, and no one had been down there. They let me go down and investigate, however, and as soon as I entered the basement, I felt like I shouldn't be there. I searched through the mounds of trash, looking for the picture I saw many years prior, but saw nothing. I found the picture frame, but it was empty, which struck me as strange, considering the father swore no one had been down there in a while. I searched more, finding nothing, really, except the old tea-set, and the picture frame. Now this is when things start to get weird.

As I was exiting the basement, a cold gust of wind blew against me, and that is impossible, considering there are no openings to the outdoors from the basement beside the door, which was firmly closed shut. I tried to follow where the gust of wind came form, and was greeted with nothing except wall. I leaned down, and guess what? The picture of the nursing lady lay on the floor, still in perfect condition, barely even yellowing.

Instead of leaving the picture, I quickly picked it up, and took it upstairs with me, and that night, I talked to the boy and girl, and the boy provided the long story of his experience before my part, but all the little girl told me was "Be careful in the basement, sometimes I hear the lady stomping in there".

As I lay down in bed, I heard stomping outside my room, as if someone was mad. I dismissed it as the old creaks of the house, but then again, when was anything in this house not to do with paranormal activity? So I snuck out of bed, and looked under the door crack, and saw brown tweed shoes, pumps, looking extremely old and ugly, going back and forth. The ends of the white dress just barely reached the shoes. I gasped, and the noise made the shoes disappear rapidly, as I jumped back into bed. I was right when I was a child... There was someone watching me from under the cracks of my door.

My thought flashed to the old man who was normally seen sleeping in the very bed I was in, and I began to wonder if the reason the nursing lady was mad was because I had taken her patients bed? I never knew.


The second day came of my visit (I would be staying three days, and leave on the fourth morning) and upon speaking to Brendan, the son, he immediately directed me to his sister, who said I could sleep in her room that night.

Brendan showed me the clearing where they had dug up the apron, but he had hid them someplace else when he was younger, and he had forgotten where.

The night came, and as I lay in my old room, and Lucy's current room, she fell asleep quickly, and so did I, but I woke up and felt something in the room. I didn't open my eyes, trying not to scare the person away, but opened them a slit, turning my eyes to the figure in the corner. A small figure, with straggly hair was visible, and that is all that was visible about her. I felt fear strike me, this was the little kid Lucy was scared of. I closed my eyes and willed myself to sleep, trying to pretend there was no one there.


The final day came, and I told the family of what I knew, finally interviewing the mother and father.

The mother gave me something she had found while scouting out the basement. It was the picture frame, except the frame was horribly disfigured now, as if someone had slammed it against the wall in anger. I felt fear grow in me, and that night, my final night in the house, I felt extremely happy. I had to get out of this house. These spirits were angry and confused, lead by the Nursing Lady, and I could tell she was mad at me. She was raving mad at me. I went to sleep that night hoping for a quick sleep, and no waking up in the middle of the night.

Of course, that didn't happen. I woke up, and saw the Nursing Lady IN MY ROOM. She glared at me, her eyes pitch black, her teeth almost painfully white looking. She bared her teeth, and I ducked under the covers, crying. I was terrified, and I willed myself to get to sleep, and the air was stuffy and warm under the covers, but I felt that if I popped my head out for fresh air, I would see the lady again. I stayed like that for a while, and eventually fell asleep.

When I woke up in the morning, I stood up and ran to the corner of my room where I saw the lady, and saw on the floor her picture, curled up, like someone was holding it and made a fist. I felt pure relief course through me, and left as quickly as possible.


That ends my not so amazing experience with the house, thank god.

In the end, I kept the picture with the house, knowing I would be eternally damned if I took it. My theory is that it was a hospital along time ago, and that the ghost of the little girl was either a patient, or one of the daughters of the old man. The Nursing Lady was a nurse, or perhaps a matron, perhaps for a children's hospital. The little girl, she seemed angry, but afraid of those older than her, hence picking on only Lucy. The old man? He was dormant, to be frank, in my opinion, he seemed lost and sad, not angry or anything.

So to end this, the theory for this is that the little girl was a patient for consumption, and the little doll (Clara) belonged to her, and she buried the doll before her death. The Nursing Lady, I believe, buried the little girl in the clearing in the forest, and that is why Brendan and his friend spotted her carrying a little girl's body to the clearing, and that could also explain the apron and gloves buried under the undergrowth, because the nurse could be afraid the disease would be transmitted through the contact. The Nursing Lady seemed to be the main, scary one, she is definitely an evil, bitter force... The question is, why? Leave your theories in the comments, because my only question now is: Why was the Nursing Lady so bitter and evil?

Thanks for reading!

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, multiplyingchills3, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Donald_Trumpet (18 posts)
5 years ago (2019-03-08)
Kiddo, this was an entertaining read though, to be honest, I doubt it really happened. Nice try. 😜
L_Melb (220 posts)
6 years ago (2018-03-24)
It is rather strange how much you were able to see under a door. I've tried looking under various doors in my house and the view is pretty much nothing.
Did the doors have huge gaps under them? Or have I totally misunderstood everything? 😟
Patchot456 (1 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-27)
Whoa! What a very horrifying story. It gives me chills:3 May I ask if the residents still stayed there? Or they left too? I think the little girl has a contagious disease so the nurse decided to bury her in order to stop the spread of the disease? Hehe, just an opinion.:3
Respectfully yours.:)
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-25)
Well...let's see, just a good assortment with extra gold glitter please.
The check's in the mail. 😆
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-25)

Would you like just a very good assortment of craft supplies or did you have something particular in mind?

Please rememeber the 'Troll Patrol' is a not for profit orginazation brought to you by 'Puff Bayram' purely for entertainment purposes when a vast majority of the YGS membership finds a submission 'that met all submission guidelines' to be 'less than true'. Send all donations to...

Miss Demeanor
P.O. Box BR549
BS Station Anytown USA 77777/3333


valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-25)
Hey! I had a doll that walked all by itself! Of course you had to wind it up first and it moved like Frankenstein - oh, that isn't what you meant. Lol
I do need to correct myself, I had said that the OP had only mentioned 3 bedrooms, but in a comment she did mention 2 guestrooms. Making a total of 5. Even though I am well aware that under a pressed situation, all the rooms would have been used to accommodate the ill, it still would not have been listed as a hospital. Only that it served as one during X time.
Again, found in comments on Part one, the OP mentions that friends of the family bought the house from them. So it would not seem so strange for her to arrange a visit, I think. However, I found no mention of Clara the doll in Part One's comments, or in Part 2s narrative, except at the very end. Then it's just 'there', injected into the story as if it was something we had heard about. The OP then gives us 2 conflicting tellings about the doll; at the end of her story and then in comments.
Why do I bring this all up? Only because I want to be fair. Now, Rook please ask Puff to get some really good craft supplies in. Lady-glow and I need to make the "Golden Jack-o-lantern" award.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-24)
Valkricry and Rookdygin: If there's chocolate involved, I'm ready since yesterday!
I think we could give this bus ride a twist and hand YGS's very own "Golden Jack-o-lantern" award to the most incredible story of the season!😆

Multiplyingchills3: I hope you are better at multiplying than at adding (pun intended), because the math in your!

Let's see, here I'm going to use Rook's observations:
(According to the 'time line' in your first 'story' you were 8 when you moved in and 14 when you moved out... 8 at move in... 12th B-day party... Move out 2 years later... Equals 14 years of age. So you lived there for 6 years, is that math correct?)

And now in your own words:
"The family moved in to the house six years ago, in October..."

Assuming that they move into the house immediately after your family moved out, that would mean that your current age would be 20 YEARS OLD! According to your profile you are a teenager! HOW on earth can you explain this? 🤔

Another part that I have trouble understanding/believing is the following:
"...Brendan's story was utter nonsense, I think, however, he insisted on it being put in the narrative, to the point he STOOD next to me while publishing..."

But previously you say:
"When I woke up in the morning, I stood up and ran to the corner of my room where I saw the lady, and saw on the floor her picture, curled up, like someone was holding it and made a fist. I felt pure relief course through me, and left as quickly as possible."

Did you write the story during the last night of your "research" with Brendan standing behind you twisting your arm so you wouldn't discard his finding of the apron and gloves?
If you think this part to be nonsense, why did you include it in the story instead of standing your ground and saying that the site is only for REAL GHOST STORIES? -Such a disappointment!

And please, do not say that Clara dug herself out of her grave and went walking to the antiques store to wait patiently seated on a shelf until Lucy's father came to buy her several decades later... Nobody would believe it!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-24)
Let's start here... With this question...

How long between your Family moving out and the Family in Part 2 moving in? (According to the 'time line' in your first 'story' you were 8 when you moved in and 14 when you moved out... 8 at move in... 12th B-day party... Move out 2 years later... Equals 14 years of age. So you lived there for 6 years, is that math correct?)

Why did you reach out to this Family living in your old home? Was it to conduct a Paranormal Investigation? If so did you already know the Family because 3 NIGHT stay with strangers seems... Well to put it politely...odd, to say the least.

So...for three days of 'research' all you brought with you was pen and paper so you could 'write' (record) your thoughts? Not only that it begins like this...

"Now this is my experience so far in the house: When I walked in, I have no clue why, but I felt this immediate sense of foreboding, like someone was there watching me, welcoming me back."

So was 'someone' watching and 'welcoming' you back... Or did you have a foreboding feeling of being watched... I have experienced both (never at the same time) and they feel quite different... So which was it?

My next question is about furniture... You go on to tell us about... Well let me quote it...

"I searched more, finding nothing, really, except the old tea-set, and the picture frame. Now this is when things start to get weird. As I was exiting the basement, a cold gust of wind blew against me, and that is impossible, considering there are no openings to the outdoors from the basement beside the door, which was firmly closed shut. I tried to follow where the gust of wind came form, and was greeted with nothing except wall. I leaned down, and guess what? The picture of the nursing lady lay on the floor, still in perfect condition, barely even yellowing. Instead of leaving the picture, I quickly picked it up, and took it upstairs with me, and that night, I talked to the boy and girl, and the boy provided the long story of his experience before my part, but all the little girl told me was "Be careful in the basement, sometimes I hear the lady stomping in there".

As I lay down in bed, I heard stomping outside my room, as if someone was mad. I dismissed it as the old creaks of the house, but then again, when was anything in this house not to do with paranormal activity? So I snuck out of bed, and looked under the door crack, and saw brown tweed shoes, pumps, looking extremely old and ugly, going back and forth. The ends of the white dress just barely reached the shoes. I gasped, and the noise made the shoes disappear rapidly, as I jumped back into bed. I was right when I was a child... There was someone watching me from under the cracks of my door.

My thought flashed to the old man who was normally seen sleeping in the very bed I was in, and I began to wonder if the reason the nursing lady was mad was because I had taken her patients bed?"

Do you mean to say that your parents had bought the house furnished AND this 'new' Family did the same from you? Or do you mean to say that the bed was in the same 'place'?

I will condense the next two 'experiences'...during the 2nd and 3rd nights you saw apparitions... And you simply buried your head under the covers?

This 'harks' back to 'no recording equipment' except pen and paper... While I admire the fact that you managed to fall asleep after seeing these 'manifestations' it is a TAD disappointing you did not even have a voice recorder with you to help collect evidence.
You then end your 'research paper' with a Theory...

"My theory is that it was a hospital along time ago, and that the ghost of the little girl was either a patient, or one of the daughters of the old man. The Nursing Lady was a nurse, or perhaps a matron, perhaps for a children's hospital."

And in comments you say this...

"I have checked town archives, and it used to be a hospital, though it never stated WHAT diseases were treated in the facility."

While this was an 'OK' follow up, you 'found' evidence that the house had been used as a Hospital at one time... The research could have gone further. The town archives may only make note of what buildings were used for but by using period newspapaers and other articals it should not be too hard to determine just what diseases were being treated, in the area, during the time frame that this 'home' was a hospital.

Now, last... But NOT LEAST... I have one last thing I would like to ask about...It's the Doll...

From your second 'story'...

"So to end this, the theory for this is that the little girl was a patient for consumption, and the little doll (Clara) belonged to her, and she buried the doll before her death."

Then from your comments on the second story...

"Clara the doll was a doll that Lucy had received for her sixth birthday, purchased from an antique store that has since been closed for about a year."

This feels so 'tacked on'...right at the end of everything I have to question it... So was the doll buried? (this question has already been asked by lady-glow) or was she purchased by Lucy's dad for her 6th birthday? Which is it? (Hint Buried then dug up... Cleaned up by Dad and given as a birthday present is scarier...)

Puff has asked me if there are any foods, and or music requests so he can prepare the Miss Demeanor for Departure.


valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-24)
Ok...the town archives say the house use to be a hospital (albeit from your description an awfully small one as you only ever mentioned 3 bedrooms). Although in times of crisis (epidemics, disasters,war) many structures have been used as makeshift hospitals, yet your wording doesn't suggest this as the case. Either way, a time frame would have been mentioned.
Then too there are the discrepancies lady-glow has already mentioned. "Clara" being the largest tell. Either the doll had belonged to the girl and buried before her death, or it was bought for Lucy. One or the other but not both. Yet according to your own words, it was both...Hmmmm.
Lady-glow, Rook told me there was chocolate on the bus. Let's go get some and design Halloween costumes!
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-24)
I DON'T WANT to be rude... I don't want to be rude...BUT, I do not buy it!

Multiplyingchills: you have a lot to explain, Missy!

Copy-pasting your own words: "...and the little doll (Clara) belonged to her, and she buried the doll before her death..."

And now from your latest comment: "...Clara the doll was a doll that Lucy had received for her sixth birthday, purchased from an antique store that has since been closed for about a year. The father admitted to having a strange feeling from the doll..."

What the...what? 🤔

No offence, but contradictions like these make your story look like a bad fiction pile of...of...words!

And there are more questions about your "experience" and so called "paranormal investigation" but I don't want to waste my time nitpicking your "work".
multiplyingchills3 (2 stories) (9 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-24)
Clara the doll was a doll that Lucy had received for her sixth birthday, purchased from an antique store that has since been closed for about a year. The father admitted to having a strange feeling from the doll, but that was it, really.
Brendan's story was utter nonsense, I think, however, he insisted on it being put in the narrative, to the point he STOOD next to me while publishing. However, I do not believe the apron was from a long time ago, but rather, more recently lost there.
The consumption story is a theory, since that is the intel I gathered from most comments on the previous counterpart of my experiences, and since I took into account how others viewed the experience, I continued on this theory and have since assumed it was consumption, due to popular theories around my first experience.
Second note about Clara, Lucy said 'the little girl controlled Clara' as in possessed the doll, so I believe that the doll was an innocent doll, but either Lucy has a vivid imagination, or perhaps the little girl ghost possessed Clara out of spite for Lucy.
I have checked town archives, and it used to be a hospital, though it never stated WHAT diseases were treated in the facility.
Yes, Rook, both experiences are about the same Nursing Lady. And house.
The current residents, the parents, have seen nothing out of the ordinary, just enough to make them assume they were seeing things incorrectly. Lucy and Brendan are adamant on moving, however the father's job and farm lies there, so they are not planning on moving any time soon.
Clara seems to be the unexplained force here, and to once again address her, she was simply a doll purchased for Lucy, but somehow, it was possessed by 'the evil little girl' spirit. This is what Lucy claimed, and keep in mind I have no way of traveling back in time and proving these finds were legitimate.
Thank you all for your comments, and I hope you all have a great daynight, wherever y'all are
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-24)
multiplyingchills3... This is an scary experience... Could make a film... I read your first part again but didn't find any explanation of clara- the doll... Kindly respond

Between this is a good and scary read ❤
MystieGypsy (15 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-22)
I second Lady-Glow's comment about the apron and gloves. The apparition you describe leads one to believe that she lived quite a few decades ago (early 20th century at least). So... How is it possible that clothing that was hidden many years ago could still be easily found under just some leaf litter? I have seen old farmstead "junk piles" from the 1950s/1960s that were under at least a foot or two of dirt and leaves. Those piles had to be dug out using shovels to get to the valuable old bottles. Anything made from material other than glass or metal had decayed long ago.
Afraidnolonger (5 stories) (21 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-21)
Very interesting experiences... Thanks for sharing! Did the current residents say they wanted to move? Just curious about whether they felt threatened.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-21)
Have you checked the town archives for information regarding the house been used as a hospital before and, if so, when did it stop having this function?

I got lost about "Clara the doll"... Don't remember any mention of her during your narrative that, by the way, is a little confusing.😐

Is the house located in the country side or in an urban area?
What makes you think that the apron and gloves belonged to a consumption patient and that the nursing lady would dispose of them only by buring them under some leaves instead of burning them? That would mean that the gloves and the apron would had been exposed to the elements for many years and probably disintegrated over time.

I will appreciate your answers.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-21)
Question for the O/P...Question for the O/P...

Are both of your 'experiences' about the same house? About the same 'lady nurse'?



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