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Real Ghost Stories

The New Bride


Greetings everyone.

So this is not my own story but of my father's and I'll write the story from his point of view. Here it goes.

It was the month of March, with a beautiful weather in the day and a mesmerizing night sky at the night. I was a teenager back then who was a huge movie buff. In my village there was no theater to watch any movies. So I had travel 12 kms to catch a show at the theater.

We used to go in groups to the theater, but one day none of my friends wanted to go for the movie for one reason or another. So I headed out alone for a night show. I finished the show, hitched a ride back on a truck who dropped me at the bus stop, it was around 11'O clock at night, but as it was a long time ago that too in a village, there was no living soul visible in my vicinity.

I started walking towards my village from the main road, after covering a little distance I saw a woman, dressed in a white & red saaree, she was covering her face with the saaree, just like the newly weds in our society. A new Bride.

At first I thought what a Newly wed bride was doing in this late hour that too all alone, she was standing under some bamboo trees, no houses nearby. I tried to approach her by asking what she was doing outside this late but instead I found myself following her as she started walking towards the lake behind those trees, it felt like as if I was mesmerized by her. No matter how fast I tried to walk, I'll never get closer to her, she was ahead of me. After a few moments I regained my consciousness and realized that I am in the middle of that tiny jungle.

All of the scary stories which my elder used to tell me came rushing to my mind and I felt numb and I stood there, frozen. I remembered how in our culture we refer to a evil spirit which comes in the attire of a newly wedded bride who have no legs. I directly looked into her legs and I realized they weren't visible. I wanted to run but the thought of her being behind me made me nauseous.

Just when I was going through all of this in my mind, she stopped and turned. THAT moment, that exact moment I told myself you need to run or else you're going to die here. And I ran. I ran like there was no tomorrow. I somehow reached home and screamed for my mother, all my brothers and mother came out and asked me what has happened, I explained them everything, my mother did some rituals with me before letting me enter the home. I suffered from high fever for 3 days straight.

After I was healthy again, I asked my mother if there was any new bride in our village or nearby, she said there wasn't.

I still went to watch movies, but in the day, and never alone at night.

So this was my father's experience, which to be honest I find really fascinating because the depiction of the entity actually makes me remember the stories which I grew up listening too.

Hope you enjoyed reading, comments are welcome ☺️

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DaughterofDarkness (3 posts)
4 years ago (2020-09-09)
Hi Rose97!

I have a narration channel on YouTube where I narrate people's real life ghostly tales. I would love permission to use your story.

I would give you onscreen credit (or you can choose to remain anonymous) and link back to the page on this website page.

Here is a link to my channel if you'd like to check it out before giving me an answer

You may email me at DaughterofDarkness_Stories [at]

Please let me know!
Daughter of Darkness

PS - for some reason the ampersand symbol comes out like this [at]!
valkricry (49 stories) (3294 posts) mod
5 years ago (2020-07-17)
good-ghosts, you know I wondered about that - if perhaps white was a burial color, related to either shrouds or clothing. Woefully ignorant of Indian customs here and unsure how it differs from culture (Pakistani, Muslim, Hindu, etc.) to culture. Not sure I worded that quite right, and hope no offense is taken by anyone.
When it comes to ghosts, America is rather 'new', as compared to the other nations, whose cultures and histories date far further back. Typically we're more apt to see say an old West gunslinger, than a Roman soldier. However there is a common thread I've found, and that is the wearing of burial/death clothes, in nearly 98% of paranormal sightings, the deceased appears wearing their funeral or what they were last seen wearing attire. This seems to be global. So you could be onto something.
good-ghosts (6 stories) (42 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-16)
I meant Women whose husbands are alive are dressed in bridal clothes
good-ghosts (6 stories) (42 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-16)
Hello LFrog1386,

That sounds convincing but then I am a Hindu and we too cover the dead in white sheets. As per our rituals, the deceased is bathed and new clothes (women whose are alive are dressed up like a bride) are put on them before cremation.
So those are the last clothes they wear. I think they should show up in those then.
I am not negating any thoughts here. I am just curious about it. My sincere apologies if any one is hurt.🙏🏻
LFrog1386 (1 stories) (73 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-15)
Good-ghosts- regarding always seeing the dead in white, it tends to be an Asian custom in some parts of the continent. Sometimes the people attending the funeral wear white and sometimes the deceased is wearing white. White signals purity and rebirth so those who believe in reincarnation will often surround themselves with white clothing when a loved one dies in order to help them move on to their next life.

That being said, I am not sure how it would fit into a Wandering spirit that clearly has not passed on and been reincarnated. If anyone has anything more to offer, feel free to enlighten me!
Rose97 (3 stories) (10 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-10)
Hello good-ghosts.
I think bad entities take the form of your worst fear. And that might be the reason my father saw a new bride because in India we've always heard a story about a 'Chudail' in a bridal attire. But yeah I agree with you that we need to broaden our perspective in every way possible ☺️
Rose97 (3 stories) (10 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-10)
Guys I think the evil spirits or entities take the form of your worst fear. May be this is the reason that entity showed itself as a new bride because my father had the picture of a bad spirit as a bride.
Rose97 (3 stories) (10 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-10)
Hello TheTantrik
I am glad that didn't happened 😅 in that times witches are all people could talk about.
Rose97 (3 stories) (10 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-10)
Hello Alina5
Yes that might be a possibility that she was an actual bride... If she was than it makes me even more sad what women had to go through in her life 💔
Rose97 (3 stories) (10 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-10)
Hello RcRuskin
You can read 'Cults, customs and superstition in India' by John Campbell Oman. It might be helpful for you to understand the Indian beliefs and superstitions☺️
Rose97 (3 stories) (10 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-10)
Hi lady-glow. I think it was my father's fear which made him believe that her feet weren't visible. And in a saree, feet are actually not visible for a normal human being as well. I think he just assumed that it was scary 😊
good-ghosts (6 stories) (42 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-10)

That's valid.

But you should look how the ghosts are portrayed in India. I am not an expert on this but it is annoying to watch a stereotypical ghost always in saree, white saree, with long black hair, red lipstick, anklet, be it in movie or tv show etc

I think we need to broaden our perspective in that regard. That's all I wanted to convey.

No offense to anyone
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-10)
[at] good-ghosts, could simply be ghosts being some kind of luminous energy which we interpret as being a white garment of the sort appropriate to our cultural expectations.
good-ghosts (6 stories) (42 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-10)
Valid points Alina5.

I would like to add one more thing, not to offend anyone's belief; but I never understand why our (Indian) ghosts esp. Female ghosts appear in white saree?
I mean, I have always thought that ghosts are energies and never understood their obsession over white attire.

I don't mean what your father had experienced is false by any means.
Just that these stories of ghosts in white dresses are around, like forever.

And I totally agree with Alina5 about the possibilities she has stated. She could be a runaway bride or something... Just a thought

TheTantrik (10 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-09)
Very interesting! This is actually a common occurrence in village areas. My guess is that she would have taken your father to an isolated place, seduce him and suck away his energy. Most probably a witch
Alina5 (3 stories) (136 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-09)
Hello Rose97,

Only citing a possibility as that probably the she was a bride who must've ran away from her wedding. There are numerous instances in India of bride walking out of an "arranged marraige ", since their parents do not allow them to marry at their will or to someone they love.

Probably that she had walked out of her wedding and was waiting for her "lover" to pick her up, but was scared for her family or the villagers in general to figure out as in most cases, the parents try to bring back their daughters to the wedding to protect their dignity in front of the groom's family and guests of the feast.

Whe she saw your father approaching her the fear of the worst might have compelled her to run to that tiny forest.

Since, your father was gripped with fear recalling the odd tales of such ghosts he might have hallucinated her being behind him.

About the legs not being visible point I'll support Lady-glow's statement.


I have resided in India ever since I was born and honestly, half of such beliefs or superstitions are still unknown to me. It can be so because these beliefs not only vary from state to state but from region to region and a community to community. Owing the diversity in the country it often becomes difficult to deem a particular superstition as "valid",and most of them are also outdated. For example, it was a belief of the past that untying the hair can attract spirits but these days, literally untying hair is a new fashion thing.

Every single book has a compilation of different beliefs according to the specific author, since I believe nothing is absolute and it all depends on the people.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-08)
Or just to follow up on Lady-Glow's supposition: maybe the bride was just someone lost.

Hi, Rose!

I have a question but it is not aimed at you specifically, but all the wonderful posters from India. Some stories indicate staying out past sunset is a bad idea! And in other stories, it seems nighttime has no special concerns associated with it. India is a big country, with numerous cultural groups within it, so I can easily see how beliefs can be different. I'm just trying to wrap my head around the idea of Indian spirits. Is there anyone, or anything, you could suggest I read?

lady-glow (16 stories) (3203 posts)
5 years ago (2020-07-08)
Hello Rose.

I have a question about this part of your story:

"realized that I am in the middle of that tiny jungle."

If this happened in the middle of the night, on an isolated area in which, possibly, there was no lights and the grass/plants on the ground were overgrown, - how can your father be certain that the woman had no feet? Was he close enough to her as to discern the difference between her lack of feet or not been able to see with enough clarity if she had any?

I'm not discarding the possibility of the woman being a spirit, but considering the chance of her being a lost soul that hasn't crossed over to the other side.

Thanks for sharing.

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