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Why Did It Come To Me?


First let me begin by saying Thank you for taking the time to read this. It's greatly appreciated.

A little back story to before this experience happened.

My husband and I had recently reconciled after 11 months long separation. Which has almost resulted in a divorce. We have 4 children together (3 adults now and the youngest in her last 2 years of high school).

And to our surprise this reconnect resulted in my pregnancy.

I am a practicing eclectic witch, so I have protection in place. But in the midst of the chaos I had neglected some of the my protections. This may be important later on.

This one particular morning, my husband had left for work and I decided to lay back down in the bed. I didn't have to work that day, so I decided to get a few more hours of sleep as this was the earlier stage in my pregnancy.

I had the TV on, and I decided to lay down and watch the early morning news until my eyes grew heavy.

I was wide awake, so I knew I'd lay there for a while. I wasn't comfortable on my left side, so I turned onto my back, put my right arm over my eyes and laid there for maybe between 10-15 seconds. I could still hear the news reporter talking about the weather, when the right side of the bed sank down suddenly. It felt as though something was big enough to make that entire side of the bed sink down.

I was instantly on alert, and didn't want to move. And then the vision came in. As I lay there an entity of a demon like man started to crawl over me, but not on top of me. At first he had scraggly long dark hair, and trench coat and a huge body and face. Then he suddenly turned into this demon that continued to hover over me but not touching me until his tongue protruded from his mouth and licked my left arm which was on the left side of pillow. I could actually feel the tongue, which felt like a cat's tongue.

It's tongue wasn't connected to its mouth. It protruded out but wasn't connected.

I heard a voice saying "don't breath in its breath". So I tried holding my breath for a few seconds when it started to laugh. It knew I couldn't for very long. I hadn't taken a deep breath that would allow me to. In a panic I suddenly shut my mouth. As I was trying to hold my mouth closed, it started to blow onto my face, a dark black mist was coming out of its mouth. I had to breath somehow, so I began to breath short breaths through my nose.

I started to think of the baby and protecting him/her. At that time we didn't know the gender.

I tried my hardest not to breath its breath, but I couldn't help it.

It continued to laugh and it started to lift up and away from me. That's when I got a look at it.

It had a dark red and black face. Vision the Jeepers Creepers face, without the nasty shine to it, and horns that came straight out and then bend back. Those too were black with red tint. He continued laughing and then dissipated.

I waited a few seconds before moving, and then lifted my arm off of my face, sat straight up and was in complete shock.

I still don't know what it was wanting or trying to do. But I have amped up protection around the home and for myself, baby and family.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Spirit2022, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Spirit2022 (2 stories) (13 posts)
1 year ago (2023-06-05)

Update I have since cleansed my home, revamped my protections in and outside. Have been resolving a lot of family matters as of lately and yes I rested plenty before my son arrived. I definitely made sure I was taking care of myself mentally and physically for my sake and the babies.

I haven't had any further experiences with whatever it was. As Tweed put it could have been something letting me know, there are things I need to take care. Whether internally or externally.
Which was a very good point.

Thank you all for taking the time to read and comment. It has helped a bunch.

Spirit2022 (2 stories) (13 posts)
1 year ago (2023-06-05)

First Thank you for reading my experience. You make a very good point. It may very well be some things I may have needed to resolve. And have been in the midst of dealing with a lot of personal family matters. Not with my husband etc, but my late mother and late Step-dad and extended family. A lot has been going on in the 3 years.

Again great point!
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
2 years ago (2023-03-12)
Hi Spirit2022,

Have you considered your recent past with this occurrence? Not asking you to spill personal deets over the internet, more something for you to consider. My feeling is your reconciliation and whatever came before, with your separation, has a lot to do with why/how this entity was laughing. I think it was doing an emotional dance with you, aware you were unaware of how it was able to get in and do what it was doing. Showing off I suspect.

I don't believe it can do any serious harm however. Sounds like this was it's one big party trick. Ironically I'd suggest be a tad thankful of it, because if there are residual things in your personal world that need resolving, fears or whatever, this is probably how it got in. A chip in the armour. Heck it could've even been a personification of a situation/fear.

Thanks for sharing.
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-17)
Spirit2022, That sounds very exciting. Bubs isn't far off now. He will be grateful no doubt to have such a protective mum. You sound like you are doing everything to protect your loved ones. Don't forget about yourself. Rest Prior to bubs arrival is important. Keeping up with a new born bubs is very rewarding but also tiring. Keep us posted. X
Spirit2022 (2 stories) (13 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-16)

I tried voting on others as well. I have to post at least I believe it said 10 times.

I am thankful you took the time to read.
I agree, with keeping the house in order and also adding in cleansing rituals etc it is very time consuming but for good reason. Being thorough with it is extremely important. And can be exhausting but have a very good effect in the long run.

I am most definitely making sure all of us are protected. As for the baby, I am almost there! A few more weeks to go and he'll be here. So I am in nesting mode so that helps 😆!

Sincerely Spirit
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-16)
Spirit2022, It's hard keeping up with things around the home when you're pregnant. The main thing is you look after yourself and bubs and the other little ones who aren't so little anymore. My sister Mia does a regular cleanse ritual and swears by it. I watched her once and thought I don't have time for this. It looked time consuming. Don't get me wrong, I clean from top to bottom, but I don't go to the cleansing stage. I voted your karma points up but must have to wait to give you more. YGS is saying to vote for someone else. Favouritism on my part with uping yours and lady glows karma points. Oh well, maybe tomorrow YGS will let me start voting again.
Rajine (14 stories) (888 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-12)
Hi Spirit2022

Yes that is true, in some way or the other, I think the only thing we can do is take steps and precaution to safeguard ourselves and family from it.
Spirit2022 (2 stories) (13 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-11)

I didn't have to hold it that long. It was a terrifying experience I can tell you that.

I haven't had any activity since then. And I wonder if it was also a part of my subconscious playing some part in it giving it some sort of way into our world.

I know that I let my protections become stagnant for a small period of time. So after that took place I cleansed and did my whole routine with extreme caution and thoroughness.

After I posted this, I started to remember that for a little while before that, I kept getting this urge to do a whole house cleansing, including my floor sweep and mopping from top to bottom. But I put it off as I was adjusting to the pregnancy and situation. I knew better as I learn to never ignore my gut or my intuition. And this was a lesson well learned lol.

Thank you for reading and taking the time to write back.

Sincerely Spirit
CrimsonTopaz (1 stories) (239 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-11)
Spirit2022, Sounds like you had an aweful situation to deal with. I don't know where you found the strength to hold your breath long enough until the evil entity left. Main thing is to do what you're doing and look after yourself and young ones. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen again. Thanks for sharing your encounter.
Spirit2022 (2 stories) (13 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-10)

Thank you so much for the advice. And yes I have done the cleansing and revamped all of my protections.

I do agree, you made a good point with the trying to scare me. It definitely did accomplish that part of it.

And no I haven't had any further interactions with it since. Thankfully so.

It truly did remind me to get back to my regimen and home and family protections.

I will let you all know if anything further happens.

Sincerely Spirit
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-10)
Greetings, Spirit2022, and welcome to YGS.

I can't help feeling that whatever intention this entity had, it accomplished its goal. I state this because you did not banish it, rather "He continued laughing and then dissipated."

Now, don't go and assume the worst, here; it may have had the simple desire to scare you as much as possible. Instilling fear seems to be a goal unto itself, as human fear seems to provide a powerful source of energy for some spirits. (I apologize if that sounds like the plot of "Monsters, Inc.")

You do not mention any subsequent encounters with this entity, so I presume that your home life has been relatively normal since this event. If nothing further occurs, then I'd suggest chalking it up to a one-off effort to terrify you because you let some of your usual protections lapse.

If it would bring you peace of mind, I'd recommend that you do a whole-house cleansing/smudging before reinforcing your home's wards and shields.

If further events involving this apparition do occur, then please let us know a.s.a.p., so that we might make additional suggestions to deal with the situation.

Take care with your pregnancy & protect those you love.

Spirit2022 (2 stories) (13 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-09)

I agree. Evil has many ways and is showing itself more and more in the world.
Spirit2022 (2 stories) (13 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-09)

First thank you for taking the time to read my experience.

I believe because I was more focused on other things other than revamping my protections it may have seeped through them.

I'm not sure honestly if it was because of my being a witch or spiritual. I have dealt with many different entities and this one took the cake.

In the midst of this happening I didn't think of turning over. I wish I had, or at least gotten up.
I did feel weight on the bed, not on my body.

While it was happening I was shocked. All I could really think about was trying my hardest not to breath in whatever it was blowing onto my face and protecting the baby.

Sincerely Spirit
Rajine (14 stories) (888 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-09)
Hi Spirit2022

Evil doesn't need a reason to do what it does, all it knows is malice, to try to get a foothold in this world.
Pelatiah (4 stories) (75 posts)
2 years ago (2023-02-09)
I'm not familiar with the types of witches these days, but perhaps it's time to leave that all behind as your protections seem to be failing? Do you think it's because you're a witch that this thing appeared? I am ignorant on the purpose of such visitations.

Also, couldn't you turn over? Was there weight on you?

I'm not going to question whether it happened, I believe you. But is this normal for witches? I would think it might be.

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