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Eeeeck A Monster


This is my 2nd story. This story happened in our hometown guimaras in Philippines famous for many witches including the Mananggal, manananggal a type of an aswang. It has devilish type of wings that could fly and they eat flesh of people usually cutting bellies so its body will be half.

One day my younger brother's friend Kim told my brother that he saw what looked like huge bat wings in our backyard. My brother Bryan didn't believe Kim and he told Kim that it was just a bat.

The next day there was news that a women was found massacred and her body was eaten. The police didn't know exactly happen.

I was afraid maybe Kim was right and that maybe it was a mananggal who flew in our backyard. I warned my aunt to protect Rynzo, my younger brother at night, but she refused to listen and she didn't believe me.

Around 9:00pm I started playing a game on my computer when my brother came rushing into my room claiming he heard scratching on rooftop of the house. I told my aunt to go and look what was happening. So she went to the attic when she entered the room she saw my cat, Sebastian dead and she saw that the windows were opened.

She told us what she saw in the attic. I told my grandpa (the father of my father) who in turn gave my aunt some garlic and onions to protect herself (garlic and onions are used to repel aswang). When she tried again going upstairs she just heard a loud noise that sounded like someone flying, she screamed threw the garlic everywhere in the room and came down. She told us she saw the aswang preparing to take off for flight.

My grandpa told us that the manananggal sometimes appeared at the end of fiesta (festival) because there were many drunken people in the street so manananggal are free to pick out his victims.

We moved to Iloilo after that incident.

Hope you like my story

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ryangonzaga, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

NBA777 (9 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-24)
I would place your experience under the category of "unexplained." First of all bats or birds do not attack or mutilate cats. Cats often do the attacking. Second no animal can open a closed or locked window - normally. Or maybe the window was left opened.

Your brother's friend Kim could have seen a bat, but it was likely unrelated to the attack on the cat. There's a lot of explaining to do on your story. But then it could have also been a real aswang attack too cuz' these creatures really exists.
KoltenAspen (39 posts)
15 years ago (2009-12-07)
Poor cat I would totally cry if that happened to my cat and aswang sounds like a very bad creature
CutishIvy (47 posts)
15 years ago (2009-05-22)
For people who doesn't have any idea what the aswang is. Please take a good look on the link: "http://thm-a01.yimg.com/image/ea28311752d89342";

You said, guimaras, is that the place where the famous story of capitan gimo?

Good heavens you are all safe and have the sanity to move out of the place.
flamewithin (57 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-16)
i think legends and myths have some truth to them. People see things all the time just like the mothman bigfoot etc... And when they are retold over and over again the story changes and maybe it is fabergated way ot of the context from when it was told for the first time. Just like the the silverback gorilla it was thought to be a legend until it was shot and killed. There are many creatures out there in our world that we don't know exsits but they are there and who knows maybe you or I will see it for the first time and when we see it wouldn't you want someone to beleave you I know I would. As we destroy habitats we bring what we only thought were legends closer to our own backyards 😢 ❤ keep your minds open and you may see things wouldn't normaly see when you keep it closed
ico (1 stories) (34 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-14)
Are you completely positive the window wasn't already open? You said that you saw batwings out the window but sometimes the mind can play tricks on you. Don't forget I'm just trying to give you another explanation. You could have seen wings but there's something called forced perspective which is when something is closer or farther away to you than your mind can perceive, so your mind tells you the object is smaller or bigger than it really is, the technique is used a lot in film and can be seen in the Lord of the rings movies to make the hobbit actors look smaller. So with your mind playing tricks and forced perspective, you can see practically anything you want. You could have seen a bird flying away and thought you saw something else, especially with the excitement going on with your aunt screaming. I don't know if I explained forced perspective good enough so if you want me to explain it better just ask, I can just tell I'm starting to ramble on.
kuehnau (5 stories) (60 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-14)
I don't really believe in monsters. This story is hard to swallow as being realistic. Sometimes people will make stories up to try and explain something they don't understand.
ryangonzaga (2 stories) (8 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-14)
I saw bat like wings in the backyard when my aunt begin to scream. Maybe ico it is just an animal or something but how will they open the windows?
ryangonzaga (2 stories) (8 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-14)
i never believe in this creature also but why did my aunt said that she saw the creature. That's why I posted my story here to see your opinion
Erickson (10 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-14)
Sorry, there is no edit button on a post. I want to clarify my last comment. I meant to say that I don't believe this creature is real. The story you tell could be true, but I do not in any way believe that this creature you described exists, nor do I believe it was in your attic.
Erickson (10 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-14)
This sounds a lot like the stories of the Chupacabra except the Chupacabra doesn't fly and doesn't rip it's victims in half. Personally I never believe in these types of creatures as there is never anything to back up their existence. It's kind of like the Lochness Monster or Big Foot. Do I believe a creature like this could exist, yes, do I believe it does exist, no. Although Big Foot is a little more believable than most considering the size of the world and the vast amount of the world that remains unexplored, as well as the fact that this creature is described as an apelike creature with a more human form. Considering the scientifical explanation of humans evolving from apes, this is definitely a possible true story. Maybe if Big Foot was a little more scarier and was used in stories to scare children at a young age we would hear more stories about Big Foot. The human mind is very powerful. Perhaps you telling the story to your aunt and reminding her of these stories she heard when she was a kid, allowed her mind to manifest such an idea that maybe this thing could be real and was in the attic. I apologize your cat is dead, but in no way do I believe this story is true.
ryangonzaga (2 stories) (8 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-14)
well in 6pm I put my cat on his basket in the attic, I left him there. The police said that maybe it is an animal who killed my cat. But my aunt saw that it is realy a aswang who killed my cat
ahhitscaty (2 stories) (7 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-14)
I can honestly say I would most likely curl into a ball and never move after dealing with that. Especially since I treat my cat like I would if I had a baby. I'd also like to know (however disturbing it may be to think about) do you have any clue if the cat appeared to be violantly killed and if the mananggal has been known to kill household animals and such?
ryangonzaga (2 stories) (8 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-13)
well aswang is a mythical creature, but that is my first time to saw it, others didn't believe in it. Aswang is written in stories to scare children. But other believe that it is real.
Mattrius (1 stories) (15 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-13)
Woefull, despondent, depressing, other synonims for sad...

Any reason you felt the need to tell us this 'epic' tale, with it's 'creative' title?

-God Bless, Mattrius
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-13)
A cat massacred, never heard of a little cat being massacred, I do not know to much about aawangs, but it appears they are myth. I would go with ico on this one.
ryangonzaga (2 stories) (8 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-13)
[at] ciel

When my aunt saw my cat, she saw it massacred. I saw it too when the police is investigating the house
ryangonzaga (2 stories) (8 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-13)
we told the police after the incident and my grandpa moved back to their farm
ryangonzaga (2 stories) (8 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-13)
well we move in that place since september 3 2007, well bat is too different than mananggal because mananggal look like humans but it has bat like wings so it can fly. Well this kind of monster is rarely seen in the phillipines
tboro (10 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-13)
hey I'm really glad you changed your house. That was quite a scare. 😁 thank god it didn't harm you guys.
Togetic (1 stories) (12 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-13)
Great story. Very stange. Sorry about your cat. Thanks for sharing your story
ThatRandomGuy (1 stories) (75 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-12)
Great story!
Very creepy. I must say, I think it's a good thing you left town! I think your safe now 😉
BTW: It could have been a bird or something, it really could. But, I don't know, I don't think birds kill people and eat the bodies.
raingrl01 (5 stories) (151 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-12)
That is amazing. Most people don't get those kind of experiences, and to tell the truth, I think most people wouldn't want them. I'm glad ya'll were okay. Thanks for sharing! ❤
ico (1 stories) (34 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-12)
I'm not saying I don't believe you but I would advise that you use Occams Razor, the simplest explanation is most likely the answer, otherwise you'll be afraid of everything and if you can explain away all the other possibilities then you can have evidense of the paranormal, that's what I do. That thing your brothers friend saw in your backyard really could have been a bat or even a bird. It could have been closer to him than he thought and he assumed it was farther away and bigger than it really was. The thing your aunt saw in the attic could have also been a bat that she scared or if your cat was actually killed by something it could have been a bird of prey which can be pretty big and usually like to find a safe out of the way place to to eat their prey like a high tree with thick leaves or, let's say, an attic window. Thats why you find a lot of owls in barnes.
Ciel (2 stories) (29 posts)
16 years ago (2009-03-12)
That's pretty scary. Was their evidence of your cat dieing by violence? Or was it just laying there, permanently asleep-like? 😕

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