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The Prankster And The Seeker


A few months ago my fiancee and I noticed some activity in our house. It started like most situations I've been in, a few by passing shadows and unrecognizable whispers. Until it decided to really try to get our attention. Well specifically mine, which I found interesting though not really shocking considering past events.

I woke up late one morning which is very unusual for me, mainly because I always set an alarm. So I got dressed and headed towards the hall and noticed that I didn't smell coffee. Which was also off because I always set the timer to brew at 7:30am. I knew that I had stayed up late working on my book but no matter how tired I am, I'm rarely this forgetful. My OCD brain won't allow it.

I walked into the kitchen to find the clock on the coffee maker flashing 0:00 but the clock on the stove and microwave were still set and yet something caught my eye. The stove was precisely a minute ahead of the microwave. The stove read 8:16am and the microwave 8:15am.

I typed in the proper time on all three appliances and waited for my cellphone to reach 8:16am. As soon as it did, I quickly went down the line pressing reset and started some coffee.

As I continued getting ready for my day I knew this was no coincidence. The power hadn't went out or the clocks would all be flashing, not to mention my phone wouldn't have a little more than half a charge considering I had went to bed at 2:15am. I looked in the mirror to finish my make up and noticed a shadow flash behind me. This wouldn't be your doings now would it?

Before I could even get the chance of a possible response the coffee maker chimed letting me know that my daily pick me up was ready, nothing like a little dark roast to brighten my day.

So I put my coffee in a thermos, gathered my things and out the door I went. After running a few errands and working on my book a little more I realized that it was time to make dinner. As I walked into the kitchen I instantly noticed that once again all my clocks were tampered with.

Two flashing this time leaving the stove reading 8:16am as if time had frozen from the moment I pressed reset.

"Ok, guys, real funny," I said to the air. I quickly reset the clocks, started dinner and put in my earbuds so I could listen to some music without waking up my fiancee Collin who was resting since he worked the night before. I knew he had the night off so I wanted our time together to go perfectly.

As I was chopping the veggies for our salads, engrossed in the lyrics of Eminem' s song Beautiful, I noticed that my left ear bud made a crackling noise. Which was weird considering it had blown out the week before.

I shrugged it off and kept dicing, until I heard something very strange come through my left earbud in a very low gruff male voice, just a joke. I jumped and the knife I was using gashed my finger. FUDGE MAN! How about warning me next time. As I was rinsing off the cut to see how bad it was, I felt a light touch between my shoulder blades and heard a very low, "Sorry."

When I turned around nobody was there not even a shadow. "It's ok," I whispered, "you just startled me." I quickly bandaged my thumb and went to wake up Collin. I told him about what happened that day after he asked about my thumb and suggested that we use the EVP recorder to see if we couldn't figure out what this spirit wanted so maybe it would stop playing jokes on me.

He agreed on the terms that he joined me. He doesn't really like me communicating with the spirit world by myself which I can easily understand. Strength in numbers right?

We finished up dinner and were watching a movie when I noticed that Collin seemed distracted. I asked him what was wrong and he said that he kept seeing movement in our hallway. So we turned off the movie and I got our EVP recorder, we shielded ourselves and turned it on as we headed towards the hallway where Collin had seen the shadow.

"If you have anything to say to us feel free to do so now." The energy bars spiked from the low blue mid point to the red in a matter of seconds.


I looked at Collin who shrugged and said well that's a weird start. I nodded in agreement and waited for the spirit to say something else.

Indian stone

I thought for a minute how do the two words go together? A lot of times when a spirit is communicating with an Evp recorder the words aren't always in the right order.

Collin suggested that he tried talking to the spirit because sometimes they respond better to him than me so I agreed and passed it to him.

Collin asked a few questions and I continued to ponder the two words we had gotten and how they went together. Collin paused with a look of sudden realization on his face. "I know what it is," he said pulling the chain necklace with my class ring on it from under his shirt. "It's identifying us or proving it can see us." I touched my necklace with an arrowhead on it that Collin gave me when we were only friends, it was slightly warm.

Collin quickly responded to the spirit. "We understand that you can see us. Can you show us where you are?" A dark shadow appeared in front of our guest bedroom door and passed thru. I opened the door and turned on the light, looking slowly around the room. I didn't see anything but I could smell cigarette smoke.

While Collin and I both smoke, we don't smoke in the house and we haven't had a guest stay in our house in months. I also open the windows while vacuuming leaving only one explanation.

Collin asked the spirit a few more questions.

May I ask your name?

No response

What is keeping you here?


Is there anyway we can help you?

Find her.

What is her name?

No response.

Collin asked again but we never got an answer. We said goodbye and ended things for the night.

I have saw this spirit a few times since then in quite a bit more detail. He is a short man wearing blue jeans, work boots and a plaid shirt with dark short hair and always appears to be smoking.

We still haven't gotten a name for the female he wants us to find. Hopefully one day we will so he can pass on, if that is the reason he is still here. As for the nameless prankster, he still comes around messing with clocks or tilting picture frames sometimes turning the TV on or off but nothing extreme. All in all we rarely have a dull moment around here.

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Allicatt (5 stories) (68 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-11)
Redwolf, Thats something I didn't take into consideration either. And while I am sorry that your Uncle went through so much at such a young age it sounds like he was a real hero and strong willed. 😊 Thank you for sharing this with me and shedding a little more light on the possibilities.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-11)

It is possible that rather than PTSD Henry received a head injury during active duty.

I say this because my uncle was hit by a car when he was 13 while riding his bicycle. By witness accounts he was thrown up into the air quite high and either landed on his head or hit his head rather hard. This was in the '40s and was the first person to survive the injury and surgery to place a plate in his head in N.Y. If not the country, he was put in medical books at the time. It took a long time to re-learn speech and talked like a baby a lot. He had to re-learn everything. Thankfully my mother was younger than him and could help teach him things. He enlisted in the Army during the Korean war never telling them he had a plate in his head. He was one lucky S.O.B. Because one night he was waken up for guard duty, the soldier he was relieveing fell asleep in my uncles cot, a North Korean snuck into the tent when my uncle was on the other side of camp and killed that soldier. Another soldier in the tent woke up and realized what happened and killed the North Korean. Another time my uncle was on watch duty and he saw eye shine in the woods near the camp, he saved more than his own life that night. He shot and killed what turned out to be a very hungry tiger that they found as soon as it was light enough to see.

Allicatt (5 stories) (68 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-09)
Very true Val, To know all the answers would be a minute of enlightenment and a lifetime of insanity.
valkricry (49 stories) (3289 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-10-09)
Alli, if you had all the answers you would probably be the first to have them all in a paranormal case. 😊
Allicatt (5 stories) (68 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-09)

Most children with autism do that surprisingly it's interesting and almost beautiful how they see and connect with the world around them in their own unique ways.

I'm also glad that it made sense as I have a hard time getting people to understand that concept and that she isn't being rude it's just how she connects.

Any who back to the story PTSD would definitely make sense. Maybe a reason why he identified with the arrowhead seeing that Missiouri is known for a great span of cruel history. And my class ring I gave Collin to represent our engagement seeing at the time we didn't have the money to buy one via identifying us as a couple.

I could be completely off but in a sense its probable.

The best to you as well.

Allicatt (5 stories) (68 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-09)
Hello Valkricry,

I was thinking about the same time line the late 40's possible early 50's. Your point seems pretty valid as well. If he did have a disorder similar to what your saying then it would make sense as to why she would leave him at home.

Now making me wonder if Suzette left Henry somewhere and told him to wait and he wandered off. It's honestly hard to know now, leaving so many unanswered questions which is alright but slightly frustrating mainly because I'm a curious person. But I'm sure if I was meant to know then I would.

That could very well have been his secret and as you said at that time a good one to keep in the 40's they would put people in psychiatric hospitals for the oddest things.

Thank you for sharing your view point as well. I'm simply sorry I don't have more answers.

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-09)
Wow, Allicatt:

Your daughter's identification of people with objects has been enlightening! My oldest nephew is autistic; every time he plays with a car or truck I have given to him as a present, he shows it to my brother first and says "Uncle!" I know that's not the topic here, but I thought I'd share the joy!

I like Val's suggestion of PTSD; that makes sense if you've had spirits from the WWII & Korean War era visiting your home.


P.S.: Just to clarify for anyone who has misread what I intended by "simple" in my earlier comment; people with autism, Asperger's, Down's Syndrome, etc., are all capable of complex thought (e.g.: action/consequence), but the term "simple" denoted "trusting" and "naive" or "incapable of deception." This could also describe people who are traumatized, dissociative, etc.
valkricry (49 stories) (3289 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-10-09)
Hi Alli,
I'm glad your story has what seems to be a happy ending for Henry.
The description of what Suzette was wearing could be from the 40's. Of course this is just speculation on my part, but many came back from the war changed mentally. For some it was permanent, for others it seemed to come and go based on 'triggers'. Now, if Henry had indeed served and suffered this type of impairment, for lack of a better term, it would explain his being 'simple' at times, and Suzette's 'feel' of being "wife and and yet almost a sheltering mother." Also, in that point of time it was often suggested that folks with this sort of problem be placed in institutions. It wasn't 'seemly' to have 'that sort' out in public. So during his bouts of 'simpleness', it could have been a 'secret' they were keeping. If there was a demand that Suzette had to leave him alone for any reason, say to get medicine, then he was instructed to stay there until her return.
Just a thought.
Allicatt (5 stories) (68 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-09)
Hello Biblio,

You have brought up a large spectrum of interesting concepts. I honestly never thought that Henry would be the one being sought out seeing that he wanted me to find Suzette.

The idea of him being simple actually makes sense in a few ways. As off point as this may seem bear with me. My daughter is autistic and most of the time puts people or places with objects.

For instance if she wants to go to my friends house she will say " Puppy Carla, go please?" Because Carla has a small yorkie and she likes to play with it she always puts Carla with a puppy.

If Henry was simple minded so to speak maybe he does something similar. But then there's a fact I can't shake which is that he identified us by objects we gave to each other when we first started dating Suzette and Henry's connection was definitely one of a couple so maybe that's how he was able to reach out to us so easily.

The confusing factor that throws the whole idea for a loop is he seemed of a stable mind set based on all other factors though he didn't ever say much so it's honestly kind of hard to know for certain. Every time I saw him he was doing the same thing, sitting or standing somewhere in the house smoking.

Suzette had a strong protective vibe towards Henry in a strange combination of a wife and yet almost a sheltering mother.

Either way I'm simply glad that they were reunited and that they were able to move on. Even though I have a lot of unanswered questions, it was still an amazing exsperience.

Thank you for your view points, concerning this.

Wishing you the best,

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-08)

Interesting that it didn't occur to any of us that Henry was not seeking, but the one being sought. I can only presume from your enthusiastic tone that it had not occurred to you, either, Allicatt.

Oddly, this does make sense, as the instruction which used to be given to people that if they were lost or were separated from the group (students on school trips, etc.) was to remain calm and to stay in that location until someone they knew arrived. I can only guess that everyone owning cellphones and whatnot in the modern world can blind us to the obvious!

I'm just sorry you didn't get a chance to ask Henry why he identified you & Collin by your jewelry instead of your names; that still seems like an odd choice to me. Did you get the impression that Suzette and Henry were married, siblings, or had a parent-child relationship? If Suzette was responsible for keeping an eye on Henry, as well as being related to him, then it may be that Henry was (to use an old-fashioned polite euphemism) "simple." IF this speculation is even close to accurate, he would have been naive and trusting of others; exactly the sort of person to whom the advice "wait where you are, and I'll look for you" would be given. This is just speculation on my part, I admit; if you had the opportunity to form a more detailed opinion, please correct me.

I agree with Rook's prognosis that you probably will not see Henry around, now. They had somewhere to go, and that's where she took him when they left.

Allicatt (5 stories) (68 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-08)
Rook, Thankyou for the exsplation and I have to agree with you. I've heard of out of body experiences and this would be only the second time it's ever happened to me. I never knew what exactly to call it.

I am honestly confused as to how I visited what appeared to be my home a long time ago, and yet it physically stands as is. Possibly because that's how they knew the house as and it was the way that Henry and Suzette decided to show me they had been reunited. That's the only logical exsplation I can gather.

I am simply happy that they found each other, and I do hope that they can come to rest peacefully. Only time will tell if they decide to come back or not. Thank you for responding 😊

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-08)

First the rough definitions... Or at least quick explanations...

NDE: Near Death Experience... Usually occurs when an individual has been hurt severely.

AP: Astral Projection... Conscious projection of our 'spirit' out of our body and 'onto' the Astral/Spiritual Plane.

OBE: Out of Body Experience... Unconscious projection of our 'spirit' 'onto' the Astral/Spiritual Plane.

I vote OBE for your latest experience, thanks for sharing it with us.

It seems that they found each other and having done so they moved on together. If this is the case activity should 'die' down (no pun intended). Or they may choose to return and try to thank you for any help they feel you provided. If they do the activity will be brief and subside quickly.

Please keep us posted.


Allicatt (5 stories) (68 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-08)
To anyone who may be following this I finally got her name! I was drifting to sleep when I felt a tug on my spirit, I'm not sure if that makes sense so I'm going to quickly exsplain. Most nights before going to sleep I shield myself because I will find myself somewhere else like an out of body experience but I'm obviously not dead.

Anyway I suppose because I was so tired last night and drifted off quickly I wasn't well shielded and I saw the strangest thing. I saw our house from the outside standing at the front door but it didn't seem like I lived there. I knocked on the front door and a petite woman wearing a red button down sheer blouse and a gray pencil skirt with long chestnut brown hair and brown eyes and a pale complexion smiled at me as she opened the door.

"Please come in, we are so happy you made it." I followed her inside to find completely different furnishings in the living room open Windows with no curtains, no carpet, a simple tan curved back couch with a small end table between the couch and a white tall wicker sided chair. With only two pictures in the living room. We walked into the kitchen and at a round dark wood dining table sat the man in the plaid that's always smoking.

She gestured to a chair across from him and smiled even bigger." My Henry said you would come and bless my stars here you are." I smiled not knowing what to say everything felt so real but distant. So your who I have been looking for, I finally managed to ask my words seemed so slow and heavy. She blushed and waved a hand in front of her as if she were swatting a fly.

"Where are my manners, I'm Suzette and you are?" Allianna I smiled back at her, realizing fully who she was. "Well Allianna thank you so much for keeping an eye on my Henry until I could find him, but if you will excuse us we have somewhere we have to go. I nodded and followed them to the front door. As they opened the door and stepped out the door slammed behind them and I came back to myself in our room.

I think this has got to be one of the most peculiar and amazing things that I have ever exsperienced.
Allicatt (5 stories) (68 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-05)
Domhill, it's alright in longer stories it's easy to forget smaller details along the way. 😊 I wish you the best as well.
DomHill13 (2 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-05)

I forgot about that part when he said that. He is definitely not a child.

I understand that's why you talk to them like that. The reason why I'm usually not very calm about it, is because it isn't always very friendly.

I hope everything goes well for you, though, and I hope you can help that spirit.
Allicatt (5 stories) (68 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-04)
Shelbyloore, That makes sense it's really hard to know for sure, as I said to Ladydarke, unfortunately he hasn't been showing up but here and there. I hope its not too late to find the answer. I'm hoping to reach him soon so maybe I can help him.

Domhill, Both definitely seem very harmless though I know the prankster is not a child. When he spoke to me through my earbud and said "Just a joke" the voice was a bit gruff and sounded like a young adult male. Also when I felt the hand between my shoulder blades after I cut my thumb it felt like an large hand.
I have never seen him except for a shadow but they don't all reveal themselves. I always talk to spirits like I would anyone else because even though they are dead they are still people. Sure some unnerve me a bit but all in all they are just people that haven't passed on. Some aren't always people but that's why I always try to use extreme caution and respect.
DomHill13 (2 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-04)
Hi, Allicat,

I found your story very interesting. They seemed like peaceful spirits, which is always a plus. Also, I loved that you talked to them like you would talk to the living. I do that every now and then, too. Though, usually for me, I am not as calm as you are about it.

Her name being Secret would be my first guess. You said that Collin asked him what is keeping him here and he said Secret. Maybe he was referring to her. He's trying to find her, which is what is keeping him here. I know that was already mentioned by Tweed, but it's a really good idea.

Also, maybe the trickster is actually a child just messing with the clocks and doesn't know better. It's an idea.
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-04)
You'll have your hands full, but it will be fun!

So a Great Depression/WWII situation? Lots of people would hide coins between walls and underground during that time. The kitchen may be important, he may be scavenging around the kitchen for food.

He may have had a confrontation with 'her' in the kitchen, maybe a mistress (secret), or a wife, or even a daughter that may have rebelled and took off or something (find her). Just rolling things off the top of my head here.

That was a tough time, he may have been feeling inadequate as a breadwinner, or something may have prevented him from joining the draft. My mom's grandpa was unable to fight in WWII and he never got over the guilt. Could be something like that?

Poor silly Scarlett was madly in love as long as she couldn't get the man. The second she did, she wanted nothing to do with him. May have been a similar situation, I have no idea.
Allicatt (5 stories) (68 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-04)
Shelbylore, I wouldn't have thought of an Iceland name. He dosent have an accent though. If I had to guess a timeline based on the boots and the design of the plaid I would say late 40's though I could have my years mixed up best time exsplation I can give is around the same era the movie Cole miners daughter was based on. As for the brand of cigarettes to me it almost smells homerolled. My grandpa use to smoke home rolled cigarettes and sometimes bought camels but to me the home rolled have a specific scent. I guess because of the paper vrs. Store bought. I also think of gone with the wind when I hear the name Scarlet I've been a huge fan of the book and movie since I was in the sixth grade. I always thought she was meant to be a red head so hot headed with a sharp tounge all hidden behind a pretty face... Well until she opened her mouth. Thank you, I'm excited and a bit nervous seeing that my daughter is three but she will adapt. 😊

Ladydarke, He dosent have an accent and if I had to base it on looks he appears American. But I could be wrong for some reason latley he seems to be about less often recently. Only showing up every now and then.
ladydarke (115 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-04)

"Sucré" is French for sugar and sounds very similar to secret. You can hear it in this pronunciation video:


Missouri has quite the French history, as evidenced in all the lingering French names of places. If your spirit is from a long time ago, you may be not be dealing with a native Anglophone or at least someone who is bilingual.
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-04)
Sigridur, Sigrid, etc are Icelandic names for women, yep. Masculine is Sigvald. My grandma was from Iceland, Sig was a very popular name in the family. Funny to see it mentioned here. Icelandic women are pretty, but their names are just awful.

Anyway, the identifying with the jewelry seems logical, if he would have said reaper, dragon it wouldn't have been as clear.

I don't know, Scarlet always reminds me of Gone With The Wind, maybe 'she' was as feisty as O'Hara? No idea, just thought I'd cast my vote for Sig. Quite the mystery.

Does this guy look Scandinavian? Scottish? Is he from the 1920's? 1800's? 1960's? A guy smoking cigarettes in a plaid shirt could be anyone from anytime. Do the cigarettes smell like a specific brand or type?

Congrats on baby!
Allicatt (5 stories) (68 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-03)
Loneybone, Thank you I hope I can help him too. I was thinking about some possible names and one that came to me was Scarlet,it's the closest thing to secret that I could figure. Not long after he appeared in my living room and smiled at me. So maybe that's a hint, the white candle is a good Idea and I'm really hoping that I can get an answer soon. If I do, then I will update everyone. I'm glad you enjoyed reading this and Thankyou for commenting.

Begalemom, I would have never of thought of those names thanks for sharing. Sorry it took me a while to reply I have just saw where you commented and haven't been on much because I just found out I'm going to be a mamma again so I've been busy with preparing dr. Visits and trying to get my little girl on board. But I check in as much as I can.
loneybone (8 stories) (78 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-03)
Hello there great story to read glad you shared maybe when you encounter this entity again you could possibly right down a few names you think are possible and have him move something to give you a clue to see if that is the name. Good luck I hope you can help the being get through to the light.
Though I would also try and light him a white candle and give him a prayer to help him move along. I really do hope you find out the name. Maybe this person used to live in the house before you guys or maybe he just came to you guys because he thinks you guys can help. Good luck.
BeagleMom (3 stories) (84 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-28)
Hi Allicat,

I was musing on AgustaM's suggestion that Secret might be a name, like Yvette. Well here is another name for you. I went to school with a gal who's name was Sigrid. It is just a thought.

Enjoyed your tale!

Mother of Beagles ❤
Allicatt (5 stories) (68 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-27)
Augusta, I can definitely agree that the prankster seems harmless his antics just seem to get old after awhile. But as I said at the end of my story, we rarely have a dull moment.

Yvette kind of sounds like secret I've actually never heard of it before. Unfortunately recently I haven't really saw or heard from the man who is in search of the girl/woman. He never specified an age. I know he is still here because I can feel him but maybe I can get him to answer me.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-27)
Yvette sounds like Secret... And I for some reason get a good feeling about the prankster:-)
Allicatt (5 stories) (68 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-27)
Hello Randy, We have left the recorder going at night before and while we have gotten a few interesting things not yet a name. Spirits indeed do have a stronger point in one area other than another.

And apparently the prankster really likes clocks, we still have problems with that every now and then. If this ever goes any further I will let everyone know. I almost feel like I'm playing a bad game of clue, except nobody is dead. I only hope to get the right puzzle piece to complete this and hopefully help this man pass on. Thank you for reading and commenting on this.
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-26)
Hello Allicatt,

Really enjoyed what you shared with us.

Sounds like your resident spirit is pretty good with electronics.
As I mentioned in another post, just like when we are alive spirits are better at some things and not so good at others.

What ever they do is all about how they can manipulate energy.
Some are good at audio, some at sending smells, some can make knocking sounds. All about energy.
You may even try leaving the recorder running and leaving for a while after asking him if he would be so kind as to speak the name you desire to find out.
Just a thought

I hope you continue to keep us informed of how things go

Best to you
Allicatt (5 stories) (68 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-26)
Greetings to you as well Biblio,

While that is an interesting concept I don't have any clothing by that brand. Though maybe it could be a hint that her name is Victoria, it's a shot in the dark but a possibility and I could ask the man if that's the case. I myself have pondered why he identified us by our necklaces. More importantly something that we gave each other seeing that we both have other items on ours. Collin a grim reaper pendant and myself a wolf tooth and a dragon pendant. So why only point out the ring and the arrowhead. More and more questions the further I look into this. Thank you for taking the time to read this and sharing your point of view.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-26)
Greetings, Allicatt.

I'm thinking about the fact that the spirit seemed to identify you by your necklaces, not your names. While I have no prurient interest in your response to this, I know that the "Victoria's Secret" brand is quite a popular one, though this would not exactly narrow down the potential candidates. However, if you own garments made by this company, it may be useful to rummage around in that cupboard, wardrobe, or drawer to see if there is any item present which neither you nor Collin put there. I know that there is a risk of seeming, um, intrusive with this line of thinking, but they do make bathrobes, exercise wear, and my wife loves their Bouclé sweaters.


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