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Not So Quiet Neighbors


Last fall I moved from Lafayette, IN to a small house out in the middle of nowhere. I'm in the middle of about 2,000 acres of fields. My closest neighbor is a quarter mile away. The closest neighbor to the south is half a mile away.

Well, that's not entirely true. My "real" closest neighbors are cemeteries.

The land is littered with old family plots from last century, before they had a centralized town cemetery. Most of them only have five to seven headstones and the care varies widely. The one to the north of me has only three headstones and they're all laying flat. The one to the south is fairly large and was used right up until the 1920s. I don't know how far it goes back; the oldest stones are worn smooth.

One night I got up at 11:00 to get ready for work. My Cocker Spaniel, Missy, is barking, but she's a big fan of barking at nothing so I don't pay much attention. As I walk into the kitchen, I hear what she's barking at - somebody's having a party.

I can hear live music, I can hear people talking and laughing. I can't hear what they're saying, but I can tell there's people out there. The music sounds live; it has more 'depth' than a radio and I can tell the drummer needs more practice. It's coming from the south. But hey, it's Saturday night! It's summer time! People are having parties! I am pretty surprised that I can hear them so clearly; the house to the south is half a mile away and the corn is coming up. I get my stuff together and I walk out the door.

It's dead silent.

Not only is it silent, but the house to the south is completely dark. No lights, no campfire, nothing. I think "Huh, I was sure it was coming from the south, maybe the farmer north of me is having a barn party." I drive past the farmer's house and it's completely dark and quiet. I think "Hmm, maybe it's those idiots with the Boxers." I drive past their house. No idiots, no Boxers. I think, "Okay! It's got to be the house on the corner! They always have a bonfire on the weekends!" For the first time since the end of May, there's no bonfire at the house on the corner. Never mind that for the music to sound as close to my house from there, Metallica would have to be performing on their yard.

Now I'm like, "Hmmmmmm. Well, it was definitely coming from the south. And it was really clear. Like it was closer than the yellow house. What's to the south and closer than the yellow house?... That big cemetery."

If it was dumb kids partying in the cemetery, they would have toted a radio out there instead of a live band. There would probably be some lights and even if there weren't, how would they know the second I came out of my house? It seems like they'd shut up when I turned the house lights on.

Now I can say I know dead people who party harder.

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SparklinBurgndy (6 stories) (18 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-19)
[at] ChrisB

LOL, yeah, I know.

[at] RedWolf

No, I haven't asked the neighbors about it; I didn't want to come off as crazy. =p Well, I suppose the noise could have bee coming from the window itself, but I'd expect something like that to come with other activity and the house has been totally quiet.

[at] elfstone810

I don't know how old the neighbor's house is. Mine was built in 1937.

Hey, who wouldn't want to have a never ending party? Screw all that haunting nonsense; let's rock out!
stephyw2001 (3 stories) (18 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-18)
haha! Cute story! I'd have been wondering what the heck too! I guess you weren't invited. 😆
CharlaC (6 stories) (22 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-18)
Hey, spirits need to party too. Let them all rock out! Hahaha!
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-18)
Hi SparklinBurgndy, great narration. I still feel that it could be residual. As Miracles said, the timing that you came out and the music stopped could be a coincidence. I would have done exactly the same thing as not so much interested in listening to what kind of music and what they are speaking and all because as you said you were not expecting anything out of the ordinary. Perhaps, you would soon hear it once more. But if and when it happens, please try to concentrate.

As RedWolf said, you should ask the nearest neighbours about it, if you have not done it already. Perhaps they might give their views that would throw more light to this experience. If you had done already or if you are going to further investigate the matter, then keep us informed through your posts.

Thanks for sharing and I enjoyed it.

Regards and respects to you.

elfstone810 (227 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-17)
This was a fun story and I loved the way you told it! Of course you couldn't understand the voices or identify the music. My real, live, corporeal neighbors have parties sometimes on fine summer nights and I can't understand what they're saying or tell what songs they're playing.

How old is the house to the south? Were there ever other houses closer to you?

You hear a lot about tragedies and misery leaving an impression on the world. It's nice to see a story about happiness doing the same!
poultrgyst (9 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-17)
Sorry, I typed RedWolf, and autocorrect messed it all up! Great story, by the way, I really love how you told it. I could imagine myself there.
poultrgyst (9 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-17)
I second what redwood asked... Have there been any neighbors mentioning something similar? I like Metallica as well, in fact I think hearing "The thing that should not be" coming out of a cemetery at night would be awesome! 😁
girlymadness (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-15)
Sometimes there are residual hauntings that happen in the past and replay themselves over and over. I think maybe you were experiencing a party that's happened before but no one was there because the past was just repeating itself.
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-14)
That was a very fun read. I could almost see the place. And Vulcan, if you've ever expierienced it you would understand; it comes out of nowhere like a long lost friend at a party. Nobody catches everything that is said. Sparklin', have you researched the area? I'm thinking high school garage band in the 60's, may have been guys drafted and... Only a thought.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-14)
Shame you didn't catch some of that music, but I totally get what you're saying, quite often I'll hear snatches of music but not be able to place it. Or even actually hear the notes. It's sort of picking up just on the rhythm and not any melody. However, since it sounded like generic rock that would put it from the 50's to recently.
Muffled voices - now that just drives me bonkers. Even when I know it isn't paranormal. You hear talking but can't make out any words. And like you said, you weren't paying attention at first. But maybe, just maybe, that is why you heard it to begin with. You were 'open' at that moment.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-14)
SparklinBurgndy - I apologize for misunderstanding the timeline of your story.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-14)
It sounds like you have ghosties that know how to rock! 😆. Have you asked any of your neighbors if they have heard this?
Have you considered that the noise came from inside of the house? If you have a haunting it could be intelligent and it just went on for a bit and stopped as you left. It could be that they started up again after you were gone for a long time. 😆
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-14)
good story! Made me feel good. Lets know not everything is scary about the other side. You probably caught a glinch of the past and someow intuned yourself with it for a moment... How awesome! Thanks for the read. And like chrisb said, whatta a party pooper! Lol- notjustme
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-14)
And I also forgot to write that I was not trying to be aggressive or anything in that matter I just wanted to show you my view. With best regards. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-14)
To Vulcan10. I will be honest with you but I havce heard MANY stories when a spirit was speaking and you could never make out what it was saying. I have heard of spirits haveing a chat for 30 seconds and I asked what they said... They have no clue. And to be honest with you that is common. Not everythings is as colourful like in movies when it comes to the spirit world
SparklinBurgndy (6 stories) (18 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-14)
[at] Miracles51031

Actually, I said I moved into the house last fall. This actually happened in July.

[at] Valkricry

The type of music sounded like generic rock. Like I said I wasn't paying too close attention at the time, but it sounded like the sort of stuff you'd play at a block party.

[at] ChrisB

Hey, I didn't say they had to stop! XD

[at] vulcan10

If you actually read the story, you'd know I couldn't hear what they were saying - just background voices. The music for a time reference doesn't help either, it just sounded like generic rock. Like I said, until I stepped out of the back door, I had no idea it was anything out of the ordinary.
vulcan10 (5 stories) (332 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-14)
soooo...since you could hear them so well, what was the music playing (for a time reference), and what were they saying? And "I don't remember" doesn't count. Anyone with such an experience and that can here them so well would know the answer to both questions quite readily.
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-14)
SparklinBurgndy I hate to break it to you but your a party pooper 😆, I loved reading your story and you raly desacribed the places realy good. I have asmall picture in my head. I hope you have some more stories about the incidents in your home. Loved the read. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-14)
Well, we do know that with the right atmospheric conditions sound can travel for many miles, but what are the odds of that sound ending as soon as you stepped out? 🤔 Probably not too high.
This may sound dumb but do you recall any of the music you heard? Did you recognize it? It could help on putting a time frame to the party. For example, I don't think you would hear Metallica (one of my favorite bands by the way) being played at a party hosted in the '20s. Nor would I expect to hear much swing music or jazz at a modern day party. The big band sound can be really loud too.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-14)
SparklinBurgndy - thank you for sharing this with us. I enjoyed it 😊 My first thought was I wonder if "once upon a time" there were parties held on the land to the south and this could have been a residual haunting. But you said they stopped when you came out. Might just blow that theory to hell and back 😉 Or could it possibly have been that you opened your door at the exact time it ended?

Just for theory's sake, do you remember the exact date this occurred? You said last fall, which means it is approaching the same time. I am very curious to see if you experience it again.

Again, thank you for sharing this with us. I enjoyed your retelling of your experience very much. I love stories that are told with personality 😊

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