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Who The Hell Is Za Za


The only reason I'm on here is because I'm out of options, and I can't find a rational explanation. My name is Mark I'm one of the biggest skeptics you'll find unless I can see it feel it it ain't real. This all started at my friends house let's call her Emily. Emily was celebrating her twenty second birthday. After a while of drinking Emily got the idea, to talk to some spirits. She pulled out what she called a spirit board. After twenty minutes of waiting the little triangle spelled. Hi. Emily said. Hello may I ask your name? The triangle spelled out Za Za then the triangle began doing figure eights on the board.

Emily said. Hello Za Za are you a ghost? The triangle went to no. Our cocky drunk friend Mandy said well what are you one of hell's demons? The triangle went to yes. Then Mandy had her chest grabbed. She thought it was her boyfriend Marcus but Marcus was in the restroom and no one was near her. Emily asked Za Za. Who grabbed Mandy? The board spelled out. Me. We all got scared the room, started to heat up. Two ac units were going full blast it shouldn't have felt like ninety degrees. Emily asked out loud. Are you here Za Za?

The board went to yes. I started to feel like someone was sliding their arm from my shoulder to my chest. I kept it to myself believing I was imagining things. Then Emily felt someone grab her butt. She screamed and said. I'm trashing this board. She threw the board in the trash everything seemed to settle down the room was cooling again. We thought it was over. The party was five months ago since that day weird stuff has been happening at my house. I get scratched by nothing anytime I use the restroom I feel something touch me down there.

At one point I was slammed chest first against the wall and felt a hand go in my pants. I'm at my wits end I'm losing my mind. I've tried taking medications nothing works am I going crazy? I can not tell anyone I'm only on here cause I thought maybe you guys wouldn't think I was nuts. I've always been told talk to someone when something's wrong while I was growing up. How do I tell someone I think something invisible is molesting me.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, darkesgle, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-04)
Once more into the breech...


Please take a moment and view this...

Debunking 'ZOZO' the Ouija Board Demon:


I am 'down' with there being a spirit (s) doing their best to scare individuals and if calling themselves ZOZO/ZAZA whatever they have pulled from 'our' brains so that they can so be it.

I DO NOT however believe that ZOZO is an actual 'Demon' of any sort. (Just my personal opinion.)


Puthy (5 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-04)
Emily shouldv never touched the spirit board... Have you seen how za za supposed to look
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-16)
Legion 777: if you are as intelligent as you CLAIM to be, how come you write "tha" instead of "the"?

It'd be obvious that, in order to learn as much as you brag about, you should have done a lot of reading and surely NEVER found a "tha" in a paragraph. 😐

Just saying.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-02-16)
Legion - a piece of advice you might want to pay attention to. People as a rule don't like other people who constantly brag. Mentioning your IQ in everything you tyoe is not only bragging but terribly annoying. It makes me a bit curious if that is really your IQ, all things considered.

This comment from legion777 is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-16)
I've got to say this. It really drives me crazy when people write a story, and click on the part agreeing to participate in the conversation, and doesn't! So I'm just going to assume that this person was obviously not telling the truth, and didn't want to own up to it. Just erks me
LTM1477 (9 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-30)
Thank you for the video. Sorry, but I still haven't changed my mind about zozo. He is very dangerous. And that's what I stated.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-30)

Please take a moment and watch this...

Debunking 'ZOZO' the Ouija Board Demon:


It might just change your mind about 'ZOZO'...


LTM1477 (9 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-25)
Zaza also known as zozo is the infamous ouija board demon. He is very dangerous call a priest or psychic right away
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-25)

He is one artist among many others, currently playing...

(Cat Stevens)

"If You Want To Sing Out, Sing Out"

Well, if you want to sing out, sing out
And if you want to be free, be free
'Cause there's a million things to be
You know that there are

And if you want to live high, live high
And if you want to live low, live low
'Cause there's a million ways to go
You know that there are

You can do what you want
The opportunity's on
And if you can find a new way
You can do it today
You can make it all true
And you can make it undo
you see ah ah ah
its easy ah ah ah
You only need to know


elfstone810 (227 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-25)
Rook, I'm down for the picnic. I take it we'll be listening to Sting? 😆
RedBlackRosemama (34 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-24)
One of the reader got it before I was going to say it but I am going say it anyway you people got some death wish or something and you all didn't closed the board and not even say goodbye. Board are dangerous I don't know people playing with those things. It's made me nervous to see that board. Your friend let it open the portal from the board. Be warning it's dangerous and can harm others.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-22)

Respect to you and yours and you are correct IF the condition is Mental then the proper Doctors should be found.

If the condition is Paranormal and a 'Spirit or Demon' is involved then there is a LONG STANDING History that knowing 'its' name gives an individual and those trying to help them an edge, it allows 'energy, prayers, chi' it what you will to be DIRECTED towards something and not just 'blindly' put out in the hope that it helps. Direction and Intent are Major Factors when dealing with 'situations' in the physical world as well as the paranormal (spiritual) realm. Focus is a key that helps direct outcomes and by knowing, or having a name it provides something to Focus on/at.


moumine (3 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-22)
guys... With all do respect to your opinions, yet I still think (who cares what's the demon's name?!) I insist -whether the post is genuine or not- go seek help.

1) If the story is correct, then he/she finds a trusted man/institution of religion for aid.
2) if not true, then go to a registered psychiatrist to help get rid of the illusions.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-11-21)
Ah yes, I have heard of Zozo too, but never Zaza. Just one common misunderstanding that anyone can make, spirits boards or anything relating to this sort of activities, the spirit communicating with you won't name themselves and it is a taboo ask them anything related to themselves, to say the truth they will not answer you according to some reports and researches that I found. Well, unless it's all fiction then anything will happen.

Is there extra blankies?

Blessing from São Paulo

Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2016-11-21)
Rook, it's mighty cold where I live, but I'm still game for a picnic!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-21)
LadyJane (and others who have gotten caught up in the ZOZO (ZAZA)... (Ah, Boo, Boo, Boo. Ah Da Da, DA is all I want to say to you... 😆...sorry got caught up in the moment... 😉)

Um before going much further I submit this for research purposes...

Debunking 'ZOZO' the Ouija Board Demon:


I think there are some malevolent spirits who have 'picked up' on the negative thoughts/energy surrounding this myth and they use that to fuel fear, chaos and panic. That being said I DO NOT BELEIVE IN THE DEMON ZOZO. I feel that someone had a bad experience and through shoddy 'reaching for answers' research managed to 'connect' bits of information together that gave them an explanation that made them feel better. They then 'published' this research and called themselves an EXPERT... And even created a name for their expertise (A ZOZOlogist)

Now for this submitted experience...

Party: CHECK
Alcohol: CHECK
Spirit Board: CHECK
Spirit Summoning: CHECK
Under the Influence Individuals getting groped: CHECK
Spirit Board session not Closed Properly: CHECK
Continued Contact from the Spirit after Board 'TRASHED': CHECK

If there was a Checklist for making a Horror Movie about a Spirit Board this 'experience' fills in most of the blanks with check marks.

So the Food Truck is parked on the back 40 and I have Blankies spread out, picnic anyone?


lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-21)
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Sorry for posting again, but I need to backup my question.
What is your name: Mark, Christine or Christian?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-21)
Oh my!
Is your name Mark as you say in this narrative or is it Chris for Christine or for Christian? 😕

I hope you understand that these inconsistencies do not help to add credibility to your story.
I don't want to be rude but you should read the guidelines and rules of this site before submitting a story, it is meant for REAL ghost stories not for keyboard-happy moments.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-21)
Too late for Halloween!
There are many things that just don't sound right about this story... I think it's just another version of the too many ZoZo, Zaza-fantasies that we get ever so often on the site... Sigh!

Darkesgle, how the heck can you explain the following statement:
"...I've tried taking medications nothing works am I going crazy? I can not tell anyone..."
Seriously?! - What kind of medications are you talking about? - is it Tylenol or is it cough syrup?
Did you self prescribe these medications or did you go to see a doctor? 🤔

Although I am surprised to see that this demon is going after you, it usually goes after girls... It's so CREEPY to think what it could be touching inside your pants! 😨
LadyJane (guest)
8 years ago (2016-11-20)
I'm no expert but this sounds a lot like Z-O-Z-O the spirit board demon, except for the difference in the name. He is known to be extremely sexually assaultive. I don't suppose you watch shows like Ghost Adventures or Paranormal Witness but he has been profiled on both shows - season 10 of Ghost Adventures and the most recent season of Paranormal Witness. Not sure exactly how to get rid of him but you might find some help in one of those shows. Quick question, did you close the spirit board session before you threw out the board? It is extremely important to close those sessions. Again, I'm no expert and only known from what I've seen on TV shows like those mentioned but I hope this will help point you in the right direction.
moumine (3 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-20)
Bella16 I think your perfectly correct... I also would add that the writer should avoid being alone for the period of casting the demon away.
Bella16 (8 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-20)
Fellow, from eletromagnetic fields, gravitational wasves, light out of visible spectre, dark matter and heaven knows what else not things that exist but even our equipements can't see, do you think there is not anything else in this universe except what we know? It'sarrogance to think we know it all, sure you uderstand this. Socrates was right, we know next to nothing about this world, let alone others. But I believe I know somethings about what you've seen, and it makes perfect sense from what I know. Please listen to me.

I'm even relying on faith to believe on what you've said. I could just assume everything you said to be a made up story, like you'd probably do before you've been experiencin all this. But as I assume I know nothing for sure about you or this universe, I may put on my faith on this little knowledge and your word.

What is picking on you is a really a demon. Attempting contact to those things is like opening a forbidden door (the reasons you must already know). The game you played, like any dark ritual, is like giving it "authorization to it". "When you stare at the abyss, it stares back at you". I first thought it was rubbish, but now I know it's not.

Listen, this thing hates you, and all of us. It wants to subjulgate you, as it's attempting to win by fear or force. As you guessed, you can't fight it alone or with guns. Lay off the medicines, my friend, this is real.

Get a good priest to bless your house. I personally recommend you, mormon (A Latter day Saint) would be good, since it happened to me before, and this mormon guy just solved it in a few minutes. Do it soon, as these nasty fellas tends to get worse sometimes. You can ask him further about what are those and how to keep them away, as it might come back if you commit much sins.
moumine (3 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-20)
hi Chris.
I believe that by participating in this- evil, harmful so called game- you have opened a path through diminutions, which allowed a demonic entity to break in and latch itself to you.

You must not give it the upper hand. Show no weakness and start practicing your religious does.


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