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ConfederateGhost (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-03)
Alright granny? How's it going for you? This account of yours was an interesting read, as I too have experienced sleep paralysis before... But not in this kind of detail.
Kiego (2 stories) (52 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-29)
Thanks for the update Miracles =)
I knew something had to be going on.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-29)
Kiego - we can't publish any stories because the submissions page is down; therefore, no one can submit any πŸ˜‰ However, once the flood gate reopens, we will be back at it. Granny and I are just as anxious (well, maybe πŸ˜†) as y'all for new stories.

Seriously, though, the site administrators apparently are very busy, otherwise the submissions page wouldn't be closed this long.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-29)
Hi Granny, just thought you might like to know, I solved the mystery of my 'hat man'. 😁 As a refresher," I've mentioned before that I sleep with my bedroom door ajar, so my cat can come and go as he pleases. Well, my door opens onto a tiny 'foyer' for lack of a better term. Next to my bedroom is the front door, on entry, you have a small narrow window on the right side wall, and across from it is a closet, who's door I can see from my bed. Next to the closet (also the right side) I have one of those peg boards to hang coats on. Until now, I always assumed light coming from the window was creating that shadow on the closet door. But now, I wonder because it isn't always there. It doesn't move or anything. Just 'stands' there. A bit unnerving but... Ok, I am NOT going to let your picture scare me Laugh. But I do wonder..." Out here many of our street lights are set on a sensor, and only light up when there's movement (car passing by, someone passing etc.) It seems that when they go on, the eves on the porch next door are also projected over top of the hanging coats giving the illusion of the brim of a hat. I tested this out by attaching a sticky note on the window in line with the edge of their porch roof. Sure enough, when 'hatman' next showed his brim sported a dangling square off the end, and the street light had come on. No streetlight no shadow man. πŸ˜†
Kiego (2 stories) (52 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-29)
Completely off the subject and I apologize but I was just curious as to when some new stories are going to be published. I'm not trying to rush the mods or anything I just was wondering.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-07-29)
I've been on the sister site, they are very accepting of people's experiences no matter how difficult to believe. Even if you don't regard yourself as psychic, I think you would enjoy that site very much. Give it a try.
darkassassin92 (119 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-29)
Sorry about off topic I just do not have physic powers my dad can sense ghost I can't though I think I saw a ghost at the heceta head but I do not remember very well I just did not want to join that because no one will probably believe me anyway
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-29)
darkassassin: Near Death Experiences aren't something that's generally posted on this site, as we deal with ghosts, spirits, entities, etc. I suggest you become a member of our sister site at

There are some very wise (and not so muchπŸ˜†) members who could answer your query to your satisfaction. And please understand, since nobody really HAS an answer to that kind of profound concept, all you're ever going to get is opinions. 😊
darkassassin92 (119 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-29)
I was trying to get different answers that's why I post a lot what if one forgets or they do not understand I just get opinions
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-29)
darkassassin: I know. I understand you were asking a question and hoping someone would answer 😊. But I'm here to moderate conversations, not protect you from the big bad wolf. Lady-glow was kind enough to step in and answer your question to the best of her knowledge.

We won't tolerate profanity, especially when directed toward another member.
darkassassin92 (119 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-29)
that person called me a moron look at the comment if you think I'm a lieing I was just asking why do some people do not see a tunnel and lost their awareness when they die while others see a light and are aware of everything
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-06-02)
Narella: You're welcome! Pretty interesting stuff, huh?

FransMum: The only theory about the buzzing that makes sense to me is that supposedly, spirits are on a different vibrational level. When we cross into this "level" we begin to experience that vibration. And I've often wondered how many times those diagnosed with schizophrenia are actually experiencing spirits?

EHauss: The level of fear is something that can't be described (at least I don't have the eloquence to do so) and has to be experienced before one can even get the gist. To answer your question, yes, there have been many times when I could still sense the presence after snapping out.

Taurus83: The only person I've ever heard say that shadow people are dangerous/evil is Amy Allan. Most experiences recount the shadows merely observe and create an atmosphere of creepiness. I believe if one has experiences with shadow people doing more than observing that they may be experiencing human spirits who were dark in life, therefore, they aren't truly "shadow" people.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-31)
I'm curious, why do you think shadow people are 'extremely dangerous'?
taurus83 (4 stories) (84 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-30)
I used to have this same problem; when I was eight to about twelve years old. Only problem is that it would happen when I was awake and sitting in my living room. The house I lived in was full of paranormal activity. And I didn't know what it was at the time. I was never scared; just really confused. I'm thankful you were able to control it. The "shadow people" are extremely dangerous!
EHauss (1 stories) (4 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-30)
zzsgranny: Hello and thanks for sharing! I've thoroughly enjoyed reading the story and everyone's comments. I too have had the same experiences with SP - prior to falling asleep, the buzzing in my head, sometimes accompanied by a figure at my bed, and choking (for me). In my experiences with it (and I know you ruled out most of these for yourself), mine have always been triggered by stress and exhaustion. However, as logical as I have found my experiences to be, I'm still intrigued, like Vasway4210, as to why it's always accompanied by this fear of evil or presence of an entity.

My very first SP experience was not upsetting, but each one progressed to become worse and more terrifying. It's because of this that I wonder if something else is going on.

For me, as soon as I am able to snap out of it, I am immediately calmed and recalling the fear that I experienced just a few seconds ago seems distant. I was wondering what it's like for you after you have either stopped it from happening or let the visualization run its course. Do you still feel like sometimes the presence lingers afterwards?
Fransmum (4 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-29)
Hi there, On the occasion when I had this episode and I was driving, part of me must have been aware of the road or I am sure I would have crashed. I was driving along small country back roads thinking I knew a shortcut to the town the interview was in. I suddenly realised I was going wrong and realised I was never going to make it and suddenly the buzzing/ringing in the ears and the episode where I was looking into another world is the only way I can put it. It was the last episode like this I had although I have had many encounters with the paranormal since. I think it was stress induced as I thought I really wanted the job! Once I was halfway through the interview I realised I really did not want the job after all and just wanted out of there! I am intrigued to realise how many people on this site mention the buzzing and then an altered state. It was researching this that lead me to this site and I've been reading here for a few months now. Whatever is it? My Grandfather was apparently psychic although he died before I was born. His daughter (my Mum) was sensitive and heard voices (but was diagnosed with schizophrenia) and I think I may be a bit sensitive only. An interesting subject. So many people seem to experience the buzzing in the same way.
Narella (guest)
11 years ago (2013-05-29)
Granny-Thank you for the information. I'm about to read about the pineal gland now. I'm really learning a lot from this site!
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-29)
Sorry for the late replies y'all, but life seems to be happening a lot more frequently lately πŸ˜†.

Fransmum: Wow! Let me ask you, had you been driving for a while, or were you overly tired at the time of these incidents? I remember driving on a particularly lonely freeway once and seeing a huge semi-truck heading straight for me. I was very tired and it was in the middle of the night, so I believe I was probably hallucinating. It woke my a$$ up really fast though πŸ˜†. I'm not saying that's what happened to you, though.

Swimsinfire: Never too late to post a comment! That must have been pretty scary, and I don't blame you for not liking those pointy chinned moon faced guys!

SmokenMirrors: That's another common thread, that sometimes the episodes stop after moving from a certain location. Others, like me, have them no matter where they are.

Narella: Yeah, he seems to show himself in somewhat different types of hats, too. Some have seen him in a cowboy hat even LOL. The thing with my episodes (and quite honestly I can't be 100% absolutely positively sure) is that I'm almost certain that I hadn't been laying down long enough to be even partially asleep as they occurred shortly after I laid down.
One of our veteran posters, AussieDaz, has a theory that it has to do with the pineal gland's activity. This gland is what helps us sleep, but also helps us relax during meditation, etc. It may be possible that during this activity we're more vulnerable to the paranormal. Some theorize that this gland is actually our "third eye". A little Google trip may help you better understand LOL.

Vasway: I can really relate to your post. I, too, was relieved to find out that it is a common phenomenon. And like you, it just kept nagging me. Having one or even a few episodes, in my opinion, could be simply SP or some other form of occasional sleep disorder. I've been through all the checklists several times πŸ˜†. Nothing seems to apply to my stress level, emotional state or physical problems (overly tired, ill, etc.) at the time these took place. Now, the "normal" episodes I can attribute to something from the lists.

It's my opinion that not all episodes of SP are really SP. It's good to see that I'm not alone in this opinion. Although it is difficult to distinguish the two, and the best course to take after an episode is to go through the checklists.

Thank you all for the support and recollections of your episodes! And thanks for reading and commenting!
vasway4210 (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-28)
Wanted to say one more thing:. I will see if I can go back and find exactly where I read this so I can actually explain this, but I had read that the buzzing sound and vibration/tingling feeling has something to do with electro-magnetic fields. I'm sorry I can't elaborate, but hopefully I can find where I read this and give more details.
vasway4210 (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-28)
I'm normally an outgoing person, but for some reason I have felt hesitant to make comments on this site. Maybe it's because though I have had a few paranormal experiences, I don't know a lot about the paranormal and don't have any suggestions to help others. But I love this website, and love learning about the paranormal, and you are definately one of my favorite posters. I wanted to comment when I first read this but didn't want to be the first person to comment. Probably silly, but that's how I felt.
When I read this account, I thought "hey there's someone like me, who has had similar experiences and wonders if they are just sleep paralysis or paranormal." I haven't posted any of my experiences yet, but I was planning on submitting my encounters with "sleep paralysis" sometime soon. Just like you, I have sleep paralysis (SP) upon trying to fall asleep (hpynagogic). And as you know, it can happen though it isn't as common as when waking up (hypnopompic). I too have other classic "symptoms" during an episode, such as the buzzing sound, the vibration/tingling, and of course seeing an evil entity. I don't see the "hat man", but do see a large, darker than the dark, shadow figure.
I know these are all common experiences during a sleep paralysis episode. When this first started happening to me, I was relieved to find a reasonable, scientific explanation. However, this explanation never seemed to satisfy me, and I always questioned if these occurrences were in fact paranormal. This curiosity led me to research more on sleep paralysis and the paranormal. And it is my research of the paranormal which led me to this site. I guess my biggest question is, if
It is scientific then why is something EVIL sensed or seen. I understand that not being able to move causes fear, so it is plausible to hallucinate that something bad could hurt you. But to me that doesn't explain the innate evil I have felt from this entity.
Sometime soon I will post my SP story, and like you will be looking for others opinions. But I also think that no one else can really tell us if it is scientific or paranormal; we must decide that for ourselves.

Narella (guest)
11 years ago (2013-05-28)
I've read about the hat man in so many stories. In many of them the sightings occur when people are almost asleep. I wonder if the changes in brain waves allow people to perceive things that ordinarly they couldn't see.
SmokenMirrors (6 stories) (78 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-28)
Hi Granny, I experienced SP a number of times but only ever at my parents home.
It would always start with buzzing in my ears and as you and Amihet have said the feeling of "here we go again."
I was a front Row forward for a Rugby team at the time and the feeling of been pinned down and helpless scared the hell out of me.
I never saw a shadow but always felt as though I wasn't alone in my room.

Luckily this stopped after moving into my own place.
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-26)
I hope it's not too late to post, I really wondered about the SP thing too. Only had it once as a kid. We lived in a century old house, and it was common in the summer for all of us to sleep downstairs where it was cooler. I slept on the couch and woke up in the early hours to sleep paralasis, only I saw this slender man with an odd shaped face- long and pointed with a crazy smile. I tried to call for help but I couldn't.I still remember it. Still get creeped out by cartoons of the moon smilling down because it looks so much like him!
Mini (13 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-26)
Thank You for your shared theories.

Thank You for encouragement to contribute. I have been wanting to for a while, but after truly observing the signs of my own SP experiences, I figured it was just that, a natural sleep disorder... Until the episode I described above. I will write my story, my first since joining six years ago and include the other little encounters I've encountered.
P.S Why do you think I don't get the ringing/buzzing symptoms? And I always KNOW I am awake, and I always Fight... Though I can't move a muscle! Lol
Fransmum (4 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-26)
This post reminds me so much of episodes I had when in my early to mid teens. I had one last one when I was old enough to drive as it actually happened when I was driving to an interview and I was late and stressed. I probably had ten or twelve episodes of sudden buzzing in my head and within seconds I would be able to see things that were not actually around me at the time. It was fleeting and then I would be back to normal. One one occasion I felt like I had travelled back in time as I felt like I had glimpsed a landscape that was familiar to me but the trees were much smaller than I knew them to be in real life. Weirdly I wasn't scared at the time except for the one where I had been driving as I had driven a fair way under the influence of the episode!
I have had several paranormal experiences over the years but these just faded away. The description here is so similar, I felt like I had to comment. I have often wondered what was going on?
TalonWalt (3 stories) (69 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-26)
ZZSGranny, No, when I saw the shadow boy it was around 5pm, and still light outside. I was heating up leftover chicken and rice in the microwave. I felt someone behind me, so I turned to tell whichever cat was behind me that I'd give him chicken as soon as it was ready. Then found myself face to face with a shadow boy.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-26)
Granny, the first time I saw it, I reacted rather - violently, as I thought it was an intruder. πŸ˜†I was nearly asleep and heard breaking glass. I opened my eyes and saw the shadow, leapt out of my bed, bellowing, "Yo! What the hell do you think you're doing," as I snatched up my ball bat. I felt pretty silly when I 'confronted' nothing but a shadow. I then went downstairs and checked around outside, nothing except to nearly give my neighbor a heart attack as he too was investigating the sound of breaking glass. Turned out a car was broken into.
Seeing that shadow always gives me a start. But as I said isn't always there, (might be my position in the bed?) so I usually just tell myself, "it's just a shadow for pete's sake," and roll over to face the wall. Maybe, I'll start by removing the coats off the rack for a bit. See if he still pops up.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-26)
Fergie: No need to apologize! ❀ Your comment has brought up the real issue I have and that is whether the fear I feel is related to him, or to the situation. Most who experience him or the Hoody Guy during full wakefulness relate a feeling of mere creepiness, and not so much fear. So, it is possible that my own phobia spawned the fear.

*sigh...It feels so good to talk about this. Thank you all!
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-26)
Val: Why not try to keep a camera on your bedside? Snap a few photos of the "normal" scene first. It's really creepy if you're seeing him, too 😨 πŸ˜† Have you ever tried to investigate, or did it not seem to be something out of the ordinary?

I should mention that this photo is of the shadow cast by the gentleman who was playing the character of "Fagin" during his solo performance. Seriously, I couldn't wait for that song to end πŸ˜†
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-26)
forgive me for taking so long to post a reply to your fascinating account. I wanted other more experienced members to post first. I have no experience with SP; the only time I have experienced ringing in my ears, it was due to blood pressure.

I have seen the "hat man" once, but that was in daylight, and I was on the move, in the house. I must admit though, it was about 6 weeks after our loss. A month after that, I think I saw him again, but my vision was partially obscured by Shenay's head, so can't be 100% sure; also in daylight. Neither time did I feel any malevolence, or get any sort of vibe.

I wish you luck in your quest. It seems though, that you have been able to block out the scary "sightings".

I am sorry that I could be of so little help. 😒

Thank you for sharing. 😊
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-26)
Yep...I think many times that is the case. By the way... The pic you posted? I looked at it and almost dropped my coffee! 😨 As I stated previously, I have never experienced SP, but I have seen something very similiar to that picture!
I've mentioned before that I sleep with my bedroom door ajar, so my cat can come and go as he pleases. Well, my door opens onto a tiny 'foyer' for lack of a better term. Next to my bedroom is the front door, on entry, you have a small narrow window on the right side wall, and across from it is a closet, who's door I can see from my bed. Next to the closet (also the right side) I have one of those peg boards to hang coats on. Until now, I always assumed light coming from the window was creating that shadow on the closet door. But now, I wonder because it isn't always there. It doesn't move or anything. Just 'stands' there. A bit unnerving but... Ok, I am NOT going to let your picture scare me πŸ˜†. But I do wonder...
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-26)
Val: No, I didn't think that πŸ˜†. I was just making a point, I'm pretty sure that's the case in many accounts. Kind'a like "Slenderman" ya' know? πŸ˜†
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-26)
Oh my, you didn't think that I meant that perhaps the 'Hat Man' was a product of influence? I only meant that he seems a common thread in many of these reports, and was wondering if he was somehow connected with the SP. Kind of like when 4 people at work complain of feeling sick and they all ate the tuna salad - I have to wonder if the tuna is bad. Only in this case, people have the symptoms of SP and report seeing the 'Hat Man', I just have to wonder if somehow he's responsible.
Reverend Kane, Poltergiest II... A very creepy guy. And the 'Hat Man' reminds you of him? YIKES!
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-26)
The following picture is one I took at my grand-daughter's church play "Oliver Twist". This is what my Hat Man looks like. I have to say, I was creeped out by this, and my daughter and I took several shots LOL!

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-26)
granny - I thank you from the best part of my heart, you know that, but I beg to differ on your opinion πŸ˜‰ I have learned so much from you, so how can you be right? πŸ˜†
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-26)
Miracles: Your experiences are different, although there is the commonality of a passed loved one. Maybe "someone who has passed" would be a better term πŸ˜†. I think our experiences differ so much because of the level of abilities? You and your kids are much more advanced than I am. ❀
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-26)
granny - you know I don't have any experience where this is concerned. My experiences with "Our Shadow Man" are completely different than what you are experiencing. But you also know this is a topic that I have personal interest in finding out the whys, etc. One day, Granny, one day we may find out. But then again πŸ˜† πŸ˜‰

I'm glad you finally submitted this. I believe there are many people who will find comfort in knowing they aren't alone.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-26)
psychicmama: When I was a child/teen, I would pray to be released. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not. The older I got, of course, I had acquired a potty-mouth and would try to tell him off at times. But most of the time I was completely consumed with fear and couldn't think of anything else. I honestly don't think he's trying to show me anything because I always get the impression that he is "reading" me.

Thank you for reading and commenting!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-26)
Mini - a lot of people on this site have had similar experiences. Would you be comfortable submitting yours as a story and getting as much help/advice as you can?

There may be people who have dealt with something like this who will never see it in the comments section on granny's story 😊 But as its own story, the comments and advice on your story would be directed toward your story alone.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-26)
Hi guys!

TalonWalt: From the research I've done it isn't unheard of to have an episode prior to sleep, but it is less common and in those cases the person has pushed themselves to the point of exhaustion. This wasn't the case with me. When you say you saw a shadow person, was it during an episode?

Mini: That's pretty interesting! And as most on the site know, I don't believe in coincidence. Maybe we can both find some answers 😊. One theory a friend and I have is that following the loss of a loved one, until they've crossed over he is kind of like a go-between. A spy of sorts, to assure your loved one that you're doing okay. I have found that to be a thread with my episodes (loss of a loved one) but not in all cases.

Amihet: Yeah, I know the feeling of "oh crap, here we go again". That's the reason I found a way to nip it in the bud. It's very frightening when you KNOW you're not asleep. Interesting that it stopped for you when you moved.

Val: The Hat Man is mentioned by a lot of people, and Hoody Guy (the one in a hooded cloak). I can understand how someone could hear/read about these things and then have an experience because they've been influenced, but like I said, I experienced him before I even knew what "paranormal" was. I thought I was going to have a heart attack when I saw the movie "Poltergeist" (or #2?) and they showed the image of Reverend Kane πŸ˜†.

Thank you all for reading and commenting!
psychicmama (1 stories) (51 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-26)
zzsgranny, thank you for sharing! It takes a lot of gumption (at least in my case) to share a story. Very creepy. I've had sleep paralysis a couple times. One time I was terrified--and started shouting in my head to "let me go". I am curious, what do you do in your head? Do you say anything to yourself or to the entity? Do you suppose it is showing you something it endured when you get the feeling of being buried alive? I'm interested in your "process"--what has worked and what hasn't. Thanks so much!
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-26)
Personally, I've never experienced SP (knock wood), but I can see that it would definately be scary. Curious that you would experience it pre-sleep. The feeling of running out of air would terrify me too. I wonder how the 'Hat Man' is connected with it? So many seem to report that particular shadowman.
At Talon: You've got me curious - how do you tell age on a shadow? (I'm pretty sure as soon as you explain it, I'll smack myself in the forhead going "oh...of course!")
Amihet (5 stories) (94 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-25)
When I lived with my parents in the old Victorian house that was hunted, I experienced SP as well. For me it also started with a ringing in my ears and a buzzing in my head. Those experiences terrified me because I felt awake, could see the dark room but couldn't move at all. I felt that it was related to the young female spirit that lived in the home. I personally didn't see any shadow or any spirits but I did hear her cry off and on. When the ringing and buzzing started I would try to force myself to wake up and during those episodes I would think to myself oh no here it goes again. When I moved out of the house to get married the SP stopped. This happened about 30 years ago and I am so thankful that I haven't experienced it since.
Mini (13 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-25)
Interesting that I should read this entry as I am in the middle of contemplating whether to contribute a similar, recent one of my own because I know what SP after researching it. However, there's something different with mine. I have encountered SP prior to waking up before.
Our bedroom ceiling is caving, so my daughter and myself have been bunking out in the living room for about a month and a half. Her dad refuses to give up the bed, caving ceiling or not!

On May 21st,2013, I ushered in my 20 something Birthday by reading (my passion) on YGS (a fav site of mine). On the couch all to myself, since she fell asleep with her dad in the bedroom. Around after 1am she came out to lie with me, tossed and turned for about 45 min.,couldn't fall back asleep, and off she went back to sleep in the bedroom.
Alone once more, I attempted to call it a night and stopped reading at about after 3am.
I knew,however, something was going to happen. I hadn't properly fell asleep when SP started. But there was something else. I was facing the inside of the sofa. From behind my head, I felt a presence. And on my right ear, I felt timely breathing! My eyes were opened, and I saw my daughter, standing a few feet away. She seemed to be watching me, and I tried to call out to her. No avail. What seemed like a long time soon elapsed, and my body was no longer rigid. As soon as I could move, the breathing ceased. I flew up, and my body felt tired, as if I was in a battle. I looked behind me from where I felt the warm breaths, and of course, nothing is there. It was dark in that corner though. My daughter was never there neither.
I grabbed my cover, glared at the corner, and considered giving it (the corner) a piece of my mind, but decided against it. Went to the bedroom, and fell asleep in no time.
I encountered SP before, as I stated, but its very few and far. I have never had symptoms of ringing of the ears, or buzzing in the head when it did occur though.
Six years ago, I had my daughter, and on the night I came from the hospital, was the very first night I felt that presence and its breathing. I thought it came to see the baby and I did not feel afraid.
It never occurred again until the night of my birthday a few days ago as I described above. This time was different. From the time I decided to sleep I felt a presence. And it felt malicious. I was actually frightened when I flew up after my body was able too, and not of SP but of the breathing thing.
I don't know if what visited me six years ago is the same as the one recently. It was two completely different vibrations I felt.
I am a believer. I don't know if SP is totally caused my our bodies alone though, based on my experiences.
I welcome your valued theories with anticipation.
TalonWalt (3 stories) (69 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-25)
Whenever I have an episode of SP, I have the ringing in my ears, and buzzing in my head. But I have only experienced SP prior to waking up, never as I was falling asleep. I too have seen a shadow person, but not with the hat nor cape. I say shadow person, as opposed to shadow man, because the one I saw could have been no older than a preteen or young teenager.

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