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Historic Seaside Town Haunted House


I live and grew up in a famous, historic seaside town. It is beautiful doted with historic sea captain's homes from the 17th and 18th century. I recently bought a home that was built in 1760. It was renovated about two years ago. I am the first to live in the unit that was renovated as we bought it in December of last year.

My husband and I just recently noticed that we hear loud snoring almost every night coming from our bedroom ceiling around 3 am. We have a woman who lives above us, but she is almost always up at that time as we hear her walking above us, so it is not her who is snoring. It sounds like a man who has a deep snore. It lasts sometimes for 3 hours and seems to stop by 6 am. We never hear it during the day time.

It is a very distinct snoring sound, which we have no explanation for? We are now convinced it could be a ghost. Has anyone ever heard of something like this? We have ruled out everything? I'll admit, that sometimes I get a bit scared thinking this could be a ghost, but this is the only thing that happens in the house and we truly love living here.

I also want to mention that we have a tiny dog who sleeps with us and she doesn't snore, so we ruled her out and the woman above us does not have any pets as well. There is an attic apartment where a man lives, but he was away the past few nights for business, so that would also rule him out as we have heard the snoring when he was not there. We are trying very hard to rule out a ghost, but it is increasingly getting harder to do. I would love to hear from any of you who can help us... Many thanks.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, bella333, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Nelson_but_not_Mandela (12 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-16)
[at] Lea Leigh.
You have to be kidding! Do people that old still can do it? Eww!🤢
Lorenzo (3 stories) (21 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-16)
Maybe the woman above has a bulldog?
They snore really loud.
bandet888 (86 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-14)
have you ever considered that this woman may have a real person over that, s doing the snoring? Have you ever asked this woman?
MrsRamsay (guest)
5 years ago (2020-07-13)
Cracking up at Maria's commentary this evening. Good luck with that job thing!

Bella, your house sounds really fascinating. I think it's possible you could hear phantom snoring, and I also wonder if those footsteps are really your upstairs neighbor (just a feeling). I did want to add that I used to be a Girl Scout leader, and we would always have to share tents during campouts with other leaders. Suffice to say, I have heard my share of even petite little women snoring like sailors through the night (while I lay awake until 4am). So it technically COULD be your neighbor upstairs! I would just like to suggest perhaps you take her some little gift basket sometime and use that gesture as a way to ask her if she's heard the snoring. Might be a great excuse to be nice and brighten her day (on the other hand, if she's creepy, make sure you don't go inside... You know, you might never come out!)
bella333 (1 stories) (4 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-13)
Thank you maria! I will try these methods if it gets worse or persists. Best of luck with your move 😊
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-13)

I had a feeling that you knew what you were talking about - and I'm sorry for making my stupid joke! It was late and, after 10pm, I don't have much of a "filter".

The sound of snoring seems kind of cool though; but, if it gets too annoying, there is a home cleansing method that was created by a member of this site named Rookdygin, who has been a member of this site since 2008. It won't interfere with any religious beliefs you might have. You'll find it halfway down his profile page:


I have used it myself and found it to be effective.



I am experiencing another rocky patch here in the world. I have a job lined up in August, in Arizona, so I will be heading west. My mom's house does have the acoustics of a tin-can.

- Maria
bella333 (1 stories) (4 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-13)
Thank you all for the comments. Yes, I can see why you would say what you have said, but the woman upstairs is an agoraphobic who has literally not left her apartment in two years. She has long blinds over her window and never opens her windows...EVER. She refuses to meet anyone and has all her food delivered to her door through Amazon. She has never has a visitor, at least as long as we have lived here. The man who lives on the 3rd floor told me he has never heard snoring, and was away the other night when we heard the noise anyway. Another thing is that the house is really well built. We both work from home and would know if the upstairs neighbors have guests etc. So, I think the answer is that it is just old energy that used to snore... Perhaps the Sea Captain who owned this building in 1760. He does not bother us otherwise. Thank you for all your comments...i'll let you know if any other paranormal activity happens. 😊
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-13)
Lealeigh - Perhaps one day you'll find that your earplugs have disappeared because your 60 something parents want you to move your butt out of their tin-can! Guess what, they've made a recording and play it over and over again 😁😁😆

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-13)
bella333 - As lady-glow and Lealeigh mentioned, the obvious thing to do would be to have a chat with the lady who lives in the apartment above you.

Then again, the building has been renovated and although it might sound as though the snoring and footsteps are directly above you, perhaps in years gone by a different room or structure existed in close proximity? I know it seems unlikely but it's worth looking into. Why would the lady above you constantly be walking around at that time of the morning, especially knowing that she would disturb your sleep?

Just a thought.

Regards, Meld
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-13)
Hello bella333,

I was wondering the same thing as lady-glow: have you asked your upstairs neighbors if they have heard anything strange?

If they have nothing to do with the noise, I think it may be a residual haunt. In that case, lady-glow's suggestion of ear plugs might be worth a try. It's exactly what I use when I want to drown out the noise of my sixty-something parents having sex in this tin-can we call a house.

At this point, you don't have anything wandering around - nothing running around in your house or trying to interact with you. I think it seems pretty benign, though it is very interesting. If anything begins happening, you could do a cleansing.

- Maria
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-12)
Welcome to YGS.

Hello bella333.

Have you asked the upstairs neighbor if she too hears the snoring? Perhaps that's what is keeping her up so late at night.
Would it be possible that someone goes to visit her and spends the night at her place? Or perhaps she has some device that makes that sound.

First you need to rule out all the possible mundane explanations even if they seem silly.

If you are dealing with an intelligent haunting you could try to ask politely to tune down the noise, but if it is a residual energy perhaps the best thing to do is getting a good set of earplugs.

You could cleanse or bless the place according to your personal beliefs and see what happens.
If there's no change, you can consider yourself lucky to be sharing your place with a peaceful, though noisy, residual energy who is enjoying an eternal good rest.

Thanks for sharing.

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