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Restroom Ghost


This took place a few years back. There is a meat and 3 type restaurant in my home town that's known for the great food and wonderful staff. It is run out of a building that was an old elementary school many years ago by a small group of very religious women. They have gospel groups there to play on Friday and Saturday nights, and the ladies are very sweet, pleasant and they cook fantastic meals.

My sister called me up one day and asked me to meet her there for lunch. I'm always willing to go get a home cooked meal there! My sister, K, and I had a wonderful lunch and conversation with a couple of the ladies and were just sitting and chatting while drinking tea.

I had to go to the restroom and asked K where it was. She directed me up a short set of stairs, through the old kitchen and said it was in the hall on the over side of the old kitchen. I trotted up the stairs and saw the old school kitchen to my left, a large open room with lots of counters, but empty as the ladies had a smaller area downstairs where they cooked.

As I stepped into the kitchen to cross it, I was struck by how incredibly cold the room was. It was summertime down south, and it wasn't this cold in the other area of the building, odd. About halfway across the room, I suddenly had the feeling that I was being watched and I became very fearful. I hurried through and into the restroom.

The restroom was what you would expect from an old schoolhouse. Small room, 2 stalls and a sink. The stall on the right was occupied as I saw shoes under the door, so I headed into the one on the left. In a few seconds, I heard the other toilet flush, the squeaky door open and the other person walk to the sink and wash their hands before leaving. I saw their feet pass by my stall, but never really got a look at the person. I finished up and headed back to the table, but took the long way around to avoid going back through the kitchen.

In chatting with K, I mentioned how cute the little schoolhouse restroom was with its 2 stalls and the squeaky wooden doors. My sister, who still lived in our hometown and frequented this restaurant much more than I did, gave me a strange look and said, "There's only 1 working toilet in there, the other stall has no toilet in it and they've got boxes stored there." I told her that there had been someone in that stall who had flushed, walked out, washed their hands and left while I was in my stall, that I had seen their brown loafer type shoes under the door. I suggested that maybe they had put the 2nd one back into use. She shook her head and said, "I was just here a couple of days ago and there were boxes stacked in it."

We decided that we would both head back to the restroom to see. I had not mentioned to K about my uneasiness with the kitchen, but as we got to the top of the stairs she hesitated then looked at me and asked if I minded if we went around the kitchen instead of through it. She said the kitchen makes her uneasy. I asked, "Like you're being watched?" She nodded and said, "You too?" I told her about my experience with the kitchen earlier. We both found that odd.

So we stroll into the restroom and I go to the stalls to open the door to the one on the right and show her a perfectly good, working toilet... And stopped dead in my tracks. There was no door on the front of the stall, there was no toilet in the stall and it was packed front to back, side to side with boxes.

Did I interrupt a ghost having a wee? I don't know. I know what I saw, I know what I heard. I've had many unusual experiences in my life, but this one always stands out in my mind as one of the oddest.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Ceekat, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Vanessax1995 (19 posts)
8 years ago (2017-01-12)
This is to be brief to know for sure but sounds like a residual haunting, Kinda like a moment in time that simply replays itself over n over. Thats a funny question to think about - do spirits still have to use the bathroom after they die and are spirits lol. This is an interesting story though! Thanks for sharing!

Much love and respect! ❤
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-15)
Have you been in touch with BadJuuJuu. I only ask because I am curious about how she is doing. The next time you talk to her please tell her I was asking about her.
How have you been doing with this heat wave?

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-08-15)
Dee-J - no problem. It is understandable to want to know where someone had a paranormal experience 😊
Dee-J (13 stories) (75 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-15)
Miracles51031 You're right and that's understandable. My apologies for that!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-08-15)
Dee-J and Ceekat - we strongly discourage revealing exact locations/addresses. There are people who would not appreciate having strangers visit just to conduct a ghost hunt. So unless it is a known haunted location, please respect the owners.
Dee-J (13 stories) (75 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-14)
Hi Ceekat! By any chance could you give the name of the place? I really do want to check it out soon if its possible.
Mimi81 (203 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-26)
Sometimes the most interesting paranormal experiences happen in the most unlikely places. You went to the bathroom and experienced a time slip.

I wonder if it would happen to you again if you went into the bathroom alone. Probably not a good idea to try it.
Ceekat (3 stories) (11 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-21)
Dee J,
I was actually there the time I mentioned with some friends. I have been there alone before but only during the day. I might consider going at night with a group but I'm honestly more afraid of evil living folks than the paranormal. This is a very isolated location. I've always thought being involved in a paranormal investigation would be fun and interesting but I've never done it. I did live in a house for several years that had quite a bit of activity but I was never afraid of being in the house. There were a few episodes that startled and surprised me, but it never felt bad, mostly playful or like it/they just wanted to make their presence known. I'll add those stories later.
Dee-J (13 stories) (75 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-21)
Ceekat: Thanks for the suggestion. I have never heard of it (seems as if I MAY have but I'm not sure), but I will definitely look into it.

BTW, interesting that you went out there for yourself. Maybe if one day if you work up enough nerve would you consider going out there after dark?
Ceekat (3 stories) (11 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-20)
Again, I just love coming back and reading the comments. There have been several excellent theories suggested, any of which could be true! I'm really liking this site and the welcome I've received.
Dee J-- have you ever heard of or visited Poinsett Bridge? This is a short drive from where I live and is an interesting place to visit and photograph. It is supposedly very haunted. I've never been there after dark but it has been investigated by several paranormal groups. I was there once in the late afternoon with some friends, taking photos and we were approached by a group of men in their early to mid 20s who had also been hiking the old road and taking photos, who told us it was a good idea for us to be out of there before dark as the site is haunted. One of them told me that he had been there at night before and heard voices, cries and had seen mists and lights. He said he'd never do it again. I assured him we were close to leaving but they said they'd wait in their car for us just to make sure my car would crank and we got out ok. Very sweet boys!
You can look it up on-line...
Dee-J (13 stories) (75 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-17)
Tweed: I know your comment wasn't directed towards me but you brought up a very interesting thought when you said:

"What if the onlooker in the kitchen you both sensed was one such nasty pasty who may have inspired an emotionally charged bathroom refuge moment from a worker many years ago. Perhaps someone is still a controlling tyrant today and wants no one in their kitchen. Like Seinfeld: NO SOUP FOR YOU!"

Although no one knows for sure what the deal is, it does seem to make a little sense. The ghost in the kitchen could've very well been a former head that doesn't want anyone entering the kitchen, which could explain the uneasy vibe. As far as the ghost in the bathroom goes, it could've just been a long dead former worker having a bathroom break. Or either they were just hiding in the bathroom to get away for a while until they heard someone come in.

Who knows.
Dee-J (13 stories) (75 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-17)
Hey Ceekat. Thanks for your response. I am in the very northernmost part of the pee-dee region of the state, so I am at least 3-4 hours away from Greenville-Spartanburg. I'm not a paranormal investigator or anything but if I ever happen to get some spare time, I would be interested in checking out the place (if you care to give the name of it).

Call me crazy but you got me interested in checking out that kitchen in particular. Lol. As scary as it is (again, I have been through something smilar before), it's just intriguing to me to go in a place and feel a presence. It scares me but amazes me at the same time.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-17)
Ceekat, after reading what Biblio said about the solitude of a bathroom it got me wondering. What if the onlooker in the kitchen you both sensed was one such nasty pasty who may have inspired an emotionally charged bathroom refuge moment from a worker many years ago. Perhaps someone is still a controlling tyrant today and wants no one in their kitchen. Like Seinfeld: NO SOUP FOR YOU!

Mack, about expressing our spiritual selves through our own water content, totally agree. Seems like a pretty sound theory.

Biblio, thanks for the additional info on residuals. I'm fascinated by all things residual right now. Ceekat, this here experience of yours has gone ticked all the boxes!
Ceekat (3 stories) (11 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-16)
Dee-J, I didn't ask anyone about the shoes. But the fact that there was no toilet there and no door on the stall when we went back in the 2nd time sort of made me believe it wasn't one of the employees that I heard! I'm in the Greenville-Spartanburg area of SC. Where are you located?
Dee-J (13 stories) (75 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-16)
Ceekat, did you by any chance ask if there were any current workers there that wore those brown loafers? I know that you may have concluded that it was a ghost, but at least asking this would help gather more details about this.

I am really curious in this story. You say this took place in South Carolina. I live in South Carolina. If the place isn't too far from my area I would love to check it out myself... Or at least google it. Lol
Ceekat (3 stories) (11 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-16)
I just love coming back and reading the comments! Biblio, thank you for your thoughts on this story, I think that may be a very good explanation for what I experienced. Thanks for making my story a favorite *blush*.
Jenysue, Dee-J & Sheetal... I have been back to this restaurant but have had no other definite experiences. I still find the kitchen creepy, but it looks completely normal, lots of metal counters, deep sinks, what you would expect. At this point, I don't remember what day of he week I was there when this happened. I know it was after lunch and before dinner as there were not that many other customers there. It does struck me as odd that these women have that huge kitchen upstairs but they choose to cook in a smaller kitchen. But that may be because the one they use is on the same level as the seating area, maybe they don't want to have to carry food up and down the stairs, even if it is a short set of stairs. I do like the idea of taking my camera with me and getting some shots the next time I go. That's a great idea!
Tweed, Biblio & Macknorton, I've heard theories on certain kinds of rocks and storms seem to help spirits manifest. So why not water?
Thanks all,
Dee-J (13 stories) (75 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-16)
Wow, interesting story Ceekat!

I really don't know what to make of the whole ordeal in the restroom. What got me was when you first went into the bathroom and there was a door on the stall and you saw the shoes under the door, suggesting that someone was in there. But when you and K went to check it out again, there was no door at all... That was just extremely odd all the way around.

However, I can definitely relate to what you felt in the kitchen. It had to have been very eerie walking through there and feeling that. I know about the cold room & feeling of a presence thing all too well. It's just extremely uncomfortable. In addition to the coldness and feeling of being watched, did the kitchen look unsettling too?

From the way the story sounds, it seems as if there may have been more than one ghost around at the time. You said when you walked into the kitchen you felt as if you were being watched. And when you went into the bathroom, that was where you actually saw the ghost and the strange phenomenon with the stall. That area seems like a hotbed for activity. Maybe it is former cooks that are lingering around. Who knows.

Would you by any chance go back in there again to see if you experience anything else? I think taking some pictures of the kitchen and restroom would be nice too.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-16)
This is something scary... OMG I can understand why you scared 😨 😨 I think it could be residual haunting... Have you enquired with anyone else? May be some other have also experienced the same
Jenysue (7 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-14)
Hi Ceekat, not sure if you read my previous comment? Anyhow, I just thought of something that may be interesting enough to possibly take into action. Do you remember the time and day that you used the bathroom in that building? If so, go back to that day (Example: Monday - 3:00pm) and use the restroom as you did that day. As mentioned in my previous comment you're experience sounded like a "Residual Energies or Hauntings." Since you're energy was strong enough to witness this experience it's possible you may be able to witness again. ~ Cheers
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-14)
Yes I've heard that theory too Tweed. I'm not sure what it's based on though. Possibly that our bodies are 80% water and we are expressing our spiritual beings through that?
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-14)
Sidenote for Tweed:

Sometimes, the non-human aspect of the apparition IS the entirety of the haunting! Buildings are in this category, but there used to be a phantom #7 London Double-Decker Bus which caused a number of car accidents, but when the road was straightened out, the hauntings ended! I've got to attend a meeting, now, or I'd look up a link for you.

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-14)
Greetings, Ceekat, and welcome to YGS.

Residual hauntings of individuals' psychic imprints upon a location have been reported by witnesses, despite the fact that the "haunting" individual is still alive! Admittedly, when such a phenomenon occurs, it tends to be because the apparition was a turning point in his or her emotional development as a person (traumatic event, depression, etc.) and has left some sort of "residue" behind which is not aware/conscious of the environment.

As a teacher, I can tell you from 13 years' experience that a stall in the restroom is the ONLY place in the entire bloody building to get a modicum of privacy. Even then, students looking for their friends may interrupt the solitude with a colloquial variant on "Are you in there?" without suggesting to whom "you" may refer. In every other space in the school, colleagues and students alike want to discuss *something* with you ("Heads up, Biblio: the 10th graders are completely off the wall today! Look at the mess they made of my Geometry Book! And you should see the desk in 214! They had a damn paint can with them, but the lid..." and "Mr. Bibliothecarius, could we talk about my grade on a quiz that I don't have with me right now, but you handed it back about...uh, two weeks ago? And I'm sure you remember the *exact* reason I got a 78%? This guy my dad knows says you were being unfair to take off points for spelling 'Shakespeare' with a double 'p'..."), and God help you if you meet with a member of the administration or the office staff who wants "just a minute to go over the new staff policy we e-mailed to you this morning while you were teaching a class." It is entirely possible that the stall next to yours, at some point in the past, had been the location in which some beleaguered teacher made a life-changing decision after contemplating her options. Some teachers just plain 'burn out,' while others couldn't dream of doing anything else. (I still look forward to my classes, every day! I'm probably certifiable, but I love teaching!)

These were just a few thoughts on your direct experience. I can only imagine that the kitchen was run by a very controlling individual who would not tolerate incursions into her territory by insufficiently sanitized students, teachers, or administrators!

I've placed this story in with my favorites.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-14)
Ceekat, the bathroom detail with ghost encounters was something that was brought up when I first joined YGS. I think it was because there were a lot of bathroom related stories at one time. I can't remember if any theories were raised or not.
I thought of water pressure the other day as a possible link to the strength of apparitions. Water being synonymous with spirituality, I wondered if water could also act as a conductor for paranormal energy. A bathroom being a smaller room, together with pipes and drainage, perhaps creates an ideal environment for energies and entities to manifest. Don't know, just wondering out loud. 😊
Ceekat (3 stories) (11 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-13)
Fallen angel...I've not had anything else odd happen at this restaurant in subsequent visits, except for that kitchen which I'm still not comfortable walking through. I have had other experiences but elsewhere, not at this place. I started to ask our waitress about what had happened or if they'd had anything else reported but since this is a deeply religious group in the south, I decided not to. I grew up in the south and know that a lot of the older generation is not open to these kinds of experiences and believe them to be evidence of demons or the devil. Really didn't want to get into that debate.
Tweed and/or Rook, I would love to hear the theories on apparitions and bathrooms! I find all this so interesting and, I guess due to my own experiences, I've always had an open mind about things that we can't necessarily explain scientifically.
Ceekat (3 stories) (11 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-13)
Thanks for all the wonderful comments! My only regret in this experience is that I did not see any part of the...person?... But their feet. Would have been interesting to see what the clothing was like, how she appeared physically and if she would have been able to acknowledge or interact with me in any way. A friend of mine wonders if this was residual and maybe a teacher from many years back just doing what comes naturally. Or maybe, for a brief moment, one of us was teleported into another time. All interesting concepts!
I didn't study the shoes, just saw them long enough to register there was someone occupying that stall and the fact that they were nondescript brown loafer type shoes.
Jenysue (7 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-12)
Very cool experience! It's obvious once you opened the restroom door you may have slipped back into the playback of spirits past event. Such as, spirit using the restroom. If I'm correct, this experience sounds like a term paranormal experts use called "Residual Energies or Hauntings." This term is considered a fleeting image that plays time and time again. In you're case, the past event of spirt using the restroom which is or can be put under this category.
The cause of playback in the paranoia is uncertain. Although some paranormal experts believe that it has to do with an increase of emotional energies in that certain area playing out.

Take the details in you're experience into consideration for a possible clearer explanation. (1.) The history of building being an old elementary school run by a small group of religious woman (2.) The area of kitchen being extremely cold (3.) Feeling like being watched in the kitchen area (4.) The brown loafer like shoes.

In my own opinion I believe you may have coincided through "Residual Energies or Hauntings" with the spirit. I assume the spirit is female? Considering it using the woman's restroom. The brown like loafer shoes in general come in all types of colors and styles. However, since you mentioned the history of building it sounds like spirit could have been a past employee of elementary school or even worked in the kitchen. Note: loafer shoes became very popular in the United States between 1930-1960. They were considered everyday casual wear in work environments such as schools, offices, hospitals and so on. Also, there is obviously energy in the kitchen area since it was extremely cold and you felt watched. The energy from kitchen may be a portal in which spirit (s) travel through.
Lastly, to give further confirmation in which I believe this experience may be related to "Residual Energies or Hauntings" is because when you were using the restroom not once did you feel fear or threatened by the spirit. Instead, the experience played-out as a typical event.

I hope my comment will give you further insight and/ or understanding to you're experience.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-12)
Manafon, thanks heaps for that info! You've given me much to mull over, especially with the subconscious aspects of apparitions. That IS wild stuff!😊

Rook, isn't there a theory about apparitions and bathrooms? Or maybe it's a YGS theory lol. Well, if residual, maybe a bathroom supplies the right conditions, water pressure perhaps? 😕
FallenAngel101 (2 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-11)
Oh, wow...
That is SO COOL.
Have you ever seen the ghost again? Or has anyone else reported this kind of stuff? That would be real interesting...
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-11)
Tweed--Yes, many "residual" apparitions (also referred to as 'haunting ghosts') do appear with whatever completes the "apparitional drama",as it's referred to in classic psychical research literature. As it states in an important book which focuses on a very superb unifying theory of apparitions (appropriately titled 'Apparitions'), "The clothes, horses, etc., are as hallucinatory as the 'ghost' itself is. They are there because they are required by the 'theme' of the apparitional drama, just as they would be there in a dream if the theme of the dream-drama required it. They are dramatically appropriate."

Many ghosts are, probably, what could be called "telepathic apparitions". As the spirit of the deceased person, essentially, works with layers of our subconscious to create the apparition (however complex the scene needs to be) anything can potentially appear in the apparitional drama--other people, cars, dogs, houses etc. It's wild stuff! So the short answer is yes.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-11)
If a residual I want to know what is around that supplies it with enough energy to manifest so completely.

This may have been a 'time slip' or maybe a 'trans-dimensional crossover' (lord it sounds like Ghostbusters in here now...LoL).

What I mean to say is that it may have been a glimpse into the past OR perhaps another dimension was overlaying ours and in the few moments they did Ceekat saw and heard what was happening in the loo of a parallel dimension.

It's a great experience whatever caused it.



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