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Restroom Poltergeist


About 12 years ago I worked for a large manufacturing company.  About a year prior to the story I'm about to tell, the company had just completed construction on a new wing of the building in which I worked. My group had moved into this wing right after its completion. Our offices were on the second floor of the two story building. There were two women's restrooms in this new wing on the second floor.

Due to the type of business it was, they employed very few women. Roughly 20% of the employees were women, and 95% of those were in administrative positions which were located in another building. Because of that, I infrequently saw other women in my part of the building. This meant that when I used a restroom, there was usually nobody else in it. However, the building was built with optimism because there were five stalls and sinks in each women's restroom.

The arrangement of the restroom was such that you walked into the restroom through a door that was separated from the stalls by a wall on the left with an opening through it in which you could see the sinks aligned in a row and one large mirror covering the entire wall holding the sinks as you opened the restroom door. The sink faucets were the automatic type that require one to run their hands under them to activate the water. The stalls were also aligned in a row situated directly across from the sinks, so you could see the reflection of the stalls in the mirrors from the restroom doorway, before you even turned the corner into the main restroom area.

One day about a year after we had moved into this new wing, I went into the restroom and as I turned the corner I noticed the stall door closed on the middle stall. The floor under the door looked dark like someone's shadow was blocking the light. The stall doors naturally hung open halfway, so I assumed someone was in the stall. I went into the first stall instead of the second, in order to maintain some privacy by keeping a stall between us.

While in my stall, I listened and didn't hear the other person make any noise. No flushing, hand washing, and no sounds of the door opening, nor a person leaving. So when I finished up and went to wash my hands, I was startled when I looked up into the mirror and saw the third stall door wide open. Not even halfway open, but wide open!

I finished washing my hands, using the sink right across from the stall I had used and wondered if there had been an optical illusion when I walked in that made it appear as if that third stall door was closed. So as I was leaving, I stopped to turn around and look at that stall again to see if I could recreate the image I saw previously. However, when I looked back, the third stall still looked wide open, and furthermore, it was brightly lit because the room light was getting into it.

Just as soon as I saw that, the faucet of the sink right across from that stall automatically turned on full blast. My heart felt like it stopped and I was frozen in place, just staring at the water pouring out of the faucet! After about five seconds the faucet shut off. As soon as the water stopped, I got my senses back and I left the room as fast as I could!

I had never experienced the sink faucets in the restrooms turning on unattended before or since. I asked around and I couldn't find anyone nor did I hear of anyone else who had ever seen that happen there - in the men's or women's restrooms. I also never again saw the bathroom stall doors in any position except halfway open when unoccupied in the remaining five years I worked there.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, DandK, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-26)
I forgot to say, I'll email you later about that morning visitor of yours.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-26)
Aaahhh, that's the cat! He's a little bit younger there but I'm sure that's the same cat! Ok, far out😲

I don't know if this means anything to you or not but when I saw him his legs looked a bit wet like he'd been walking through wet long grass.

Thanks for scanning those pics!
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-25)
Tweed, I scanned in some pictures of the kitten and just emailed them to you!
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-25)
Tweed, It's definitely possible. I don't quite know how to go about figuring out what they want. Any suggestions?
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-25)
DandK, are you sure this isn't one of your ghosties checking in? It really sounds like someone is trying to get your attention around this time of a morning. 😕

I've been a member here for well over a year now and in that time there's not been anyone who checks in on members of the site through astral means. Outside of one whoopsie and the rest have been agreed upon first. I highly doubt this is anyone from YGS making contact, more likely a ghost who knows you and is trying to communicate something. Heck, if anyone was checking in on members of the site without permission this would be a pretty big breach of privacy and I'm sure the site would frown upon it.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-25)
OK - one more strange thing this morning. I woke up due to some noise I heard through my ear plugs. Next thing I know, I hear XX consecutive knocks on my nightstand table (through my ear plugs, but clearly originating on my nightstand). So, if someone tried to find me again, I got the message. It was between 6:20 and 6:24 a.m. Mountain daylight time - I forgot to look at the time right after I heard the knocks, so that's why the time range. I'm not saying how many knocks there were, so there is verification if you let me know it was you.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-25)
Nice one, email away.

Damn it 50 characters minimum blah blah
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-24)
Tweed, I'll find the picture and send it to your email. I can't wait to see what you think.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-24)
Oh my god! 😲

Wow! I would LOVE to see a picture if you still got it (no rush!)

About your cat with the IV treatment, you did the right thing. Cats staying in vet clinics, however great the vet and staff may be, should be avoided if possible. Animals need to feel in control especially when they're ill. Home treatment all the way when possible. I did a similar thing with my last cat. Vet kept saying he was on his last legs but he lived happily for months. Always trust your gut where pets are concerned.

I'm glad you got to talk to your neighbours. Shyness, oh god, I can relate. Somehow I've managed to overcome it over the years but I used to pace up and down and freak out if I had to talk to someone I didn't know!

Far out with your kitten. Whhyy the hell did your Dad give him away?! That's awful! I don't blame you for trying to reconnect and so you should. I'd be the same, I don't buy this 'it's just an animal' bs, it's all love, simple as that.

Well that young cat I saw looked male (the boys tend to have a thicker neck as they get older), and I got nothing but 'warm fuzzies' vibe wise from him, and (most telling) a cat of this description has no significance in my life... So fairly confident this was to do with your beloved kitten.

I guess your kitten is the glue behind your compassion for animals. He helped shape who you are in a big way. Both through the time you were together and the way you parted. I guess I was picking up on that.
Do you ever feel this kitten around you? I know that might sound strange, but I've had visits from pets from my childhood that have surprised the absolute heck out of me.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-24)
Tweed, I'm sure I still have a photo of this kitten that I can try to find if it would help.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-24)
Tweed, Very interesting cat vision. I feel like it does pertain to me. But from very long ago, so I'm not sure if it could be related to me (but I think so). Here's why:

When I was about 11 years old, I had a cat that was still very young and in fact, probably could be considered as a kitten. She was less than a year old when, I guess my neighbor's cat, Muffin (who happened to be a perv) must have impregnated her. My cat, 'baby kitty', was a pure black cat. Muffin was a pure white cat. One morning, I woke up and there was a newborn kitten in my bed by my head. What the heck! It turned out that baby kitty had a baby, just one, and she brought it to me. Baby kitty kept her baby on my pillow, so I slept with them there every night. As the new kitten grew and his eyes opened, he looked at me like there was someone there and like we knew each other. There was a psychic bond that I haven't felt with any other being since then. I loved this kitten.

One day when the kitten was still quite young, younger than I think is reasonable to separate a kitten from it's mom, I was folding laundry when someone came to the door. My dad answered it and next thing I know he's asking me where the kitten is. I told him and he went and took the kitten, without telling me, and gave it to the person at the door (someone he worked with). I didn't even get to say good bye and I had no idea he was giving my kitten away! I can't tell you how many times in my life I've tried to connect with this cat spiritually. I've never stopped thinking about him. He was white with a spot on his head. The spot didn't look like tabby, but more just dark, but he was a small kitten at the time. It was also more on top of his head, not in back.

I don't know if there is a connection, but your description is quite close to something that had a lot of meaning to me.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-23)

Astral Traval is not something you make happen. It's something you relax into.

The book that helped me achive Astral Projection is:

The Llewellyn Practical Guide to Astral Projection the Out of Body Experience.

You may wish to start there or do your own research, find a method that suits you and practice...practice...practice.


2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-23)
Cheers, so how does one actually do it?

Fifty character add on:)
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-23)
2nd1st, as far as I know I've never interacted with physical objects. I'm sure it's possible but I'm guessing it's incredibly hard. A few unsuccessful attempts as a teenager, then lost interest. About the closest I get is someone feeling air movement around where I was and someone hearing something in another room.

The first time I 'made it work' I was about 15, maybe 16. Before then I'd had a few fleeting moments where it worked briefly. What happened last night was one such fleeting moment which still seems to happen occasionally, usually when there's a need. When it's intentional it's a bit like being under water for a few seconds before separation complete.
2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-23)
Head spinning many comments and questions.

1). I've always dreaded being caught vacating my bowels by a paranormal event or earthquake (we get a lot of quakes here). There would be all these competing priorities all of a sudden.

2). Can a human astral travelling create physical events (such as a door opening) remotely? I've heard accounts of astral travel but always understood it to be an entirely non interactive observational thing?

3), Tweed, have you been able to voluntarily astral travel? If so, how does it work! Or to phrase the question more specifically, how do you make it work?
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-23)
haha DandK
"I think that was the strangest thing I've ever written, but figured you'd all understand." that really made me laugh! 😆

Well, 'twasn't I.

However, at around 7pm UK time last night I had a vision which might pertain to you. I was meditating (to be honest I was more like 'dozing', but anyway) I had a strong vision come in. As I was dozing in the armchair I 'woke' as in OBE, sitting up straight. A young looking cat/kitten (big kitten or young cat) white in colour was to the right of me on the floor looking at me like it wanted to jump up. Very friendly cat, just wanted cuddles. I snapped out of it just because it was unexpected, I didn't really want to snap out of it, if that makes sense.
So I tried to induce it again, and instead had a meditative vision (not OBE this time) of the back view of same cat who from this angle had a patch on the back of it's head, tabby patch on a white cat.
I'd already been thinking about your animal situation and written back, so figured it might be to do with you.

The cat itself might have been 'there', but I doubt it. I think the cat was more of a psychic thing. Either that or a ghost cat in the area was drawn in a poetic/universal way. I don't have any pets but I live in a cat and dog neighbourhood.

Let me just figure the times...

Ok, so going by the state on your profile and according to the interwebs at around 7pm it was around midnight your time. So my cat vision happened about five hours before your door moment. Then at around 6am it was 1am for me and I was still up. So that rules me out for the door opener. I would have remembered doing it anyway. I never astral to a home without permission and always remember astral whoopsies when they happen.
Do you think maybe the door was someone who checks in on you, like a guardian type ghost? Did you get a glimpse of a figure?
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-22)
I'm using my old post to relay something that happened this morning at exactly 6 am mountain time. What I'm about to say may sound very weird, but this is the right group of people to bring this up to. At 6:00 I awoke when my bedroom door opened. The bedroom was pitch dark. The door opened slowly and light came into the room while I watched the door shadow move across the ceiling. I wear ear plugs when I sleep so I didn't hear anything. The door opened all the way, then closed. I thought maybe it was my husband up early checking to see if I was awake. I looked at my phone for the time, and then noticed my husband was sound asleep. Further, there was no light coming from under the door. I got scared thinking it might be an intruder so I took out my ear plugs and listened for sound. It was quiet for a few minutes so I checked it out and the house was safe.

Now, here's the weird part. I got the impression it was someone just stopping by briefly during an astral-like travel event. And the fact I'm getting to know some gifted people on this site came to my mind. So I just wanted to let you know you arrived at the right place if you needed some confirmation.

I think that was the strangest thing I've ever written, but figured you'd all understand.
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-06)
Daz, I think you're right that not everyone can wake up without collapsing this 'reality' or dimension. Maybe collapsing isn't the right word. It seems like the way our consciousness is defined in our reality that we are physically unable to comprehend.
Along these lines, I have a moment of consciousness awareness every once in a while that brings me total terror. During these lucid moments, I'm hit with the realization that I'm a human being. I'm petrified because I feel trapped and completely limited within my own mind. Body is not relevant. I'm confused because I don't understand why I'm here and why I'm a human. I feel like my brain is not capable of answering those questions or the biggest question of where did I come from and what was I before.

When I get hit with that feeling, I have to shake it off and stop thinking about anything other than my own belly button, so to speak. 😕

Sorry for the consciousness digression, but this path of thinking about consciousness and another dimension fits in with this experience I get once in a while since I was a kid.

DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-05)
Dee-J, no, I didn't feel any uneasiness. I walked in and just noticed that someone else was in there. Uneasiness started when I was washing my hands.
Dee-J (13 stories) (76 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-05)
DandK: No, I still do want to visit that place and check it out, but the place is about 3-4 hours away from me so I haven't had the time to go. Stuff like that interests me.

I have to ask you, when you went into the restroom at the time your experience happened, did you feel any uneasiness or any sort of presence?
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-05)
Dee-J, thanks. That story is a good one. I saw the comments on it. Did you ever get a chance to go check out that restroom?
Dee-J (13 stories) (76 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-05)
DandK, that was a very interesting and creepy experience you had there. It actually reminds me a little bit of someone else's story on this site, which can be read here: http://www.yourghoststories.com/real-ghost-story.php?story=22919

As I was reading your story, I was picturing myself in your position the whole time. It definitely does seem like the ghost was trying to scare you on purpose. Being a bathroom that was very rarely occupied, it seemed to have had the perfect opportunity to set someone up for a scare and it just so happened that you were the one. UGH!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-29)
Dandk, I know what you mean, I agree the answers are there right in front of you and the paranormal may be the missing link?...I think it goes hand on hand with some of the evidence on consciousness... Maybe not everyone can wake up? Perhaps we have a big bang back to the fourth dimension if we all do?... I know that one was is right out there... But when I show people this stuff, they normally do not, a) understand it or b) are not interested. Anyhow good luck if you keep seeking the truth or find some answers you can relate to,there's plenty more out there.

Regards Daz
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-28)
Daz, it is certainly getting deeper. I keep feeling like all of the answers are in front of us, but that the second I reach for them they spread out and can't be reached! Just like position and momentum... You can know your exact position, but you won't know your momentum. Or vice versa!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-28)
Dandk, the rabbit hole gets deeper and deeper, I have been studying these links on consciousness for about 4 years. Amazing evidence as far as I'm concerned. The double split experiment is the most profound fact of them all. You can't escape the fact that atoms can not conform to matter without observation. Game up, we are in a matrix or a double dose of meds for me please doctor!

DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-28)
Daz, Oh my! I watched the lecture (good-thanks!) and now I'm totally going off on a tangent with some other links that were with this video from the same prof, on OBE and time travel. Then I came across a lecture relating consciousness to a mathematical pattern: https://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=GzCvlFRISIM
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-28)
Dandk, There are many links of the double slit experiment on line, this one goes for about 9 minutes worth watching. The universe has ten quadrillion vigintillion and one-hundred thousand quadrillion vigintillion atoms in it and still counting...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9tKncAdlHQ

Regards Daz
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-28)
Daz, thanks for the nice compliment! It's nice to talk about this stuff with an interested person.

I haven't watched the double slit experiment yet, but I remember learning about it in a modern physics class I took a long time ago. I think that was the one that showed wave-particle duality of light and electrons? Essentially nothing exists in a particular state until it's measured. I also like Bell's theorem where a measurement on something determines its state somewhere else. I like your statement that we only exist when measured by something, perhaps from a different dimension. That is going to keep me thinking for while!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-27)
Dandk, "wow" that's pretty good, you really do go deep into the calculations, you probably should email your conclusions of to Stuart Hammeroff, he would enjoy discussing the implications of what you have derived at if you did manage to get a hold of him. I'll just take a bow and compliment you on your homework and response, makes sense...yes, I do believe it appears we are an avatar or a physical extension of some other dimension... Who was it that said, "mind don't belong to body, body belongs to mind"...I'm not sure if you have watched the double split experiment... The relationship between observer and matter. If we didn't have enough facts already, surly this experiment is the mother of all facts that puts it beyond dispute. Atoms can not conform to matter unless they are observed?. So theoretically, the atoms inside our body,brain, the universe itself could have never come into existence is something wasn't observing. That something, is most likely the other dimension you've mentioned?

Regards Daz
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-27)
Daz,your idea that consciousness may originate outside the physical body is intriguing. It makes sense from many perspectives, such as explaining astral travel, and the myriad of other paranormal events. I'm going to go way out there for a minute, and throw out some thoughts...

If we go back to the seven second measurement for a moment and think of that as essentially a long time, almost a DC state, but really a 'box' function, then we think of that in the frequency domain instead of the time domain that we are consciously aware of, an interesting thing happens. In the frequency domain, this seven seconds corresponds to a Sinc function. It has nodes that correspond to the length of time of that seven seconds, through an inverse relationship. This function corresponds quantum mechanically to a pinpoint mass or a point charge. It seems like if I were to sit down and do some gentle calculations, I could determine the number of neurons that would have to fire together to achieve this time, and consider each one through convolution in frequency domain that would be contributing to the action from the thought.

This means that the initial thought could be simply a pinpoint of mass (that's a pinpoint in our dimensions) or energy with form of a quantum mechanical wave that initiates the conscious action. To further expand on the pinpoint in our dimension, this would correspond to something that has more dimensions than our three visible physical dimensions, which makes it appear as a pinpoint here. Just like something from our three dimensional existence would not appear fully formed in a two dimensional existence. This means that something from a higher dimension is driving our consciousness and actions through this simple 'touch' into our dimension.

Ok, the rest of the weekend is going to spent doing some Orch OR review reading and link viewing!

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