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Real Ghost Stories

The House on Cambridge 4


This is yet another installment in The House on Cambridge series. A little background on the situation: my parents bought a large Victorian home in Columbus, Ohio in the early 1990s. My mother and brother began experiencing paranormal ocurrences almost immediately. These vignettes deal with my stepfather coming to terms with what had been happening to his wife and son for almost a year. Until these episodes, he was not a "believer..."

My stepfather is a highly rational, intelligent, practical man. He is a carpenter-turned-attorney. He was constantly doing renovation work to our house from about the first month we moved in until we moved out. Thanks to his ingenuity and work, my parents tripled the value of the house in the 14 years they lived there. Unfortunately, not everybody in the house liked the changes...

This string of incidents took place around 1994 after we'd been in the house for a few short years. My mother had seen and heard strange things since the first day she stepped into the house. My little brother quickly became a lightning rod for the supernatural and often complained to my parents in the middle of the night that he could not sleep because "the lady is in my room..." This lady often pulled at his sheets and on a few ocassions, even tickled him. My mother heard this lady walking around the landing and down the steps some nights at about 4:30 AM. Her noise was so distinct, my mother could even hear the sound of a heavy dress slipping down the steps after her as she descended the stairs.

Both she and my brother vocalized their concerns to my stepfather, but to little avail. If you haven't seen or felt a "ghost," then you cannot possibly understand the emotion with which it floods you. I do not blame anyone who has not experienced this for not understanding. However, once you are stricken, your world turns upside down and there is no going back. My stepfather would soon make this transition.

One night, my stepfather was in bed reading while my mother tucked-in her brood of five children. He was lying in bed with his back to the wall. The doorway to their room was to his right and built into the same wall against which he was resting as he sat upright reading. The door was slightly ajar as my mother stepped through the doorway and into their room. As she took her second step into their room, my stepfather looked up to acknowledge her. When he looked up from his book towards her, he saw a milky white, whispy apparition trail her into the room at exceedingly close range and with some velocity. It was as if this thing was literally on my mother's heels. My stepfather could make out little except for her white hair and what appeared to be a white gown, hence, the "white lady..."

She came into the room so fast and close to my mother, that she overtook her and flew past my mom and disappeared into the room before her. My mother's hair flew up and past her own face as if a gust of wind had blown into the back of her head. Upon witnessing this paranormal interactoin, my stepfather, who did NOT believe in ghosts one minute before sat up sharply in bed with his eyes widened. He gasped in alarm, "What the hell was that?!" To which Mom replied, "You know damn well what I think it was..."


After that, my stepfather had no choice but to believe. Perhaps it was because he was now tuned-in to the possibility of a haunted house, perhaps it was just coincidence, but after this initial baptism, my stepfather had many other run-ins with entities unbound by commonly accepted rules of physics.

One night, while both he and his wife were fast asleep, he awoke unexpectedly. He felt as though something had woken him up. Startled, he peered into the darkness and his blood ran frigid at what he saw. There, hovering RIGHT over him in his bed, was a black cloud of what he can only describe as "energy..." It was large, looming, and not friendly. He sat up in bed and yelled out, "What the hell's going on here?!?!" At this, the hazy dark mass raised up a foot or so and slowly backed away from their bed across the room and receded into a foundation wall of the house. There was no other room on the other side of this wall as it formed the outside of our house.

His screaming of course awakened my mother and they discussed what had just transpired. My mother always insisted whatever was in the house never threatened her and that it was friendly. She liked to believe it was the spirit of a previous owner who liked to stop on the landing atop the stairs and peer out into the back yard to admire her garden. That's all well and good, but still pure conjecture. She may have never felt threatened, but that was not the case with my stepfather. He firmly believed that whatever he saw race into the room behind Mom and what appeared over their bed that night were separate entities. He also felt the looming cloud was indeed threatening and not friendly. He felt it better not to share this feeling with my mother.

After that, I would say that my stepfather was the tertiary witness to these ocurrences behind my brother and mother respectively. His encounters with the supernatural in that house would increase over the years to the point where he didn't even bother telling anyone about them. On several occasions, he saw a figure in the carriage house out back. This structure had once housed horses and a carriage when the house was first built in the very late 1890s. Now, it served as my stepfather's work space, full of table saws, welding equipment, etc. The second floor of this building had also once been home to the butler of the house. Now, this space was used as my stepfather's office out of which he ran his law practice. There are four windows in this room--two look out on the neighbors property, and two look out towards the main house. My stepfather would often walk from the main house down the path to the carriage house and up and into his office to work on cases at night. On several occasions, as he walked to his office, he would look up to see someone peering down at him from the second floor windows. He could not make out distinct facial features, but he knew from the shape of the head and torso that it was a man. He found this particularly unnerving, and for that reason, did not tell my mother about "him" until recently.

It is curious to me that, out of a family of seven, a few would have only positive encounters with the supernatural, one would have some negative ones, three would have sparse and indistinct experiences, and one would never have any at all. Do you see only what you want to see, or only what you are allowed to see?

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Ohiowatha, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-24)
Once again, a wonderful story to read. I would agree with White Buffalo, we can not choose what to see and when to see it, however, I DO think that some people choose to remain 'in the dark' so to speak. They often explain away the un-explainable, they ignore what hits their senses, etc. This being said, remember, it is simply my opinion, and your stepfather could no longer in good conscience explain away or ignore his senses, he was being approached with it from his wife and step children, so it was right out there, so to speak.

I am glad he was able to come around and be supportive.

Thank you, once again, for sharing your stories!

God Bless!
Ohiowatha (11 stories) (415 posts)
16 years ago (2008-01-24)
Hey Mustang, the "Strunk and White" reference was to a well known book on the proper mechanics of writing prose. Elements of Style, by William Stunk. This guy White did a similar book. I used it because I was getting all preachy in my explanation of good writing.
whitebuffalo (guest)
17 years ago (2008-01-23)
Thank you for such an interesting and easy to read story, Ohiowatha. I personally think that we can not choose who we see. I think we have the option to close ourselves off completely (though it would appear that something tends to flip that switch back on at times) but once we are "open" we are open.
I do not know what other people think about that, and I have only browsed through your comments here, but in my experience that seems to be the case.
Thank you.
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-23)
Hey Ohio. What does "strunk" mean? It was in one of your posts. Love, Strunk and White. πŸ˜•~Shelby ❀ 😊
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-23)
Hi Ohio! I agree, it's much nicer when the story is well written. And I know what you mean about details and trying to be clear about them. When I've written a story and then read it back before I post it, I'll be damned if the thing I've tried to describe reads totally different than what I've tried to get across. Once I tried to post a comment and it was pretty confusing, just ask mustang, she knows all about it! (the one where I was trying to say that one spirit seemed residual and one was active? You remember that Shelby?) Ohio, you didn't ruffle my feathers any, I just got a kick out of it. Your step father's wife probably would too! I know what you mean about repeating the same word again and again and again and again and again 😊 Rest assured, your stories are never boring, you right real good 😜 Keep 'em coming because I really enjoy your tales.
Ohiowatha (11 stories) (415 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-22)
Yeah, I can always tell humor, of which there is a lot on this site. Will check out "Shadows in My Life" next.
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-22)
Well, hello Mr. Ohio! We were just pick'in on you, I'm sure you know that! I know what you mean about repeating words so often throughout a story. It gets quite redundant and boring. You speak very well though so I do not think you have much to worry about, especially on this site. Anyway, try to take some time and read my other story "Shadows in My Life". I want to see what you think. Talk to you soon I hope. ~Shelby ❀ 😊
Ohiowatha (11 stories) (415 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-22)
Hahaha, you guys are great. I do come across pretty serious in writing. I put a lot of stake in good writing and concentrate on it. I also put a lot of stake in these stories because I'm only posting real things that happened to my family and only relying on the facts. This way, I can leave the interpretation open to others, like a news report. Also, I must attest that I swear on the blood of my ancestors that these things really did happen and must be careful to relate the events with utmost erudite clarity.

And I definitely hear what you're saying about calling my mom "his wife..." I could see how this could read as a possessive noun and might ruffle the feathers of empowered women. Not my intention at all, though. This is really just a mode of diction I'm employing to keep the language varied and interesting. If I, for example, referred to my mother as "Mom" the whole time, it would become redundant and might even distract the reader from the story. This may not be too important on here, but if you read something aloud, for example, and repeat a word constantly, it just sounds bad. For this reason, I like to shake it up a little and use different phrases: Mom, our mother, my mother, Mother, his wife, the matriarch, Ms. Bull, Judge Bull (she used to be an environmental Judge), or any form of her first name if this was a private piece of writing.

So, there you have it!

Love, Strunk and White
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-22)
Yea! He seems so serious at times but I have actually caught him being not so serious a lot of time. What a cutie! Love his stories. It's funny how one experience in another country can cause a spill of all of these stories that him and his family experienced. I believe in science and logics just as much as him, but there are some things that you can just not explain! I just wish some of our usuals were on here more often. We just all get so busy with our REAL daily lives. It's nice talking to you! Seems like it's been forever.
Sorry Ohio for talking on your page about you like you weren't here! 😊Hope to talk to you soon. ~Shelby ❀
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-22)
Hi mustang! You know they do! πŸ˜‰ I like teasing Ohio, it's fun cause he seems so serious 😜
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-22)
Funny Bellissima! You little Devil! 😜Ha, ha, ha... Great minds think alike. 😊 ❀Shelby
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-22)
Mustang, good answer! We must have posted at the same time. When I wrote the comment I had a devilish sparkle in my eye, (no I wasn't possessed either) Just poking fun!
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-22)
Hi Ohio! Well, wouldn't your step Father's wife be your Mom? She might not like you to call her 'the wife', a little impersonal to call your Mom.
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-22)
Hi Ohiowatha. I, of course, should let Bellissima comment first on your question but from my point of view, I guess it sounded impersonal and disrespectful for saying your step-father's 'wife' instead of say my Mother. ~Shelby ❀ 😊
Ohiowatha (11 stories) (415 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-22)
Thanks for your comments, guys. It turned out that actually we discovered two distinct entities in the house. My stepfather and brother saw both, my mother, only the one. Through my own experiences in the house, I could not discern between which one I was seeing.

Dear Bellisima, why would my mother "kick my a$$" for referring to her as my stepfather's wife? Pretty funny.

Thanks guys!
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-22)
I do think that some individuals are far more perceptive than others, they have the ability to, so called, be 'in tune' with what is occuring paranormaly, while others, possibly through no thought of their pwn, can not experience this phenomena.

Sounds as if that was an extremly active home and surroundings! Kept a lot of you busy.

Thank you for sharing your story,
God Bless!
nighthawk (6 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-21)
I think the old saying "seeing is not
believing, believing is seeing" comes into play here.
Bellissima (12 stories) (792 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-20)
Hi Ohio. I agree that the two entities spoken of were different. Since your step-Dad was witness to both, he would have felt the difference between the two. Maybe the threatening entity simply took a disliking to your Dad, menacing him and choosing to leave your Mom alone. Same with the rest of the family, certain spirits were attracted to certain people. Why not? Possibly your family members gave off different energies and so attracted different spirits. I enjoyed that story, except the part where you said your step father and his 'wife' were fast asleep - your Mom would kick your *ss if she read that!
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-01-20)
Thank you for another interesting story. It is such a pleasure to read a story without having to use my "skepto-meter" on it. Your step-father being the only one to see the negative is fascinating.I`m not sure but it could have been that the negative saw him as the biggest threat and went on the attack. If it got rid of him, then everyone would leave and it could have it`s house back. I don`t know if this is the case or not but it looks good in print and it`s something to think about. Take Care.

mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-20)
Hello Ohiowatha. Interesting about the "white lady" trailing behing your Mother and the "Black Cloud' that awoke your Father. It is true that people have different perceptions of things. That's a given. However, I'm not positive why everyone would have been experiencing different things. Maybe it's all just on a personal level of how things approach them and how they view it. If you read my story "Shadows In My Life", you would know that I, too, have had this entity that looked like a huge black sheet hovering over my bad at night around "DEAD TIME". I was sleeping on my stomach and was awoken by something trying to pick me up at my armpits. When I turned around to see what was going on I saw, what I can only describe, as a big, black sheet hovering over the bed with the edges fluttering like a stingray. When I started getting really upset it backed up towards the end, corner of the bed slowly and then vanished. It was an extremely frightening experience! Maybe the male ghost in the house didn't like having another male around taking over his home. And maybe the white lady would follow your mom because she felt that motherly connection and wanted to follow in her footsteps, literally. Thanks for another great story of the Cambridge home. ~Shelby ❀ 😊
Kat (2 stories) (30 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-20)
Maybe the negative energy of these dark spirits has latched on to your stepfather because his lack of belief in the first instance. Maybe the spirits are just playing with him. Its strange that only he feels the negative. People are different, some have the gift some dont, some are targeted in a bad way.

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