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Real Ghost Stories

Lived With A Ghost For 22 Years


I never thought I would share this on the internet. But it seems like the appropriate platform. So, where to begin...

We moved out to family summer house when I was 2. House is 65 years old right now, before it was used only in summer but since my father was not doing well we moved in there permanently. My great grandfather bought the land for a good price and built the house back in the day. He told people that as they dug for the foundations of the house, they were able to see some stones or marbles. So the house was built on them. There was also a well in the garden, you can tell there used to be someone living there ages ago. It was a pretty house with a very big garden, probably the biggest garden in our neighborhood. So when you enter the garden and if your senses are strong you could feel the weird vibe. So I remember when I was around 4, I used to hear someone calling my name and I was going out to search for the voice in the garden. My mom says that when I was 3, I was writing some letters (looking like Greek letters) on the walls with chalk. Also once in winter, we had a stove to heat the room and sometimes it smoked. My mom says one night she heard someone hitting on the walls and tables to make some noise. She woke up to that sound and realize we were about to die due to Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. These happened in the first couple of years of our stay.

Later on, when I was around 14, I was reading a book in the living room and my brother fell a sleep on the couch. It was around 2.00 am, I felt that I have been watched and I heard someone whispering me to go to bed. I didn't take it seriously and I swear 2 minutes later there was a strong wind blowing through the windows and it actually made curtains fly. It was not a windy night and it was a weird single wind. I freaked out and directly went to bed. About 2 or 3 hours later, my brother woke us up with a scream. He kept saying that there is someone in the house. He said he saw a woman pacing in the room. He first thought, it was my sister going to kitchen. But my sister had short curly hair and this woman had long straight hair.

A year after this incident, my mom and my dad were in the living room and they heard someone knocking the door. Then they both heard my sister's voice saying "Mom, open. It's me". So my mom opened the door as they both saw there was nobody at the door. When my sister came home, she confirmed that she was out with the friends. Later on, I had a strange dream about a woman -maybe because I was highly effected by what was happening I do not know- I saw a woman in a light pink dress, floating in the garden. She smiled at me and asked me if I want to see where the treasure is. I said yes and she took me to some part of the garden, I was seeing garden in old times. There was no trees that we planted, there was a mill instead. She had me locate the spot and I dug. When I woke up I described the woman to my brother, it was almost the same appearance that he has seen that night.

Meanwhile, people who visited us has seen shadows passing through the windows. I used to lose my hair-clips or cards. Once I remember I put my passenger card on the console and my mom saw me do that. I started doing my make-up then it just vanished. We got shocked and started looking every where. I mean where could it go. Then we went to my room when we came back, it was laying on the ground in front of the door. There is no way that I wouldn't see it. Hiding objects happened couple of times too. But most common this was knocking on the window. We used to wake up to knocks on the window. You know, the sound when someone taps on the window. People say, it can be anything but I know what I heard. We sold that place 22 years later. It took us too long because it was complicated to sell since it was inheritance by the great grandfather.

I had a friend who was deeply into these stuff. I told him that we saw a ghost in the garden. I didn't give any details about the woman or anything. He said he wants to see the garden so one night after work we went there. He meditated and took some notes. He started describing the woman. Exact features that we have seen. He said her name was Rakel and she was a volunteer working in a Church ages ago. She was exiled from Croatia and settled down there. She was helping orphans and she loved children more then anything. He said, she tried to save a little girl who was sick and she couldn't. She buried her near the mill. Where she showed me the treasure. I still have goosebumps while writing these. After the little girl died, she died of sadness as well. On the notes that he has taken, he said she was repeating the same thing over and over again. I googled translated, it was moje andeyo, something like that. Means " my angel" in Croatian.

So some will think, I made this up. Believe it or not, this happened and we made sure that our new house is ghost free.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Ainhoa, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-24)

You were lucky that you had a nice ghost, one that saved your familys' lives at least once.

In my opinion your friend the psychic should have helped her move on. Every spirit should be able to cross over, some just need help.

I enjoyed your story.
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-16)
As I was reading, I did think of the treasure as a body, oddly enough, before I got to your friend's meditation.

Perhaps the child was actually her own, or she may have been terribly upset she could not give the child a grave in a graveyard with a tombstone, etc, so keeps vigilance so no one disturbs the grave.

Glad to hear he helped her over.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-03-13)
Ah! Now stories from close family members are different, especially if you feel you can vouch for the validity. Honestly, I didn't mean to offend you (I hope I didn't) but meant to be helpful. We do get submissions that happened to 'a friend' and I guess I had that on my mind. Your comment seemed very well written, as was your last accounting, and I can see you put thought into what you write, and it just breaks my heart a little when we get a well thought out submission that I have to reject because it's outside the guidelines. All that hard work for nothing, you know?
Again, I am sorry if I somehow offended you.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-13)
Turkey, a beautiful country along the Mediterranean Sea. In that part of the world, you can't push a seed into the ground without uncovering a piece of the past. And in building a carpark, best to budget in a few months delay for the archaeologists to do their thing.

So much of your story, Ainhoa, involves apparent time slips and similar things, such as using Greek letters, which from my understanding of the history there, have not been in common use for about 150 years, give or take a decade. And also the evidence and experiences of previous use of the land, such as the treasure buried by the mill which no longer exists.

I don't really have much to add to the discussion here, only an observation that history is mostly made up of people doing ordinary, everyday things, punctuated by people with grand ideas doing outrageous, non-everyday, things.
Azraa (1 stories) (8 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-13)
After reading your comment I cane across this story
Not much of a personal encounter and more like an urban legend
Take care
Azraa (1 stories) (8 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-13)
Also, in my coment I did not say they were stories of friends of friends, just some experiences of close relatives and first hand recounts and sure I can vouch for them. However, feel free to delete my comment, I saw this was the op's first story and I wanted to encourage her so I realise I might have not said anything meanigful
Btw, I am a she
Azraa (1 stories) (8 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-13)
Valkricry, ok I'm sorry, I guess I did not know that, ill keep that in mind
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-03-13)
It happens to the best of us, Twilight. 😆
But I need 50 characters to tell you that! 😆
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-13)
You know Val, to look back on this comment, I feel dumb lol. I even read what the first comment said on here, and even thought to myself, "if it's not something you saw, or can even vouch for, I'm sure this isn't the site to tell it to". And yet when I get to your comment, I forget all of what I thought lol, and then get confused. I swear, I'm some kind of special lol. Obviously my 3 kids wore out my sanity today 😆
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-13)
Awe thank you Ainhoa 😁. Honestly I only feel brave, when it comes to my kids. Otherwise, I'm a big baby lol. But I guess that's how moms are with their baby's, very protective. That's good to know that she passed on, thanks to your friend. Even though it sounds freaky to say out loud, it's nice to know that a spirit is helping to keep you safe.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-13)
Thank you for letting me know that val. I'm normally the slow one in the bunch lol. I figured it was something that went over my head lol
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-03-12)
My comment was not to the OP, but to Azraa's comment. He/she remarked," I personally have never had real ghost experiences when awake but I know of people who have so I will post about those soon!"
I just wanted to let them know, we don't publish 3rd hand accountings. 😊
Ainhoa (4 stories) (20 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-12)

My friend, who came to garden with me said he helped her to cross over. She also mentioned that she used to take care of me since I grew up there. She said that once I was so sick and she sat by me and read Bible for me. I am not sure if she still lingers there. When I pass by, it still gives me goosebumps. I don't know why she has never communicated with us after my dream.

By the way I read your story and you are like my mother, so brave. I wish I was as brave as you.
Ainhoa (4 stories) (20 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-12)
Hi Tweed,

Yes actually my mom also mentioned, they looked like astrological maps as there were some straight lines or triangles. She said they were well-drawn for a 2 year old toddler.

By the way nice catch, Gaj's alphabet is actually Greek alike. I wish we could take a picture of my drawings.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-12)
It seems like the woman you spoke of, is most likely hanging around still, because she was filled with grief from not being able to save the child you mentioned. So now she tries to help out other's. I'm sure she's the one that warned your mother that night, when she awoke to the carbon monoxide. You should look into trying to cross her over. Let her know that she has done well by protecting your family, and that it's time for her to be at peace now. To Val, I don't mean to be nosey, or anything, and I'm sorry if I come off like that, but I read your comment, and I'm confused as to what you're saying to the OP? I too looked at their profile, but don't see why you said that? This submission seemed to be of their own experience. Why do you think from their profile, that they would write of some other's encounter? I'm just curious if I missed something, or misunderstood you. I don't mean to start anything by my question. I do respect your job as a mod on here, and mean no disrespect by questioning you. I'm just confused by your comment, and just want to know if I misunderstood?
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-03-12)
I peeked at your profile and seeing as you're fairly new, I thought you might not know we do not accept stories that are from friends of friends for publication. Sometimes we do accept stories from close family members though. What we really want is personal ghost stories.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-12)
Hi Ainhoa,

Thanks for sharing, this was a great read. 😊

The Greek looking letters you drew, might they have been markings on a map? The woman who spoke of a treasure may have been trying to show you something, as you wrote on the wall. Just a thought.

Ahh hang on, I just did a search on Croatian alphabet and found some historical alphabet used in the 1800's. 'Gaj's alphabet' is still used in some places today. I should know this stuff, one of my cousins is married to a Croatian lady. Oh well, there might be something to the map idea yet.😳

I think your family were lucky to have this ghostie looking out for you guys.
Azraa (1 stories) (8 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-12)
Well nobody here in YGS will accuse you of making it up! I personally have never had real ghost experiences when awake but I know of people who have so I will post about those soon! Now to your story, she was probably a good ghost who has guarded you and your family. Find something more about her and if u can help her move on
Thanks for sharing

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