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Comments for A Knock At The Door: Page 1

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L_Melb (220 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-25)
Hello Angelkiss,
I have been woken up many times over the years to two loud knocks - however, I think in my case it has something to do with my rather anxious personality!
I did just want to put my 2c in regarding the events you experienced.
I dare say you're bright enough to know if you feel threatened or not. Of course we should never take anything for granted with spirits OR people.
What someone may try to pass off as helpful advice may easily be a cover to change the conversation, get attention or be plain mean by trying to make you fearful.
I'm sure you don't need my limited brain power to instruct you (heck, you look after a child with special needs and I don't even have a cat anymore:) )
Just using a lot of words to say you don't come across as a fool to me:) trust your gut, all the best, L
Angelkiss (7 stories) (46 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-25)
Mack, I just thought of something, I'm the dim witted one today forgive me, lack of sleep!
It just occured to me that if it had been the youngest that was ill that's when I would have expected the knocks as an alert as he is virtually non verbal, and would not think to call for me if he was sick rather he tends to curl up and hide under the bedcovers when he is ill.
I don't know, there are so many possibilities out there!
Angelkiss (7 stories) (46 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-25)
Randy, hi and thanks for your imput
May I ask, as I have no idea about this, would the residual energy from the other routine knocking that my youngest does habitually be directed or random? As in would it manifest to get my attention or just as a random occurance? I ask as it is the youngest with the routine but the oldest who was ill when I was alerted by the knocks, I hope I'm making sense here!
Angelkiss (7 stories) (46 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-25)
A very interesting theory thank you! But it was the oldest son that was ill, not my youngest (the auti who has the door knock routine) so I don't know if that makes a difference to the theory,
Maybe the spirit knew I go into full on nurse-mom mode when the kids are ill and felt the oldest needed a little TLC! πŸ˜†
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-24)

Welcome and I want to give one other possibility.

It could have been the stored energy from all of the other knockings
That you have mentioned.

Just a thought

Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-24)
Hi Angelkiss, thanks for sharing your experience on this site. I have a couple of theories that may assist?

First theory, (and it's a bit "out there" but what the hell...right?) is thus:

The knocking sound could have been a telekinetic event generated by your son. Telekinesis is defined as "an alleged psychic ability allowing a person to influence a physical system without physical interaction" He knew he was very unwell and wanted to get your attention, but he may have been very feverish and in semi-comatose state, so he did what he normally did: "knock knock knock" on your door. It appears that you yourself made that knocking connection at the beginning of the story.

Others have suggested a spirit guide or deceased family member etc warning you but to me, that doesn't really seem logical and here's why. If we stop to think about it and assume that you the reader is in spirit and is standing near the youngest son. He's very unwell, but he's certainly not dying nor is his room on fire, nor is there a masked intruder etc. In other words, it's NOT a life or death scenario. As a spirit, you will probably "know" he is going to vomit. Now that would mean he would get up and either tell the Mother (Angelkiss) or simply get the toilet ASAP and hurl. Either event will awake Angelkiss (if she wasn't already awake)

SO...why would you (the spirit) bother knocking on the door and seriously freaking out or angering Angelkiss when it's not a life or death situation? I wouldn't knock on the door. I would let the vomiting play out without the need to interfere. Therefore, I deduce that if it was a spirit trying to warn Angelkiss, it wasn't a very bright one. Well-meaning yes, but in terms of thinking things through properly, maybe just a bit clueless. Somewhere a ghost village is missing it's ghost idiot, if you get my drift...

So that's why I believe that the knocking was somehow generated by your son telekinetically (I think I just made that word up) in his hour of need, on some subconscious level.

Or, a much less likely second theory; a knee-jerk reaction from a dim-witted but well-meaning spirit trying to help.

Oh...and to Benisnotspooky: take in what Miracles said. YOU will be a spirit one day, mark my words, so let's hope your loved ones don't try to get rid of YOU when you are hanging around them, still wanting to love and assist them as you did in your physical lifeπŸ˜‰.


Angelkiss (7 stories) (46 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-24)
Benisnotspooky while I agree that I should be cautious, I don't feel this was a bad experience. Needless to say if I did experience anything negative I would do whatever was necessary to stop it
Your concerns are appriciated though so thank you!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-03-24)
BenIsNotSpooky - I realize a lot of people feel the way you do; however, in my lifetime I've only encountered 1 that I think should have been banished. I also realize not everyone is as fortunate as my kids and I have been, so it's really a matter of opinion, based upon experience.
BenIsNotSpooky (4 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-24)
Miracles51031 - I just meant to say that spirits should not be underestimated at any means whether they're friendly with you or not. It's better to get rid of them without thinking what they're doing or intend to do (btw sorry for my grammatical mistakes if there are any πŸ˜‰)
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-03-24)
Benisnotspooky - what do you mean by this "it really doesn't matter that it intend to be helpful or not, spirits are spirit"?
BenIsNotSpooky (4 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-24)
Well it's a good thing then that someone else is there other than you to look after your kids but still I recommend you to bless your house at least for once because as I think that thing was an spirit and it really doesn't matter that it intend to be helpful or not, spirits are spirits

Angelkiss (7 stories) (46 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-24)
Thanks for your comment and insight on this.
As I have said before I always look for the most likely explaination before I do anything else. In this instance it does appear that whoever/whatever this was, it did intend to be helpful. I agree not everything is a positive though.
BenIsNotSpooky (4 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-24)
Hmm... Interesting, but when something knocks at your door don't always mean positive. Since you said that this event is recent that thing can show up again and spirits are always like we think about them, better stay careful
Angelkiss (7 stories) (46 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-23)
Hi guys and thanks for your comments and insights on this
I have come to believe it was a spirit, maybe a relative or guardian or as brighteyez said just a spirit passing through trying to make sure I was fully awake to be there when my son became ill, as he said he wouldn't have disturbed me himself as he knows I haven't been sleeping well.

Brighteyez this is the first time I have experienced any knocking in the house.
I have experienced other instances of being " alerted/warned" which I will write about later

As always thanks for your support guys 😁
Goggzy (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-23)

This could be a deceased family member looking after your Son and realised he was ill. This would be them trying to get your attention.
chapulin1234 (guest)
8 years ago (2016-03-23)
Hello Angelkiss,

Thank you for your story and I really hope things go easy for you and you get few good night sleeps 😳
SpiritLady (1 stories) (4 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-23)
I believe your story for I had my own knocking experience. Thank you for sharing. I wonder if it is a spirit guide watching out over all of you. S] 😐
brighteyez (9 stories) (21 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-23)
Hi Angelkiss

It was a pleasure reading your story. I just want to say that this spirit could have simply been passing through and became aware that your oldest son was going to become ill and was making sure that you were fully awake and aware of what was going to happen.

Has anything like this happened before in your house?

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