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The Thing By My Shed


One morning a couple of months ago I was working in my back yard and walked around the side of my shed near the back of my property. I had a wheelbarrow leaning up against the side wall and when I walked past the wheelbarrow, something on a concrete pad caught my eye. It was a light brown/creme color, about an inch and a half to two inches in diameter and nearly 2 feet long. My first reaction was "SNAKE!".I instinctively froze. Then it was like it had spotted me the instant I spotted it. It immediately bent in an arc shape as if by reflex and JUMPED about 2 feet and ended up under my shed, which is on piers. The weirdest thing was that it made a snapping/crackling sound when it arced before jumping. It all happened so fast that I was scared one second and confused the next. My first thought was that I had just seen something impossible because it didn't have legs and living things don't sound like a branch cracking when they move. On top of that, there are no snakes that color in Southeast Texas.Also,snakes don't jump. I also had the feeling that I wasn't supposed to see it. That was the feeling I got as soon as it jumped.

Anyway, I ran and got a flashlight to try to see what it was and when I got back it was nowhere to be found. I have rehashed this event over and over in my mind and have yet to come up with a rational conclusion as to what I witnessed. Anybody out there have a clue? I Googled the description of this thing and couldn't find anything that might point me in the right direction. Then I thought it was a dumb idea to Google it because Google surely won't tell me what I witnessed. I have a gut feeling that it was something paranormal because there is no rational explanation.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Curly_1Lack, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-02)
Thanks Curly. Having a weird paranormal encounter like yours is a bit like finding a big nasty spider, in that the exact location becomes a daily check point lol. I'd be chalking it up to something other worldly too. 😊
Curly_1Lack (2 stories) (21 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-02)
Hey tweed,
Just checking back in and haven't seen whatever that was again. I check under and around the shed regularly and found nothing. Guess we can chalk it up to another of life's grand mysteries.Also,I love your stories and your input along with the other "regulars".
Curly_1Lack (2 stories) (21 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-07)
Hi Sanchez and jaderae!,
Sanchez, I do live a couple of blocks from a river, so that is a possibility. Tweed mentioned eels also. Thanks a bunch! And jaderae, that is too funny! I'm thinking seriously about taking twelveam's advice about the security camera and maybe unraveling thus mystery.
Merry Christmas to all on YGS!
jaderae (3 stories) (29 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-07)
Hi Curly,

Oh you are right about the puckering! We don't have poisonous snakes in our area, but he grew up in an area with tons of them, so he had the same reaction you did!

The mechanical movement you describe is so strange, I really do hope you see it again (when it won't surprise you) and you can make some more observations! Be careful out there!
Sanchez_92 (7 stories) (52 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-07)

Maybe just maybe, you did see and eel like Tweed imagined. I did some research on google as well and some eels like shade and moisture. Maybe it rained the day before where you live or you live near water because some eels do live in fresh waters. How it got there I'm not sure, but maybe just maybe you did see and eel at a young stage of age if it wasn't too long.


Curly_1Lack (2 stories) (21 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-07)
Thanks for the input.That's a pretty interesting theory. I say that because when it jumped it didn't seem to have any way of jumping or hopping like an animal using its legs to push. It somehow propelled itself through the air. I don't know it was just crazy. I guess you had to be there to experience it.Anyway,I've been reading your comments and those of others on here and I enjoy and respect what you have to say.
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-07)
Curly, I keep thinking about your experience. There was something about what this thing did before it jumped that reminded me of something, but I couldn't think of what.

The arc shape it assume and the cracking. So many encounters on here have begun with an audible snap, crack or pop. So we're all haunted by Rice Krispie men. Not really, personally I've wondered if these sounds are miniature thunder claps, or at least it's on the same principle of air movement making way for matter.
Then there's the arc shape, my mind was connecting this with something and I've just remembered what, electric eels. I'm not suggesting an unusual pale coloured electric eel is hanging around your shed. But these fellas have a unique muscular structure, similar to stacked coins if stacked coins interlocked in a Tetris type way. This structure when rubbed and pulsated by the eel's movement creates the electric charge.
Maybe, just maybe, this odd thing was utilizing a similar energy source by the arc shape. It's motivation/reaction for doing this might be to sustain it's interaction with the physical world, enough to jump up and express it's surprise/fright.

I don't think electric eels assume an arc for any reason, but what you described reminded me of them regardless.
Curly_1Lack (2 stories) (21 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-06)
Thanks for the idea,twelveam!I never thought of that.Enlightened1959,as I went over the event in my mind I remembered reading about rods but couldn't remember what they were called. The way this thing moved mechanically ruled out a snake and made me think of rods or something that we just don't know about. The object was lying straight, whereas snakes tend to coil up. The type of snake that jaderae mentioned aren't found anywhere near Texas and this didn't have rattles (and I really don't remember this thing even having eyes) and it was too light colored for a timber rattler or a diamondback.Jaderae,I bet your husband puckered up (if you know what I mean.LOL!) like I did when I first thought it was a snake! Thand to all of you for taking time to discuss this. You are all the greatest and God Bless all of you.
jaderae (3 stories) (29 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-06)
Wow, how bizarre! I will say, it sounds like an encounter my husband had with a gopher snake-type in our yard last year, which coincidentally took place next to our shed. He was cutting back weeds and brush and came around the back corner of the shed, and a snake about 2 1/2 ft long jumped up in the air towards him, a little more than waist height (he's 6ft tall), and he instinctually swung at it with his machete and unfortunately killed it. We didn't realize a snake that size was living there, as they aren't common in our region, but we think all the brush-clearing destroyed its habitat, and since then we've had a huge problem with moles in our yard.
Granted, I didn't see it myself, but when he pointed out where it leapt from and how he swung at it, plus the blood on the siding, that thing jumped about 3ft.
Enlightened1959 (8 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-06)
Hello Curly,

This is wild! This thing apparently has some intelligence. Odd, very very odd! It definitely seems to be of an "alien" nature. Have you read about "Spheres and rods"? This is what your story immediately reminded me of. I have watched films of these things on youtube in the past; the only thing is, they move extremely fast, so fast that they often can't be seen unless the film is slowed way down. No matter what it is, it is extremely strange!

Thanks for sharing!
twelveam (74 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-06)
Hi Curly,

Just a thought... If you had any way to set-up a security camera in that area for awhile, you MIGHT be able to get a better idea what you're dealing with. It might take some effort and also spending a little money to do this but it may prove fruitful if you are very determined to solve this. GREAT STORY and I loved reading it! Blessings to you!
Curly_1Lack (2 stories) (21 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-05)
Thanks for your coments,ashar123!I love this site and the interesting input I'm getting! 😁
ashar123 (6 stories) (168 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-05)
Well can't say its paranormal or a snake. If its paranormal then surely its going to be rarest of the rare experience but still there is a possibility that it could be a rattle snake.

Anyways thanks for sharing! 😊
Curly_1Lack (2 stories) (21 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-05)
Thanks for your comments!DandK,I have 3 cats that must terrorize snakes because we haven't seen a snake on our property in 7 or 8 years. This thing was round on the ends,too.I thought about your idea,Rich73,but I haven't had a day off in awhile (I work 12 hour shifts). I should have time next week to do further investigation. And Tweed, you and I have exactly the same thoughts on my experience. I hadn't been around the shed in quite a while and whatever it was may have gotten accustomed to no humans being around.Plus,DandK mentioned cats, and there is nothing that would last a day in our yard with them around. They catch anything from bugs to moles to snakes and will toy with them before they finish them off. Whatever this was had no fear of them to be lying out in the open. And Tweed, I bet somebody would have laughed if they saw that thing and I both jump at the same time like we did! 😊
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-04)
Curly, I think your first instinct about a snake is almost certainly what it was. I've seen rattle snakes jump like that (popping sounds too). I had two cats that used to tease the rattlesnakes that wandered into my backyard. They'd surround the snake and the snake would jump at one while the other attacked from behind. This was typically in the morning.

I think you should be careful when you go by that shed in morning and evening. Don't be scared, just make a bunch of noise and it will get scared off. They don't like interacting with people and won't bother you if it doesn't feel threatened.
Rich73 (1 stories) (67 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-04)
Weird! I don't have any idea. I've found that animals tend to be creatures of habit and will come to the same place to eat or to rest. You might try staying completely away from that area for a few days, then see if it comes back. That way, you can take a photo of it from a distance.
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-03)
Hi Curly,

I have a gut feeling it was something paranormal too!

Far out, I have no idea what this was. Also don't remember hearing of anything like this, at all ever. Whatever it was, I think you were lucky to have the utterly confusing experience.

The time of day this happened, would you normally be working in your yard at that time? If it wasn't your usual yard work time, I wonder if this entity makes a habit of lounging around on the concrete at that time and did't expect you'd be there too.

Cool stuff, kind of comical really. 😆
Adding this to faves, love those unusual what the heck moments!

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