I was about eighteen and we had recently moved to Boston Massachusetts. I was stressed out about it, I didn't want move to a larger city. There were more people than I was used to making it crowded and somewhat suffocating at times. To cope I clung to my Cat Roo. We called him that because He stood on his back feet, like a kangaroo.
I had Roo for along time and we were super close. Sometimes I could tell what he was thinking without him meowing, and when he felt I was down he would cuddle close and make me feel better. Sadly six months later Roo passed on. I was devastated and inconsolable for weeks.
I tried to move on, I worked a lot. My folks thought that I should pick out another cat. "It would take my mind off of Roo," they said. But I couldn't bring myself to do so. Roo was special and nothing could replace him.
One night about a month later I was having a bad time, I couldn't stop crying.
I felt a soft cuddle against my cheek causing me to sit straight up in bed. I heard a soft meow, followed by purring. I felt a hard rub against my shoulder.
I felt relaxed and comforted by this. I was not afraid. Then I saw a shadow of a cat walking across the baseboard of my room.
I knew it had to be Roo, he's the only one that could make me feel that way. I fell asleep and dreamed of him sleeping on the bed. I could swear I heard his soft purr in my ear too.
Roo has visited me lots of times after that, especially during stressful events. Whenever I hear a soft meow I look to see if he's walking around the baseboard. Just to let me know he's there for me.
My best friend had a Roo who was a dog. Cute name.
Poor Roo, rest in peace.