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Statue From The Far East


Just to warn readers, the story that I am going to share might not be suitable for everyone, I do not mean to religious or against any religion, all information that I have here is what I know and what I have heard of. I apologize if any of the information is wrong or would be "sickening".

To start off, I know most people in Japan believes in Buddhism, second is Shintoism and very little of them believes in Shamanism or their own rituals of the area they live in (there are people whom believe in other religions too but I do not have accurate data on them).

To continue with what I will start with, let me explain, my knowledge of Japanese Buddhism and the difference of Shintoism (My knowledge, so it might not be perfect).

Japanese Buddhism is pretty much like Shintoism, the difference is how and where they pray to their gods and the procedure when visiting a Shrine or a Temple.

Shintoism prays in a shrine, during the praying procedure, they "clap" twice then bow before praying (sorry if I am wrong). Buddhism prays in a temple, and their praying procedure is similar but they do not "clap" and unlike Shintoism they do not pray for any "gods" (sorry if I have misunderstood any of the information I have). Of course not just how they pray, their belief are pretty much different than on another, but Japanese culture somehow had combine the two religions (again, I might be wrong).

Going back to what I am going to share. My Grandfather used to own a small statue which looks like a small child "crouching". It was said that it was made by a monk from an old temple in Okinawa, Japan.

Many good monks of Japanese Buddhism like Buddha himself have their names and sometime even statues kept in the temple where they used to pursuit their Buddhism knowledge.

Old Japanese Buddhism has had a practice where the monk will die in the position of meditation; this is called the "living statue practice". This practice is banded by the Japanese Law later on. Just like keeping names and statues, some temples nowadays still keep these living statues.

I am not sure if it is related at all I have read about Kuman Thong in this site otherwise "Criança dourada" (the golden child). It is meant to be a practice by Thai Shaman, but somehow became one forbiden ritual of Thai Buddhism. Just in case some people will be wondering what they are and curious enough to search the net for it, DON'T, it is horrible in another way. You can skip the next paragraph if you don't want to know, for those of you whom is really curious please go ahead.

Basically (?), it is a practice where people will "roast" an "unborn child" for their "oil" and they will keep both the "oil" and the "body" and make them into lucky charms, most common (not sure but it said so) is that the monks will paint the "child" in gold and make them into golden statues, that is why people there call them the "golden child".

Sorry for the very long introduction. Back to the "crouching child" statue my grandfather use to own. My father used to say that he could see small bones on the statue and that the statue might have been a dead body of someone's child. My mother used to laugh at what my father used to say. Well, to be honest I have never seen the statue until my late 20s, when I first met my granduncle (my grandfather's younger brother). He brought the statue with him, I was kind of amazed on how detailed the statue is. My father spoke with my granduncle in a serious tone. My grandfather wanted my father to keep the statue, my father refused because of certain reasons, most important that he stated was that I can see a child's bone. My granduncle said that he will take the statue to somewhere he can X-ray scan it, of course there is no way he could take a statue to a hospital (too much National Geographic's shows?).

I was there too and was listening with my mother at the 2, arguing whether or not to keep the statue and funny reason not to keep or to keep the statue. I knew about the living statues at that time but I thought it will be impossible for a child to have such a harsh practice, so I joked about it most of the time.

The statue ended up having to be kept by us (now, the old house of my father). My mother told my father that the statue gives her night mare, my father says the same. My sister and I were fine, but we hear long moaning of some cats or some kind of animals (We did not keep any pets at that time) during midnights. Now that I think about it, the moaning sounded kind of like a wild cat, but how? Were there wild cats around the city? I am not sure.

Years after both me and my sister had moved out (My sister started a cooking course in the states and I started working in the main city), my mother was in the hospital for an operation (no, not related to the statue at all, so I am not going to write the details, just needed to cut off some mass, nothing serious). My father was left alone at home with the statue. I called home to see if everything was OK, I am not familiar but I kind of heard a child (or a girl?) spoke in Japanese then my father answered the phone, I remember asking him who that child was, and he did not know what I was talking about.

My sister when back to see my father last weekend, she told me that the statue was still there in the house. She called my mobile during 11pm night time saying that she is hearing that moaning we used to hear. I told her that it might be some kind of wild animals, but my father was awaken too this time since it was coming from inside the house. He thought it was my sister going crazy (lol) but found out it was not. I asked her why did she call me and not the cops and she said that it was that moaning that both me and her used to hear and she thought I might have some idea what that was. Não (No,I don't).I searched of the net to see what possible wild animals it can be, monkeys perhaps? I thought.

I will be back and will be gathering with my sister this weekend, I called home and again I hear someone spoke in Japanese, the voice was wispy and very young, I asked my father whether he have set a voice message in Japanese, he asked me back whether there is such service. Não (No, there is not). It is like 9 years since the last time this happened.

Is the statue really causing all the strange event? Shall I tell my father to do a cleansing as well? (he has never did any cleaning rituals ever since he moved away from my grandmother's tribe)

I might write another story if some more strange thing happen during this trip back to my father's old home.

Blessing from São Paulo


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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, roylynx, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-09-24)
Jubeele, Wow another comment from you, thank you!
Well I did not hear a thing any more about the statue...
I will try to get some information when I go back (sorry I kept forgetting)
Toyol... I will also do a research on that! Oh! Yes my father is just fine he has been living with the statue for a period, nothing special happened so far.

Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-24)
Hi Roylynx, I thought this reference may have some relevance to this subject:
Having grown up in Singapore and been to Malaysia and Thailand, I've heard about such practices. I'm no expert in such matters, but my paternal great-grandmother was a village head woman in Thailand and my mother had mentioned once that she thought my father's oldest sister may have owned one (but that's not my story to tell). The catch is that once someone acquires such an object, it gets passed down through the generations and has to be handled in a very specific way.
When you think about it, this was once meant to have been a child and its potential for life has been sadly unrealized. To keep it appeased, according to folklore, it has to be approached from the perspective of a child. Some people have a special place in homes for it, offer it toys, sweets and treats. Most of the accounts I've heard usually indicate a boy.
I personally don't condone this practice. My opinion is that children (whether unborn or not) are precious and not to be abused in any way. Please don't take this as criticism of your grandfather and other members of the family. Far from it. Your story just made me a little worried. I'm just glad that your father has not been troubled by it recently.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-06-26)
Sorry auto correction... I mean Thureos, Thanks a bunch! Now I have more things to do!

roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-06-26)
Thereo, Sure, I can post a picture but maybe I will have to write another story about it if anything happens again. I have not plan yet but I might be going back July time for a family gathering, I will take a photo of it and if possible will have more detailed information on it, thanks again!

Cersed240, Yes, I have information on the living statue, but this story is nothing about it. Thank you!

Cersed240 (2 stories) (26 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-26)
Hello Roylynx

When I read your account, it reminded me of a you-tuber who's an expat that lives in Japan. One of his episodes was about the living statue of a monk. I think I found something on it. He visited Kinkyuzan Kansyuji Temple Asakawa, Fukushima, where there is one such monk that completed the ritual. They are called Sokushinbutsu, or "Flesh Idol".

If you want to see the episode, look up Abroad in Japan, Meeting a Japanese Mummy. He's a British expat, who has a tongue in cheek way of introducing Japan.

Thanks for another interesting account.
Thureos (1 stories) (12 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-26)
I'm here to help, and quite curious about it, anyway. If there ARE indeed remains inside the statuette, or even if it is a Tang Dynasty object you've got an archeological find in your hands. Would you be so kind and photograph this statuette of yours for us to see it? I'm interested in it. Also, USP really has some japanese and chinese specialists. Or you could ask someone in Liberdade.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-06-25)
Thureos, Very well, thanks for all the information. So you think that the statue is from the old Ryukyu period? To be honest I do not think that there is any biological remains inside it any more, well since 1.It not with me anymore and 2.I do not hear anymore strange stories on the statue from my father.

Well, I do understand that cultures and religions all over the world are different, and so I do know that I must have a clear historical vision + some accurate information on the statue. Well, I meant shamanism in Ainu culture and again now I notice that Ainu was not considered as Japanese during old periods. Yes, some of my information is not correct. Things like that I always hear stories from my community and some stories that were told by my grandmother and Dr. Wiki, of course now I know where to get accurate information from, thanks!

I actually had a guy (I think he is a scholar? Not sure) explaining that the statue is not Japanese... I did not care since I was actually busy finding what made the moaning sound. Well, not surprising anymore for me now, since you have given me so many precious information. I might want to go back to that guy and ask him for more information. He was saying something like its sculpture reminds him of a newborn child lucky charm from Tang Dynasty of China? No, no, I have just had a quick zap on the net some thing on "Tang", not accurate. I will go have a visit with the statue when I have time to go back to my father's place. Thanks a bunch, Thureos!

Thureos (1 stories) (12 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-25)
Greetings, roylynx. At first, I would like to point a great many misconceptions about Japan, including its religious practices. Shintoism and Zen Buddhism have suffered syncretism over centuries of co-existence, to the point that one religion does NOT annul the other, very much like our brazilian Candomblé or Umbanda and Catholicism, where one religion "completes" the other, without entering some kind of cultural shock. So, there was a time, before the Meiji Restoration in the XIX Century where some Shinto shrines were even mantained by Buddhist temples. This kind of religious division which ocurred, to some degree, were a consequence of Meiji politics of dividing Shinto, which were a native japanese religion and Buddhism, which came to Japan in the V or VI century from Chine, although I am not certain about the correct time. It is a serious misconception speaking like that about the clappings, and so on. Also, what do you call "shamanism" in Japan? That is a too generic term and I do not understand what exactly do you intend there.
It is also wrong to identify Buddhist practices of Japan with the ones in Thailand, Chine, India, Tibet, and so on. The Kuman Thong is a folk practice of Thailand which were incorporated into Buddhism, just as the brazilian practice of putting Santo Antonio's image upside down in a cup of water as punishment as a mean of acquiring a boyfriend or so. Tell this to a catholic priest in Italy or France, for example, and they will tell that this is not a native catholic practice, and so on. Do not fall into the generalization that a religion in a country is the same religion in every other country. Religion adapts itself to the culture in which it is present, and not the other way around.
Another problem is Okinawa. There never were Shintoism in Okinawa, as it were anexed into Japan only in the XVII century. They've had their own religious practices and many japanese do not even consider Okinawans as japanese. If the statuette came from Okinawa, it can be Buddhist indeed, but not a Kuman Thong. Maybe some other kind of household deity?
Las but not least is mr RCRuskin's acceptable misconception about taking the statuette to the Anthropology department of your city (talvez o da USP?). As a fellow undergraduate anthropologist of UFF (Universidade Federal Fluminense), I would like to explain that the work with ethnographic objects in anthropology is something that we have abandoned DECADES ago, since the time of Franz Boas, in the 30's, perhaps. You would, of course, probably have a briefing about the statuettes origins from a scholar versed in japanese studies, but I doubt it would go far from it. Anthropology doest not work with isolated objects. It has lost its ethnographic significance as it were cut from its cultural ambient. Even I could make a simple research about it even though Japan is not my area of expertise.
I hope I have been able to help you in some way. I wait an answer abot the statuette.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2017-02-12)
RCRuskin, I have actually called and asked and found that only famous universities and hospitals do such things. Yes, of course it's expensive.

No way will my father take the statue to do a body scan all so sudden though.
Thanks for the help!

Abbykay_luv, I am sorry that this story had scared you in such a bad way, please feel free to do a cleansing or say some prayer or you choice, defeat your fear.

Love from São Paulo
abbykay_luv (4 stories) (43 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-09)
This doesn't add up or anything but I just want to say I'm reading this at exactly 2:32am... In a new apartment, and this is my first night here. I'm super spooked right now 😨
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-09)
RoyLynx, I doubt any would. You could probably take it to a university's anthropology department for study, but that's all I can think of.

It'd be expensive, though.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2017-02-09)
RCRuskin, I am actually back home now away from my father's house. No, I did not bring the statue with me, my spine in literally cracking since I was sleeping on the floor (ouch). So far going to the house and coming back away from house, nothing strange happened anymore, so I am talking to my sister and asking her what really happened that night when she phoned me, she is frustrated now and would not want to talk with me, I will apologize to her no worries lol

I wish I could bring the statue to a hospital or somewhere they can x-ray none living things like a statue. Would any hospital accept a statue as their patron?

RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-09)
Roylynx, if it is just a statue (stone, bronze, etc.) then of course nothing I said is relevant. And having reread the story and comments, I can see where you checked a crack on the statue. Which is not too bad a thing. I'd still be curious and want to know more from a more scientific aspect. Like finding someone who could x-ray it or similar to peek inside.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2017-02-09)
Senhora Lady-glow, True, what you said will be a win-win situation LOL

E.Lynx (back home dying for a cup of honey maté)
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-09)
roylynx: yeah, it would be great if all those members pestering YGS with fictional stories could go to a site like that one... It would be a win-win situation for everybody, since nobody would question their masterpiece over there and we'd be free of unnecessary drama.😊
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2017-02-08)
Martin, thank you for the information.
Well, if you said so I trust you and I have looked through the links as well.
But I don't write scary stories and I am not good at it, so I skip it.

Martin (602 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-02-08)
roylynx, if you have technical issues with the site, you may take it up with me privately using the contact form, just make sure to tell me who you are. I don't see how that other person could have gotten your email in here if you don't publish it, unless he found it elsewhere. You may ask him.

The owner of that other site is a certain "subhas show":


Looking at his tweets, he like to peddle men's weight loss supplements also, so I'm sure he's a totally trustworthy fellow 😉
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2017-02-08)
Thanks guy!
I am choosing not to reply at all to the e-mail.

Senhora Lady-glow, you have your point, well this story and another stories of mine were meant to be REAL, if a certain people would think that they are made up or just another "Goose Bump" stories, well I will be saying that they would not be as exciting as those problematic ones that a couple (?) of our "friends" will write, that is why I was asking if anyone else received the same e-mail.

Rookdygin, that's funny how you would receive such e-mail too LOL
Well, I choose to ignore but if anymore if such mail comes I am calling the cyber agents (cyber cops?), so no worries this hacker will not survive for long.

Martin, how glad to see your comment too! About the address that I provided, since it is not set to be shown on my profile, is there a possibility of our accounts here being hacked?
Recently I am viewing this site out of my home and my profile will show Error 404, I am thinking this is just the network's problem, anyhow, if this also is a problem caused by the hacker of this site, I am afraid I will have to quite for a moment until everything is cleaned here. It's a pity because I really like this website.

Martin (602 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-02-08)
In my experience, web sites that use fonts with a bloody motif are not exactly serious about studying the paranormal, they're more horror / halloween fans. And it's also obvious that they are actually from India and English is a second language. Oh well, at least they don't seem to be plagiarizing like usual, that's actually a step up.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-07)
I received the same message... The only difference being... The Experience they had read, and liked was not one I had submitted. The subject line reads...

"Your story "Spiritual Hitch Hiker" was beautiful"

It's from the same person and after an exchange of e-mails where I tried to explain about wanting to relate only TRUE EXPERIENCES they said this...

"If 60% of your visitors read the complete story then it's outstanding according to my survey.

Now let me know please if you need me to think topics for you.


I have yet to reply to that one, I received this e-mail on 03 Fed 2017. My gut tells me this individual is 'HOPEING' to start a site like 'Creepy Pasta'...So I am walking away from this 'offer'. The individual even hints at possible 'money' exchanging hands... I do not study the paranormal and try to help others for money. I do it for understanding and to help others.


lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-07)
Roylynx: I wonder how they got your email address, since it isn't in your profile.

I don't know if you should feel flattered or upset by their following statement:

"... My goal is to build an exciting ghost stories library that can encourage our next generation to read paranormal fantasies."

Since YGS makes clear that the site is meant for sharing REAL experiences. - Are they implying that he thinks your story to be a piece of fiction?

Anyway, at least they are having the decency to ask if you'd like to participate in their forum instead of only plagiarizing your experience.
It is up to you to decide.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2017-02-07)
Hey, everyone I have recieved a strange e-mail,
Did any of you also recieve the same thing?
Please see below.

Your story (Statue From The Far East) was fantastic on Yourghoststories

Hello Dear,

I am Subhas from Ghoststoriesworld.com. Now days you see children only mind about computer games. They lost many things what we enjoyed in our childhood. My goal is to build an exciting ghost stories library that can encourage our next generation to read paranormal fantasies.

I am a web developer by profession, so I can afford my skill in making an amazing ghost website. I have some friends whom I contacted to help me. Only those I saw have creativity to write amazing contents are allowed to send us articles for editorial section. Some of them are helping me with 1-2 articles per week.

I am writing you because I found you have a superb story telling style. Let me know about yourself. If you wish to be our friend and want to pen on specific topic that will be a great help.

My goal is not to earn money from it but just to create an amazing haunted index. Yourghoststories.com has a good collection of fictions but our website is one of the best for real haunted places. We have thousands of visitors per day.

So, I want you to write about some real haunted places in your state/county. I want to make this with help of real ghost lovers. In our site you can write ghost stories too as Yourghoststories.com. But this offer is to get you as our respectable guest writer in Editorial section. You will send us the writings, our designing team will publish with best layout and editing.

Let me know about yourself, what you do and where you live. You can tell me easily that "Subhas, I want to write on the place 'ABC', can I?". Its fine, I want you love what you are going to do.

It will be nice to get you on the board.

Thanks & Regards

Subhas Chandra Show

Subhas Show <ghoststoriesworld [at] gmail.com>
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2017-02-07)
RCRuskin, hmm, you have your point, but I and my father had already proven the statue might be just a stone.

My mother told me a couple of times that she will have dreams of the statue being our unborn brother or sister (she had abortion due to illness before marrying my father), my father understands the situation since keeping a child before marriage is very hard especially for young girls (my mother is almost 12 years younger than my father).

Also, my father once also had a similar dream that my mother (in her young look) was carrying an unknown baby; in that dream she was saying that the baby was not his. Now that you said that it might have been a sad baby... Perhaps. (Spine chilled)

Well, these nights I did not hear any moans that I remember hearing with my sister, every morning the first thing I will ask is "did you hear anything last night?" the answer would be "Não" (no) or "Não me lembro" (I don't remember). It have been peaceful since my arrival I tried calling home on my mobile while meeting my local friends, no, I did not hear any child (or girls) speaking in Japanese.
My record mode on my phone is always active these days incase I hear any strange voices.

I think I will just need to update the story through my comments until there are any more strange events.

Oh, about the statue, it is now placed on where it used to be my room, now a hobby room of my father, on an old desk on top of a cloth (a greyish bandanna).
I sleep in the living room now and my sister in "her own room", where now is a guest room, my sister said the last time she heard the moaning was from the living, my father came out and had a look too (what the hack?). I can't believe they let me sleep in such place (lol). If anything happen I might be the first to encounter them.

RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-07)
Roy, feel free to copy it. I don't have any intellectual property restrictions on my style. 😆

I brought up the bit about cats because in your narrative you mentioned hearing a cat like sound, and also because you mentioned the statue might be a mummified baby. Just that last bit in itself is creepy to me. So, ghost moans/wails that sound like cat, and a possible baby being present.

To me, this means the baby is unhappy and crying.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2017-02-07)
Surprisingly fixing internet networks now days are very fast lol. Just a couple of tests than we are done.

RCRuskin, Haha, love the way you introduce your comment, please let me copycat you someday when I comment LOL

Wolves and wild cats? Well, I have looked around our place and asked neighbors if they know of any wild animals interestingly some of them told me that wild parrots like cockatoos and colorful macaws make the similar moaning sound or what you said as a wail. Since the place is now quite bright during midnights as well perhaps it was one of those birds around, none of the neighbors said anything about wild dogs (wolves, foxes, etc.) or cats yet so far.

RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-07)
The wolf->dog was probably the first animal domesticated by humans. Cats are a close second. The wild ancestors of modern dogs and cats found it advantageous to live alongside humans. Cats retain much more of their wild side than dogs, but genetic drift has produced an interesting side effect.

Cats wails and baby's wails are almost identical now in how they sound. Ancestral domestic felines able to make a baby cry sound produce an emotional response from humans, get fed, and thus make more baby cats.

Based on this, and the cultural issue you raise in your story, I am officially creeped out about this statue!
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2017-02-06)
Senhora Tweed, Oops, I have forgotten that promise that I made with jaderae lol
Stigmatized properties of Japan...Oh, Roy, you are such a fibber lol
I might do a research on them... MIGHT (lol)

OK, forget about my comment there, yes, I have read that before but it's far away from what I have experienced. I mean mine was not that exciting.

What you have written is very interesting, are they trying what Thomas Edison was trying? Something like a spirit phone (was that the right name?)

Well yes I tried translating it to Portuguese and tried to ask my father what the phrases meant, I have done a translation on how it sounded like,

Shikabane ga chiri iku yo ni kawarihate,

In Portuguese,
Mudou completamente como pó mortos vão,

And in English,
It changed completely as dead dust goes,

Both completely made no sense LOL

Some of my friends say, it sounds like some phrases from some anime characters, but will kids in Japanese now a day be interested in such philosophic phrase, which even not make sense?:-I

I don't know maybe I am doing a very bad translation, it is very strange. Or I might have got it completely wrong... No evidence (darn).

My comments are getting longer and longer... And I want to share all this discussion as part of my report too, can I do it? Or shall I start another submission about this? I want to "arrange" all this so bad lol.

OK the workers are here, let me appologise first since I might not be able to reply, since our networks need fixing. I will be replying soon after I have internet access. Cheers!

Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-06)
Roylynx, wow how freaky!

It seems like you know the statue has no remains inside, so that's good. I would also suggest if there are signs of hair anywhere within the statue. Like umm, not like decoration hair but like if you've painted a wall and accidentally paint over a hair. If there's anything like that it might have contained some remains at some point and later removed through the crack.

The Kumon Thong experience that Lady Glow linked was a problematic one and didn't end too well lol. There's also one by Cloudy which is honest:

I'm going to try and find another link for you about a Japanese engineer or programmer (I think he's an engineer), anyway this guy's specialty is AI (artificial intelligence). He's passionate about creating androids to realistically resemble people. His theory is that as the aesthetics and AI technology advances it will eventually be possible for ghosts to 'enter' the 'body' of the android, in order to communicate with their loved ones. In essence his pet project is to give ghosts access to a physical replica of them self. It's based on a Japanese belief, and this is why I need to find the link, because the belief I've gone blank on.
(It might take me a while to find that link)

If in more modern times Japanese culture supports or encourages the 'haunting' of objects in a nice way, perhaps your statue has one such 'haunting'. The girl you heard answering the phone might be enacting something according to her culture. She may have an attachment to the statue, not through the Kumon Thong tradition, but through a 'nice' progressive set of beliefs. She might be haunting that statue because one of her loved ones used to own it. If so, a cleansing would release her if that's what's best for her.
If you can remember what the words sounded like you could try translating her with the help of some Japanese speakers. (Find a translator online I guess) What she said might be important.

I'll look for that link, hopefully someone can fill in the blanks of whatever it is I'm getting at.

Also I think Citlali might have meant some of the practices you references traditionally happened in Okinawa Japan. Maybe he/she was not asking if your experience took place there. (Maybe that's what Citlali meant, not sure)
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2017-02-05)
Cloudy, Good point about dolls, also there are several reports done by different groups saying that stones are like recorders of super natural events. There are such possibilities but how and why on earth will it just happen in almost after 10 years? I might need to speak to neighbors about hearing a child (or a young girl) speaking in our calls lol

"About it being illegal in Thailand,..."
Yup, I know, since Brazil is one of such countries; in developing countries and some scares area of rich countries laws are meaningless as you already can imagine. In my research, Thailand recently (maybe in these 10 years) has been doing their best to take down temples and hospitals to stop the production of Kuman Thong, less cases now and so now a day if you find Kuman Thong, it is either done in a doll form or just a lucky charm with no human parts, less real things now. There are still antiques available in high price though... Those need to be stopped too, yikes...

Love from São Paulo
cloudy (7 stories) (39 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-05)
Hi Lynx,
Creepy story! I believe that even if it's not any remains in the statue, there can still be something attached to it. They say dolls attract entities due to their human aspects so I'd think something similar could be the case for statues, especially if they have ment something for someone in the past, such as with statues in temples would. I have another story about a statue that I might share sometime!
About it being illegal in Thailand, yes but unfortunately that doesn't mean too much here 😢 money can buy you out of most things... Just recently a big "tiger temple" operation was taken down here, loads of body parts etc were found, huge black market for stuff like that and if the risks of getting caught are low, unfortunately people will keep doing things like that.

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