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A Strange Encounter


Day 47 Of 366 "A Strange Encounter"

Thursday Jan 10 2008

A very strange thing happened to me one night near the witching hour over 20 years ago when I was living at an old house by myself. I wanted to share this strange supernatural story with you to get you ready for the 3 intense encounters I am going to share with you this Saturday night that occurred from my past. LOL, just remember, I keep an open mind when dealing with supernatural worldly events and try to remember exactly what happened during the encounter to see if it can be explained logically or scientifically. Well in this case I have no explanation what happened other than a strange encounter that occurred with no real definitive purpose as to why it happened?

That fateful night started out normal enough. I fell asleep just like every other normal night and was sleeping soundly. Just after 12am though, a noise began to come from the floor, and it woke me up. I lived in an old house and it was in good condition, other than there being a roach problem, so I thought the sound I was hearing was coming from a roach walking on the newspaper I left on the floor of my room. The room was very dark, but I knew where the light switch was, so I flung out of bed, and turned on the light as fast as I could, hoping to catch the roach by surprise. As soon as I turned on the light though, I was disappointed to see that the little critter must have been faster than what I was. Strange though, I still heard the rustling sounds the newspaper was making so I took a closer look at what was before me and was shocked at what I saw!

My telephone was on top of the newspaper and it was moving by itself very slowly across the room. The carpet floor was level so gravity could not be moving it, yet it moved on it's own about 10 feet, and amazingly enough, slammed against the wall at the end of that 10 foot travel. Well needless to say I had trouble sleeping the rest of the night (note this is before I embraced witchcraft fully) and I couldn't figure out any explanation as to why this was happening at the moment? I was in perfect health, not taking any medications, and also don't drink so there is no issue about this being an intoxication hallucination!

I feel so bad because if this were to happen now, the first thing I would do is reach for the phone and see if anyone, or anything is on the line. Ha, ha, I feel at home when it comes to supernatural occurrences, so now whenever something out of the ordinary happens, I absolutely love it, and hope I can make a difference to the entity trying to get my attention. As a witch I understand that strange things can happen from time to time in my life, and it is important to keep my composure, so that I can find out why things happen the way they do. Being a witch is about self discovery and knowing yourself from the inside/out. Regardless of how strange or frightful a situation presents itself to you, it is always important to never lose sight of who you are: A strong individual that is willing to face the unknown and triumph over it. The worst thing a witch can do is have fear in their heart, self doubt, or lose control of the situation that is before them. Objects that move by themselves, voices, spirits, telekinesis, astral projections, possessions, paranormal activity are all things that may suddenly face you out of the blue and cause a crisis if you let it. Having a great sense of humor and keeping control of your emotions is the best way to keep unexpected things from getting out of control. So keep that in mind if something goes bump in the night at your house, and find out what it is if you dare! If not, call me I'll gladly check it out for ya, lol!

So what would I do if a phone started moving or flying in my room? I would try to catch it and see if someone needed to talk to me on the line. If no one was there, I would quickly circle cast, placing a circle of protection around me and call upon the entity why they are in my presence? If I do not get a response from them, I would bless the house and keep it pure with loving thoughts of peace and happiness and sleep very soundly knowing I was protected and faced the unknown encounter with love:). Boo! Lol take care, sleep well, and have fun in this incredible world we live in, I promise to do the same!

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ShadowFire, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-06)
My comment is germane only to your last few sentences but I just wanted to throw in a word as they resounded so with me. Living as I do cheek to cheek with a mass grave of considerable size, our entire apartmet building is, unsurprisingly, quite haunted. Some of my neighbors have had fairly frightening experiences but all of ours have been at very least neutral if not completely positive. I truly do think that is on account of the fact that I meet such experiences with love, acceptance and a sense of humor. I feel their presence the moment I come in the door and truly enjoy the sensation - you are never lonely. I also feel that the positive vibes that spring from my love for our fur babies (yes, I am *that* cat lady - but also an all around animal but) rather protects our unit with love - I think a true loving devotion to just about anything would have the same effect.

Sorry to ramble - it just made me smile to see something that I have felt for a while so well put into words and shared by another person ❤
ShadowFire (guest)
6 years ago (2019-01-04)
ok sheesh my last entry was a typo, I'm not having a good day:

Hello everyone and sorry for the late response, the actual event took place back in 1988, I wrote about it in my book that was published in 2008. So the event happened 30 years ago from (2018), and 20 years ago from my book's excerpt. The phone was a land line model that had the typical analog cord attached to the wall and had about a 10 foot line from the wall to the phone. At first the phone slowly moved and then it flew so fast and hard against the wall there is no explanation I can come up with other than it being a supernatural event. It is almost as if a person were to grab the phone, and then throw it as hard as they could against the wall.
ShadowFire (guest)
6 years ago (2019-01-04)
Hello everyone and sorry for the late response, the actual event took place back in 1988, I wrote about it in my book that was published in 2008. So the event happened 20 years ago, and 10 years ago from my book's excerpt. The phone was a land line model that had the typical analog cord attached to the wall and had about a 10 foot line from the wall to the phone. At first the phone slowly moved and then it flew so fast and hard against the wall there is no explanation I can come up with other than it being a supernatural event. It is almost as if a person were to grab the phone, and then throw it as hard as they could against the wall.
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-03)
Bibo and RC

I too think the 20 year date stems from 2008, greatly reducing, if not negating, the idea that this could be a small cell phone. A flip phone the size of a standard handset was available in the late '80's.

I have a question about the how the phone and paper were moving. At one point it is moving slowly, then I watched it move 10 feet and lastly it slammed into a wall. Just asking for clarification...

Being in Texas you are not all that far removed from the New Madrid Fault, is it possible this was the result of seismic activity? Just a suggestion...
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-02)
Biblio, waiting of course for confirmation from ShadowFire, I took the '20 years ago' to be relative to the indicated date, not the posted date. So 20 years for 2008 would have been 1988, and thus I envisioned a bakelite phone sitting on some paper on the carpeted floor.

And an earthquake would have a hard time moving that.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-02)
Ok, I'm back from work, ShadowFire, so I have time to ask a couple of questions.

1. Thursday, January 10th, 2008 was not "over 20 years ago." Was this a typo, or was there a reason you remembered the events of 1998 in 2008, which you are submitted here in 2018?

2. Would your phone have been set to silent/vibrate overnight? If it had been vibrating & creating a noise on the paper, it may have been vibrating strongly enough to propel the phone across the floor. If there's a good reason to dismiss this question as a possibility (given my bafflement at most technology after the invention of the steam engine), please explain.

RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-02)
I mean no disrespect, but I rather doubt your floors were level, it being an old house. Still, being carpeted, I cannot envision any situation where a newspaper, with a weight on it such as a telephone, can simply move across the carpet. Some outside force must have been acting on it.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-02)
Greetings, ShadowFire; I wondered where you've been.

I didn't recall the mods banning your participation, so your sudden disappearance *was* noticed. I've just double-checked; they didn't even need to interject a reminder to stay on-topic and/or to be polite in that exchange (Everyone else: story=23789 "Devil's Backbone Apparations").

I had the distinct impressions that 1) you'd taken the time to clarify your personal positions quite throughly in our last conversation, and 2) that you'd be comfortable sticking around to participate in the usual ebb and flow of dialogue.

Consider yourself welcomed back.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll have to read what you've written!


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