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Is There A Spirit Portal In My House?


My whole life I have had a sixth sense. I have felt many presences, known when someone is going to call, and have felt someone touch me and even pull my hair. I have felt many cold spots, and have seen shadows and lights. But my main question now is about spirit portals.

When I first went to college, I felt the spirits in the 2 dorms I stayed in. The first one was more mild, but the second one was most definitely haunted.

I will tell the stories later on, but the reason I mentioned this, is because one of the spirits did follow me home. I think that it has left now, because I no longer sense it. In my living room, I have felt many presences come and go, and if I sense one spirit, after a few days it is gone.

I feel like there might be a spirit portal in my living room. In one spot, it is very cold and you can feel something. You feel as if you are not alone. In that particular spot, I sense things standing there watching me. I have tried to communicate and I always end up with nothing. I am possibly going about it wrong, but I would like to communicate with them.

My family can sometimes feel something is off, but they don't know how to describe it, and they just ignore it. If you stand outside the house where the living room is, it sounds like people are having a loud conversation. The TV is off and there will be be loud noises coming from inside.

I don't know much about the land, and we are the only ones to live here and we live in a trailer. I don't know much about spirit portals, and if anyone has any information, it will be appreciated. I don't think any of theses possible spirits are malicious, but I still want to know what is going on.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, redheadchick20, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Para-Hunter-Anne33 (19 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-24)
In support of ROOK: You are correct. Plus, if people were to think seriously about the idea, That type of an "other-worldly energy portal" What do people consider "STAR-gates"
As being?. And many real and highly renown scientists, researchers, and respectable people actually believe in and study "star gate" portals as well as the actual current idea of time traveling dimensions and beings which might exist and are trying to communicate with us. Also, it's been debated for centuries that ancient stone-erected formations, such as Stonehenge, may possibly be portals through which preternatural communications and encounters might possibly have occurred. As well, How many people hold thoughts that Black Holes, which are real, are possible Space portals? It is simply a parallel dimensional phenomena which will continue to be talked about, studied, and debated on for far into the future. --- stay safe slaem.
redheadchick20 (1 stories) (3 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-05)
Hello everyone! I have gained some more knowledge on what spirit portals are thanks to y'all. Since I last posted in February, I haven't had much activity to happen. However, just the other day I saw a figure disappear around the courner on the way to my room. I jumped back because it happened so suddenly and my dad witnessed it as well. It definitely took me by suprise since I haven't sensed anything in a while. I have been so focused on my school work I haven't paid much attention to anything else. I have not looked into the land history yet, but I am going to. If anything it isn't a spirit portal, but just a piece of property that contains history. There is something here, but it does not seem evil. I don't mess with ouija boards, I know they work, but I also know that bad things can happen if you use one.
redheadchick20 (1 stories) (3 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-11)
Hello everyone, I need to apologize for replying so late. Long story short, school has been extremely hectic. I will try to respond to all of you, and to be honest I am so pleased with your posts. It makes me very happy to see that I have people with theories of what could be going on.
Antu (1 stories) (27 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-29)
While I have my own opinions regarding portals (let me just say I agree with Randy and Biblio), something that has not been mentioned struck me. RedHeadChick, you mention you have always had a gift, as I believe I do as well, and I really believe both of my now teenage kids have the gift too. So with 3 of us under 1 roof (my poor wife... Lol), I sort of equate it too my kids and myself creating almost a light house sort of beacon into the spirit world where the spirits seem to congregate around us more than around others who don't notice them. I have nothing to base this on, other than a notion I have long held, and perhaps it is an overly simplistic idea, but I do think you should consider the possibility that you are actually the 'portal' that draws the spirits. The physical location in your living room could simply be a place you sub-consciously allow them to manifest or it could be driven by an underground water source or the placement of the electrical conduits in your home, or it is more likely a combination of all of these. Thank you for sharing and I hope my comments help!:-)

On a side note, I do have a really cool orb story I suppose I should post. I am quite skeptical of orbs as they relate to the paranormal, mostly because of the hype over orbs generated by all the ghost hunting shows, but this is story was experienced simultaneously by 2 people 3500 miles apart from each other, with me being one of the 2 people. That solves it, I will post the story and let you all form your own conclusions!
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-29)
Spirits are attracted to water, prefferably with a current even if it is slight, quartz and other stones such as limestone because of the energy that they give off. All are great recorders so you will probably see residual hauntings around them.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-29)
Sweet Jesus I love this site.

Redhead, hello and welcome.

Sort of going to come at this from a bit of a simplistic perspective, here goes...

I practice astral projection/out of body experiences (you can tell I'm not very technical) and your question about portals got me thinking, in all these years I've never experienced anything I would describe as a 'portal'. Going from location to location seems to happen in a 'waking up' or shifting of frequency sense, for me at least. Same for different levels of mediation. It's more a retuning of internal frequency than interaction with an external object/occurrence, like a portal.

I agree with everyone else about things like oiuja boards acting as communication devices for ghostly matters. Yet at the same time I don't think these tools are necessary for ghosts to find their way into your home. By this reasoning I'd lean toward a portal being near obsolete as a cause for the activity in your home. Because, well to be blunt, I don't need a ouija session to flit from here to there and neither, it seems, do the ghosties in my life.

With that said, please don't use a ouija board to communicate with anyone, they're simply too easily manipulated by unscrupulous idiots.

It sounds to me like you're sensing the direction of some ghosts in your home. Or the direction of a favoured spot in your home by these individuals. This could explain the feeling of being watched.
Also there's been a lot of talk on these forums about trailers and their acoustics. It seems that trailers carry sound in a very unique way. Something to take into account with the voices you describe, sounds very intriguing.

Look forward to more of your experiences.😊
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-27)
Hi Red- (or anyone else) are you able to elaborate on crystals and how they assist or encourage spirit manifestation?

To be perfectly honest, I have always considered the whole crystal thing a bit on the " kooky" side of the New Age spectrum. But that could be because I am simply ignorant of their properties.

I understand they are supposed to vibrate or something?

RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-27)
Thanks for the discusssion
Let me clarify. I may have come a bit to strong in saying that "portals" don't exist. What I was really meaning is they are not necessary for a spirit to return to the earth plain. A spirit can return to any place it remembers from it's life. As I mentioned in another post there are places that have higher concentrations of energy that can attract those on the other side.
I'm really going to go out on a limb here without divulging too much.
For the past 5 years I have been involved with a closed group that has been studying spirits. 1 place for 14 years. By closed I mean no new members. The communication has been consistent EVP. By consistent I mean people we now talk to by name and who's voice we recognize. Not 1 or 2 words, full sentences and paragraphs by the same people week after week. We have verified the data as to who these people say they were when alive. Information comes at a snails pace and many questions that are ask simply cannot be answered by them. There are many things the living are not suppose to know, plain and simple. I do put a great amount of weight in what they tell us. They have crossed over and know what the other side is like. What they can and cannot do. What they will or won't do.
I'm just saying this so you know where my info and opinions come from.
Hope for many more discussions
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-27)
Greetings, all.

I am glad that the serious discussion of the concept of portals is able to take place in a civil manner on this thread. I had been concerned that I might upset other posters with the barrage of background data when taking a contrary position. It has happened to me before; I'm trying hard to make sure it doesn't happen again.

For Randym's comments, I'll state clearly that I have the same reaction to "orbs" in general, unless there is clear interaction between the orb and the physical world, or the orb is seen IN PERSON by multiple witnesses, THEN recorded to facilitate investigation. We do appear to differ on our understandings of "portals," but I must commend your skepticism. I always try to balance my own skeptical analysis with a leavening of curiosity to prevent my natural "Oh, yeah? Prove it!" attitude from becoming an entrenched rejection of possibilities.

The joy of participating in the site's conversations is the diversity of experiences and backgrounds (cultural, social, professional). I teach myths, folklore, and legends within my curricula, but partly as an excuse to do more reading and research in an area which has intrigued me since my personal experiences as a child. I am not as dismissive of "portals" as a concept as I am of 'orbs' because there are legends and beliefs going back hundreds -in some cases thousands- of years about specific sites. The concept is linked to "fairy circles," "the time between (dusk/dawn)," "Bifrost," "crossroads," "thinning of the worlds," "ley lines"/"telluric currents," "sacred spaces," caves, grottoes, and more modern locations like RedWolf's childhood home built -however inadvertently- on a location which seems conducive to supernatural activity.

Randym, your example of the awareness of a portal is a good point; however, the deceased who linger near such a phenomenon would be familiar with THAT phenomenon, not necessarily with others, whereas a living individual is capable of pursuing facts about a variety of locations, listening to testimonies, reading personal accounts, researching historical events, analysing the legends, etc. When a spirit is instructed to "go to the light," it is usually because that spirit is not aware he or she has died, OR because he or she is psychologically stuck in the act of dying in a traumatic manner.

Death, if I may raise an analogous example, is a bit like stars; we all know about stars, but we seldom see them because daylight obscures them, the weather blocks them from view, or we simply may have closed the curtains at night. We don't always think about them, but they are there. Two years ago, I read a fantastic article about the stars, in which an astronomer wondered why we take for granted what we see as their locations. This astronomer then wondered if -besides black holes- there may be stars we can't see, and applied an infra-red filter to the telescope. The number of stars in the starfield doubled. They'd been there all the time, but their light was in the infra-red spectrum (which we cannot see) so our entire species had been presuming that they were not there. While we, as curious individuals, are asking questions about the supernatural, we don't have access to an analogous telescope or light filter; however, to presume that our knowledge (based upon logical reasoning about the unknowable) is more reliable than speculation is flawed; we know that we don't know, but to presume that what little we see is all that there is to witness is a very limited stance for investigative thinking.

Curious, as ever,

P.S.: I, too, want to know about Rook's experiences...
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-27)
The house I grew up in has had a number of spirits come and go. My mother became interested in the paranormal late in life. We became friends with a psychic and I would babysit for her for a bit. Long before television shows started proclaiming houses had rooms with portals she and several other psychics we were introduced to said that our house was a portal for spirits. There is an underground stream that runs under the back corner of the house. There is also a lot of quartz crystal in the yard, so there must be a lot under the house too.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-27)
You make some very good points RandyM - however I believe that there are some souls who actually don't know that they have "died" because as far as they are concerned they have all their faculties, and they may also be spiritually ignorant so to speak.

So they may be in their house wondering who these strange people are living there. Maybe some genuine mediums are able to tune into these souls and help them " cross over"? I don't know for sure but that's a possibility as well.

RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-26)
I too am glad to see serious discussion.
Here is the point I was trying to make.
Since the rise of all of the "paranormal shows" and their "experts' they claim to have there are many terms and ideas thrown around on TV that people then take as scientific fact. A real study of the paranormal is
NOTHING like seen on TV, and I really mean nothing. These shows have done more harm than good in my opinion with the exception of getting people interested in what happens after we die.
For Example. The idea that someone gets stuck, maybe for centuries, then guess what, a "paranormal expert" on TV makes the profound statement:
"Go to the light" and whoa, spirit is now free and at peace.
Think about it. Who knows more about the other side? Those of us living or those who have died? Who would know better how to cross over?
You see my point.
I agree that some places do hold higher concentrations of energy that can attract spirits but virtually all that return to this side do so from their memory of a place.
I don't mean in any way to step out of line but 2 terms that send a chill up my spine are portals and orbs. Lol 😊
But, back to the original post I will say this.
I wouldn't worry about a portal. There are spirits everywhere and there are 2 main reasons we can't see or hear them. 1, we are not tuned to their vibrations and 2, they don't want us to.
Believe me when I tell you that if a spirit doesn't want you to see it or hear it you won't, no matter how hard you try.
broiquapride (22 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-26)
i personally feel that it is not that anything followed you home but more of that new spirits have arisen and are not trying to make contact but are lost if I was you I would not try to communicate but rather let it pass on
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-26)
Can I begin with how good it is to see some intelligent, thoughtful input into this persons experience.
I have had no personal experiences with " portals" other than reading a fascinating book by a medium who cleared houses who often found an area of "focus" or "activity".
My understanding of spirits manifesting on this material plane is they have to either lower or have a lower vibration. Conversely when we seek to communicate with spirit, we have to quicken or raise our vibration, as spirit is a finer far more subtle thing.
So my point is that possibly spirit manifestation is a conscious effort on their part, therefore one would assume they could do that wherever, whenever they wished, without a " portal".
However, I still assert many low level spirits require the desire or wishes of an individual to manifest.
Food for thought / discussion.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-26)
Greetings, all.

As I just mentioned to Redheadchick, this is more about the phenomenon and its depiction in fiction and in 'factual' broadcasts.

"Portal" (from Latin, "portalis") quite literally means "door" or "gate." A fancy doorway may have a portico; the wealthy used to build roofs over their driveways in front of their front doors called "portes cochères" (meaning "covered doorways" in French); many houses have a porch ("covered pathway" or "colonnade/gallery") between the street and the front door; an opening in the side of a ship for cannon muzzles or -more commonly now- passengers' state rooms are 'port holes;' and the heavy gate which drops into place to keep pirates from raiding the fortress is a 'portcullis' ("sliding gate" in Old French). The etymological connections between words and concepts of the world around us are complex and fascinating.

To assert that portals don't exist is a sweeping statement, Randym. I agree with your assertion that the majority of paranormal events involving human spirits do not appear to need a specific doorway to manifest in a familiar location; however, "non-human entities" are often a subject of debate for everyone on this site, and -to the best of my knowledge- no one has yet demonstrated whether or not such individuals need a portal of any kind to manifest themselves in the physical world. Additionally, some human spirits appear to need a signalling event or environmental trigger to summon them before they manifest (not necessarily as deliberately 'spooky' as playing with an Ouija board; sometimes it's something as innocent as playing a piano with a previous owner who is interested in the new pianist's musical selection). This phenomenon would not qualify as a portal, but it has the same effect for only one entity (or small, consistent group of entities) at a time.

If a "portal" is to be understood as a location to which multiple paranormal entities appear to be attracted -for whatever inexplicable reason- then there are portals all over the world. If "portal" is to be limited in definition to a specific location in which passage from one "plane of existence" to another is accomplished easily by a stable supernatural doorway, then I'd suggest that there are (off the top of my head) at least 5 centuries of accounts which establish precedent for such locations. There may be a limited number of these rare phenomena around the globe, but some specific sites have earned a reputation for the supernatural through inexplicable encounters and peculiar phenomena.

Yes, there is a veritable morass of half-baked thinking (*both* meanings!) in fiction and in televised investigation which would convince the credulous that paranormal portals were about as commonplace as windows, which is a fabrication. However, the idea of supernatural portals is rooted in accounts of personal experiences. As a skeptic, I'd prefer the certainty that they are not real, but I'd be remiss in presuming them unreal because of television programs like "Ghost Adventures" which misuse common words like "debunked" a minimum of four times an episode.

(Sidenote: to debunk requires that someone claims that his/her lies -which are designed to appeal to a specific audience- are facts, then a second individual exposes the lies primarily through reasoning and ridicule.)

Just a few ideas which sprinted through my head as I read the discussion of portals, but -first and foremost-I had wanted to clarify for Redheadchick that she should not be overly concerned on this point in a separate post.

G'night, all.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-26)
Redheadchick, the likelihood of your home containing a portal is very slim. If the argumentative voices you hear from outside the trailer seem to be consistent (e.g.: one man and one woman in disagreement), it could be that you've got a residual haunting which is powerful enough to attract the attention of not only the living, but also the intelligent/sentient deceased. I'd suggest this is a much more likely scenario.

With your indulgence, Redheadchick, I'm going to use a second post to discuss the concept of portals with everyone who has been discussing them. In some cases, the posters are debating portals instead of addressing your concerns as depicted in your narrative.

Take care, and -for goodness' sake- don't leap to worst-case scenarios: you'll only make yourself feel creeped out and tense.

Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-25)
Hi Rook--I look forward to reading your experience. You make a good point about things like Ouija boards being what could be termed a type of portal. I had a very creepy experience with one many years ago (which I plan on writing about on YGS sometime soon) and it did seem to arise from not properly closing a connection.

My main point was the overuse of the term in conjunction with shows like Ghost Adventures, where the hosts are constantly harping on about portals in every other room they enter. Dropping this idea of portals so casually on shows like GA causes the more undiscriminating viewer into thinking it's an accepted and rather common concept. On many paranormal shows the idea of portals often have nothing to do with objects at all and the term is simply misused. I do agree with you that certain objects can be used as focal points for entities and spirits.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-25)
'Portals' the case of their existence...

Manafon and RANDY,

You are both correct... TV and Hollywood have done their fair share of muddling the water when it comes to certain aspects of the paranormal and while you both are quite correct that spirits need no such 'opening' to cross between the spirit realm and the physical realm I make a case for their existence...

Think of them as this...

Spirit Portal: A location where a concentration of energy attracts spirits and entities to cross over. These can be objects (thus portable) that have been used as a focal point of making contact (ie: a crystal ball) or as a mistake when a Ouija Board is used and closed improperly... Or not closed at all. In either event an area has been 'charged' with energy that attracts spirits and the 'event' that caused the area to form 'invites' spirits to cross over at that point.

I will break out my Journals and post an experience of mine that happened in Pensacola, Fl many years ago to support my opinion. Give me a few days as my Journals are packed in a box in my garage.


Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-25)
redheadcick20--You could well be experiencing "spirits" in different locations but I have to agree with RandyM on this one. "Portals" really do seem to be more a product of the many, many paranormal tv shows that spread all kinds of silly terms about like it's established fact.

Most well documented reports of ghosts reveal that they can well appear in multiple locations, while there are also residual or "haunting" apparitions that generally appear over and over in one location. Finding out some more info about your property might be useful.
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-25)
At the risk of angering some I am going to tell you there is no such thing as a "portal"

Now, there may be a place that was common to having a lot of people in it at one time in the past and that is where some are returning to and if you want to call that a "portal" I suppose you could. That may be what you are experiencing.

I think the term portal has come from all of the paranormal TV shows and sounds flashy but a human spirit can return to any place it "Remembers" from it's life on earth. In other words, they don't need a portal or any other special place to return to our world.

Hope that helps
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-24)
Question about the property...

Was the area where your trailer was placed a natural clearing on the property or was something cleared to make room for your trailer?

If something was cleared what was it?

Thanks for sharing.


Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-24)
Hi RHC - thanks for sharing your experiences. It certainly seems that you have some psychic abilities.

My advice would be that if you (and others) are sensing an unpleasantness in that area and you feel very cold spots or have the feeling of being watched which makes you uncomfortable, probably best not to attempt communication with whatever may be there.

It appears that low-level (earthbound) spirits often require an invitation (see Ouija board stories for example) to properly manifest then feed off your fear and anxiety.

Best to proceed with caution if the feelings are negative. As you would with everyday people.



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