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To the rest of the world, this may sound more like fiction. But to Filipinos in any part of the world, this is a common story. One that is a known fact and one that is treated with both reverence and fear. This story happened to my mom when she went on a vacation in Cotabato City with relatives as a child.

It was a quiet moonlit night and to anybody who's used to life in the big city, a peaceful night like this one is indeed a sight to behold. The moon seemed especially bright tonight without the blinding lights of the city. I couldn't keep my eyes off the moon! I feel like I was staring at it for the first time.

I don't know how long I was admiring its beauty when suddenly; I saw a dark speck that was slowly becoming larger and larger. I went closer to the window to have a better look. What I saw next was something I will never forget all my life!

I saw an old woman and she was flying with huge bat wings! She only had the upper half of her body and she had flaming red eyes and mouth, long crooked hands and pointed fingernails. Her skin was dark as the night itself. It was the most horrifying thing I have ever seen!

She was coming towards the window and fast! I could only think of my younger brothers, how she would definitely devour us if she got to us! I mustered the remaining courage I had and I locked the thick glass windows and curtains.

I heard her shriek as she segued around our house. I stayed still, trying my best not to make a sound and listened to the deafening sound of her huge wings. It felt like forever! Then all of a sudden, she was gone. I didn't close my eyes until I saw the sun shining. It was then that I realized that no matter how advanced society has become, there are still places and entities you should never mess with.

You may all think that this is just fiction, but let me reassure you that this is 100% factual. I will do my best to tell you more stories like this one. Hope you enjoyed this.

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NBA777 (9 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-08)
The origin of aswang can be found worldwide in some of the ancient legends and myths, although they are called different names in many cultures. The origin of aswang/mannanagal goes back to the Biblical times of Adam and Eve.

It was said that Adam had a first wife named Lilith before Eve was created. Lilith was created by God like Adam (from the ground). She was very beautiful and seductive -a femme fatale- and Adam loved her so. But Lilith considered herself equal to Adam and did not want to submit to him (the world's first feminist!). And so their marriage soon became troubled.

Adam complained to God about Lilith. And so God told Adam to divorce her and He would create Adam a new wife. This time Eve was created from Adam's rib (not the ground) and she was submissive to Adam.

Rejected by Adam and pregnant with his child, Lilith vowed revenge by killing/eating all of Eve's babies so the couple would remain childless.
Lilith hoped that Adam would (when childless) then go back to her and leave Eve behind.

But the couple remained together and protected their first off-springs (Cain and Able). Because of her extreme hatred Lilith was cursed & transformed into the first mannangal and so were her succeeding descendants.

In the daytime, Lilith is able to transform back into a beautiful woman to seduce new husbands, but her normal figure is that of an ugly aswang. And so over the years Lilith's descendants have also hunted pregnant women since then.
NBA777 (9 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-08)
The of aswang can be found worldwide in some of the ancient legends and myths, although they are called different names in many cultures. The origin of aswang / mannanagal goes back to the Biblical times of Adam and Eve.

It was said that Adam had a first wife named Lilith before Eve was created. Lilith was created by God like Adam (from the ground). She was very beautiful and seductive -a femme fatale- and Adam loved her so. But Lilith considered herself equal to Adam and did not want to submit to him (the world's first feminist!). And so their marriage soon became troubled.

Adam complained to God about Lilith. And so God told Adam to divorce her and He would create Adam a new wife. This time Eve was created from Adam's rib (not the ground) and she was submissive to Adam.

Rejected by Adam and pregnant with his child, Lilith vowed revenge by killing/eating all of Eve's babies so the couple would remain childless.

Lilith hoped that Adam would (when childless) then go back to her and leave Eve behind. But the two remained together and protected their first off-springs (Cain and Able). Because of her hatred Lilith was transformed into the first mannangal and so were her succeeding descendants.

In the daytime, Lilith is able to transform back into a beautiful woman to seduce new husbands, but her normal figure is that of an ugly aswang. And so over the years Lilith's descendants have also hunted pregnant women since then.
ODIN (2 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-04)
I never had encountered with any manananaggal in my life but the people in my house did had encountered in their province which they tell it's true:)
emma_2485 (3 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-14)
wheew...that's strange but true... Got scared and all that... May experience rin ako tulad mo
emma_2485 (3 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-14)
i think that its kind of true depending on the area we are living... I have the same experience to manananggal.
Mhannerism (2 stories) (82 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-05)
I haven't encounter any creatures like that YET. Because my parents wouldn't allow me to go to far provinces. I grew up in a big city here in Philippines too so I usually dismissed such stories like that. Until my classmate told me that manananggal or aswang (can't remember but I'm certain it was one of them) was after her when she was pregnant with her first baby in Antipolo. I wouldn't go any further kasi baka makabuo na ako ng sarili kong post. Hihi 😳
Wondders64 (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-05)
Yeah I agree with you too Vanessanda. There really are different kinds of monsters in our world. Actually they said that the manananggal has originated somewhere in the province of negros but I forgot the exact location of it.Well,I can't believe I'm saying this...but...ANYBODY WANNA GO MONSTER HUNTING WITH ME? Hahahah 😆
Vanessanda (3 stories) (226 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-01)
I think most countries have their own version of evil creatures or Manananggal.

In Greece, we have the Kalikatzaros. There are various versions of its appearance. Some say they have a human body, are tall, black and ugly. Others say they are hairy, red-eyed with goat's legs. Yet others describe them as one-legged with a hump and a tail.

Everyone agrees that they are evil creatures which cause destruction. They emerge from the bowels of the earth during the 12 days after Xmas. They only appear after dark and there are rituals to keep them away at this time of year to stop their destructive behaviour.

In fact, their origins date back to Byzantine times when some used to dress up and go about rabblerousing. They would enter houses causing damage or demand food or sweets (Greeks bake lots of sweets at this time).

Over the years, the Kalikatzari were "born" from accounts of those times, and have become part of cultural tradition. Some villages still hold yearly rituals to ward off the kalikatzari. They light fires in the town square, they sing and make a racket to keep them at bay.

Although some people insist that they have had encounters with kalikatzari, for the most part, the whole thing is treated tongue in cheek and is an excuse to have some fun.

Nice story but, perhaps if you dig into your customs, you might find a similar explanation. Just saying.

With Respect
bluefoxx01 (81 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-01)
My god, next time I go to the Philippines I will buy a shotgun and carry it around with me, just like the security guards that are everywhere over there. I am so lucky you have alerted me to this danger of flying bat-women who devour people on sight!
Wondders64 (2 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-01)
Hi Fuchsia!I'm also from the Philippines... Bacolod City to be exact 😁.I also believe in this because my teacher told me that he actually saw this manananggal or wak-wak (if its a complete body) flying around the province that he went together with his friends... At first they thought it was just a bird or a plane or so, and they were just laughing. But that all changed when they saw that it had bat like wingz and pants... 😆
silver_surfer (22 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-05)
i'm from Philippines, Cebu too, but I'd never seen one before, but I still believe in that creatures roaming at night in the quite provinces... By the way in other country like U.S., is there any creature like the mananangal?
Hongo-Yukina (1 stories) (8 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-23)
I'm also a 100% Filipino and I believe our story because I experienced something quite similar. I just don't know if it's a Manananggal or a Tiktik. I just heard the flapping of its wings on the roof of a well-known resort in Bulacan. That flap continued until mid-morning 😢
growlsjr1 (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-12)
im 100% filipino but sorry, I 100% don't believe in things like mananangal and aswang... For me these are just stuffs made up by older people to scare childrens... Its so much like vampires and zombies which is used to scare children in other countries
spinningblades (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-25)
im from America but I'm getting married there our creatures are vary diff I love reading story's like this
Roxanne090 (10 stories) (18 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-11)
This is the first time I hear of something s this "Manananggal", but I've also heard tales and have had possible, thought not direct encounters with beasts such as a creature with the face of a man, legs of goat, and horns of goat, plus arms of man and hooves!It's face had a demonic expression, I remember as I watched it from my window
epoy_cute0207 (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-07)
i do believe in manananggal cause here in cebu it happened also our neighbor saw it in the window when she pee in their backyard it has a huge wings and has half body... And it passed a tree were all the leaves of the tree died...
I believed in her cause in that morning I saw it in my eyes the leaves of the tree were dead...
levram84 (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-16)
that was scary fuchsia... I'm from cebu and I believe in manananggal and in paranormal.
Actually my cousins who live in another barangay here in lapu-lapu city, cebu also experienced and seen a manananggal. Please bear with me I'm not a good story teller.

That time my cousins have only very few neighbors.
This incident happened the night after the typhoon Ruping. I think was in the year 1993 or 1994 not sure.

After the typhoon there was no electricity in the whole city until the next day. The night after the typhoon, my cousin sleep in the couch which is beside the window on their living room. Her elder brother is sleeping in the floor which is near the couch. By the way, their living room is in the 2nd storey of the house.

Her brother was awaken by the sound coming from the window. Like someone is trying to open it forcely. My cousin has a gun, he stood up and slowly get his gun. He went outside to check who was there. And he can not believe what he saw. It was a woman with a bat wings flying and only has an upper half of her body, just like you've mentioned fuchsia in your story. My cousin keep on shooting the mananaggal and it flew away.

Their neighbors are miles away from their house. And some of their neighbors saw it too, when it flew away from their place.
Then they told everyone in the family of what they have experienced that night.
All of us really got scared when they shared it to us.
And thank God my cousins, auntie and uncle were not harmed during the incident.
raffy (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-26)
alam mo fucshia marami talaga jan dito sa cotabato have you heared about maria labo she was also scarry... Better ask your mom if she knew bout it...
Remuel38 (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-08)
sa probinsya nmin sa cebu ang twag nmin dyan ay wakwak... My pakpak din ang wakwak at matatalas ang kuko, pangkuha ng biktima...
Filo-gal (3 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-08)
that is scary! Reading that gives me ghoose bumps... I do believe in the manananggal if that's how you spell it... And infact when I used to live in the philippines I never ever leave the windows or curtains open it just creeps me out... But thanks for sharing... Hope your ok.
spica (2 stories) (55 posts)
15 years ago (2009-07-03)
That's right, Fuchsia. I came from Philippines too and I heard many things that the topic is about manananggal.

Thx. 4 Sharing the GREAT story...
Spica ❤
Fuchsia (5 stories) (64 posts)
15 years ago (2009-07-02)
Thanks, Thedreamer. The Philippines have lots of stories like this one, even ghost stories. People from other countries may not believe this could be true, but let me tell you, IT IS. Thanks for reading my story.
Thedreamer (1 stories) (34 posts)
15 years ago (2009-07-02)
wow...that was a great story. I told my friend to read it but she got to scared lol.

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