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Real Ghost Stories

Detail Of The Ghost In My Neighbor's House


Mrs. Linda has 3 different ghost that reside in her house. The location they reside in I will tell about it.

The first ghost stay in her kitchen. I've seen the ghost myself when I was staying over her house when my friend Marlena was visiting. The ghost in the kitchen is known to open the refrigerator door and to pull out food and make itself a sandwich and leave one bite marked. From account that my neighbor has told me about.

The second ghost reside in her hallway that leads to her bedroom, other bedroom, and the bathroom. That is the ghost I've seen and heard going back in forth down hallway and always stomping. This ghost has been seen in many form. The form I've seen the ghost is pitch black shadow. While others from what her grandson saw look like a typical bedsheet ghost type.

Third ghost reside in Mrs. Linda's bedroom. The ghost is an old lady in white goes by the name Mrs. Smith. I've seen glimpses of her whenever Mrs. Linda needed my help grab things or make her bed when she has one of those day when her body just ache so badly. From Mrs. Linda account and what her family has told me, is that Mrs. Smith is known to touch your hair because she is very curious about the texture of hair. Because Mrs. Linda has biracial great grandchildren and when Mrs. Smith lived in the time when people were still segregated. And also Mrs. Smith is known to comfort Mrs. Linda legs when the weather or if she did something to make them to make her legs to ache badly by rubbing or massaging her leg and Mrs. Linda would have a better night sleep.

All the ghost in her house don't bother or hurt anyone that comes by her house. Sometimes they don't make their presence known either. Only me, Mrs. Linda, her family, and friends has seen all three of them. Because Mrs. Linda has known me since I was a little girl that always played with her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. So the ghost in her house has seen me grow up and they are used to see me as I see and hear them too. So that is why I'm not afraid of them nor do I need to run away from them either. They all tend to stay their location inside house and never leave the house or location they reside in. Except for one time, Mrs. Smith came over my house because she was curious. She wanted to play with my little dog, Jelly.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Shizuka_Hio, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

JellyBean12 (guest)
6 years ago (2019-02-28)
All detail account in this story is from some my personal experiences and some of what Mrs. Linda has told me about and her children and great grand children has told her about. So you get a little of both.

It did not grow up with Mrs. Linda's two daughter. But I did grow up with her adopted daughter/ grand daughter, adopted son, her grand daughter, grand son, and her great grand childrens.
JellyBean12 (guest)
6 years ago (2019-02-28)

Obviously, the ghost made the sandwich and bite into it and then left on the counter for Mrs. Linda's (first) husband to see. And not only Mrs. Linda saw it herself because her husband showed it too her. From what she told me all those years when her two daughter was growing up.
Donald_Trumpet (18 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-28)
I little hard to follow. I don't know about a ghost preparing food. Do they make good sandwiches?

Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2019-02-21)
Hello Lady-Glow,

You have a great memory and awesome detective skills. You always open my eyes and so does Biblio.😍

Hello JellyBean12,

Thanks for your reply.😍

Anyway, bedtime for me.

Goodnight from Australia.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-21)
Hi Miandra - I have the habit of reading the profile of every new member and, if my memory serves me right, JB's has been the same since the first time I saw it.

Perhaps it's only a typo, no big deal, it's not like her age is relevant to the story.

JB - my apologies if my simple observation was mistaken for belligerence. 😉

JellyBean12 (guest)
6 years ago (2019-02-21)
Yes, sleeping-with-steve. I came on here two years old ago. But Lady-Glow has an issue with my age. So now that I change my profile. I hope there will be no more question about it. And she has the information about my account in comment section pertaining on Mrs. Linda's family.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2019-02-21)
Hello Lady-Glow and Jelly-Bean12,

It's a bit tricky with ages on profiles because sometimes members join prior to typing out a bio on their profile. I'm guessing that's what you did. (That you joined 2 years ago and did your profile bio very recently).

Good post. Thank you for sharing.

Best wishes,
😘 ❤ 😘
JellyBean12 (guest)
6 years ago (2019-02-21)
I have played with Linda's two grand daughter (older grand daughter she adopted became her daughter legally), grandson, and her adopted young son (who is going to turn 30 soon). Linda's two biological daughter I never play with. And then I played with Linda three great grandchildren which one of her grand daughter gave birth to at a young age and then have two later. Which is a great grand daughter and two great grand son.
JellyBean12 (guest)
6 years ago (2019-02-21)
I have played with Linda's two grand daughter (older grand daughter she adopted became her daughter legally), grandson, and her young son (who is going to turn 30 soon). Linda's two biological daughter I never play with. And then I played with Linda three great grandchildren which one of her grand daughter gave birth to at a young age and then have two later. Which is a great grand daughter and two great grand son.
JellyBean12 (guest)
6 years ago (2019-02-21)
Why do I need to modify my age on my profile? I'm 32 years old. What more do I need to give you. Do you need my birthday too? You now know my birthday and the year. What else do you need?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-20)
JellyBean - I calculated your age based on the data provided in your profile, not like two years are going to make a difference, but it could be misguiding. Perhaps you could try to modify this information?
JellyBean12 (guest)
6 years ago (2019-02-20)
One of Mrs. Linda's grandchild was adopted by her because that child did not like her biological mother. That is the child I play with and that child is few years older than me.
Another thing I'm really 32 years old. I'm not 34 years old. My birthday is January 22,1987.So I can't be 34.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
6 years ago (2019-02-19)
HOLLY CRAP! (excuse my French)

JellyBean - from your profile:

Date Registered:

"Just 32 year old women who likes reading paranormal things."

That means that now you're 34 YO.

From one of your previous stories/comments:

"When I came to Georgia I was 4 years old with a broken right leg."

And now you say: "Mrs. Linda has known me since I was a little girl that always played with her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren."

I don't get if you used to play with the three generations together at once or if you played separately with each generation when they were little.

If the former, it must be a tradition for all the members of that family to have children at a very young age; if the latter, you have aged at an abnormally slow rate.

Your current submission is pretty much a retell of your previous ones... Except from the sandwich-making-ghost. I would like to share my place with one of those and forget about having to prepare meals.

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