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A Warning. Demonic Entity


As some on this site may remember I'm a paranormal investigator with years of experience this didn't help me when I needed it most. Since October I have been dealing with something dangerous and only now do I have the strength to talk about it.

Back in September I did a investigation. The aftermath of which is still affecting me. During the investigation, which was in Aberdeen,Scotland, I got attacked by something that wasn't there (I now know this was demonic). I had to remove myself from the investigation as I had a few broken ribs and a few other injuries I don't want to speak about they injuries though. The only reason this attack and investigation has been mentioned will soon become clear.

I will struggle to write this so if anyone has any questions please ask them.

The first few weeks after the investigation not too much was happening things that are normal in my house as hearing footsteps a couple of knocks nothing major. The most notable new things that started to happen in my house during this time was my front door started to unlock and open on its own at night (this only happened maybe four or five times but is not exactly normal), and stuff getting thrown about my house.

I would say maybe three weeks after things started happening I felt like I needed to go back to that house (in Aberdeen) and try to get whatever followed me to leave me alone. All I did was anger it.

I am always telling people to be careful after being attacked or having anything negative happen to them, I just wish I took my own warnings now.

Also in October my mum died so I think this thing saw me as a easy target. This is when it becomes harder to talk about as even now I'm still suffering from the demonic oppression.

A few weeks after the oppression kicked in I got a phone call from the client telling me she decided to sell the house so like a idiot I bought it after this things got a lot worse. I became very angry to the point my ex wife was scared to have me around her and my daughter so I had to move out. I moved into that house after moving I only ever argued or fought with the people I love and care about; for this I can never ask for forgiveness. For awhile the only place I felt accepted in was that house. People around me didn't like what I became during this time. After 8 months of torture I'm now getting back to normal but I know this will always be in the back of my mind. I'm going to keep that house and not let anyone in until I know the place is safe. I only wrote this as a warning to other people.

Thanks to anyone who reads this.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Goggzy, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-31)
I hope everyone has a very great 2019 this will be the year I finally beat my attachment.
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-30)
Still only have well it's increased to 12% vision but it's still down to unknown causes. There's a lot more injuries including waking up to what I thought was a heart attack with no sign of any physical issue there.
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-30)
A little update still dealing with issues involving this attachment. Things got A lot worse and way more personal than I will ever admit too. The investigation went ahead as planned with only 3 members in the house without me there. I also did a solo run for an hour in the house and things got very scary fast. I allowed whatever is attached to me segregate me from everyone for 8 months I had contact with no one who knew what was happening.
L_Mak (9 posts)
7 years ago (2018-02-27)

Why wouldn't you just reply to people on here and not via email so we can have the transparency of seeing other comments etc. It can't be that personal because you have shared your experience with us. You can't give a bit of info and leave the rest out. You typing to someone else is the same as you typing on here. Also, you have proved that these things are dangerous and you shouldn't tamper with the unseen.
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-17)

Some people know the issues with oppression that I have going on. This things very aggressive not too long ago I was in the house checking up on things and had a door slam while I was 2 steps away and about to walk through it, most people would get a jumpscare from something like that and I just brushed it off like nothing happened as its normal for me now. I really only speak to those who know what I go through now. There's a investigation planned for the house but a fair amount of team members are actually too scared to do the investigation.
funeralmass (1 stories) (27 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-17)
Hi Goggzy. That is an interesting story and it's among the most "wide open, full throttle" stories I've heard. There are a couple of things I feel need clarification and there are a couple of pieces of advice (sort of) that I can offer and you can take as you will.

Firstly, how did the physical attack happen? The details of how and where you were positioned, what you and the others with you were doing at the time, etc... Are important. Secondly, How did you become fully possessed 4 times? Since you are an investigator with some experience, I'm sure you're aware that possession has to be invited in some way, people aren't just walking along, minding their own business, and become possessed. What is commonly termed as "oppression", where it seems as if a demon has picked someone as it's "target", is more accurately (in my opinion) a phase called mounting. It's a kind of spiritual enmeshing with you and the entity. Again, I'm assuming that you have done a good amount of research (due to your experience as an investigator), and you realize the word demon comes from the Greek daemon (spirit), which means that any inter dimensional being, entity, whatever, is a "demon" and that not all demons are evil and malicious. It sounds as though you encountered something very dark in that house in Scotland, in which case I think a clergyman is not really prepared to deal with it, as clergy approach all such things with a religious, dogmatic viewpoint and generally don't know what they are dealing with and how to approach it. That is one reason you hear so often about the activity ramping up after an exorcism and house blessing. There are several good and effective ways to deal with such things, which I won't go into here, as it will likely draw some derogatory comments regarding my views on demons. You can message me if you like, I believe there is a way to do that on this site via my profile page or something. Again, this is a fascinating story and I would like to hear more about it (and some of your various encounters with such things).
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
8 years ago (2017-07-10)
If anyone wants to know anything can I ask for them to email me at goggzy60 (at) I'll be off this for awhile due to personal issues involving this hope I don't miss too much.
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
8 years ago (2017-07-07)

To answer your questions I haven't had anyone in since I bought it except myself of course.

It's OK Rook I wrote the story far too quick (under 10 minutes) so I didn't get to upset about what's been happening. I knew people would have questions and maybe 1 or 2 issues with miscommunication.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2017-07-07)

Perhaps I misunderstood what you meant when you made your statement. It sounded, to me anyway, that you were resigned to 'it' being attached to YOU personally, not the house.

I understand wanting to keep the property, thus keeping others from coming into contact with this 'spirit'.

Please excuse me if I was a wee bit dense in my interpretation of what you were saying. 😉


Integrist (83 posts)
8 years ago (2017-07-06)
Hi Googzy,

You might want to get in touch with St. Andrew's in Ravelston to get that house blessed/exorcised again.

Have you allowed other investigators into the place btw?

Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
8 years ago (2017-07-06)

Because I won't give up the house for someone to go through what I am I know this thing will be there so I'm pulling myself away from the building no matter how much I want to be there due to this I know it will be around there and I can't leave the house alone forever for safety reasons so I will be in there atleast twice a year so I'm going to be around no matter what I do I'm just getting strong enough emotionally so it can't harm me or the people I love.

Recently its not been bad as I'm away from home first in England and now Ireland after that I'm back in Scotland so will see then what happens.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2017-07-06)

Yup it sure will if this is you attitude about it...

"I am just keeping it so no one else suffers what I am house has been exorcised 4 times myself twice it didn't work still follows me I know it will always be there but one day I'll be stronger and it won't get too me as much."

That comment makes it sound as if you are resigned to having this... Whatever it is... Around forever.

If that is your mind set then that is what is going to happen.

As you learn certain styles of fighting they teach you to aim 'PAST' or 'through' your target, because when you do that your punch/kick is not aimed to stop when you make contact but rather aimed at trying to hit a spot 'beyond' your target thus making the impact from your strike that much harder... Do not give in... Tell yourself you CAN beat THIS. You seem to have plenty of Loved ones that support you... So JUST DO IT. ATTACHMENT be damned. Kick it.


Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
8 years ago (2017-07-06)

I have had two exorcisms done on myself. I have been to psychiatrists hoping I was suffering from a mental disease I'm not. I have definitely been fully posseseed twice but even though I state the mental side of this thing has been more physical over anything else. The main reason I won't let anyone else in that house is because of my injuries some that have left me with permanent damage. It seems the stronger I'm getting emotionally the less it gets to me but it will take time.


Thanks for your input. I'm definitely stuff to make myself feel better met a beautiful wonderful woman whom I fell for at first sight. There's a few people who have kept me going Donna (previously stated Woman), Courtney (A friend who has been there through everything, Natasha (my ex sister in law who has been letting me see pictures and videos of my daughter) and finally Azurae even though we didn't speak for awhile being more worried about her than myself and wantin to help her with her issues gave me something to aim for.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
8 years ago (2017-07-05)
Goggzy--Something great about YGS is having new avenues of thought opened up. I will freely admit I was skeptical of your account and assumed it had a psychological basis. Instead of simply not believing your story I read several excellent articles online. One I read was from The Washington Post and was by Richard Gallagher, who is a board certified psychiatrist and a professor of clinical psychology at New York Medical College.

As Gallagher states of himself in the article, "For the past two and a half decades and over several hundred consultations, I've helped clergy from multiple denominations and faiths to filter episodes of mental illness--which represents the overwhelming majority of cases--from literally, the devil's work."

He presents as evidence of demonic influence (or paranormal ability as he also refers to it), cases where multiple languages, including fluent Latin, unknown to the victim otherwise are spoken, and cases where knowledge of the specifics of the deaths of his own loved ones that the person couldn't have known about are given in detail. You might want to have someone like Gallagher and a priest of your denomination consult with you in tandem. Having the spiritual AND medical angles both being covered might be of great value to you. Also, the severity of what you state you have endured is much more akin to a "possession" as opposed to an "oppression", which is supposed to be milder. There seems nothing mild about your account.

I know you stated you had the house exorcized but have YOU been? That might be the key. Hopefully, you will be able to post a follow-up to your account some time in the near future with a positive conclusion.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
8 years ago (2017-07-05)
What a nightmare! I agree with Integrist - keep at the cleansings, blessings, exorcisms etc of all kinds until something sticks then don't forget follow-ups going forward - seems like this thing is tough to say the least. Meantime, do everything you can to positively strengthen yourself in every way you can think of - exercise (endorphins make you happy), start a new group hobby (cooking classes, ceramic classes, yoga, dance - anything in a group), maybe join a support group for single parents or anger management (your anger may be psychically derived but some of the tactics for managing regular anger issues may still be helpful and the support of the group is balm in and of itself), and take part in some good deed or community service that makes you feel good (cleaning up local parks, soup kitchens, animal shelters etc). Every speck of positivity you can bring into your life will help you combat this nasty thing!

All the best!
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
8 years ago (2017-07-04)

Everyone understands what I'm going through and do forgive but it's ongoing if I get to emotional in that house I tend to become someone I'm not when away from the house. I can honestly say I think the spirit wants to kill me.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
8 years ago (2017-07-04)
Hi, Goggzy.

Please do not think me rude, but I wish to focus on something in your narrative:

After moving I only ever argued or fought with the people I love and care about; for this I can never ask for forgiveness.

I strongly encourage you to ask forgiveness, even explain what happened. So long as you retain this guilt, the demon has power over you.
Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
8 years ago (2017-07-04)

I didn't even notice your mistake haha as too your questions two were by a catholic priest two by someone that most would call less conventional I was desperate at the time and did what I could.

I have a few things I use but normally when I feel something negative I an extra careful this time due to the attack I was angry and honestly probably brought this onto myself. When my team went I didn't believe it was demonic so treated it like a mimic/negative spirit and probably pissed the thing of.
Integrist (83 posts)
8 years ago (2017-07-04)
Hi Goggzy,

Apologies for mistyping your username before.
I am glad to read that you no longer are staying at that place. May I ask who did the exorcism and with what ritual? A close friend of mine once had issues with the houses she stayed at as well, and had two blessings done: the first reduced the happenings, and the second stopped them almost entirely.

Sometimes, one exorcism is not enough.

May I ask what you do for your personal spiritual protection?

Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
8 years ago (2017-07-04)

I don't live in the house anymore well not often now there will be a few days here or there when I have nothing else to do or go to. I am just keeping it so no one else suffers what I am house has been exorcised 4 times myself twice it didn't work still follows me I know it will always be there but one day I'll be stronger and it won't get too me as much.
Integrist (83 posts)
8 years ago (2017-07-04)
HI Giggzy,

"I'm going to keep that house and not let anyone in until I know the place is safe."

If it is indeed a demonic case, then said demon will want to keep you in the house to wear you down over time. Part of it is isolating you from all those who care for you, which is something that you have described in your story.

If I were you, I'd get out of that house pronto. You can keep the house in your name, but don't stay in it.

And have it blessed and exorcised while you're at it.

Goggzy (2 stories) (63 posts)
8 years ago (2017-07-04)

Two of my major injuries have left me not being able to have anymore kids and permanent blindness (slightly less than 8% vision) in my left eye at 24 it's not great. There's other stuff that might come out further down the line but not yet I still find it too hard to talk about and I have been to doctors everything hoping I was suffering from a disease but I'm not if it wasn't for my daughter or the three amazing women in my life (ones on this site) I would have gave up fighting it a long time ago and it's not thinking about what I'd be like now. If I'm 100 percent honest I personally think I would be dead.

As too some other stuff I'm the most patient man in the world normally kind of have to be on this field. Recently there's maybe 4 people in my life I can really talk too now one uses this site and knows who she is.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
8 years ago (2017-07-04)
Goggzy--Sorry to hear about all you recent difficulties. I know absolutely nothing about demonic attachments but thought that your front door unlocking and opening at night might be an entity symbolically letting you know that it can come and go at will.

You state in your account that you don't want to speak about the injuries you sustained from this entity but it's a huge aspect to leave out. It makes it difficult to clearly piece together all the elements and for YGS members to be able to give you possible clues as to what you experienced.

I was actively involved in two paranormal investigation groups in the 90s and witnessed many bizarre things but never felt any type of evil attachment after an investigation. However, I did have a monstrously bad temper when I was younger and my wife and I had incredibly bad arguments. I'd throw stuff, punch walls--all the immature things one can be capable of. My point is that I could have assumed I had demonic attachments instead of dealing with my own temper issues.

Believe me, when I would lose my temper is really felt like I was being possessed. My wife used to tell me my eyes looked like a shark's when I would lose it. Long story short, I have dealt with my temper issues and am a mellow dude now.

Of course, you might have something that attached itself to you after your investigation but you don't provide a lot of evidence in that direction. Were you thrown down a flight of stairs? Did this entity physically punch you to break your ribs? Is it possible you tripped and fell down injuring yourself and then assumed an entity did it because of the location you were at? These details are needed to ascertain whether you had a weird entity messing with you or you had a mental breakdown of some kind.

Whatever happened to you I hope you can put the pieces of your life back in order.

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