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Real Ghost Stories

The Neighbor


This story actually happened in the beginning of this year (2015). My fiance and I moved back to California from St. Louis, MO. We moved due to all the riots, racism and homesickness. We made the move in December and went straight to my mother's house in Hemet, CA. Then in January we went to Mecca, CA to visit with my fiance's mother.

Where my soon to be mother-in-law lives is in the middle of the desert with maybe 5 houses on her street. Any store or hospital is about an hour or two away. Well on our stay Melissa (my fiance's mother) had to go to the store, so she left with her husband.

While we were waiting for them to get back we let the dogs out to go potty and had a cigarette. I noticed the neighbor to the left was watching us so I waved hello. I got no response. I didn't see features because whoever it was was standing inside an enclosed porch with screening, you could only make out a silhouette. It looked like an elderly woman hunched over. My fiance saw her as well, as I mentioned to him that she was watching us.

As the day went on Corey's mom came home and we were talking. I noticed she had a new cat and asked her about it. She said that it was her neighbor's cat, but she passed away a few weeks ago so we took it in.

Right away I got chills. But my fiance wanted to find a logical explanation so he asked his mom if some of her family may be over there. She said that she only had one son and he had already been over to deal with funeral arrangements. (They apparently used to check on this woman for her son, that's why the son let them know all this.) She went on to say that he would be back in a month to go through her belongings.

We all thought it was pretty bizarre, but none of us were shocked. We all believe in spirits and have had encounters with them. I don't know if there are human spirits. In my religion they only believe in the holy spirit and unclean spirits. I'm not so sure of that because this presence felt very curious not scary at all. Does anyone else have any thoughts on this subject? Well I hope you enjoyed the story.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, kaykay3313, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

kaykay3313 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-11-10)
All and all I have to say that I do believe that their are spirit's that used to be alive, I have to experience has proved that to be true.
kaykay3313 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-11-10)
Tweed you hit the nail right on the head! This experience did have me wondering that exact thing, I honestly thought this woman was just that a flesh and bone person haha. About the religion aspect I do believe in God and all the teachings that come with it but I definitely have a difference of opinion on a lot of topics than other Christian's would. Some of them may say I'm not a true Christian for some of my beliefs or interpretations of thing's. But I feel God knows absolutely everything about you so he knows if your heart is in the right place or not.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-07)
Hi Kaykay,

Thanks for sharing this encounter, I really love reading these kinds of ghost sightings. It makes us wonder how many ghosts we've seen that we don't know are ghosts. 😉

I'm not absolutist about a faith and have never been religious. For me, the concept of ghosts visiting us from beyond is pretty standard. I know not all faiths agree with this. However, people continue to have these experiences. I think it's pretty cool.
kaykay3313 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-10-30)
I understand what both of you are saying. It's open to interpretation in the bible (meaning different people gather different conclusions from the same verse). And it's really a matter of personal opinion/belief. I thank you all for the feedback and being so helpful, you've given me a lot to think about. Rook I will most definitely be reading "The Beginning " and will e-mail you once I've sorted my thoughts. 😊 valkricry thank you for the attached link I will read that as well. 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-30)
Let me quote this so there is no misunderstanding... (Don't worry this will be 'less religious' than previous posts...😉)

"My pastor said that it was not her son but a demon trying to deceive her. That their are only unclean spirit's and the holy spirit. He said Christian's are not to communicate with any spirit's because they are all demons trying to gain your trust. Except for the holy spirit of course, so you see that's where I got that idea from." 😉

This is THE TOPIC that Christians have UBER DIVIDED VIEWS ABOUT.

You have the above...'Their all Demons' all the way to the Catholic's who pray to the Saints (Spirits of Dead Holy People) to 'intercede' for them so Heavenly Father will hear their prayers... And EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN... And I do mean everything.

I have tried to reason this out...many, many questions have I asked, of many, many different Churches and I keep falling back to what my 'gut feelings were' when I was a Solo Practicing Witch (Mind you I still believed in the Holy Trinity when I did this...)

There are Three 'Levels' a spirit can reside in...

Heaven/Hell: (call them what you will) It's where we started and if Scripture holds true where OUR resurrected Bodies will go at 'THE END' of everything. This is where Angels and Demons exist.

Spiritual: (Spirit Realm, Astral Plane, Purgatory) Spirits without physical bodies reside here... Also non-human spirit and entities. (We cannot move on to the highest until 'THE END OF EVERYTHING'...'THE FINAL JUDGMENT'...ect...ect...ect...)

Earthbound: (Physical Bodies) Spirits residing in physical bodies, in whatever form they may be...human, animal, plant... Spirits who's physical form has 'died' may be 'stuck' here as well (Ghosts for lack of a better term).

Each 'Level' is separated by a 'veil' which makes it 'hard' to cross from one 'realm' to the other. That doesn't mean it cannot happen, it just means not EVERYONE can do it.

That is MY non-religious take on things. For a more 'Religious' point of view please e-mail me via the addie on my profile. (While your are there look at my take on 'THE BEGINING' it's right under my Cleansing and Shielding Method (Toot, toot).


valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-30)
The funny thing about Christian Faiths is how the different sects define what is found in the Bible. Personally, I think it's because much of the text is open to interpretation (You read it and get X from it, I read it and get Y, then someone else reads it and gets Z). Add into it some are very fond of pointing to Chapter and verse, but not wanting you to read above or below that line, as it can change the meaning.
Both the Old and New Testaments speak about ghosts. I'm including a link to a good source about this:
Of course, it is Pastor Swope's take on things, but it will give you some great insight of where to start looking in your own Bible so that you can formulate your own view.
kaykay3313 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-10-30)
Rook thank you for clearing that up you are obviously a very religious person. All these years I did not know that our bodies are perfected in heaven and made new again. I always thought that we go to heaven as a spirit and we would have no need for our bodies anymore we would become what we were always meant to be an image of God (a spirit) forgive me for not understanding as I said I'm still learning.
kaykay3313 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-10-30)
mrmonty I believe in God and I believe Jesus is his son who died on the cross for all of us to pay our sin debt but I only know a little about the Christian religion. The first time I ever attended church was at the age of 17 so I'm still learning. But in one of the service's I attended one Sunday my pastor did a sermon on this topic, he was talking about a family he was close friend's with. They had a son who recently committed suicide because he was in a lot of pain. His mother told my pastor that he came to her a few weeks later and he was glowing beautifully and he told her he was ok he felt no pain anymore. My pastor said that it was not her son but a demon trying to deceive her. That their are only unclean spirit's and the holy spirit. He said Christian's are not to communicate with any spirit's because they are all demons trying to gain your trust. Except for the holy spirit of course, so you see that's where I got that idea from.
mrmonty (8 stories) (48 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-30)
Okay, I think things are getting a little away from the original question. I was intrigued and did a search on the Christian view of ghosts. I did not see anywhere a denial of human spirits-in fact there is a view of a separation between the human body and the spirit or soul. Rook is right about Jesus, he wasn't just a ghost or spirit returning, he was resurrected.
So KayKay3313, it could have been the neighbor's ghost (or spirit) still there maybe just to make sure everything is in order before she left.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-30)
(Climbing on my Soap Box, puts on my 'High Priest' robes... Clearing throat...)

Er, hurmmm...Ah...La,La,La...Is this thing on?...


What Christ meant was that His Spirit and Body had been rejoined and 'Perfected'. The wounds on His Hands and Feet remained as a Testimony of who He was. His resurrection was a demonstration of what awaits the Faithful... Their 'spirit or soul' will be rejoined with their 'Perfected' bodies and made whole so they can receive their 'place' in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Christ was not a 'spirit nor ghost' He was resurrected... (Magic (key) words and phrases folks).

He was reassuring those who saw him he was not a 'ghost or spirit' but had actually been Resurrected as a Flesh and Blood individual.

So YES, from the scriptures we can 'infer' that spirit or ghosts exists... Lets just understand what was being 'stated'.

(Climbs off soap box, takes off robes and returns to 'normal' mode.)

Sorry about that... Just felt the need to say something.


kaykay3313 (guest)
9 years ago (2015-10-30)
I haven't read the entire bible, but I have heard this debate before on either a radio station or tv show. I didn't know that Jesus said he was flesh and bones though... To me it seems like he's saying he himself isn't a spirit BUT he did acknowledge that there are spirit's by trying to prove himself not to be one. Interesting very interesting. Thank you very much for the feed back! You got my wheels turning that's for sure.
Whodat (42 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-30)
I used to not believe in ghosts, thinking there were only angels and demons, but then I paid attention to Luke 24, when Jesus appears to His disciples after His resurrection. When they see Him, they think they're seeing a ghost, but He tells them that He can't be a ghost since He has a body (He calls it flesh and bones). Jesus then proceeds to show His disciples the marks where He was injured during His crucifixion in order to prove that His body was resurrected and not just His Spirit. To me, Jesus Himself acknowledged the existence of ghosts right there, so now I believe in them.

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