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Spirit Of Roo


I was about eighteen and we had recently moved to Boston Massachusetts. I was stressed out about it, I didn't want move to a larger city. There were more people than I was used to making it crowded and somewhat suffocating at times. To cope I clung to my Cat Roo. We called him that because He stood on his back feet, like a kangaroo.

I had Roo for along time and we were super close. Sometimes I could tell what he was thinking without him meowing, and when he felt I was down he would cuddle close and make me feel better. Sadly six months later Roo passed on. I was devastated and inconsolable for weeks.

I tried to move on, I worked a lot. My folks thought that I should pick out another cat. "It would take my mind off of Roo," they said. But I couldn't bring myself to do so. Roo was special and nothing could replace him.

One night about a month later I was having a bad time, I couldn't stop crying.

I felt a soft cuddle against my cheek causing me to sit straight up in bed. I heard a soft meow, followed by purring. I felt a hard rub against my shoulder.

I felt relaxed and comforted by this. I was not afraid. Then I saw a shadow of a cat walking across the baseboard of my room.

I knew it had to be Roo, he's the only one that could make me feel that way. I fell asleep and dreamed of him sleeping on the bed. I could swear I heard his soft purr in my ear too.

Roo has visited me lots of times after that, especially during stressful events. Whenever I hear a soft meow I look to see if he's walking around the baseboard. Just to let me know he's there for me.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, adove, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
6 years ago (2019-07-09)
I reread your other stories in addition to this one. I do think you are sensitive to the supernatural realm. Could also be you have guiding forces that follow you. (Saying this after reflecting on the three faces above your grandma's bed in the other earlier entry you submitted. Could be family spirits that guide.) It/they could have have taken the form of Roo to bring you comfort since Roo was a source of comfort to you. Makes sense they would appear as something familiar and comforting to you in order to bring you peace.

My best friend had a Roo who was a dog. Cute name.

Poor Roo, rest in peace.
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2019-07-03)
Hi, Adove. Your experience as well as those of others I have read here is very comforting to me. I love the idea that our "furchildren" will be with us once again. ❤
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
6 years ago (2019-07-03)
Cuddlebear, the answer of who rescued whom? Is yes. You saved them; they rescue you.
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2019-07-03)
Adove ~
I'm glad you've kept furchildren in your life. We've had many over the years, cats and dogs.

I often look at our three "rescues" and wonder who rescued whom.
adove (6 stories) (12 posts)
6 years ago (2019-07-02)
Hi cuddlebear

Thanks for your words of confort. I did adopt a cat after about two years. Thundercloud was with us for 22 years. Beautiful cat, lovely soul. Now I have a nine and ten year old, a handful but I can't see my life without them.
adove (6 stories) (12 posts)
6 years ago (2019-07-02)
Hi RCRuskin,

Thank you for what you said and I agree with you. He was very special and will always be family to me.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
6 years ago (2019-07-02)
I don't "get it" when people say something like 'just get a new <type of pet>.' Roo may not have been the same species as you, pretty sure he's not anyway... 😁 Pets are not 'like' family, they are family. These animal companions share the hopes and dumps of our daily lives for a decade or more... May as well say, when your brother dies, 'Just have your parents give you a little brother'. Oy!

OK, rant over.

Will our pets be with us in Heaven/the Kingdom of God? Archbishop Michael, of the diocese wherein I attend church was once asked. He answered it at a retreat given in my parish. Yes, undoubtedly. Animals may not have souls as humans do, but we believe, at least Archbishop Michael and I believe, that God will raise up all of creation in His new kingdom. They won't be 'saved' as we might be, but they will still be with us.

"And that is a very comforting thought." Gandalf, Lord of the Rings.
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2019-07-02)
Adove ~ a very nice experience. My wife believes we have been visited by cat of ours several times. I know how comforting that can be.

That said I hope you find it in your heart to rescue another cat, Roo won't be jealous, and you would have another friend.

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