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A Warning. Demonic Entity: Part 2 Recent Happenings


I thought it was about time I did a update on my oppression and include my original injuries.

So the injuries that happened at the start as some may know made me technically blind in my Left Eye (now up to 12% vision thankfully) and unable to have anymore kids, at the time there was other injuries I did not want to go into.

This included at one point being hit so hard in the chest I was in critical condition without any physical injury. Being for lack of better words checked out and something I'm still not 100% what I felt, as there was nothing there, but Sodomized.

After I pulled myself away from everything and everyone, things have slowly gotten much better, and most things could be just weird coincidences like I believe but will include anyway. The first thing that comes to mind is during the removal of glass from that house, a triple glazing pane for some reason randomly shattered from this I was badly cut up. Anyone who works around windows knows it can shatter but not randomly like it did but maybe at the start I read more into it than it was.

At numerous times I have had what most people would believe to be heart attacks without any trace of something wrong with my heart. Still get the weird feelings at the house and there's always noises and doors slamming etc., I have now set up a security system inside and outside the house as I have had two intruders in the house, both have mental issues.

But for me by far the scariest incident came one day in the house where for whatever reason I felt very angry and then all of a sudden numb. This was the first time I was sure I was having a medical emergency.

To this day I have to go in the house every month due to the cameras etc. Making sure the electric is all good but I now have the cameras running to hard drives just inside the front door and that way it's a much quicker change than before. I will also state the cameras are motion detection night vision cameras so only operate when something moves in the house or inside a fenced of area around the house.

These cameras have caught a few weird currently still unexplained events.

Also all furniture has been removed from the house as I still get urges to go back but now there's no reason to sit in that house. I have been back in my daughter's life for the last 6 months and away from that house I'm feeling much better and happier.

If anyone has any questions I will one hundred percent answer.

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Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
4 weeks ago (2024-06-29)
Have a sad update on this, the family that moved in was/is still there to this day, this has been torture living in the house for them. I ended up taking a trip up with a few friends whatever's there still remembers me, but to move onto the sad part nothing paranormal (I hope) the youngest child of there's has recently died of cancer.

Having spoke to the family on Thursday (27th June) there is currently plans for a gofundme to pay funeral costs. I have agreed in principle to buy back the property for what I sold it to the council for sadly I can't go over that as I lack the funds to do so, but it should still be enough for them to move.
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
2 years ago (2022-09-13)
Finally able to come back. House got destroyed in 2019 in 2020 I was forced into selling the land as my wife had a stroke and I simply couldn't keep land I couldn't get too. It was becoming a environmental danger with dumping of litter etc., sadly the council has sold the land of and a new house is there. The family that now live there are having similar issues to me and have the home for sale.
Cosmos (26 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-06)
Hi Goggzy thank you for your post and updating everyone. It's such a scary situation that you experienced. Wishing you quick recoveries for the remaining injuries.

You said that " These cameras have caught a few weird currently still unexplained events.". Would you be able to share some of that footage with us?

Thank you in advance and wishing you a better year in 2020.

Best regards

Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-04)
Thank You Twillight for your reply. So much has happened in personal life that I haven't been on house is in process of being destroyed this will take awhile due to certain issues that comes with old buildings.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
5 years ago (2019-07-16)
Goggzy, I'm not sure if you'll see this anytime soon, as I see its now been 2 month's since you last asked your question, but incase you do read this, I'd say knocking the house down is probably a really good idea at this point. I know the fear of doing this could perhaps let whatever there free to roam wherever it pleases, but honestly I don't believe that to be the case. It seems whatever is there, is tied there, and with the house being destroyed, I believe it will still be trapped to that same spot. So I wouldn't recommend letting anyone rebuild on that property. I have watched paranormal documentaries on some very haunted locations, and had came across one where a home had so much bad connected to it, to the point where all the locals, and even police and fire department claimed this home to be haunted by something very evil (it was believed to be demonic). The police had so many reports involved with that home, and the residents that had lived there. To the town, it was clear the home had something evil in it, so it was finally demolished a few years ago. I could be wrong, but I just don't feel that knocking down the home is like opening the top to a jar, that will let out whatever is inside. I believe how we see what we see through our eyes, and what the other side sees on their side, are 2 different realities. So you can tear down the walls you see, but their walls will still be there. Hopefully that makes sense. But that's my opinion on it, whatever it's worth. Has any other changes happened since you last commented? Have you already decided to knock the place down, or have already? Hope to hear back from you soon 😊
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
5 years ago (2019-05-16)

I think it's probably best just to knock the house down, although if I do I think it will release whatever is in it.

I'll ask everyone on here what there opinion is now. What do others think are the correct actions.

I have kind off got pissed off with the house just give up with it now takes up too much time and energy and it's not worth it.
Integrist (83 posts)
5 years ago (2019-04-21)
There's a video on youtube now called "Demon House" (with Zak Bagans). The supposed effects it had on anyone who went there reminds me of the issues with your house.

Should consider dousing it with Holy Water and exorcised salt. See what happens then.

A blessed Easter!
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
5 years ago (2019-04-13)

Yeah I now know the lass who died name now. She was well known to the police so probably some kind of addict. She seemed to OD so yeah not to bad an actual scene not a lot of mess to be sorted aswell. Was pretty dodgy walking in on it though.
Integrist (83 posts)
5 years ago (2019-04-08)
Hey Goggzy,

Dead body? As in dead human body in the house? Now the house has become a crime scene as well...
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
5 years ago (2019-03-11)
Had to go back to the house today after what I thought was a break in, a neighbour called about the large shed in the backs door being open. Will I was definitely surprised to find a dead body in the house looked like they pulled off one off the boards covering a downstairs window. The police are obviously having to investigate this so cannot divulge to much info.
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
5 years ago (2019-02-04)

Yeah it's just typical noises doors slamming etc. Not that I'd know with not being there. I'm probably going to remove every door and turn off the water to the house.

Yeah good idea.
Integrist (83 posts)
5 years ago (2019-02-03)
Hi Goggzy,

Any chance you can give us more details about the other things happening at the house?

Something to consider perhaps in your situation is getting a blessed Rosary, and praying it regularly:

Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
5 years ago (2019-01-30)

Both really 😆.

Simply don't need to and don't want to.

There has been other stuff the family who I bought it off had stuff happen aswell. Got told some stuff from people who stay near the house that they supposedly witnessed in the house, can't be sure these happened but I definitely would say as far as I am aware there was possibly one person attacked worse than me. I have never met the woman it supposedly happened too myself so I definitely won't say it 100% happened and I won't say it didn't.
Integrist (83 posts)
5 years ago (2019-01-29)
Thanks for your response, Goggzy.

Protection against spiritual entities only or do we need to factor in crazies?

Do you not stay any longer just because you do not need to or because you cannot?

Has anyone else actually had a grave experience with the entity in your house apart from yourself? From the stories, it seems that you got hit the worst.
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
5 years ago (2019-01-29)

No it's not every time but most times I'm only in for 10-15 minutes at a time.

Yeah as long as you have tour own protection etc. And some form of experience around spirits I could welcome you in.

I was raised Catholic but don't believe in any form of religion 100% I'm open minded too everything.
Integrist (83 posts)
5 years ago (2019-01-28)
Thanks for your response, Goggzy.

Would you say that every visit always elicits a response from whatever is in the house?
If that is the case, and you do not have anything against it, I might perhaps like to check out the house later this year?

If you don't mind me asking: what form of spirituality do you practice if any at all? Or are you yet undecided and a bit eclectic?
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
5 years ago (2019-01-25)

There's no one who has shown a interest in investigating the house yet, so I don't know if I would, would definitely need to be experienced investigators though.

It's usually drug addicts or people with previous mental issues that break in. There was actually someone I know and respect who's under the belief that whatever is in the house could be calling out to these deranged people to break in, and become victims of it. The amount of people with Schizophrenia or Schizophrenia type illnesses who break in is massive like 85-90% of break ins are people with these illnesses or tendencies. I'm not too sure on wether or not I think the same but does make some sense.
Integrist (83 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-23)
Hi Goggzy,

Have you ever left other investigation groups go into the house?
And when people break in, are they not affected by the house?
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-17)

Yeah it's definitely worth a try. At this point every idea to deal with it will be tried at times I border on desperate in getting rid of it.
Integrist (83 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-17)
Thank you for clarifying, Goggzy.

I sure hope that it was sold prior to being blessed. And that it was Fr. Emerson who did the blessing and exorcism according to the traditional rite.

You may want to sprinkle some of the salt around the house when you go there next time: inside and out.

Keep us posted!

Kind regards,
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-16)

You seem to have the same thoughts I do about trapping it. I am pretty much against is I believe it will just piss the thing off more.

The salt I bought was blessed from St. Andrews Church.
Integrist (83 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-16)
Hi Goggzy,

"Someone I have known for a long time thinks we might be able to use a ritual and trap it in just one room been reluctant to try it as I don't want to anger it anymore."

If you are indeed dealing with a demon, I am highly skeptical about "trapping" a non-corporeal being in a particular room.

Also, if you did buy salt, then it is definitely not from the place I was speaking of, because it is not possible to purchase blessed items (that'd constitute sacrilege).

Kind regards,
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-14)

The cameras are on a motion sensor so usually only catch break in and doors shutting etc. Really any form of movement in the fenced off area or inside the house is caught. I think it's the same place I bought salt from and still do.

Someone I have known for a long time thinks we might be able to use a ritual and trap it in just one room been reluctant to try it as I don't want to anger it anymore.
Integrist (83 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-14)
Hi Goggzy,

Have the cameras been able to pick up any inexplicable activity? You should probably document that somewhere.

Have you tried using properly exorcised salt already? That is generally used to also cleanse places. You can get some at Ravelston in Edinburgh. But if you do not wish to go there, I can send you some.
Offer is there, up to you if you'd like to try it out.

If it be a demonic entity, I don't think it can stay there permanently, nor do I think that it cannot be kicked out of the place.
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-14)

Yeah quite annoying but I'm sure it's normal everywhere in the world these days.


Yeah was checked out at hospital after every injuries where there was no physical injury or anything. With the Wye injury I wish a cause was found so we could sort the issue as now unable to drive is annoying.

Unless it's changing hard drives when needed, the only time I'm at the house is after a call from the police about a break in so usually I'm there after the police have been, which makes it a bit safer in the house although at one point I had to get them back due to some illegal substances being in there.
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-14)
To gain some background on your story I went back to read your first entry, I must say you've had a harrowing experience. I've played American Football and Lacrosse at a pretty high level and I've never suffered the injuries you've endured. As you've suffered an eye injury I wanted to know if that was the result of some head impact, and were you checked for concussion? Coaching youth sports I'm pretty conscience of this sort of injury.

I would make two suggestions to you at this point firstly and most importantly don't enter that house alone. Second, if you need to re-enter that house, do so with a constable, after all the house has been broken into, this is only judicious. If you do take someone else into the house you will need to warm them of the possible danger.

Do the local police, the ones around the house, know it's history as relates to break ins? If so, in view of the fact it is not occupied perhaps they could take special care to watch over the house for you. Also alert some neighbours as to what is going on.

Wish you the best of luck and hope you recover from your injuries.
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2019-01-14)
U.K. Needs to crack down on its squatting and landlord problems. I am sorry you're having break ins. That must be exhausting and nerve wracking to put up with people's tomfoolery.
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-13)
Yes still going getting better everyday though but I can't get away from that place always seems to be something happening at the house. The house itself is in Aberdeen I myself stay two and a half hours away. Tried anything and everything from blessings to rituals. I usually spend as little time as possible in the house except when there is a break in.
Integrist (83 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-13)
This is still going on? Whereabouts in the UK are you if one may ask?
And what have you done so far to have the house cleared?

Kind regards,
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-11)
I had to go up due to a break in and I saw two red eyes. I 100% believed someone else was still in the house after looking around upstairs I found no one in so either someone or some animal jumped out of one of the many boarded up window (How the man who broke in got out right into police) or it was whatever spirits are in the house. Not something massive but still has to be added in.

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